BPR Mailing List Digest
February 2, 2000

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Catholic school cancels tuition
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 08:39:58 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

A Catholic school in Ohio canceled tuition for an entire year.
The council of St. Boniface School in Oak Harbor took the leap of
faith at a meeting last month, Catholic News Service said. The
meeting began with a discussion of whether to freeze tuition or
increase it next school year, James Peiffer, pastor of St.
Boniface, said.
..."Then we thought, wouldn't it be nice if we could just 'open
wide the doors' of the school to anyone, and before long we had
consensus," he said. "The Holy Spirit was alive in that room."
Fifty-one students from kindergarten to 5th grade attend the
school, which charges $1,000 a year tuition for parishioners and
$1,800 for others.
...The council was inspired by Toledo Bishop James Hoffman's
cancellation of a $1.4 million debt, owed by the parish this
year. That debt was cancelled in observance of Jubilee Year 2000,
a year of forgiveness of debts proclaimed by Pope John Paul II.
The council felt it should follow his lead and decided to trust
God to provide for the school, Peiffer said.
...During the discussion, committee members recalled the example
of the apostles who left their boats and nets to follow Jesus.
"What better way can we express our faith and recognize the
Jubilee year than doing this for our parents and students?"

Religion Today News Summary
February 2, 2000

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Arutz-7 News items (2/2/00)
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 18:11:19 -0500

From: "Moza" <>


The security cabinet, meeting in Jerusalem this morning, approved the third
and final stage of the second Oslo withdrawal. The price exacted by Shas
Minister Eli Yeshai in return for his support: a promise by Prime Minister
Barak to restore the special emergency services throughout Yesha, as well
as Magen David Adom services in Yesha - both of which had been recently
cut. The Israeli retreat, from 6.1% of Judea and Samaria, will be
concentrated mainly in the southern Har Hevron region. Prime Minister
Barak will meet with Yasser Arafat tomorrow at the Erez checkpoint in Gaza.
  Arutz-7 correspondent Haggai Huberman was asked today if Jewish
residents will feel a change in their day-to-day lives following the next
withdrawal. "Not unless there is a security problem, such as a terrorist
attack," he answered. He noted that around Beit Haggai and Otniel, only
Highway 60 - the access road to the two towns - will continue to be Israeli-
controlled, including a few hundred meters on each side. "In case of an
attack," Huberman said, "the Arabs could easily and quickly close off the


Condemnations of Austria's newly-formed government, which includes Joerg
Haider's Freedom Party, are being heard throughout the world. Israel
announced this morning that it would recall its ambassador from Austria, and
Foreign Minister David Levy said that Israel must be the "pioneer" in
determining the attitude towards the Haider party. The European Union has
announced that it will downgrade its relations with Austria, and the U.S.
announced that it would consider what sanctions it will impose on Austria.
Haider himself, who has praised the Nazis and many of their methods, will
not serve as a minister in the new government.

Israel's Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg called on parliaments around the
world to make their voices heard in protest of the new Austrian government.
The newly-combined National Union-Yisrael Beiteinu faction criticized the
government for reacting strongly against Austria, while continuing to hold
talks with Syria, which protects Nazi criminal Alois Brunner (see next


A major Holocaust-denial trial continues in London, in which David Irving is
suing American Holocaust expert Prof. Deborah Lipstadt for claiming that he
is a "falsifier of history." Recent court sessions dealt with claims by Irving
that there were no holes in the roof of an Auschwitz crematorium through
which to insert poison. Prof. Robert van Pelt, appearing for the defense, has
said that there is a "massive amount of evidence" of the camp's use for mass
extermination - including witness accounts, photographs, and drawings by a
Jewish inmate selected to work in the crematoria. Van Pelt, who argued that
the gas chambers were dismantled and then dynamited, is Professor of
Architecture at the University of Waterloo, and co-author of "Auschwitz, 1270
to the Present." He is project director for the preservation of the State
Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

The official Syrian Press continues to engage in its own brand of Holocaust
denial. Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reports that the
editor of the government-run Tishrin newspaper, Muhammad Kheir Al-Wadi,
published an article this past Monday denying the Holocaust and accusing
Zionism of being "worse than Nazism." Following are some selections from
the article, entitled "The Plague of the Third Millenium:"

"Zionism hides the dark chapters of its black history. It invents stories
regarding the Nazi Holocaust in which the Jews suffered and inflates them to
astronomic proportions."

"The Zionists try to strangle any voice that reveals the truth... However, these
voices [of Holocaust deniers such as Roger Garaudy and David Irving, who
were mentioned earlier in the Tishrin article] and other such voices have
already left their marks on European public opinion and media who have
started to raise questions that refresh the memory and establish the truth
that was distorted by the Zionists..."

