BPR Mailing List Digest
February 9, 2000

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Jack Van Impe Newsletter #9 item
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 08:25:22 -0500

From: "Moza" <>


LET ME SEE YOUR PAPERS." Those five heart-stopping words, spoken by
unsmiling border guards or Gestapo-style soldiers, have struck terror in the
hearts of millions of people throughout our century. They have been-and still
are-the words of the police state, the words of military bullies young and old
who have been granted the authority to intimidate, torture, and kill. But now,
with the advent of surveillance technology and other scientific breakthroughs,
super computers are bringing us ever closer to the day when identification
papers will no longer be necessary. In the future, the "papers" will be tiny
microchips, and they'll be more effective than any document ever scrutinized
at a border crossing. (see the Van Impes' powerful teaching video Antichrist: Super Deceiver of
the New World Order for a thorough study on what the Bible says about this
coming "one-world government" and its infamous leader.)


ONE DAY SOON, the experts tell us, men and women worldwide may be
required to receive a biochip implant in the hand or head that will limit their
ability to buy and sell, travel, and work. Terry Cook, an expert who has
studied developments in such "biometric" devices, states:

"We are getting closer all the time to that day when biochip implants will
be used on human beings. Hitler's Third Reich demanded that all German
citizens had to carry identification and could be stopped at any time by
either civilian or military people. The day may not be far off when we can
be stopped at any time and have scanners waved over us as we approach the
final states of the biochip and ID technology of the New World Order

The biochips necessary for such a "Big-Brother-is-watching" program have
actually been around for more than a decade. The technology is already in
full use in several U.S. cities and counties in animal control work. Animal
shelters and clinics are clamoring for an ID system that will link all
government animal regulation and control agencies, pounds, and veterinarians
throughout the country. Not surprisingly, the cheerleaders of one-world
government have also been quick to champion such a system for human

"The technology behind such a microchip is fairly uncomplicated, and with a
little refinement could be used in a variety of human applications," explains
Tim Willard, executive officer of the World Future Society. Willard continues,
"Conceivably, a number could be assigned at birth and go with a person
throughout life. At the checkout stand at the supermarket, you would simply
pass your hand over a scanner and your bank account would automatically
be debited."

Will the U.S. government jump on the biochip bandwagon? Americans
remain inherently skeptical about such a "Big Brother" arrangement. But it
may not be long before the power brokers in Washington take a more
serious look at this opportunity to exercise virtually global control over its
citizens. In the meantime, to promote "national identification" as a top
priority, there must be the perception of need-some crisis to be solved.


THE GOLDEN STATE of California, in the eyes of some, has lost its glitter.
This is due in large part to the economic pain of unauthorized border
crossings from Mexico, and the need for unprecedented economic support of
illegals. In this situation, the probability of a biochip is enjoying increasing
popularity. Democrats such as Senator Dianne Feinstein and Republicans
like Governor Pete Wilson agree the time has come for a national identity
card, perhaps including biometric data. Such a card is already in use by the
federal government.

To the student of biblical prophecy, the name of the card should arouse
considerable interest: The device is called MARC, and stands for "Multi-
technology Automated Reader Card." The MARC is currently being used in
the military and can be readied for virtually any other form of information

Feinstein has called on her colleagues in the U.S. Congress to make
carrying such a card mandatory for every American citizen. Her remarks,
memorialized in the Daily Washington Journal Roll Call, are chilling in their

"I believe that a new, phone- or machine-readable card that all job benefits
applicants would be required to present to verify their work or eligibility for
assistance deserves careful consideration. As (the Senate Subcommittee on
Immigration) heard (from representatives of the State Department, INS, FBI,
Social Security Administration, Secret Service, state and motor vehicle
authorities), counterfeit-resistant cards that incorporate 'biometric' data are
available and in use today. Whether the card carries a magnetic strip on
which the bearer's unique voice, retina pattern, or fingerprint is digitally
encoded, or whether it incorporates a digitized photo and signature
integrated into the plastic card itself, it is clear to me that state-of-the-art
work and benefits eligibility IDs can and must replace the Dinosaur Age
documents now being used."


FEINSTEIN HAS URGED Congress not to wait-but to act immediately to
begin creating such a system. Fortunately, opposition has arisen to thwart
the senator's plans. Still, the vast majority of Americans are blissfully
unaware that such dangerous designs are even being considered in the
hallowed halls of Congress.

A computer software entrepreneur has observed that a national ID database
threatens civil liberty. A system employing tens of thousands of government
clerks and administrators, and costing tens of billions of dollars to build and
operate, would surely soon be expanded beyond such benign uses as child-
tracking. The expert muses: "Why not use it, at virtually no additional cost,
to track convicted child molesters as well? Who would dare object? Why not
then also track the movements of convicts and murderers? And rapists. And
drug dealers, and felons in general. And fathers behind in child support. And
tax-evaders. And 'political extremists.' Members of 'religious cults.' Drug
addicts. AIDS carriers. Gun owners. Each turn of the political cycle, left and
right would add their favorite batch of social enemies to the surveillance list."


WHAT DOES God's Word say about the scenarios being floated in
America's corridors of power? Could information embedded in tiny biochips
be the personal end-time ID code we are warned of in the Bible? Scripture
tells us that in the future, a one-world system of government will require every
person to receive a mark" in his or her right hand or in their foreheads.
Without this "mark of the beast," no one will be permitted to buy or sell. In
years past, few could envision such a system in operation. The technology
simply did not exist. But today, with what amounts to virtually daily
breakthroughs in biometric technology, these advances now make such a
system not only viable, but plausible. Is there any doubt that we are now a
few miles further down the road toward a Big Brother-style global

Revelation 13:16-18 reminds us, "And he causeth all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in
their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the
mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom.
Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the
number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."


WHILE THE "MARK" will be individualized, "group think" will become
universal in the last days. One attempt at such community thinking took
place in September 1995, when delegates from one hundred seventy nations
attended the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing,
China. Prior to the event, Dr. James Dobson warned, "It will be the most
radical, atheistic, and anti-family crusade in the history of the world, and your
government is pulling the strings and will support a disproportionate share of
the costs."

