BPR Mailing List Digest
November 3, 1999

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Vatican Email
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 14:10:54 +0900

From: "Calab Massey" <>


Does anyone know if the Vatican has any kind of email address or is
there a correspondant that can be reached? Does the Pope have email?

- Caleb Massey
- Caribbean Mercy

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Commentary by Gary M. Cooperberg
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 11:12:39 -0500

From: <>

A Voice from Hebron
by Gary M. Cooperberg

Rabin the Puppet
or The Resurrection of Oslo
November 3, 1999

Never have I ever seen so many people resurrect a dead man and pull
strings to make it seem as if he has come back to life. It was ghoulish
enough to listen to Barak talk to Rabin's photo and swear to continue
and complete the peace farce; it was worse to listen to Leah talk to the
same picture in praise of the false peace and of her friend Arafat; but
worst of all was when Clinton had the chutzpa to actually assume to
speak in the name and voice of the dead Prime Minister as he
mimicked Rabin's deep baritone rasping voice and intoned, "This is all
very nice, but if you really want to honor my memory, you will finish
the job".

Once again the murder of Rabin is being used to label all opposition to
Jewish surrender as "enemies of peace". Certainly surrender has
always been an alternative to war. But surrender of one's right to
breathe is no way to achieve peace. We are being fed lies that imply
that it is noble for the Jewish State, whose very existence is still being
challenged by those who seek our destruction, to surrender to our
enemies. We have already begun to recognize legitimate rights of an
illegitimate enemy to take at least part of our homeland from us. This
outrage was enabled by illegal and treasonous actions taken by
Shimon Peres and forced upon former Prime Minister Rabin by those
actions. The Peres plot to give respectability to Arafat worked better
than expected. Not only did it transform the murderer into a hero, it
turned Israel into a world recognized oppressor of (now innocent)
murderers. On the anniversary of the murder of Rabin, once again the
deceased prime minister is being used by the left as he is made into a
puppet to accuse all self respecting Jews of harming the so called
"peace process". All the innuendo came back to haunt us as religious
and alleged right-wingers, not to mention our former prime minister,
are all implied conspirators to the assassination, and reviled "enemies
of peace".

Again all the parties to the attempted destruction of the Jewish State
are assembled in pomp and ceremony in Oslo with songs, poetry,
moving oratory and lofty utopian declarations of a new world of peace
and brotherhood. While Prime Minister Barak easily fit in to this world
of illusion as he gushed forth his carefully tutored phrases in English,
clearly his PLO counterpart was far more down to earth. Speaking in
Arabic, as suits an Arab with self-respect and dignity, he spoke of the
peace process as a method "to end the Israeli occupation of
palestine". Barak spoke of compromise and Arafat spoke of victory
and no one seemed to notice the difference.

When taken in context of this reality it is not so difficult to realize that
the "hard decisions" referred to by William Jefferson Clinton, are not
so difficult for Arafat, but certainly suicidal for Barak. Why do we
permit ourselves the luxury of being lulled into a false sense of
security and hope? The entire alleged "peace" process is a
transparent lie. Israel is being set up for destruction even as her new
prime minister smiles and shakes hands with co-conspirators Arafat
and Clinton. Where is the small child with the courage to stand up
and shout clearly, for all to hear, "The emperor is naked". One needn't
be a genius to see that the entire ceremony is one big fraud, as was
the last one. Not only will it not lead to peace, it will make the
inevitable war to come that much more devastating to the tiny Jewish

Peace will not result from dismantling Jewish homes. Surrender of our
land will never make our enemies love us. And compromising our
principles by agreeing to move even one Jewish home in the futile
hope that this will mitigate future surrender is to accept the violation
of our obligation to possess our homeland which will only lead to

The only genuine peace process is for Jews to refuse to compromise
on our homeland. If our enemies want to live together with us in
peace, then the only honest formula is peace for peace. Land for
peace is really a demand for surrender. By agreeing to such a formula
we are agreeing to surrender to enemies who will use that surrender as
a tool to destroy us completely.


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - 'Bionic man' plans to read his wife's mind
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 17:43:49 -0500

From: "research-bpr" <>

'Bionic man' plans to read his wife's mind

by Tim Barlass
A professor plans to link a silicon chip to his nervous system to see
whether a computer can take control over his limbs.

Kevin Warwick, professor of cybernetics at Reading University, already has a
chip in his arm so a computer can track his movements. If the new trial is
successful, his wife Irena will have a chip implanted in a "his and hers"
cyber experiment.

Professor Warwick believes that when he moves the chip will send signals
from his brain to be stored in a computer, which can return them later. He
said: "If I move a finger the computer will be able to store that signal. We
are looking at transmitting that signal back down to my nervous system from
the computer, maybe a couple of hours later, so hopefully my finger will
burst into life at the signal."

The 45-year-old father of two added that when he was happy or sad the
signals would also be stored in the computer. "They will then be blasted
back down to the nervous system, but how it will make me feel is not known.
This opens up the possibility of cyber drugs through electronic

The operation to implant the chip in his upper arm is expected to take place
within 18 months, probably at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. If the experiment,
which appears to make the concept of a "bionic man" almost a reality, is
successful, a second chip will be implanted in his wife. The experiment
could enable each to learn what their partner is thinking and to transfer
their innermost feelings.

© Associated Newspapers Ltd., 03 November 1999
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