![]() by Edward Chamberlain Philologos Religious Online Books |
How Shall We Tell The Children?
CONCLUSIONS I do not have any doubt that many of the things which we have discussed in this book have been bitter to swallow. I have had the same problem with them. But I believe these things are none the less true, and scriptural, and correct concerning the big picture. To the degree that it is of human agency there will be errors concerning how some of the details fit into that picture. The speculation about the methodology is just that - speculation. My intent has not been to tell you how it will be done but rather to show you how easily, reasonably, and naturally it could be done. Once again I caution you to be wary of all speculation from every man, and compare everything against the Word of God. My purpose has not been to plan and scheme for the overthrow of Babylon. Almighty God has already done that, and he has shown us his plan in the Apocalypse. I likewise do not advocate living as a hermit, or as a cloistered monk, or a recluse while in this world. I want to emphasize one last time that I believe that we as Christians are to be the best of citizens in this world. We should obey all the laws of our land unless our obedience would require us to deny Jesus as God and Savior. We should pay our taxes without complaint, and honor and respect the authorities of our nations whether we agree with them or not. We should continue in whatever occupations we were in when the Lord saved us, providing, of course, that they were honest. There is nothing wrong with being a soldier or a policeman in this Babylonian system. John the Baptist did not tell the soldiers that they had to quit being soldiers, or that they should not fight when they were ordered to do so. Neither did he tell them to give up soldiering, and Jesus said that John the Baptist was the greatest prophet that had lived up until the time that men would be taken into the kingdom of God. Jesus did not tell the Roman Centurian that he was in the wrong occupation, He said of him that he had not found so great a faith, not even in Israel. A life of faith in Christ sanctifies all honest Babylonian occupations. Neither is there any thing wrong in being one of Babylon's kings or one of its merchants. There is everything wrong with being one of its priests. We must recognize Babylon for what she is, come out of her whore, and do all that we do from that time onward as unto the Lord, and not unto self and Babylon. I also do not imply that Christian men and women should not seek political office in this system, but that those who would do so must never compromise with the principles of Babylon no matter how noble their motives may seem to be. Those who are involved in the commerce and politics of this system must be eternally vigilant and quietly serve the Lord from within those endeavors, fighting spiritual warfare while giving their testimony as the Spirit leads. We must all do likewise, and we must all be eternally vigilant that we are motivated by love to provide well being to our fellow man by providing them honest occupations and a safe environment in which live and work. We must continually evaluate our motives and resist our natural inclinations toward greed and self interest. The foe in this battle is relentless and we seldom will be completely successful, but this is the battle that we have been called out to fight. We must understand the graciousness of a Holy God who readily forgives all such failures when we bring them boldly to throne of grace. Those who have been called to the ministry should not at all be the advocates of this Babylonian system, but must devote themselves exclusively to guarding and feeding the Lord's sheep. I do not say that pastors should not sometimes also work at honest occupations within this system; I myself am a "tent maker," or rather, I was one until the Lord relieved me of any commercial responsibilities when he let my business dry up in order that I would have no more excuses for not taking the time to write this book. I say that we, who are called to feed the Lord's sheep, must never be involved as advocates or architects or "priests" of Babylon. The use of our heraldry for the endorsement of any politician, or political party, or commercial enterprise, or philosophical theory is sure to cause eventual spiritual compromise. Eternal vigilance is not the price of liberty but of righteousness. We should all, spend the time of our sojourn here, as fishers of men in this world and not as the architects Babylon. Concerning Democracy, I still believe it is potentially the best form of government we can hope for here on this earth, but unless the passions it unleashes in unregenerated men are restrained by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ through spiritual warfare, it is also the most evil (and it is in this, its vilest form, that it will exist when it will become the tyranny of Antichrist just before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ). It is not the democracy of a Christian people of which I have been speaking, but the democracy of Imperial humanism that unredeemed man believes is his destiny to spread over the earth that I warn you against. My prayer is that men will turn to Jesus Christ as their authority and not to the empty, humanistic philosophies of false religion of the majority to preserve liberty on the earth. Since evolution is even now a collapsing theory, I believe it will not be long until much of mankind will once again seek out truths from the spiritual reality. The problem is that most of the world is unaware that the "enlightened church" is more involved with authenticating the structures of Babylon than it is with making disciples unto the Lord Jesus Christ. If there is not a renewal of ancient Christian Doctrine within the church soon, it will be too late to prevent world wide apostasy. I do not wish to leave you with the impression that the material reality is itself evil. What I have attempted to demonstrate through the scriptures, and comparing them with the actuality of conditions as we observe them, is that mankind is a fallen creature, and that the earth has been totally cursed because of his fall. I have tried to demonstrate the fact that we, none of us, have a clue as to how great this fall has been, nor of how far we have been separated from the Holy God that made us. When we began, I said I was going to attempt to show you why the Bible was a reliable source for eternity because has it accurately depicted the directions which mankind and his civilizations would take through the ages. It is my