Concerned Christians should be grateful to Dr. Dobson for his red-flag
warnings about the now-historic festival for militant feminists, women
adamant about imposing their radical beliefs on the entire world. While in
Beijing these women were surely not thinking of the end times, nor were they
even remotely aware that they'd become pawns of history in the making. Yet
their clearly abrasive goals should remind Christians that what they have
proposed falls directly into the one-world-order file. While the conference is
now history, its international effect lingers on, as the conferees continue to
support their objectives, three of which are:

- The elimination of marriage: Feminists consider this to be the root of all
evil, and blame the family for violence against women.

- The promotion of "gender feminism": This new approach to human
sexuality encourages the notion that the biological differences between men
and women are relatively insignificant-thus, the traditional roles of mother and
father should be abandoned.

- The politicization of speech: They want to eliminate the use of ordinary
words such as "wife," "husband," "son," "daughter," "brother," "sister," and
"manhood" because these terms are "sexist."

With all its timeless, ancient traditions of science, philosophy, and culture,
China remains a nation that holds the record for the abuse and oppression of
women, which made the conference-held on China's soil-yet one more cruel
irony. China's forced-abortion policies, and its one-child-per-family law make
women not only state prisoners of government-imposed restrictions, but also
so much chattel for what has historically remained a male-dominated

As he continues to sensitize the world to Chinese abuses of women and
children, Dobson continues, "This [China] is a nation that monitors menstrual
cycles so it can identify young women with unapproved pregnancies and
drag them into medical clinics to have their babies killed. It is also a country
that has murdered tens of millions of female infants. So effective has been its
bias against the feminine gender, that the sex-ratio in large regions of China
favors males by 64 percent. What irony, then, that the people who have
annihilated their little girls will host a conference on the betterment of
women. What breathtaking wickedness."

Yet, the beat goes on in the world's highest echelons of power. Headlines
promise a new age: "The best is yet before us," declare those who have no
understanding of the times. "We are on the edge of human breakthroughs
that will bring our world together in peace and brotherhood," rhapsodize
others. Even the officials of the world's largest "talk shop" are declaring their
careless optimism for the future.


"IN MY VIEW, from all perspectives-scientific, political, social, economic,
and ideological-humanity finds itself in the pregnancy of an entirely new and
promising age: the global, interdependent, universal age. . . . the birth of the
global brain, heart, senses, and soul to humanity, of a holistic
consciousness of our place in the universe and on this planet, and of our role
and destiny in them." Those are the words of former United Nations
Assistant Secretary General Robert Muller in his article, "Preparing for the
Next Millennium."

But Muller doesn't stop there. He continues, "We must, together, create an
agency within the UN and perhaps an independent united religious
secretariat. What an incredible challenge that would offer to the United
Nations, and what untold good it would bring to humanity, which desperately
needs a moral and spiritual Renaissance."

I could not agree with Muller more on his last sentence- that we need a
"moral and spiritual Renaissance." Muller and I quickly part company,
however, when he suggests this great inner personal reform be accomplished
under the aegis of a morally bankrupt United Nations, a body that not only
possesses limited real power, but what power it has, remains questionable
to its core.

What does God's Word say about the coming world government and the
growing international movement that promises a "moral and spiritual
Renaissance" to all who will jump on board? There are two passages that
display the counsel of Scripture, from the books of Daniel and Matthew. Hear
the Word of the Lord:

"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out
the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they
shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to
consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and
the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the
people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting
kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him." -DANIEL 7:25-27

"All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to
be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for
my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one
another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and
shall deceive many. -MATTHEW 24:8-11 (SEE ALSO REVELATION 13:7, 8.)


WHAT WILL THESE false prophets of the end time look like? How will they
be recognized? How will their thinking contribute to a "one-mind"
government? Will these individuals be cleverly disguised? Or will they ply
their wickedness openly? Let's look at some of these false prophets of the
millennium, who further confirm that earth's final hour quickly approaches the
stroke of midnight.


A "PROPHET" has emerged in Central Asia. His name is Akbeket Sufihan,
and he bills himself as the last messenger from God. Sufihan's book, Allah's
New Greeting to the World, has attracted the attention of the Islamic world-
as well as Russians who are alarmed about religious agitation in this
strategic area.


OUIJA BOARDS are apparently out as a way to connect with the long-
departed in this age of computers and cyberspace. According to the recent
book, Conversations Beyond the Light, the dead are more likely to
communicate with the living by E-mail, fax, modems, or phone calls.

Authors Pat Kubis and Mark Macy believe the dead are sending messages
from the planet Marduk, in the Spiral Galaxy NGC4866 on the third astral
plane. Marduk reportedly has three suns, skyscrapers, blimps, and a river
that encircles the globe. Its inhabitants, according to Kubis, include Eleanor
Roosevelt, giants, Indians living in teepees, cavemen, and Vikings. Before we
disregard as foolishness these wild wizards of deceit, we must remember
that tens of thousands of men, women, and children throughout the world are
being duped into believing their lies. It is a sign of the times.


IN A FURTHER bid to bring the world to one point of view, there is now a
movement afoot to establish a permanent "United Religions" (UR)
organization. A charter setting up the UN-style group is currently being
drafted, and a facility to promote this point of view may well be open in the
near future. Like the UN, the UR will have a five-hundred-member assembly,
a thirty-six-member executive council, and a secretary general. Comprised of
representatives of religions both large and small, the group would meet once
or twice a year to "reverse the use of religion to justify war, hate, violence,
aggression, and intolerance." Peacemaker Teams of spiritual leaders and
conflict-resolution specialists would be dispatched to trouble spots
throughout the world. The origins of UR- perhaps the predecessor to the
global church prophesied in the Bible-are in the World Parliament of
Religions, which has already convened to adopt "a new world ethic."


FEARFUL SIGHTS and great signs, indeed! One is former Soviet dictator
Mikhail Gorbachev's personal blueprint for global government. Crediting
himself with having ended the cold war, the Russian leader took it upon
himself to convene a five-day meeting in San Francisco of world and
political leaders who openly discussed the need for one-world government,
and the establishment of a new morality free of the constraints of Christian

Numerous heads of state participated-former leaders such as former
President George Bush, and ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, media
titans ranging from Ted Turner to Ted Koppel, and an eclectic collection of
personalities including former General Colin Powell, filmmaker Oliver Stone,
and deceased pop singer John Denver. However, a virtual press blackout
ensured that many of the details of the "State of the World Forum" remain

We do know Gorbachev's "wish list":

- Further negotiated arms cuts.

