BPR Mailing List Digest
December 6, 1999

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - 'Pagan' carols lose their Christian base
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 05:49:09 -0500


December 6 1999

'Pagan' carols lose their Christian base


CAROLS have nothing to do with Christmas or Christianity and
are in fact pagan in origin, according to a book published today.

Although it would seem now impossible to celebrate Christmas
without them, even their name derives from the Greek choros, a
circling dance associated with fertility rites, according to the
book's editor, the Rev Ian Bradley.

Many carols have come down from a medieval tradition of
wassailers going from door to door, singing and drinking a
potent brew to the health of those they have visited.

But most have lost their original wording having been rewritten
this century "to fit the demand for social realism and political
correctness", he says.

Full story:

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Steel eating microbes
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 09:11:40 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

Steel-eating microbes threaten to devour Britain's ports

By Kath Gourlay and Mark Rowe

05 December 1999

It could, in the wrong hands, become the germ-warfare choice for
the 21st century. To the delight of power-crazed dictators
everywhere, scientists have found a steel-eating microbe munching
its way through the engineering structures of up to 90 per cent of
British ports and harbours.

Port authorities in the UK are on high alert after a study found that
nine out of ten British ports are affected by the microbes, which
attack vital structural support systems in salt water environments,
corroding sheet piling and leaving girders looking as though they
have been riddled with bullet holes.

A whole mixture of bugs are involved, interacting with one another
to produce hydrogen sulphate gas that leaves ports smelling of
rotten eggs. The condition, known as Accelerated Low Water
Corrosion, is caused when surface bacteria which use oxygen
establish a colony and then interact with other bacteria that do not
need oxygen, creating a "bacterial soup" in which the microbes
can flourish.

The study, by an engineering wing of the British Standards
Institute, found that as the bacteria grows, it gathers in the nooks
and crannies of underwater structures and produces an acid which
eats into the metal, turning it bright orange.

One of the specialist engineers tackling the problem said he was
"horrified" by what he had seen. "The bacteria can go through
sheet piling like a knife through butter," said Craig Donald, director
of CorrOcean, in Aberdeen.

A manager of a second firm of Scottish corrosion engineers
admitted his firm has found what he describes as "strange and
virulent beasties" in water as deep as 180 metres. Felixstowe has
been particularly badly hit. British Steel is so concerned at the
potential for damage it has experimented with 30 paint formulations
in an attempt to find one that resists attacks on sheet piling.

Professor Frank Walsh, of Portsmouth University's applied
electrochemistry group, warned that the bacteria worked with
devastating speed. "It can cut the lifetime of a structure from 100
years to possibly 40," he said.

From The Independent,

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Infobeat News items (12/6/99)
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 09:11:40 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

*** Arafat gives poet wry pledge

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) - Fending off criticism of corruption
in his government, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat gave a pistol to
a poet Sunday and told him to shoot him if he betrayed the
Palestinian people. The wry pledge of loyalty stood in sharp
contrast to Arafat's harsh crackdown on lawmakers and
intellectuals who for the first time have named him in connection
with charges of corruption, waste and fraud in the Palestinian
Authority. Five of the dissidents, jailed for signing a manifesto last
week against government corruption, said they were beginning a
hunger strike Sunday to protest their incarceration. Palestinian
human rights groups and intellectuals inside and outside the
Palestinian territories have protested what they say is a violation of
freedom of speech. See
*** Also: Anti-Arafat rally draws hundreds, see
*** And: Palestinians make demands of Israel, see

*** Deal may give UAE superior F-16s

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) - Lockheed Martin is negotiating an $8
billion jet-fighter deal that would reportedly give a foreign nation an
F-16 fleet technologically superior to U.S. Air Force jets. Under the
deal, which could be signed this month, the United Arab Emirates
would spend about $3 billion to research and develop technology
not available on F-16s flown by U.S. pilots. The 80 jets would be
built in Fort Worth by Lockheed Martin. They would have agile-
beam radar systems, radar-jamming devices and computerized
flight controls that are more sophisticated than similar equipment
now on board the U.S.'s F16s, the manufacturer says. Joe Stout, a
spokesman for Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems, said
the contract, postponed several times already, could be signed by
the end of the month. See