contention that a fair minded person will at least now see some merit to that proposition. If you think of yourself as being fair minded, and you are yet unconvinced that these things are true, the failure is mine and not the Truth's. I urge you to continue looking in the Bible for the answers you yet seek. I also said that one of the purposes of this book was to show the reader that there exists a body of general evidence that indicates mankind is living out a destiny, and that even as he fulfills that destiny, he is largely unaware of it. I believe that this also has been demonstrated. I believe the briefest possible meaningful outline of history can be given as follows: In every event of history, Satan has been using the emotions in man to demonstrate to the heavenly realm that his way is best for operating and preserving Creation. God has been resisting that effort by the process of inspiration within His church using man's capacity for reason, even while he allows that demonstration to proceed. As history unfolds, the effects that Satan's way has upon an unsuspecting and fallen race are being revealed within the heavenly realm through the way that mankind and the church interact. I did not say that you would necessarily like what you were shown. It is a hard thing to leave that which we have called home, for habitations which we can only now know by faith, but that was the decision of Abraham, and it is the same decision which we all must make. It is also a hard thing to admit that many of our thoughts are inspired and not really our own. And it is most frightening to think that we must continually evaluate every thought to decide who has done the inspiring, but that is what the Bible has said when it demands that we must bring every thought into the captivity of Jesus Christ. I also realize many of you will have problems with the way that notion of equality has been evaluated in this book. None the less, I believe it to be correct, if for no other reason than that when we all get to heaven we are not rewarded equally, and we are not assigned equal stations. Equality, as it is being expressed in man today, is every where antagonistic to humility. Such equality is a utilitarian expression of self, and self has been burned out of us when we have been made fit for the heavenly realm. In this book I have tried to demonstrate that regardless of what anyone says or believes, this world has very nearly run out of steam. It is extremely close to the end of its capacity to maintain civilization as it has been spread by humanistic philosophy. And I have tried to show that regardless of whether one believes in a natural origin or a supernatural origin, the compromise between absolute good and absolute evil into that third alternative of humanism is an unrealistic compromise that cannot be maintained in light of the things which are about to befall the population of earth. I have tried to demonstrate that if there is no God who will save us, civilization is soon going to be doomed by the natural instincts of survival of the fittest that will be turned loose in a world that has become infested with too much humanity. In the natural sense, humanity has been shown to be a defective accident that will soon become extinct because its two sided nature will not allow it to make proper survival choices. But I have also tried to show that there really has to be a God who has created us, and that our only hope for survival rests in Him. In either case, it must be said that human originated civilization on earth is doomed, and that the sophistries of humanism have been demonstrated to be false by both a natural and a spiritual evaluation. In this study I have tried to take you on the same journey that I myself began to travel when I first prayed to know the truth. I can not describe to you my melancholy as it slowly began to dawn upon me from my studies in the Holy Scriptures, what was represented by the beast from the sea and those first three horsemen of the Apocalypse. Many were the times when I doubted what lay so clearly before me. I eventually realized that I was simply being reluctant to complete the measure of the things taught in the scriptures, and to forsake my temporal hope in Babylon just as I had already given up any hope in it for eternity. As I struggled with these things, I was reminded of God's words to Samuel, "How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reining over Israel?" and I had to ask myself how long I would continue to mourn over that which God has rejected. Truly does the Bible teach that friendship with the world is animosity toward God. Likewise I do not advocate that we should remain in that melancholy state but rather rejoice in the knowledge that we have been called out from Babylon and set above it. The Bible says that we should be the most joyous of people, and God has recommended merriment to the heart of mankind as a balm to our present circumstances. It is not by taking ourselves seriously that we will survive this life. Therefore let us rejoice in the knowledge that this life is not the eternal state and that God does not mind if we see the humor in our present condition. When Rene Descartes began his Discourse on Method, which we mentioned at the beginning of this book, he started with what seems to me to be a most humorous statement and then proceeded to prove it with a most serious discussion. He said, "Good sense is, of all things among men, the most equally distributed; for every one thinks himself so abundantly provided with it, that those even who are the most difficult to satisfy in everything else, do not usually desire a larger measure of this quality than they already possess." To me that is a funny statement that makes a most serious point, and which is given more credibility than we want to admit by Jesus' words when he said, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." How those words have set us free to be happy. If, when you started this book, you were not a Christian, but have since decided to become one, there is a simple thing that you must do. You must ask Jesus to save you, just like you would ask a friend for a ride, because that is what you are doing. You are asking the best friend you will ever have for a ride into the kingdom of heaven. You cannot get their by yourself, but your friend, Jesus, always has room for another rider, and he has promised that who ever will come to him, he will in no way leave behind. You will then begin to tell others about Jesus, and confess before them that he is Lord. If you are seeking the anchor of truth for your soul, this is the principle question