- Move toward more regional networks-such as NAFTA.

- Expanded membership in the United Nations Security Council.

- Dismantling of all nuclear warheads.

And we also know this about the conference: much of its information plays
into the context of end-time prophesies. We learned that Gorbachev's
meeting to convey his blueprint for global government was only one of five
annual conferences scheduled to foster global "independence" and eventually
deal a death blow to national sovereignty. The meeting promised to continue
to demand action on the following issues:

- A supra-national authority must quickly take charge of the world's
arsenal of nuclear weapons, environmental policies, and distribution of wealth
and resources.

- The world of interdependence and cooperation must absolutely rule out
the use of force, particularly of nuclear weapons, as the solution to any

- There must be a push for honoring diversity, and honoring the earth. It is
this combination that will create the basis for worldwide unity.

- There must be a new form of global socialism-the only acceptable road to
this New World Order.

In Gorbachev's book, The Search for a New Beginning: Developing a New
Civilization, published for the conference, there was a denouncement of
nationalism, inequitable distribution of resources, and development that
takes a toll on the environment and weapons spending and research. "The
time has come to develop integrated global policies," writes the former
Russian leader. "This need is all the greater since the obvious crisis of the
entire system of international relations is just one of the manifestations of the
malaise of our civilization."

Some 275 of the original 500 participants paid $5,000 apiece to rub
shoulders with people such as Jane Fonda, Carl Sagan, Nelson Mandela,
Mario Cuomo, and Bill Gates. Except for South Africa's Desmond Tutu,
Christian leaders were uniformly excluded from the meeting.

Was this conference-and the series of follow-up meetings-a mere blip on the
end-time screen? Will these New Age, pantheistic get-togethers ultimately
be of relative unimportance? Or might they be harbingers of what to expect
from other world leaders in other places as we approach the end? (see my
video New Age Spirits from the
Underworld</A>for a full-length analysis of the "New Age" movement) In the
days just before Jesus returns to earth, Scripture portrays a world governed
not only by a central authority, but by a global religious entity as well.
Clearly, the premillennial convergence of such prestigious and influential
political, cultural, and "spiritual leaders" at Gorbachev's behest is significant.

As our final arbiter of Truth, we again look at the Word of God for the
answers to the end-time puzzle. 'Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo,
here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false
Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders;
insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect"
(Matthew 24:23-24).

"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the
sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and
upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like
unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the
mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great
authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his
deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And
they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they
worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to
make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great
things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and
two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to
blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And
it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them:
and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations"
(Revelation 13:1-7).


WHAT BETTER WAY for a "Big Brother" organization to "overcome the
saints" than through a merciless form of taxation? It's now official. A United
Nations agency has openly advocated the need for a one-world government
and global taxation. This declaration by the UN Development Program came
to light during a World Summit for Social Development in Denmark.

Here's what Nobel Prize-winning economist Jan Tinbregen said about the
need for a "global human security fund."

"Mankind's problems can no longer be solved by national governments. What
is needed is a world government. This can best be achieved by strengthening
the United Nations system."

What an incredible comment! But the UN is not alone. While the United
Nations may be spearheading this globalist movement, there are many other
organizations now openly working on behalf of a one-world order-the kind
prophesied in the Bible for the days just before Jesus returns to earth.
Here are four examples of such groups active in one-worldism:

- The World Constitution and Parliament Association in Colorado has been
taking out advertisements in newspapers around the country, promoting the
idea of one-world government. It proposes placing the oceans, seabeds,
Antarctica, and even the moon under the protectorate of a Federal World
Government. The group continues to hold international meetings to declare
its laws in "full force and effect." Whether or not this association
succeeds in its objectives, the very idea that it is already so active-and
attracting so many adherents-is a reminder that such a movement is yet
another sign of the times.

- Warstop! This is another group that uses newspaper ads to "make
enforced global law the primary aim of American foreign policy." Warstop! is
also working in schools and with political candidates to further its
international agenda.

- Philadelphia II is placing voter initiatives to create world government on
state ballots. Movements are currently active in California, Kansas, Illinois,
and Missouri. Former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska is a principal
proponent of this approach, which seeks to convene a World Constitutional

- A New Age religious group with connections to the Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi is pushing to make Israel the capital of "One Government for One
World." The Jewish activists behind this idea promise that the meditation
techniques offered by the Maharishi will unleash psychic powers that will not
only make the Jewish state independent, but will be a great spiritual
resource to the entire world. Daniel 7:23 states, "Thus he said, The fourth
beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all
kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and
break it in pieces." The phrase "shall be diverse from all kingdoms" is the
key phrase in this prophecy.

The idea of a one-world government is not isolated to the West or the East. It
is a disparate movement that is evolving independently from various
international ideological sources. This erroneous thinking is coming from
"diverse kingdoms" of the world. But the snowball is gathering momentum.

Even though these organizations may be small and lacking in influence at
this time, their aggregate power will only increase as we enter the
millennium. On the surface, for many, these movements that "bring us all
together" may seem plausible, logical, and even life-sustaining. Therefore the
question: Does each of these movements, small or large, in fact, lay one
more brick in the groundwork of a one-world political and economic system,
as the Bible portrays for the planet in the last days? Hal Lindsey reminds us,
"When you get beyond the lofty rhetoric and analyze just what is meant by
global government, the reality can be even more frightening than the
instability of a hostile world governed by the aggressive use of force." The
concept of one-world government is the only way to "save" the world in the
minds of many. Without global participation by informed, enthusiastic, albeit
scattered entities, our planet has no hope, it is alleged.

But to foster that hope, increased surveillance must be the order of the
day. Enter "Promis."


IT'S STILL TRUE: big, influential, earth-shaking things can- and often do-
come in small packages. Here's yet another example. Back in the 1980s, a
small computer software company, Inslaw, developed a program called
Promis. Originally designed exclusively to track court cases, it was soon
discovered that Promis had far-reaching applications in the fields of finance
and global intelligence.

Because of Promis' much anticipated "promise" in the vast areas of
surveillance, it was awarded a contract with the Justice Department. But, as
federal court records and two congressional investigations reveal, U.S.
government officials replicated the Promis software and left Inslaw in
bankruptcy court.

