BPR Mailing List Digest
December 2, 1999

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Russian, China, Central Asian States Sign Security Memorandum
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 09:30:57 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

                 Russia, China, Central Asian States
                 Sign Security Memorandum

Dec 2, 1999 -- (Agence France Presse) Russia, China and three
Central Asian states on Thursday signed a memorandum agreeing
to cooperate to fight terrorism, separatism and cross-border crime
at a security summit.

Interior ministers and national security heads of the Shanghai Five --
 a grouping of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and
Tajikistan -- agreed in the memorandum to meet at least once a
year to discuss common security issues.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Israel Counts on Moscow to Speed Up Peace Process
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 09:33:50 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

                 Israel Counts On Moscow To Speed Up
                 Peace Process

                 MOSCOW, Dec 2, 1999 -- (Agence France
                 Presse) Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy, who
                 arrived here late Wednesday, is counting on Russia to
                 speed up the Middle East peace process, Interfax
                 news agency quoted Israel's ambassador Ron Armon
                 as saying.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Infobeat News items (12/2/99)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 09:44:18 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

*** Parents of teen killer sued

EDINBORO, Pa. (AP) - The family of a teacher who was shot to
death by a 14-year-old boy at a school dance is suing the boy's
parents, saying they failed to control their child and allowed him
access to a handgun. The estate of John Gillette, who was a
science teacher at James W. Parker Middle School in Edinboro,
sued the parents of Andrew Wurst and their landscaping business
last week in Erie County Common Pleas Court. The Gillettes claim
the Wursts were negligent in allowing Andrew access to the gun he
used to kill Gillette at the dance April 24, 1998. The lawsuit said
the gun and the bullets came from an unlocked dresser drawer and
that the Wursts failed to "properly and adequately attend to the
mental and emotional well-being of their minor son." See

*** World AIDS Day: Sobering statistics

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) - While AIDS activists
handed out condoms in city buses in Bangkok and dropped them
from a helicopter in Pretoria, much of the attention of World AIDS
Day Wednesday focused on the children - 11 million of whom have
lost their parents. "I have no idea of what my father looked like,
what his voice or footsteps sounded like," Andrew Jackson Okrut of
Uganda told a U.N. symposium in New York. In a report released
Wednesday, U.N. officials estimated that 11 million children have
already been orphaned by the pandemic and that the number will
reach 13 million by the end of next year. "Things will get worse
before they get better," said Dr. Peter Piot, executive director of

*** UN slams Israel on Jerusalem policy

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The U.N. General Assembly resoundingly
criticized Israel Wednesday, adopting a host of resolutions
supporting the Palestinian cause and calling Israel's policies in
Jerusalem and the Golan Heights illegal. The U.S. and Israel stood
virtually alone rejecting the non-binding resolutions, although
several small countries abstained. For the past two days, speaker
after speaker in the General Assembly criticized Israel's failure to
implement provisions of peace accords with the Palestinians and
international demands made in resolutions dating back to the start
of the United Nations. Many ambassadors pointed to continued
Jewish settlement building in the occupied territories and the plight
of thousands of Palestinian refugees forced to live in camps or in
other Arab countries. See

*** Exhibit canceled in Australia

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) - The Australian National Gallery has
decided to cancel a controversial exhibition by young British artists
that has caused an uproar in New York. Brian Kennedy, the
director of the Canberra gallery, said it was difficult to make the
decision last week to cancel the "Sensation" exhibit, which
includes a portrait of the Virgin Mary decorated with elephant dung
and mannequins with genitals as facial features. Announcing the
decision to cancel Friday, the gallery pointed to the "furor in New
York over issues which have obscured discussion of the artistic
merit of the works of art." The show opened Oct. 2 at the Brooklyn
Museum of Art in New York. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani called the
exhibition "sick" and froze city funding for the museum. See

*** Relics found at Rome landfill

ROME (AP) - Fragments of ancient statues, frescoes and other
archaeological relics turned up Wednesday at a dump outside
Rome, sparking a furor when police traced them to the site of a
parking garage being built for the 2000 Holy Year. Citizens' groups
and Italy's Green Party demanded an immediate stop to work on
the garage, a government- and Vatican-funded project for the buses
that will bring pilgrims and tourists to St. Peter's Square. "I'm
horrified," said Gaia Pallottino of Italia Nostra (Our Italy), a group
that has been pushing for the preservation of imperial frescoes
found earlier at the same site. "If this is true, it would...confirm all
our fears on what's going on with the work in that area." See