*** Bethlehem kicks off celebrations

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) - Yasser Arafat lit a Christmas tree
Saturday to kick off the millennial year in Bethlehem, the town of
Jesus' birth, capping a day of festivities that the Palestinians also
used to press their political cause. The Palestinian leader waved to
the crowd but made no remarks as he pressed a switch to light the
white-and-gold bulbs adorning a 35-foot-tall pine tree. Earlier as
Palestinian bands played marching songs, thousands of people -
mainly Palestinians but some foreign pilgrims as well - filled
Manger Square, site of the Church of the Nativity, which Christian
tradition says marks the spot where Christ was born. Speaking in
the name of Arafat, who was seated smiling in the front row, top
aide Tayeb Abdel Rahim referred indirectly to Palestinian statehood
aspirations. See

*** Iceland's gene pool making waves

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Within weeks an Icelandic company plans
to begin collecting DNA samples from Iceland's 270,000 citizens
and linking the genetic profiles with their health records and family
trees. The database it plans to build would offer an unprecedented
chance to discover genetic links to disease - and an
unprecedented danger to privacy, doctors and researchers
attending a packed meeting of the American Society of
Hematology said Sunday. Although people's genetic profiles,
health histories and family trees will be linked, their identities will
be encrypted by clinics and hospitals before the information
reaches the company, said Dr. Kari Stefansson, founder and CEO
of Decode Genetics, the Reykyavik company which will develop the
database. See

*** Church offers 'drive-thru' Christmas

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - In a nation of fast food restaurants, cash
machines and even drive-through liquor stores, the city's First
Church of the Nazarene is finding people like their religion quick
and convenient as well. This week, the church is closing its parking
lot to set up a drive-through Nativity scene for those who want to
experience the "true meaning of Christmas," but don't want to leave
their cars. The church expects about 10,000 people to take the 15-
minute drive, said Jane Krutz, a member of the church's board of
directors. Since the church started the tradition 12 years ago, the
five-day exhibit has grown to about 140 costumed characters and a
stable-full of animals, from donkeys to hens. Motorists pass
through nine scenes illuminated with candles, each telling a part of
the Christmas story. See

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Pyramids
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 09:23:12 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

Site of the Day | | Dec. 6, 1999

Pyramids: The Inside Story ****
NOVA Online

Only one of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World has survived
until today: the Great Pyramid at Giza. The mere mention of the
name brings this icon of classical Egypt vividly to mind. But what
would it be like to plunge inside that famous silhouette, to thread
your way through narrow passageways up into the center of the
pyramid--and down into the chambers carved into the bedrock

Short of a full-scale expedition to Egypt, NOVA's "Pyramids: The
Inside Story" is the best way to find out. A series of
interconnected QuickTime VR movies make this a virtual tour that
lives up to the term. But you'll get below the surface in more ways
than one. Interviews with Egypt's Director of Pyramids and on-site
archaeologists provide insights to present-day research such as
carbon dating, while historical information, including explanations
of hieroglyphic writing, connect you with the past. If only we
could just as easily get inside the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, and the Colossus of Rhodes.
--Jon Boyd

Number of refrigerators equal to the weight of each block of the
Great Pyramid: 25

Number of blocks that make up the Great Pyramid: 2,300,000

["Pyramids: The Inside Story," NOVA Online]

Site of the Day | | Edited by Jo Rosenbohm
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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Dragon Systems, Inc.
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 12:17:18 -0500

From: "Moza" <>


New AudioMining=99 Technology Uses Award-Winning Speech
Recognition Engine to Quickly Capture and Index Information
Contained in Recorded Video Footage, Radio Broadcasts,
Telephone Conversations, Call Center Dialogues, Help Desk
Recordings, and More New advanced technology to retrieve
specified information contained in hours of recorded video footage,
radio and television broadcasts, telephone conversations, call
center dialogues, help desk recordings, and more, was
demonstrated today by Dragon Systems, Inc. of Newton, Mass.
The company previewed this technology at Demo '99, a leading,
invitation-only, computer industry conference focused exclusively
on emerging technologies and new products.