Now, sources within Inslaw suggest that the pirated versions of the Promis
software contain a "trap door" that gives the National Security Agency and
other intelligence operations enormous "snooping" powers. With this tool at
their disposal, these government-sponsored groups now have the capability to
monitor the computers of foreign banks and security agencies to track wire
transfers, and invade even the most secure data storage systems in the


ECONOMISTS THE WORLD over are scrambling to revise their global
financial forecasts in light of many discouraging factors-not the least of which
is an epidemic of negligence and poor judgment by some of the world's
leading politicians. What I'm about to write should not be taken in a partisan
manner, but must be viewed as a matter of record. Because without a
foundation of solid understanding, our house will become a house of cards


FURTHER, BOTH POLITICAL parties in the United States have shown a
stunning lack of courage in dealing with the coming Social Security crash. In
1950, sixteen workers contributed to the system for every one recipient.
Today, that ratio has shrunk to three-to-one, and within thirty years, it will fall
to two-to-one. Economists now estimate that a lifetime tax rate of a
confiscatory 84 percent will soon be needed to sustain the growth of Social
Security spending.

Many key world leaders seems to believe there is no limit to how heavily
taxes can be piled on the backs of ordinary people to pay for government


JUST HOW BAD is the world economy getting? We are sitting naively on an
economic powder keg. Explosive population in the countries that can least
afford it will put one of the final nails in the coffin of nations already
teetering on the edge of economic collapse. In many countries land, once
fertile, has now become blowing desert sand, thus depriving once highly
productive countries of exportable commodities, and making them recipients
of the charity of donor nations.

Meanwhile, new global bureaucracies-from the World Trade Organization to
the International Monetary Fund-are being established to handle the growth
of the world's new financial markets. Martin Waller, bureau chief of the
Guardian in England, says recent attempts by the G-7 nations to tame the
global markets may have the effect of "anointing a market pontiff whose
reach transcends old sovereignties." Translation: The New Economic Order
is coming. The apparatus is nearly in place for central planning on a global
scale. But, as with most radical plans, it will surely be preceded by a crisis
of enormous proportions-in all probability, a worldwide recession. Watch for
it. Read the business section of your morning paper with the discernment
that comes with "new eyes," because the signs of global economic chaos
are on the horizon. But again, the truth of the future was not left unexplored
by the wisdom of the past.

One example of how the Bible has always been ahead of its time can be
found in James 5:1-8:

"Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come
upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth eaten.
Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness
against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure
together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped
down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of
them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. Ye
have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your
hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; and
he doth not resist you. Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the
Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and
hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also
patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh."

The machinations of a world government, and its enormous global economic
repercussions, are upon us. Nations which once thought they controlled their
own destinies are now learning that they are little more than tiny cogs within
a massive, out-of-their-control worldwide machine.

It's anticipated by many that the locus of this future control will be the United
Nations, a melting pot for one-world government and an internationalized,
homogenized religion or the continuously expanding European Union.
Ostensibly, this new global arrangement is to be politically uncluttered,
socially impartial, environmentally aware, and economically superior to the
failed systems of the past. For many, it will look good on paper when, in fact,
we're actually on a roller coaster that's just now making its slow ascent up a
rickety, moribund structure, climbing inexorably to the top, only to accelerate
on the way down on a ride designed to take our collective breaths away.
Still, the story is only half-told. During the anticipation of an approaching
world government, there will also be a commensurate demonstration of pain,
pestilence, and plagues-areas of concern. So fasten your seat belts and
mount your courage. The roller coaster is still struggling to the top, setting
up all of humanity for a breakneck descent...

"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for
now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." Romans13:11 (KJV)

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Prayer Before Flight at Rome Airport
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 09:37:53 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

03:51 PM ET 02/08/00

Prayer Before Flight at Rome Airport

Associated Press Writer

           FIUMICINO, Italy (AP) _ After checking in with time to spare for
Delta Flight 71 to Atlanta, Diane and Guy Ribando decided to spend
their final moments in Italy in quiet prayer.
           The Holy Year pilgrims were thrilled to learn that their week's
stay in Rome, already rich in pious moments in the capital of Roman
Catholicism, still held one more opportunity for grace.
           Rome's Leonardo da Vinci is the only airport in the world with a
chapel where Catholics can obtain plenary indulgences _ complete
remission from punishment for sins _ during the Vatican's Holy
           ``It's just so overwhelming,'' said Mrs. Ribando, tears of joy
glistening on her cheeks at the thought of offering an indulgence
for a loved one ``who didn't die as they should have.''
           The airport chapel updates a 700-year-old tradition of obtaining
indulgences during the Holy Years designated by pontiffs, generally
every 25 years.
           In the first month since Pope John Paul II pushed open the door
of St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas Eve to usher in this Holy
Year, at least 2.5 million faithful have passed through the portal,
said a Vatican Jubilee official, Angelo Scelzo.
           He estimated as many as 30 million pilgrims will come to Rome
before the Holy Year ends on Jan. 6, 2001, with the door's closure.
           Holy Year indulgences are a tradition going back to Pope
Boniface VIII, who marked 1300 by offering ``abundant remission and
pardon of sins'' to those who made pilgrimages to St. Peter's
Basilica that year.
           Today, most pilgrims follow in the footsteps of those earliest
pilgrims, as the Ribandos did, visiting St. Peter's and three other
major basilicas in Rome that are among dozens of sites worldwide
designated for obtaining indulgences.
           But unlike the earliest Holy Year pilgrims, who risked their
lives during the weeks-long journey to Rome under threat from
robbers and warlords, today's Catholics can make the pilgrimage
spiritually and never leave their home towns.
           Doing good works such as visiting prison inmates or making a
beneficial sacrifice, such as giving up smoking for a day, can also
qualify for an indulgence.
           But for a good work or a pilgrimage to a holy site to qualify
for an indulgence, several other conditions must be met, including
confessing sins, receiving Communion and praying for the pope's
           The addition of Rome's airport to the list of Holy Year sites
for receiving indulgences has proven a welcome innovation for many
travelers, said the airport's chaplain, the Rev. Giorgio Rizzieri.
           ``If they have time, they can have one (indulgence) arriving and
another one when they're leaving,'' said Rizzieri whose 9 a.m. Mass
on a recent Sunday drew a dozen people before their flights.
           Travelers tucked their carryon bags under pews, and at least one
worshipper, in another kind of act of faith, parked his luggage
cart, unattended, outside the chapel's glass doors.
           Indulgences are a sensitive subject in Christian quarters.
Martin Luther broke with Rome in the early 16th century to protest
church abuses, in particular, the selling of indulgences.
           Today's Catholic clergy are careful to stress that one needs to
do much more than just stop by a particular place to obtain
remission for all sins.
           ``You just can't pop into the (airport) chapel and think,
`Bingo!''' said the Rev. Dennis Gill, an American priest based in
Rome who wrote a pamphlet about indulgences for English-speaking
pilgrims. ``An indulgence is hard work.''