"The problem is not in the Zionist ambition to forge history, but rather in the
Zionist organizations' ambitions to revive their distorted version of history and
use it to deceive international public opinion, win its empathy, and blackmail

The editorial has sparked a formal condemnation from Jewish leaders and
distinguished Holocaust scholars, led by Zionist Organization of America
President Morton Klein. "Unfortunately, this is the latest in a series of
outrageous and offensive statements and actions by Syria concerning the
Holocaust," the statement reads. "Syrian government publications have
repeatedly denied the Holocaust and claimed that Israeli policies are similar
to, or worse than, the policies of the Nazis. In addition, after the Holocaust,
Syria gave shelter to numerous Nazi war criminals, and to this day harbors
the most-wanted Nazi war criminal in the world, Alois


The Knesset held a first-of-its-kind session on Israel's nuclear policy today.
The session was initiated by Arab-party MK Issam Mahoul, and he and other
Arab MKs incessantly heckled and argued with Minister Chaim Ramon, who
spoke for the government. Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg was forced to
remove several of the Arab MKs from the plenum. Mahoul said that Israel is
the largest atomic weapon storehouse in the world. Many Knesset Members
walked out in protest. Ramon said that Mahoul's words were "baseless and
confused," and then stated: "Israel will not be the first to introduce nuclear
weapons into the Middle East... However, it does not see the present
nuclear anti-proliferation treaty as being relevant to this region, as shown by
the recent cases of Iran and Iraq..."

Arutz Sheva News Service
Wednesday, February 2, 2000 / Sh'vat 26, 5760

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Pentagon study finds China preparing for war with US
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 18:34:33 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

Pentagon study finds China preparing for war with U.S.

By Bill Gertz

     Strategic writings by China's military and party leaders show that
China is making plans for war, according to a new Pentagon study.
     Some 600 translations of internal Chinese writings by 200 authors
reveal China's strategy to defeat a superior foe, using both military and
nonmilitary means, such as propaganda, deception and covert action.
     They also reveal the extreme distrust of the United States by China's
military and party leaders. Chinese generals state that the United States
intentionally bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, last May
as part of a long-term strategy to prompt an arms race that will cause
China's collapse.
     The Chinese statements from the mid-1990s through last year discuss
issues normally couched in secrecy inside China.
     They appear in the book "China Debates the Future Security
Environment," published last month for the Pentagon's Office of Net
Assessment, the unit in charge of long-range planning. The translations were
edited by Michael Pillsbury, a defense policy planner in the Reagan
administration who is fluent in Chinese.
     The official Chinese views from Communist Party and military officials
contradict other claims by the Beijing government that China poses no threat
to the United States or other nations.
     Chinese strategists plan to use a combination of Marxist-Leninist
doctrine and ancient Chinese tactics against the United States, which is
compared in Chinese military writings as a "hegemon" on a par with Nazi
     Gen. Li Jijun, described as one of China's most distinguished military
authors, states that the United States engineered the collapse of the Soviet
Union and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as a "strategic misdirection" or
     Other Chinese authors state the United States is working covertly to
"dismember" western China, namely Tibet and Xinjiang.
     The report is a public document, but the Pentagon is limiting its
distribution, presumably because of its stark disclosures of Chinese
military thinking.
     According to the book, the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping set the
current military strategy for dealing with the world's only superpower in
the slogan "bide our time and build up our capabilities."
     A key debate among Chinese military and party writers is how rapidly
the United States will decline, a view based on the Marxist ideas on the
collapse of capitalism.
     The book quotes Gen. Xiong Guankai, the Chinese deputy chief of staff
for intelligence, who finished three days of Pentagon meetings last week, as
one of China's hard-line theorists.
     "Any efforts for seeking hegemony and world domination can only result in
accumulating contradictions and fermenting war," Gen. Xiong was quoted as
saying in a speech at Harvard University.
     Chinese plans also discuss means of taking out U.S. aircraft-carrier
battle groups. Chinese writer Ying Nan says the groups have numerous
     The United States sent two such groups to waters near Taiwan in 1996 in
response to Chinese military exercises aimed at the island.
     Mr. Ying stated that weaker Chinese forces could defeat the huge
carriers because the groups are hard to conceal from radar, are less
effective in bad weather and are hampered by shallow water or when operating
close to the coast.
     Carriers also are vulnerable to repeated attacks with precision weapons
fired from unmanned aircraft and to electronic warfare from small ships,
offshore islands and aerial balloons that can "create confusion in the
electromagnetic environment," he stated.
     Carrier battle groups also can be defeated by advanced submarines and
by attacks on their support ships because the carriers' anti-submarine
capabilities are "relatively poor," Mr. Ying states.
     Mr. Ying also cited the carriers' elevators, catapult launchers and
arrester wires as "extremely vulnerable" to precision strikes that would
make the ships useless.
     Chinese military strategists also draw upon the 1991 Persian Gulf war.
Chinese tactics — pre-emptive attacks before allied forces had massed,
covert attacks inside Saudi Arabia and operations to split the U.S.-led coalition —
could have won for Iraq, they wrote.
     China now seeks to avoid head-on confrontation until around 2030, when
the Chinese expect U.S. power to decline significantly.
     However, a war between China and the United States could erupt over
Taiwan, according to the Chinese authors. Strategist Gao Hen wrote a U.S.
defense of Taiwan would cause a major war of "global and historic
     China also plans electronic attacks on computer networks.
     "We can make the enemy's command centers not work by changing their
data system," wrote Maj. Gen. Pan Junfeng. "We can cause the enemy's
headquarters to make incorrect judgments by sending disinformation."


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