May 2003 (Iyyar 5763)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

for info on each day see

April 30

Road Map presented to Israel and PA

1 2 3 (Iyyar 1)

1. Second day Rosh Chodesh/New Moon
2. 1st pop survey
3. Old Man in Mt gone

4 (Iyyar 2)

1. Solomon begins building temple
2. Jewish Heritage week 4-11
3.Start of worst week of tornadoes in recorded history

5 (Iyyar 3) 6 (Iyyar 4) 7 (Iyyar 5)

Israel Independence Day

Mercury transits Sun

8 (Iyyar 6) 9 (Iyyar 7) 10 (Iyyar 8)
11 (Iyyar 9)

12 (Iyyar 10)

1 week notice to Noah before flood starts; begin loading ark

Behab Fast

13 (Iyyar 11) 14 (Iyyar 12)

May 14, 1948 Israel becomes state

May 14, 2003 Mohammed's birthday

15 (Iyyar 13)
1. Lunar eclipse
"Night of Scorpion Moon"
2. Planet X projected flyby
3. Behab Fast
4. 1948 five Arab states invade Israel 5. S-Picot 6. Trans.
16 (Iyyar 14)

Second Passover (starts night of 15th)

<---15th Bilderberg Convenes

17 (Iyyar 15)

1. Manna given to Israel
2. Parashas Behar
3.1939 British White Paper
4. Sharon-Abbas meeting

18 (Iyyar 16)

19 (Iyyar 17)
1. God shuts door of ark; flood begins
2. Wash, DC celebrates Israel's b'day/Jerusalem Covenant 1993
3. Behab Fast
20 (Iyyar 18)

Lag B'Omer

Sharon to meet with Bush in US?
Bush talks to Abbas, Sharon by phone

21 (Iyyar 19)

U.S. demanding Israel formally accept road map

22 (Iyyar 20)

Abbas/Hamas meeting

23 (Iyyar 21)

US issues statement re Israeli concerns

Sharon Accepts Road Map to Peace
PA already on board

24 (Iyyar 22)

Parashas Bechukosai

25 (Iyyar 23)

Israeli cabinet approves Road Map

26 (Iyyar 24)

US Memorial Day

27 (Iyyar 25) 28 (Iyyar 26)

High solar activity

29 (Iyyar 27)

Sharon, Abbas meeting in Jerusalem

30 (Iyyar 28)
1. Jesus' Ascension
2. Jerusalem Day
3,4 Sam/White Paper
31 (Iyyar 29)

Annular Solar Eclipse

Sabbath of the Bride