The Dragon Systems AudioMining technology converts audio data
into searchable text, which is easily accessible by keyword
searching. This new capability which eliminates the need to listen
to hours of recordings to find necessary information, can save time
and increase productivity. It gives users immediate random access
to recorded materials and enables them to access material using
its speech content. Applications of this technology include:

technical support manager who is responsible for providing
feedback to the product development team could use this
technology to search a database of recorded technical support
calls, determine the issues that end users are contending with and
advise engineering accordingly.

* CALL CENTERS - A stockbroker or call center operator who
records all phone calls to document customer orders and
conversations can gain access to specific conversations to verify
information concerning transactions. Marketing executives could
also access customer requests and feedback from a company

* BROADCAST MEDIA - A news editor at a television or radio
station could search archives of recorded broadcasts to retrieve
relevant information and clips pertinent to breaking news almost

* CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT - A conference management
organization that records proceedings, could use this technology to
create an index of key topics for tapes of those sessions. This
index should be printed to indicate tape number and time into the
tape. If the material is on CD-ROM audio, the information would be
directly accessible with the index.

* LAW ENFORCEMENT / SECURITY - Police and security forces
that need to search hours of recorded phone calls or radio
transmissions can use this technology to quickly obtain critical

"There are hundreds of thousands of hours of recorded speech from
meetings to telephone calls in the hands of corporations today,"
said Dragon Systems Vice-President of North American Marketing
Roger Matus. "These recordings contain nuggets of information
that are invisible to companies. This new technology takes data
that is invisible and makes it visible."

The Dragon Systems AudioMining technology is built upon some of
the same underlying speech technology used in Dragon
NaturallySpeaking=99, the widely-acclaimed speech product that
has garnered more than 70 industry awards worldwide and is the
best selling speech retail product in the USA, according to PC
Data (December 1998). The system employs this underlying
technology to internally generate text lists that are indexed back to
their location on the recorded media, as accurately as possible
with untrained speech files, which are then searchable. Users will
search these lists to retrieve information relevant to their current
projects. This new capability supplements existing Dragon
Systems solutions by taking advantage of the underlying
technology to help end-users take advantage of speech recognition
to improve productivity.


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - DayWatch items
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 12:19:24 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

OHIO -- After a three week blitz of phone calls, e-mails and
faxes from irate parents, Duncan Toy Company this week abruptly
terminated its designed Christmas business booster -- 'a
one-finger salute' to families via television commercials.
Full Story:

LONDON -- Sir Cliff Richard, one of Britain's most enduring pop
singers and best-known Christian celebrities, has topped the
music charts with a religious song despite being virtually
blacklisted by radio stations nationwide. By going to the U.K.'s
No. 1 spot, the song could set an entertainment record.
Full Story:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The U.S. Supreme Court wrestled in recent
oral arguments with how much government aid made available to
religious schools as permissible constitutionally. The justices
quizzed lawyers on both sides about instructional equipment
provided under a federal educational program to religious
Full Story:

VIRGINIA -- A northern Virginia woman has won her four-year
battle with local government: she will be allowed to display her
nativity scene on county property. And she won the case with the
assistance of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Full Story:

CALIFORNIA -- What's good for heterosexuals is good for
homosexuals, too, says a group behind a petition drive to put a
same-sex marriage amendment on California's November 2000
ballot. The organizers hope to collect a million signatures in a
petition drive that began Friday, December 3.
Full Story:

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - The End of Time
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 12:47:56 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

                    THE END OF TIME
                     A Talk With Julian Barbour

                     Introduction by
                     John Brockman

Julian Barbour, a theoretical physicist, has worked on foundational
issues in physics for 35 years. He is responsible for a radical
notion of "time capsules which explain how the powerful impression
of the passage of time can arise in a timeless world".

He lives on a farm north of Oxford village and for the past 30 years
he has made a living translating Russian while pursuing his
interests in physics.

"I've been working for myself, following my ideas," he says. I
wanted to be independent because I'm not the sort of person who
can produce a lot of research papers with equations, on a regular
basis =97 I've got quite a good intuition, at least it seems to me I'm
always coming up with ideas at least for myself, and some of them
stand up to the test of colleagues. I just wanted to be away of all
pressure to publish just for the sake of having a publication.