which must be answered for you: "What body of things must a person believe in order to bring the righteousness of Jesus Christ into his account?" I want to leave you with that question, and its answer, forever inscribed in your mind: If you knew and understood all of the philosophy, and all of the theology, and all of the science that has ever been put forward by mankind; you could still not take the measure of this declaration: "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." There is no philosophy, no system of theology, no body of knowledge that will save you, or to which you must hold and understand. Your faith must be in the person of Jesus, The Christ, The Son of The Living God. My prayer is not that this book will have changed you, but that it will have pointed you to the only one who can righteously change you, and give you eternal life, The Lord Jesus Christ. See you at the feet of Jesus in the worlds without end!!! -------------------- -------------------- ...Continued... 1. I believe God had a reason behind not preserving anything that Jesus may have written. I believe the primary importance of Jesus is not in what he teaches, but in who he is. All of the writings of other men which have been preserved concerning "what Jesus began to do and teach" are contained within the context of who Jesus is and not what he taught. No where is it written that we can be saved by believing what Jesus taught, but rather by believing, putting our faith, "in" him personally. All false religion is based upon what some man wrote and taught, even apostate Christianity will be based upon some of what Jesus taught, and not upon who he is. 1. It is one of the most intriguing facts of the New Testament that when the Jews wanted to kill Jesus, they believed that they had to appeal to Roman authority, but when they wanted to kill Stephen, they just threw rocks at him until he was dead, or when they wanted to kill James, they just lopped off his head. Men ought to once and for all learn that the scripture will not and cannot be broken! 1. Even though Jerusalem is politically controlled by the Jews at this time, she is still trodden down of the Gentiles to the extent that the Jews cannot rebuild their Temple, and establish the Old Covenant Worship once more. In order to rebuild their temple the Jews would have to tear down an Islamic Mosque that now stands where their Temple once stood. The Jews fear the tide of public opinion that would be against them if they tore down this Mosque, the Dome of the Rock, or as it is called by the Arabs, the Mosque of Omar. 1. I use the word tyranny here in its classical Grecian sense of a type of government where the leader is determined by who ever can seize and hold power. A tyranny was not always detrimental to its subjects. When ever a Grecian or Roman political leader who was also a Stoic seized power, things were pretty good for the population. Such was the last of the "good" Roman Emperors, Marcus Aurelius, the stoic, who was good for everyone, except the Christians, because he believed that Christian Doctrine would destroy the state. 1. Neither a democracy nor a republic implies universal suffrage. Rome was a republic without universal suffrage, Greece was a democracy without it. All that is necessary for collapse is that those who are allowed to vote should be debased by self interest. The nature of the self in man is such that power corrupts him, and it doesn't make any difference if this power is held by one or by many. The truth is that all who do not answer to an authority higher than themselves will serve themselves, and even those who do answer to a higher authority will serve themselves more often than they want to admit. One does not need to look any further than the way Christians vote in America to see the truth -------------------- ...Continued... of this. 1. The word "shortly", both here and in Rev. 22:6 translates two Greek words: "en" meaning a fixed position in place, time, or circumstance, and "tachos" meaning a brief space of time. Putting the two together indicates that the events about to be revealed within the Revelation will all occur at some future time within a specific and brief period of time, and not that they were then, or are now, imminent. 1. Rev. 11:7 says it is the beast that ascends out of the abyss, and not the beast that rises up out of the sea, which kills these two witnesses. 1. The sense of the word translated "vanity" is that a search has been concluded without finding that which was sought, it is generally applied in a moral sense, but in a broader sense it applies to Godliness as that which was sought for, when ungodliness is what has been found. The passage from Rev. 5:4 is relevant. 1. Uttered translates "alaletos", from the negative particle,"a," meaning "not," and "laletos" meaning to speak. It is not that these groanings are unintelligible, but that they are not spoken. They are as inaudible to us as the before mentioned groanings of creation to which they are compared. 2. The word "intercession" translates "entugchano," a compound word from "en," a primary preposition, which has to do in this usage with fixed position, or a relationship, or instrumentality, and "tugchano" which means literally "to make ready." Literally, the Holy Spirit is the instrument that makes ready our prayers. (1) I do not profess to be an expert by any means. However, in over twenty years in the Navy I did considerable reading trying to make some sense out of things. I rejected and forgot much of this material as soon as I had finished reading it because it was entirely too sophisticated for my way of thinking. I believe that whether the nature of things is determined naturally or supernaturally, that nature will be easily seen and simply stated. I do not hold that sophistication is a good thing; neither is it a sign of intelligence or of wisdom. I believe the surest indication of true wisdom is the child-like ability to strip the sophistry from something and lay it naked before simple truths. I am not speaking here of technologically complex concepts such the information stored in the DNA molecule. I am speaking of the cause for our manners and the directions we should take in light of that cause. (2)Tocqueville, Alexis De, Democracy In America (New York: Vintage Classics, 1990) vol. 2 11 (3)Tocqueville, vol. 2 147 (4)Tocqueville, vol. 2 147 (5) Tocqueville, vol. 2 123 (6)Tocqueville, vol.2 318 (7)Tocqueville, vol. 2 147 (8)Merrill F. Unger, The New Unger's Bible Dictionary, R. K. Harrison, editor: Moody Press, Chicago 1985 pp 921. |
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