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Philippines farmers bite back in rat plague
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 10:45:55 -0500


Philippines farmers bite back in rat plague

February 9, 2000 11:29 a.m. HKT (0329 GMT)

SANTA ROSA, Philippines (Reuters) -- In the Philippines
province of Luzon, farmers are setting aside their farm
equipment for sticks, stones, and flame-throwers.

They're out to get the thousands of rats that have been eating
their crops for months.

The farmers use a flame-thrower to force the rats out of the
burrows. Once they're out, they are hacked or whipped to death
by a stick or rock.

The rat infestation has gotten so bad that many families
throughout Central Luzon, the so-called "rice granary" of the
Philippines, have been going hungry since October.

Agriculturists have blamed the abnormal weather conditions, the
El Nino and La Nina, for unleashing the rat plague.

One way of eradicating the rats is by poisoning them.

Funds have been released for the purchase of rat poison which
is mixed into rice grains and placed in plastic bags.

These bags are then placed inside burrows and all around the
rice field for the rats to eat.

If that doesn't work, farmers go on a "rat patrol" at night.
Carrying their weapons, these farmers have gone full-time on rat-
hunting, and have temporarily abandoned farming.

For farmer Jerry Mendoza, going after the rats has become a
personal crusade.

"Of course we are hurting because we've invested a lot, and
we've lost it completely. The rats have finished it all, our
crops," Mendoza said.

The rat-hunting is now more than just a crusade -- it is
proving to be a lucrative business.

Tails of rats that have been whacked or stoned to death are
sold to the local government agriculture office for less than a
cent per tail. Farmers who turn in more tails end up earning

The tails are placed in a pot and burnt. The bodies, however,
are kept by farmers who bring them home to eat.

Many farmers are discovering that the rodents are tasty and are
a good substitute for expensive beef, chicken and pork. Rats
have high protein, low cholesterol and are believed to be an
aphrodisiac to boot.

Rat meat, they say, is best when marinated overnight and deep

But perhaps for these farmers the most important reason for
eating rats is revenge.

"We cook them, because they've eaten our crops, so now we're
eating them," said farmer Bert Aruria.


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - The search for "alien life" likely to fail according to two scientists
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 12:07:57 -0500


February 8, 2000

Then again, maybe we are all alone here
By WILLIAM BROAD The New York Times

In the past few decades, a growing number of astronomers have
advanced the view that alien civilizations are likely to be
scattered among the stars like grains of sand, isolated from one
another by the emptiness of interstellar space. Just for Earth's
own galaxy, the Milky Way, experts have estimated that there
might be up to 1 million advanced societies.

This extraterrestrial credo has fueled not only countless
books, movies and television shows - not to mention hosts of
Klingons, Wookies and Romulans - but a long scientific hunt that
uses huge dish antennas to scan the sky for faint radio signals
from intelligent aliens.

Now, two prominent University of Washington scientists say the
conventional wisdom is wrong. The alien search, they add, is
likely to fail.

Full story:

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - France provides morning-after pill to schoolgirls
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 12:24:13 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

February 8, 2000

France Provides Morning-After Pill to Schoolgirls


RAPPES, France -- The students stopping in at the high school infirmary on
a recent morning here were making their usual requests: Some wanted
aspirin. Others cold medicine. One just wanted a place to cry because she
had flunked a math test.

Soon, however -- as soon as the nurse here gets her supply -- students will
also be able to pick up morning-after pills.

Last month, France became the first country in the world to give its school
nurses the right to dispense emergency contraception pills. The pills are to
be available in both high schools and junior high schools, where students are
as young as 12. Although the nurses are advised to make efforts to inform
the child's parents, they do not have to.

French health and education officials hope the policy will help lower
unwanted pregnancies among teenagers and reduce the country's abortion
rate, among the highest in the European Union, and stubbornly so, as it has
not dropped despite the easier availability of contraception in the past

The measure has found wide support here.

Full Story:

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - French report calls for dissolution of Church of Scientology
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 12:26:44 -0500


Tuesday, February 8 10:16 PM SGT

French report calls for dissolution of Church of Scientology

PARIS, Feb 8 (AFP) - A French government report has described
the Church of Scientology as a dangerous organization that
"threatens public order" and "human dignity" and has called for
its dissolution.

The 60-page report, submitted Monday to Prime Minister Lionel
Jospin, described the US-based group as a "totalitarian" sect
that keeps files containing personal information about its

Full story: (watch the wrap)

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - The 13th apostle walks in Pennsylvania?
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 12:27:27 -0500


Wednesday, February 9 9:35 PM SGT

The 13th apostle walks in Pennsylvania

HAZLETON, Pennsylvania, Feb 9 (AFP) - Since he came here in
sandals and wrapped in a white blanket, the bearded, new apostle
of Jesus Christ has electrified this largely Catholic, ex-mining
town in northern Pennsylvania.

"My name is 'What's your name,' he tells a crowd of people who
have waited in the cold outside the Sacred Heart Church just to
see, hear and touch him.

He wears a clean, white robe under his blanket. He has a thick
beard and his hands are clasped together most of the time. The
feeling of deja vu is overwhelming.

"Jesus of the hearts," says Connie Muir, a teacher and
archivist in this town of 40,000 people. She doesn't think the
stranger is the second coming of Jesus Christ. He's just "his
messenger, his prophet, his new apostle," she said.

Full story: (watch the wrap)

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Arutz-7 News (2/9/00)
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 12:34:56 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

Arutz Sheva News Service
Wednesday, February 9, 2000 / Adar Aleph 3, 5760



If Hizbullah fires katyusha rockets on Israel, "the ground in Lebanon will burn,
and years will be required to repair the damages we will inflict." So warned
Foreign Minister David Levy this afternoon, following a four-hour security
cabinet meeting in Tel Aviv. No operative decisions were announced by the

This morning, Israel Air Force planes attacked Hizbullah targets, following
similar attacks last night upon a radar station in Tyre and two Hizbullah
headquarter buildings. The terrorists fired this morning on IDF and SLA
outposts in the southern Lebanon security zone - causing no damage or
injuries. A "high-ranking Israeli source" told London's Al-Hayat newspaper
that Hizbullah is not expected to shoot katyusha missiles into Israel.


