The zodiacal sign of this month is Pisces with the associated tribe being Simeon. In some years an extra month is added to the year which is called Adar Sheni ("Second Adar"). In such years the original month is called Adar Rishon (“First Adar"). The month consists of 29 days in regular years while in leap years Adar I consists of 30 days and Adar II of 29 days. The first day of Adar (of Adar II in a leap year) never falls on Sunday, Tuesday, or Thursday.
Theme: dispersing and reuniting
February 2002
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
19th of Sh'vat |
20th of Sh'vat Parashat Yitro |
21st of Sh'vat |
22nd of Sh'vat |
23rd of Sh'vat |
24th of Sh'vat |
25th of Sh'vat |
26th of Sh'vat |
27th of Sh'vat Parashat Mishpatim Shabbat Shekalim |
28th of Sh'vat |
29th of Sh'vat |
30th of Sh'vat Rosh Chodesh Adar |
1st of Adar Rosh Chodesh Adar |
2nd of Adar |
3rd of Adar |
4th of Adar Parashat Terumah |
5th of Adar |
6th of Adar |
7th of Adar |
8th of Adar |
9th of Adar |
10th of Adar |
11th of Adar Parashat Tetzaveh Shabbat Zachor |
12th of Adar |
13th of Adar Ta'anit Esther |
14th of Adar Purim |
15th of Adar Shushan Purim |
16th of Adar |
Dates of Interest:
February 3, 1917: British troops occupy Baghdad. After suffering heavily by forced conscription, torture and extortion by the Turkish ruled government, local Jews celebrated their freedom by declaring it a holiday (Yom Ness). Their freedom lasted until 1929 when the British granted independence to Iraq and all Zionist activities were prohibited.
February 7, 2002 - Venus Passes 0.7 Degrees From Uranus
February 13, 2002 - 1st of Adar, 5762 - Rosh Chodesh Adar
February 15, 2002 (3rd of Adar 3245) - The Second Temple was completed in Jerusalem 71 years after the destruction of the first. The Second Temple was not as ornate as the first and many of the sacred objects of the first were missing, such as the Ark, Aaron's staff, the jar of Manna. Also not present were the Urim V'tumin by which the high priest could consult God and the "divine fire" which lit the sacrifices (Yoma 21b). Outwardly, it was greatly beautified by Herod in 20 BCE.
February 19, 2002 - (7th of Adar 2488) - Traditional date of the death of Moses. He was also born on the same date 120 years earlier. In Israel, Adar 7 has been "officially designated as the day for commemorating the death of Israel soldiers whose last resting place is unknown." (Source: Ency. Judaica)
February 20, 1422: Pope Martin V (1417-31) issued a Bull reminding Christians that Christianity was derived from Judaism and warned the Friars not to incite against the Jews. The Bull was withdrawn the following year alleging that the Jews of Rome attained the Bull by fraud.
February 21, 2002 - Moon Occults Saturn
February 22 ,1980 - The Israeli government introduces a new currency, the shekel, which replaces the Israeli pound.
February 23, 1921 - Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Rabbi Ya'akov Meir are elected the first two chief Rabbis of pre-state Israel
February 23, 2002 - Moon Occults Jupiter
February 24, 2002 - Mercury Passes 0.5 Degrees From Neptune
February 25, 2002 - 13th of Adar, 5762 - Ta'anit Esther (Fast of Esther)
February 26, 2002 - 14th of Adar, 5762 - Purim
February 27, 2002 - 15th of Adar, 5762 - Shushan Purim (Purim for Jews who live in walled cities - in Jerusalem). The day that the draught of a women suspected of adultery was administered on. See Wormwood file for more info. Also read about the "whitening of sepulchres."
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