*** China official cites Y2K troubles

BEIJING (AP) - China's top troubleshooter for Year 2000 computer
glitches says hospitals, businesses and parts of China's vast
interior are not yet ready with less than one month to go. The
assessment given Wednesday by Zhang Qi, the Ministry of
Information Industry official overseeing China's preparations, was
the frankest admission by the government that troubles are certain
to arise, even if they are scattered. But Zhang said there should be
few problems at banks, electric power plants and other vital
sectors. "China is a big country with more than 30 provinces and
over 1.2 billion people. So it's hard to get a complete picture in
resolving Year 2000 problems, and there are areas we do not
understand," she added. See

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Arutz-7 News items (12/2/99)
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 13:55:12 -0500

From: "Moza" <>


The Moslem Waqf's newly-opened illegal entrance on the Temple
Mount is still up for discussion in Israeli government circles. Public
Security Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami says that no forceful entry to
the Temple Mount will be made to seal the new 12-meter entrance.
 "We will not be like the Netanyahu government," he said, "that
opened the Hasmonean tunnels without considering the
ramifications=85 I believe that it will be possible to have the
entrance sealed without the use of force... I don't want to put on a
show of force that will cause the entire city to burn - but there are
other ways to ensure that the artifacts on the Mount are preserved,
and that there will be effective archaeological supervision there -
and I will recommend to the Prime Minister that we go all the way
on this matter."

At a meeting on the matter last night in the Public Security
Minister's office, senior police officials said that if the entrance is
sealed up - as occurred three months ago with a much smaller
entranceway illegally opened by the Waqf - there are liable to be
severe Arab riots on the Temple Mount. Attorney-General Elyakim
Rubenstein admitted at the meeting that the Israeli law
enforcement authorities have basically lost control over what
happens on the Temple Mount. Antiquities Authority chief Amir
Drori called the Waqf action an "archaeological crime," while the
Attorney-General said that "the remnants of the history of the
Jewish people are being trampled. The Waqf must be told that we
have tolerance for their worship, but that they will not be allowed to
kick aside our history."

Likud MK Danny Naveh, speaking on Arutz-7 today, commented:
"I agree that the Temple Mount issue in Jerusalem is sensitive and
potentially explosive, but the question is how did the Barak
government allow itself to get into this situation in the first place.
Three months ago, Barak knew of the Palestinian plans on the
Mount, and said, 'OK, let them do it, as long as they coordinate it
with us.' So the Palestinians carried out their works, and didn't
coordinate with us. Over the last ten days, the government saw
tractors and trucks coming in to the Mount, and didn't do a thing to
stop them."

Gush Shalom [Peace Bloc] issued a statement today calling upon
the government to announce unequivocally that "the Temple Mount
is a Moslem area, and that it has no intention of intervening in what
goes on there, so that this issue may be removed once and for all
from the public agenda."


Nadav Shragai, a journalist who has written a book on the topic of
the Temple Mount, explained the background of the current
controversy: "About three months ago, the Waqf opened up a
hole in the wall from the inside to the outside of the Temple Mount,
and the fear was that a new southern entrance to the Mount was
being created. The police came at night and sealed the opening.
This time, however, the entrance is totally on the inside - a new
opening to the area of Solomon's Stables - and is much bigger.
This makes it technically less feasible for the police to seal it. The
opening is 12 meters wide, and 10 meters deep. They work was
carried out with trucks, bulldozers, and cranes... The police had
originally agreed to the opening of a small entrance, for safety
reasons, but never agreed to what Amir Drori called 'this
monumental entrance-way.'"

Shragai said that Rubenstein's strong remarks about the loss of
government control on the Mount may cause the Supreme Court to
come to different decisions on the matter than have been made
until now: "Until now, the Antiquities Authority has refused to
back the official government position, and has refused to claim that
the Waqf's activities on the Mount do not harm Jewish artifacts
there. The government, however, continued to claim that there was
cooperation with the Waqf and that everything was under control.
In the last court case on the matter, Yehuda Etzion demanded that
the works stop, and Justice Dorit Beinish refused, under the
assumption that the government is involved in what was going on
there. The picture now appears to be very different, and it is now
realized that there is no state control over what is going on there.
It is in fact very likely that the next petition to the Supreme Court -
the Likud has threatened to sue the government to stop the current
Waqf actions - will have very different results."

Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute told Arutz-7's Ron
Meir today that the Palestinian damage to Jewish artifacts under
the Temple Mount may be irreparable: "The entrance is in an area
with extreme significance in terms of the original complexes of
entrances to the Temple Mount from the south... The Arabs are
not only denying our history by talking about it - saying that there
was no Temple, and the like - but they are now also doing
something about it: erasing the evidence that there was a Temple

The entire interview with Rabbi Richman can be heard at <a
href=3D"> </a>.