In a profile in The Sunday Times (October, 1998), Steve Farrar
wrote: "Barbour argues that we live in a universe which has neither
past nor future. A strange new world in which we are alive and dead
in the same instant. In this eternal present, our sense of the
passage of time is nothing more than a giant cosmic illusion.
'There is nothing modest about my aspirations,' he said. 'This could
herald a revolution in the way we perceive the world.'" Cosmologist
Lee Smolin notes that Barbour has presented "the most interesting
and provocative new idea about time to be proposed in many years.
If true, it will change the way we see reality. Barbour is one of the
few people who is truly both a scientist and a philosopher."

                     =97 JB

JULIAN BARBOUR is the author of Absolute or Relative Motion?
and the forthcoming The End of Time (Weidenfeld & Nicholson).

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Arutz-7 News items (12/6/99)
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 13:01:27 -0500

From: "Moza" <>


Voice of Israel radio reported briefly last night that Yasser Arafat
offered his gun to a Palestinian prize-winner in a ceremony in
Bethlehem last night. The prize-winning writer had said that he
would continue to use his pen to criticize Palestinian Authority
corruption, and Arafat said to him, "Why stop with your pen? Here,
use my gun against me!" He then went for his hip pocket, but
when he realized that he no longer carries a weapon, he took his
bodyguard's gun and offered it to the author. The entire episode
was captured on film, which was immediately confiscated by PA
security guards.

In a related story, Palestinian para-military police put down a
demonstration of 3,000 Arabs in Shechem on Friday. The rally
was held in solidarity with PA Legislative Council member
Mouawiya al-Masri, who, according to Hamas sources, was the
target of an assassination attempt last week by PA-related
elements. Al-Masri himself was among the demonstrators, and told
those in attendance that those who support the assassins want "to
silence us all." Hamas sources added that two Arabs arrested in
connection with the shooting confessed to having acted at
instructions from the head of the PA military intelligence branch.

Five Palestinian professors arrested by the PA last week for
registering their condemnation of corruption by Arafat and the
Palestinian Authority began a hunger strike yesterday, in protest of
their incarceration.


A significant change of emphasis in Palestinian anti-Israel
incitement has been noted of late by observers of the situation.
Itamar Marcus, chairman of the Palestinian Media Watch,
explained to Arutz-7 today: "The government ministers, both in
this and the previous administrations, have a basic misconception
in the way they view PA incitement. They seem to think that
incitement is merely a statement here or there that may be anti-
Israel. In truth, however, it's much deeper than that. There is a
general trend and desire on the part of the Palestinian Authority to
increase its people's hatred against Israel. For example,
Palestinian Television recently screened a movie, in which an
Israeli-Arab boy kills an Israeli soldier, then dies a 'martyr's' death
at the hands of other Israeli soldiers, and with his last words, says,
'I killed a Zionist!' They simply want to build hatred..."

Marcus added that there is a tendency among Israelis not to
believe the hatred expressed for them by Palestinians, because it
is so exaggerated. "People think that it obviously can't be as bad
as it sounds. But this is exactly what happened with the Nazis in
World War II, as well as before the Yom Kippur War. No one
believed that our enemies were actually planning what they said
they were planning."

An interview in English with Itamar Marcus can be heard on Arutz-
7's website at <A href="
incitement.ram </a>.


Two and a half million parasitic wasps have been scattered over
strawberry fields in the Sharon, as part of an attempt to find a
substitute for pesticides. The wasps help fight aphids, a major
enemy of strawberries, but do not sting people nor do they harm
the fruit. The project is a joint effort of the Agriculture Ministry, the
Agresco Company, and the Vegetables Council...