Prime Minister Barak announced a 48-hour state of emergency, beginning
last night, and O.C. Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Gaby Ashkenazy is now
formally the governor of the entire northern region. The army continues to
insist that border residents remain in their bomb shelters - an order which it
can now legally enforce - in the wake of fresh Hizbullah katyusha threats.
Some 80% of the population in Kiryat Shmonah has left the city. Tel Aviv
Mayor Ron Huldai has extended an invitation to the children of Kiryat
Shmonah to take part in recreational and educational activities in Tel Aviv for
the duration of the battles in the north.

Sgt. Amir Meir, who was killed yesterday by a direct Hizbullah missile hit
while guarding the Dla'at base in southern Lebanon, was buried this
afternoon in Ra'anana. Arutz-7's Kobi Finkler reports that IDF sources admit
that Hizbullah has apparently found a "weak point" of the Israeli army, in the
form of its missile-fire upon IDF and SLA outposts. Five Israeli soldiers have
been killed over the past two weeks in direct hits of this nature, and the IDF
is reportedly working feverishly to find a solution for the new phenomenon.
The Hamodia newspaper reported this week that state-of-the-art American
weapons are finding their way from Iran to Hizbullah.


Middle East expert Dr. Eyal Zisser, of the Tel Aviv University, was asked
today how the Syrian government sees Israel's present conflagration with
Hizbullah. "With much satisfaction," was his response, "although the
Syrians do not want the situation to escalate too much to the point where
they themselves would suffer direct damage. They are happy with the
present wretched situation we have brought upon ourselves with the Grapes
of Wrath understandings, where Hizbullah shoots at us and kills our
soldiers, and we can barely respond. Syria has no need to order katyusha
attacks. It feels proud of its ten-year policy of talking in the shadow of the
fighting, where our losses keep mounting, and public opinion has increased in
favor of leaving Lebanon and even the Golan - this can be chalked up as a
Syrian 'success.'"

Asked what impact Israel's bombardment this week of the electric stations
has had in Syria, Zisser said, "It means practically nothing to them. We
have to keep a bit of a long-range perspective: Assad has a great thing
going in most of Lebanon, north of the Litani. He doesn't really care too
much if some Lebanese have a power outage for a while... If we want to
change things, the only way to do so is to bomb Syrian interests in Lebanon

Newspapers in Israel differ as to the best way to deal with the situation in
Lebanon. Ha'aretz feels that the recommended course of action is to quit
Lebanon immediately. "Why wait til July?" the paper asks, and says that a
withdrawal will neutralize Syria's use of Hizbullah as a weapon against Israel.
 Ma'ariv says that the solution lies in resumed talks with Syria in
Shepherdstown. Yediot Acharanot praises the recent Israeli bombardment
for its morale-building within the Israeli public, but offers no practical advice
for the future. HaTzofeh feels that the best course is to continue to bomb
Hizbullah, as well as to begin a massive information campaign explaining to
the world "the true face of Assad, Iran, and Hizbullah" and the futility of the
many efforts to reach true understandings in Lebanon.


Four Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria will be left without IDF
protection as of this evening, in the wake of the army's decision to stop
providing soldier-guards for the communities. The Yesha Council says that
Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh simply did not keep his promise of
last week to examine each community individually and its ability to guard
itself without IDF assistance.

Adi Mintz, chairman of the Forum of Western Binyamin Communities spoke
to Arutz-7 today about the problem and the communities' reaction: "First of
all, it's not particularly comfortable to talk about our security needs on a day
that a fallen soldier is being buried and our citizens in the north are stuck in
their shelters. But it wasn't we who chose the timing - it was rather the
Defense Minister who told us that as of today, the soldier-guards are
abandoning their posts. Our feeling is that we cannot assume the
responsibility that until now the army has taken upon itself... We are not
parasites, and we have taken on ourselves the yoke of participating in guard
duty, in addition to other burdens. Our feeling now is that this is not a
security decision, but a political one by those to whom the settlement
enterprise is a vexing phenomenon, and who wish to simply make life harder
for us. We are not willing to accept this - nor are we physically able to, in
many cases. Take a community like Neriah (North Talmon) - it simply does
not have enough families to protect it in the way that the army thought
necessary up until today... Tonight, we will stop guarding, and are
considering also the idea of returning our weapons to the army."

Western Binyamin, between Ramallah and the Dan region (Tel Aviv), numbers
close to 20,000 people in some ten communities - Nachaliel, Dolev, the
Talmonim, and others in the east, and Kiryat Sefer,
Ofarim, Beit Aryeh and others in the west.


Boaz Melet, a resident of Hilltop #6 near Shvut Rachel, was released on
bail this afternoon after being brutally beaten and arrested by police
yesterday. A resident of the outpost recounted the events of yesterday:
 "Local Arabs apparently complained to the police that we were working on
state-owned lands, which they claim as theirs. The police came yesterday
to confiscate the tractor, although they did not have a warrant to do so.
We were therefore advised by a lawyer not to give them the tractor. Boaz
took his tractor and tried to move it. Police and soldiers ran after him,
and threatened to shoot him if he didn't stop. They then removed him
violently from the tractor, beat him until he bled, and then simply threw
him into the police van. It was simply shocking for us to watch the police
acting in such a way - particularly when we know that when we call them with
complaints of Arab crimes against us, they come slowly and treat them with
kid gloves."

A Jerusalem judge ordered Melet released on 5,000 shekels bail this
afternoon. The police, who in fact took the tractor, claimed in court that he
was "trespassing."


Yonatan Yosef, 20, a grandson of Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, was arrested at 6
AM this morning by the General Security Services, on suspicion of
possessing arms and membership in an extremist organization. Two
searches of his room - which he rents from the Kach-associated Yeshiva of
the Jewish Idea, in which he is not a student - have turned up nothing. The
younger Yosef is close with his renowned grandfather, and is actively against
a withdrawal from the Golan. His family claims that the arrest is of a totally
political nature.