Minister for Diaspora Affairs Rabbi Michael Melchior has added his
voice to those calling for a change to the Law of Return. In light of
statistics showing that more than half of the new immigrants are
not Jewish, Melchior says that certain categories should be
removed from automatic citizenship, "without affecting the Jewish
and Zionist character of the Law." Prime Minister Barak's top aide
Chaim Mandel-Shaked wrote today that "changing the Law of
Return should be a matter of public debate." He was responding to
a query from Yigal Yehudi, head of the Association for the
Preservation of the Jewish Character of Israeli Society.


Prime Minister Barak has instructed the relevant authorities not to
worry about the number of guns in the Palestinian Authority. This
represents a change in Israeli policy; one of Israel's long-standing
demands of the Palestinian Authority has been to limit the number
of guns to the number allowed by the Oslo agreements, and to
collect the rest. Barak said that the guns do not represent a threat
to Israel. Arafat apparently feels differently, however. Speaking to a
cheering crowd last year, Arafat said, "The guns are ready to
protect the right of Palestinians in eastern Jerusalem, as the
capital of the future Palestinian state. Our guns are ready and we
are ready to use them against whoever will try to prevent us from
praying in Jerusalem." Likud MK Danny Naveh said in response,
"What is the value of an agreement if you tell the other side that he
doesn't have to adhere to it?"


The Palestinians are making preparations for Jerusalem to become
their capital - and some Israeli groups wish to head off these
efforts. The Lebanese Daily Star reported on Nov. 10 that a study
by Samih Abed, a Palestinian Authority deputy minister for
planning and international cooperation, advocates that Palestinians
start shaping Jerusalem as their capital, even though - or because -
it is currently cut off from other Palestinian territories. A recent
Palestinian conference on Jerusalem focused on such issues as
the "Judaization" of Jerusalem, and ways to "counter Israel's
attempts to cut off Jerusalem from Palestine." Abed's proposals
state, "Now is the time to start making concrete, detailed plans for
a physical capital within Jerusalem - identifying potential sites,
designs for a national parliament, industries, health and
educational services..." Khalil al-Shaqaqi, director of the Center of
Palestine Research and Studies, said, "Without Palestinian
sovereignty over Jerusalem, I doubt the Palestinian state would be
capable of fulfilling our aspirations for independence and geographic
integrity." In contrast, Jewish elements are redoubling their efforts
to keep Jerusalem Jewish and Israeli. Yeshivat Beit Orot, for
instance, located near Mt. of Olives in the capital, and the Ateret
Cohanim Association in the Moslem Quarter of the Old City, are
two of these groups. Chaim Silberstein of Beit Orot recently wrote,
"The Palestinians are not wasting time in their efforts to create their
sovereignty in Jerusalem. Feisal Husseini has prepared plans for
an infrastructure of 'Palestinian' neighborhoods in and around
eastern Jerusalem, aiming to connect with Ramallah and
Bethlehem, and to outnumber the Jews. Note that they admit that
without Jerusalem, they have nothing. This is the struggle and we
cannot afford to waste time in combating it. We must succeed in
asserting Jewish sovereignty in the inner core of east Jerusalem,
surrounding the Old City, and in the Old City itself. This means
developing, purchasing, living and controlling large areas of the


U.S. President Clinton signed into law this week the first-ever
legislation concerning American victims of Palestinian Arab
terrorism. The Zionist Organization of America, one of the major
proponents of the law, reports that 12 American citizens have been
murdered by Arab terrorists since the signing of the Oslo accords
in 1993. Of the 23 terrorists involved in these killings, most are free
in Palestinian Authority territory, and at least five are serving in the
PA para-military police force. The new law requires the State
Department to provide Congress with regular, detailed reports on
American efforts to bring the killers to trial, including the latest
information on which Palestinian Arab killers are serving in the PA
police or are out of prison, and more. Co-sponsors of the bi-
partisan legislation include Senators Ashcroft, Schumer, Kyl,
Specter, Shelby, Fitzgerald, and Burns, and Reps. Gilman,
Andrews, Salmon, Saxton, Forbes, and McGovern.

Arutz Sheva News Service
Thursday, December 2, 1999 / Kislev 23, 5760

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - 'King of Europe' threat to Queen
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 22:01:45 -0500

From: "neil" <>

United Kingdom. Daily Mail Newspaper 17th November 1999

'King of Europe' threat to Queen

PARIS: France has been urged to push for a head of state-style
President of Europe. The call from an influential think tank
which advises the French government could lead to the Queen and
other EU monarchs being sidelined. The think tank wanted 'one
person at the top to embody Europe and act as a focal point for
all EU citizens', said a spokesman for the French Foreign
Office. But, she added: 'This is a long way from becoming
government policy.' Tory Euro MP Caroline Jackson said 'I think
this idea of creating a sort of King of Europe will sink.'

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