SPECIAL INSERT: Yehuda Etzion, head of the Chai Vekayam
Temple organization, speaking today on the broader aspects of the
recent events on the Temple Mount: "The Holy Temple is the
central site around which all of our prayers are concentrated, the
meeting point between G-d and the Jewish people, the central point
of all of Judaism. Since the exile, however, there has been a
feeling of distance between us and G-d, as if He is only in Heaven
and we are below, separate. Our feelings of immediate closeness
with G-d have been lost. For some reason, we are not doing
enough to try to revive this connection. The leadership in this area
is not coming from the rabbis, unfortunately - except for a few
distinguished rabbis such as Rabbi Dov Lior and Rabbi Yisrael Ariel
- but rather from the public. But these actions are too few and far
between, and we all must ask ourselves what more we must do -
go up to the [Halakhically-permissible places] there, demand to
pray there, write about it, talk about it - we must get ourselves to
feel that something is missing. We must rise above the routine of
daily life, and be activated by strivings for completeness... Yes, it
is very frustrating to see the aggressiveness of the Moslems in
making their claim to the Mount, while we seem to be literally
dragging our feet. But we believe that it is never too late... There
is a covenant between the Jewish people and G-d, and I am sure
that we will overcome this situation... "For instance, over the past
few days there were two events: the Waqf's break-through of an
entryway under the Temple Mount, and on the other hand, a very
inspiring and moving ceremony last night of the unveiling of a
kosher Menorah that can be used - tomorrow, if need be- in the
Beit HaMikdash. If you ask me which of the two events is more
significant, the answer is clearly the latter one. This is because
the construction of the Menorah is part of the paving of the way for
our rebuilding of the Temple, while the Ishmaelites, who have taken
control over the Temple Mount, will fall. Their control will come to
an end - I don't know if it will be tomorrow, or if it will be very soon,
but I am certain that it will happen, and I am certain that the Jewish
People will return to the Temple Mount and the Temple will be
rebuilt. The question is how and when, and whether we are doing
enough to bring this - and the fact is that we are not doing enough,
and everyone must ask himself what he can do more in this


Despite Jerusalem Affairs Minister Chaim Ramon's announcement
today that the Waqf construction works on the Temple Mount have
ceased, Knesset Members touring the site this morning learned
that such is not the case. Members of the Knesset Education
Committee - responsible for the Antiquities Authority - recounted
afterwards that which they saw today at the new entrance opened
illegally by the Waqf: "We saw extensive works being carried out,
involving the opening-up of the large arches there. Two of the
arches have already been opened, and the Moslems have broken
through the third. The police are trying to stop this, but the
Moslems are continuing to work, and we saw trucks and much
activity going on."

Chairman Zevulun Orlev said, "There is no ethnic dispute here, it is
a dispute over sovereignty - does the State of Israel enforce its
laws on the Temple Mount or not?" Committee member MK Silvan
Shalom (Likud) disagreed: "It is not just a question of violating the
Antiquities Law, which is an important issue in itself. There are
also deep religious-political ramifications: We heard from several
sources that the reason the Waqf is doing this is to prevent the
Jews from being able to pray on the only place on the Temple
Mount where they are halakhically permitted to do so."

Other reactions:

* Antiquities Authority Head Amir Drori: "The harm to the Jewish
artifacts on the Mount has been very great, and you don't have to
be an expert to see that. Those archaeologists who say otherwise
have not been here before, and I can't imagine what their motives
might be."

* Likud MK Limor Livnat: "The government knew about these
activities three months ago - after all, the police allowed the trucks
in - and yet it did nothing to stop it. The government is simply
collapsing in face of threats by the Waqf. This must be

* Labor MK Ophir Pines-Paz, head of the Archaeology Lobby in the
Knesset: "The damage to Jewish artifacts there is great... The
Likud has no right to speak, however - where were they for two
years while the largest mosque in the country was being built
[during the Likud's term in government] in the Solomon's Stables

* Gershon Solomon, head of the Temple Mount Faithful: "We plan
to petition the Supreme Court tomorrow - this will be our second
petition on this matter. Until now, the Court has shown a tendency
to justify the Waqf positions and its right to act on the Temple
Mount as if it was its own. I'm a bit more optimistic regarding
tomorrow's petition, but the government will still claim - falsely -
that the Waqf activities were done with its consent."

 * Yehuda Etzion, head of Chai Vekayam: "Over the past few days
there were two events: the Waqf's break-through of an entryway
under the Temple Mount, and on the other hand, a very inspiring
and moving ceremony last night of the unveiling of a kosher
[Temple] Menorah... The latter [event is clearly the more
significant, as] I am certain that the Jewish People will return to the
Temple Mount and the Temple will be rebuilt..."

Arutz Sheva News Service
Monday, December 6, 1999 / Kislev 27, 5760

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