The founding meeting of the United Forum for the Integrity of Jerusalem will
be held in the capital this evening. Backing the efforts are Rabbi Menachem
Porush, Chairman of the Agudath Yisrael organization, and Mr. Benny
Kashriel, Mayor of Ma'aleh Adumim and Chairman of the Yesha Council. The
forum is being founded "in light of the very grave developments regarding the
fate of the neighborhoods surrounding Jerusalem and the plan to transfer
them to the Palestinian Authority." The announcement of the meeting calls
the situation "undoubtedly one that involves danger to life in the fullest sense
of the term." Rabbi Porush was involved in organizing a rally last year that
drew a reported half-a-million people. The new Forum plans a rally for the
unity and safety of Jerusalem - tentatively scheduled for April 5, the day
before Rosh Chodesh Nisan - and is expecting to draw even more

Taking part in the grassroots efforts to familiarize Israelis and tourists with
the eastern half of Jerusalem is a non-profit organization called Kedem
Yerushalayim, which offers low-cost tours to city areas that are otherwise
relatively inaccessible. These include the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood,
just over the main highway leading from the Old City to the northern suburbs;
eight Jewish families now live there as part of the efforts to renew the Jewish
presence in what was a Jewish neighborhood only 50 years ago. The
organization has set itself the goal of "reviving tourism in eastern Jerusalem,"
as well as becoming a center for research on the area. Other sites on the
Kedem itinerary include those in the Upper Kidron Valley, such as the
Tombs of the Kings, Orient House, and the Hadassah Convoy Memorial, as
well as sites in the Old City and Mt. of Olives.


Ma'ariv publisher Ofer Nimrodi will remain in jail until the conclusion of the
trial against him. Tel Aviv District Court Justice Aryeh Ben-Ari ruled today
that the public interest in the continued incarceration of Nimrodi overrules the
latter's right to personal liberty. The judge noted, however, that the
prosecution has insufficient evidence at present to prove Nimrodi's having
conspired to commit murder. Ben-Ari added that many high-ranking police
officers had kept Nimrodi regularly informed of the wiretapping investigation
against him. "There were just a few 'righteous men in Sodom' who did not
cooperate with Nimrodi in this matter," the judge said. Nimrodi's lawyers plan
to appeal.


Education Minister Yossi Sarid's attempt to prevent Jewish outreach
personality Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak from speaking in Jerusalem last night did
not succeed. Sarid claimed that the organizers did not specify why they
wanted to rent the auditorium, and that an appearance by Rabbi Yitzchak is
not a sufficiently good reason to rent out the public facilities. Atty. Yoram
Chacham, representing Rabbi Yitzchak, told Arutz-7 that only four hours
before the talk was to begin, he received official word that by Sarid's order,
the lecture had been cancelled. Sarid had acted at the behest of Jerusalem
City Council Member Ornan Yekutieli (Meretz). "We then turned to the
Jerusalem Magistrates Court with an urgent request to have the order
cancelled," Chacham said. "As far as I know, there is absolutely no
connection between Sarid and the Cultural Centers Company, and in my
opinion, this was a totally illegal order by Sarid, in that he was not authorized
to give it." However, the main claim in court was based on the right to
freedom of speech, and "the Court agreed with this."

Chacham said that it would not be fair to categorize the judicial system in
Israel as being anti-religious, and that "in general, the system tries to carry
out justice for all sectors." He had criticism of Sarid, however: "I can't
understand him. He can't also champion liberal causes and talk about
freedom of speech all the time, while also trying to silence someone like
Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak whose ideas he does not accept."


Former Sephardic Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu has called on the Pope not
to arrive in Israel on Shabbat. The Pope is scheduled to visit Israel in
late March. Rabbi Eliyahu said that it was improper for the Catholic
Church to force Jews in Israel to desecrate the Sabbath. Rabbi Eliyahu
also called on government figures to prevent the Pope's scheduled Shabbat


The number of illegal foreign workers in Israel dropped in 1999 to 80,000. The
Manpower Planning Authority estimates that each illegal worker stays an
average of 18 months. A special Knesset committee for the topic of foreign
workers recently discussed the effect of the non-natives on local
unemployment. Unemployed workers who were invited to the stormy session
blamed the government for purposely ignoring violations by employers who
fire Israelis and hire foreign workers in their place. They called the situation
a "powder keg on the verge of explosion."

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Wal-Mart and Preven
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 18:14:20 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

For those of you that have not heard, Planned Parenthood is planning a
boycott of Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart will not sell Preven. Preven is
being called the "day after" contraceptive. It is not a contraceptive.
The egg will have already been fertilized. This is an abortion device
and Wal-Mart refuses to sell it. Planned Parenthood is asking all
women and the men who agree with a woman's right to choose (to kill) to
boycott Wal-Mart and to write them letting them know why they are being
boycotted. Wal-Mart officials gave an e-mail address for us to write to.
Please let them know we appreciate their stand. We must not let them
down. They are standing up for what is right.

The address is: <> In the
Subject line, write:

Please forward this to everyone and let's let them know that the majority
still supports right to life. Thanks. We really need to support
businesses that take a moral stand on an issue.

Dear Sirs,
     I support your decision not to sell the abortion pill Preven. I will
continue to shop at Wal-Mart. Thank you for your stand.


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Infobeat News items
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 18:26:51 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

*** UN wants say in Khmer Rouge trial

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan remains
firm in demands for international domination of a proposed tribunal
for Khmer Rouge leaders, rejecting key provisions of Cambodia's plan.
In a letter to Cambodian premier Hun Sen, obtained Wednesday by AP,
Annan urged an independent international prosecutor and a majority of
U.N.-appointed judges. Cambodia has rejected such demands as
infringing on its sovereignty. Senior officials who drafted the trial
plan could not immediately be reached for comment. Talks on a court
to judge Khmer Rouge leaders for the death of 1.7 million Cambodians
in the late 1970s have been deadlocked for months. See

*** Russian tanker to unload cargo

MUSCAT, Oman (AP) - A Russian tanker detained by the U.S. Navy for
allegedly smuggling Iraqi oil in violation of U.N. sanctions will
begin unloading its cargo in an Omani port on Thursday, a Foreign
Ministry official said. The oil will be emptied either directly into
storage tanks in the Fahl port, or onto another tanker before being
transferred for storage in the port, the official said Wednesday on
condition of anonymity. The vessel, Volga-Neft-47, was seized Feb. 2
in the Gulf of Oman off the United Arab Emirates on suspicion it was
carrying Iraqi oil. The United States says tests have confirmed that
the tanker was carrying Iraqi crude in violation of U.N. sanctions
that bar Baghdad from selling oil unilaterally. See

*** Israel admits using illegal force

JERUSALEM (AP) - An Israeli government report published Wednesday
acknowledged what Palestinians and human rights groups have said for
years - that Israel systematically used illegal force against
Palestinian suspects during the intefadeh. The State Comptroller's
report, written in 1997 but withheld by the government until now,
said Shin Bet security agents who interrogated suspects also
systematically lied about their actions to their superiors and to the
courts. The report covers the years 1988-92, when the intefadeh, or
Palestinian uprising against Israel, was at its height. Unprecedented
numbers of Palestinians were being arrested and interrogated. See

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Universe's first seconds unveiled
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 18:49:01 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

Universe's first seconds

  'Little bang' experiment helps physicists
understand crucial moments after the 'big

Robert C. Cowen
Special to The Christian Science Monitor

          An international group of
          physicists has reenacted in
miniature the birth of the material universe.

Their so-called "little bang" experiments
re-created conditions thought to prevail just
10 millionths of a second after our universe
appeared in a "big bang" explosion of pure
energy. The experiments, reported today,
created a new state of matter never seen by
physicists before.

It is the kind of matter big-bang theory says
first emerged from the primordial energy.
Then, like steam forming water drops, it
condensed into the familiar forms of matter.

This is "an important
step forward in the
understanding of the
early evolution of the
universe," says Luciano
Maiani, director general
of the European Center
for Particle Physics
(CERN) in Geneva,
where the experiments
took place.

Physicists had been able to backtrack
cosmic evolution to within three minutes
after the big bang using laboratory-tested
theory. That time is when the familiar
matter that makes up atomic nuclei
appeared. Current theory of what happened
before that was unverified. Now that theory
has been laboratory tested to within 10
microseconds after the show began 12 to 14
billion years ago.

Cosmologist John Bahcall of the Institute for
Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., calls it
"a fantastic achievement." He adds, "It will
make a laboratory experiment out of what
was theology."

Scientists from 26 countries joined in seven
key experiments carried out at CERN over
the past six years. It has been an odyssey of
discovery into an uncharted region populated
with strange entities bearing the whimsical
names physicists often give their concepts.

The explorers went in search of what until
now was considered a mythical beast called
a quark-gluon state of matter.

Standard particle theory said it might exist.
Theory also said researchers might never
find it. Quarks - a term co-opted from
James Joyce - underlie nuclear matter. They
make up the protons and neutrons that, in
turn, make up an atomic nucleus.

Gluons are force-related particles that stick
the quarks together. However, theory
predicted and, until now, experiment
confirmed, that gluons bind the quarks so
tightly that quarks could not be pried out of
their proton and neutron cages. Yet theory
also predicted that the first matter to form
from big-bang energy would be a primordial
soup of free-swimming quarks and gluons.

It would take very hot, very dense energy to
brew up that soup. CERN's accelerators
smashed lead nuclei into other lead nuclei
and lead nuclei into gold nuclei to do it. This
produced conditions 100,000 times hotter
than the center of the sun and energy
densities 20 times greater than those in
ordinary atomic nuclei.

Looking at what came flying out of those
conditions in seven different ways, the
experimenters conclude that the mythical
beast is mythical no more.

No one of the seven kinds of measurement
is conclusive. Taken together, they form a
body of circumstantial evidence that CERN
calls "compelling enough to say that we
have formed a new state of matter."

Cern's Dr. Maiani explains that these
experiments have opened "an entirely new
territory to be explored" in studying this
quark-gluon matter. CERN can't pursue this
until a more powerful accelerator begins
operation in 2005. A heavy-nuclei collider at
Brookhaven National Laboratory at Upton,
N.Y., now will take up the chase.

Meanwhile, Dr. Bahcall says, "Physicists
will jump up and down with joy."

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Being here, not there, at the same time
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 18:56:21 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

Being here, not there, at
the same time

Robert C. Cowen

Several years ago, physicists demonstrated
in a lab experiment that an atom can be in
two places at once. Now, they have shown
why this and other strange atomic-scale
behavior don't throw a kaleidoscope of
weirdness into our daily lives.

Environmental effects won't let that happen.

Physicists have believed this to be true ever
since quantum-mechanics theory, to explain
the atomic-scale world, was developed early
in the last century. But they have only
recently been able to explore it in the
laboratory. According to the theory, atoms
and subatomic entities can exist in more
than one state at a time. By "state,"
physicists mean such properties as spatial
location, momentum, or spin. They often
illustrate the theory by analogy with a
marble in a shallow round-bottom bowl. The
marble can be on the right side or the left
side of the bowl - two distinct positions or

As long as these states are not too widely
separated, they are superposed on one
another. "The marble can be simultaneously
at opposite sides of the bowl, rolling from
side to side and through itself at the center,"
according to the announcement of the new
experiments at the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) in
Boulder, Colo.

The two states are sort of stacked one on
top of the other. The scientists call this
superposition. This principle of superposition
is a key part of quantum theory.
Superposition can only exist as long as the
atom is part of a closed system isolated
from outside influence.

Until now, physicists have not been able to
study superposition directly because any
disturbance, such as a measurement, causes
the atom to snap instantly into one of the
states. Then they learned how to use laser
beams and electromagnetic forces to isolate
individual atoms. These atom traps are as
handy an experimental tool for physicists as
test tubes are for chemists. They allow
experimenters to study atoms in isolation.

In 1996, NIST scientists isolated atoms that,
like the mythical marble, were in two
positional states at once. They published
follow-on studies last month in Nature in
which they showed how outside
disturbances destroy superposition. Instead
of working with an atom's spatial location,
they used a beryllium atom that was
simultaneously in two different states as
represented by the way one of its electrons
was spinning. The spin axis could point up or
down. NIST team member Christopher
Monroe says, "It didn't take long" for a tiny
disturbance to force the atom to
unambiguously take up a single state. It had
crossed the boundary between the world of
quantum weirdness and the "real" world we
see around us.

Now physicists can explore this process
step by step. Dr. Monroe explains: "You
need an experiment to cross over the
boundary. This is the first experiment where
we can do this systematically."

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