BPR Mailing List Digest
July 28, 2000

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - July 28, 2000 TV Programs
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 08:28:44 -0400

9:00 PM Eastern

 NBC - DATELINE NBC - Tom Brokaw examines hate

          "Hatred and Hunger; War Without End" - German soldiers feel
          betrayed in the aftermath of the war and Versailles;
          unresolved issues of World War I set the stage for future



 DISC - DISCOVER MAGAZINE - "Science Detectives" -
          Forensic science; DNA testing; high stakes world of


 DISC - STORM WARNING! - "Wind" - Wind's formidable power
          creates fun and fury.(CC)(TVG)

 TLC - UNNATURAL HISTORY OF THE CAR - Habitat effects car

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Comet LINEAR Misbehaves
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 08:56:43 -0400

Comet LINEAR Misbehaves

Comet LINEAR did not become a spectacular naked-eye object as many
stargazers had hoped, but it is intriguing astronomers with its peculiar
dynamic behavior.

July 28, 2000 -- Dashing the hopes of many sky watchers around the world,
comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) was too faint to see with the unaided eye as it
made its closest approach to Earth on July 22nd. Its visual magnitude
appears to have peaked between magnitude +6.0 and +6.5, just below the
threshold for naked-eye observations. Nevertheless, the comet is still a good
target for binoculars or small telescopes. [See Sky & Telescope for finder

LINEAR may have disappointed casual stargazers, but it is intriguing
professional astronomers with unpredictable behavior including jets that are
perturbing the comet's orbit and an outburst in July that may have sent a
fragment hurtling away from the comet's core.

Above: This 3-frame sequence of Hubble Space Telescope images spanning
July 5th through 7th shows the brightness of comet LINEAR increasing by
50% and then subsiding again as it blows off a piece of its crust, like a cork
popping off a champagne bottle. [more information]

Comet LINEAR surprised astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope
(HST) with a brief, violent outburst on July 5, 2000. The comet's brightness
soared by a factor of 1.5 during a four hour period. Two days later
astronomers spotted at least one house-sized fragment trailing the nucleus
by more than 450 km.

"We lucked out completely," said Hubble comet-watcher Harold Weaver of
the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD in a press release. "In one
surge of brilliance this under-performing comet showed us what it could have
been. Comet LINEAR generally has not been as bright as we had hoped, but
occasionally does something exciting."

"The July 5th flare was probably associated with the separation of the
fragment," says Brian Marsden of the Minor Planet Center at Harvard
University. "Fragmentation releases fresh icy material and exposes it to solar
radiation, causing the comet momentarily to brighten."

If such a flare had occurred this week as LINEAR was approaching the Sun
(it was closest to the Sun on July 26th) the comet might have become visible
without a telescope.

Something similar happened to the already-brilliant comet C/1996 B2
(Hyakutake) in 1996. Ground based telescopes recorded transitory flares
while the Hubble Space Telescope and others captured pictures of fragments
flying away from the nucleus (see below).

Like comet Hyakutake, comet LINEAR is a "dirty snowball" from the outer
reaches of the solar system. Its nucleus is laced with volatile gasses that
vaporize furiously as the comet falls toward the Sun. Marsden explains that
this is probably LINEAR's first visit to the inner solar system, and it has a
greater proportion of vaporizable material than comets that have passed by
the Sun many times before (e.g., Halley's Comet). C/1999 S4 is losing so
much of its mass to solar vaporization that it's being pushed and shoved by
the reaction force of its own gaseous jets. Just as a jet airplane under its
own power does not follow a ballistic trajectory, LINEAR's orbit is not a
perfect gravitational ellipse.

Right: This 1996 Hubble Space Telescope picture shows three small pieces
that broke away from the core of comet Hyakutake. The fragments were
forming their own tails when Hubble captured this image. [more information]

"Basically, I think C/1999 S4 is simply a rather small comet," says Marsden.
"If comets of similar composition lose material by means of a constant
shrinking of the radius, the relative mass loss will be largest for the smallest
comets. So that's why the non-gravitational terms in the equations describing
LINEAR's orbit are so large for this first-pass comet, as opposed to C/1956
R1 (Arend-Roland) in 1957, for example."

LINEAR S4's erratic jets make predicting the long term fate of the comet

"The large nongravitational effect complicates the calculation of long-term
motion," continued Marsden. "Without the nongravitational effect, comet
LINEAR would be back in some 30,000 years. With it, I don't know."

Left: Is comet LINEAR breaking up? Mark Kidger, an astronomer at the
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, captured this picture of comet LINEAR's
coma (the cloud of gas surrounding the icy nucleus) on July 25, 2000, using
the one meter Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope in the Canary Islands. The
contours show lines of constant brightness in the inset image. Kidger reports
that the coma has developed a peculiar elongated shape unlike its
appearance on previous nights. He speculates that the rapidly-changing
comet could be fragmenting into smaller pieces following its recent close
pass by the Sun. Click for a side-by-side comparison of contour plots from
July 23rd and July 25th.

Comet LINEAR reached its maximum northern declination on July 18, 2000,
and now it's heading for the southern sky. Amateur astronomers in the
northern hemisphere can track the comet through early August as it moves
from Ursa Major, through Leo and into Virgo. After the beginning of August
the fading comet can be seen best from south of the equator. Southern
observers with access to a telescope are in for a treat on August 20th when
the comet passes close to the Sombrero galaxy (M104). From southern
Africa LINEAR S4 will pass right in front of M104, affording an opportunity for
truly unique astrophotos. [more information from Sky & Telescope]

Above: Science@NASA reader Larry Koehn contributed this illustration of
comet LINEAR's motion through the Solar System. The comet passed 56
million km from Earth on July 22nd and 114 million km from the Sun on July
26, 2000. It appears to be a first-time visitor to the inner solar system
traveling in an orbit that will eventually return it beyond Neptune in 2013.

The Space Telescope Science Institute is operated by the Association of
Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract with
Goddard Space Flight Center. The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of
international cooperation between NASA and the European Space Agency.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Comet S4 Linear Behaving Like Violent SL9 Impactor
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 09:03:51 -0400

Comet S4 Linear Behaving Like Violent SL9 Impactor

                     YOWUSA.COM, July 28, 2000

Astronomer Mark Kidger is keeping a close vigil on Comet S4 LINEAR as it
passes between the Earth and Venus, at the Roque de los Muchachos
Observatory on La Palma.

Hailed as the viewing event of the year by NASA, Comet LINEAR has begun
to defy predictions and has broken apart in much the same manner as
Comet Showmaker-Levy 9. What this comet is going to do next is anyone's

Kidger reports on his web site, that on the evening of the
25th, Comet LINEAR reminded him of the first images of Comet Showmaker-
Levy 9 after it was discovered.

He further goes on to say, "Comet LINEAR really is a first-time object from
the Oort Cloud. In fact, it has fallen in from about 1 light year. However, it has
never behaved like a new comet."

The fact that Comet S4 LINEAR is behaving like Comet Showmaker-Levy 9
(SL9) is of vital interest as SL9 was a likewise unpredictable comet that
impacted Jupiter with violent barrage of fragments.

SEDS: On 1994 July 16-22, over twenty fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy
9 collided with the planet Jupiter. The comet, discovered the previous year by
astronomers Carolyn and Eugene Shoemaker and David Levy, was observed
by astronomers at hundreds of observatories around the world as it crashed
into Jupiter's southern hemisphere.

21 fragments ranging in size between 1 km and 3 km in diameter were
observed as they struck Jupiter. The most violent impactor was fragment G,
which struck with an estimated energy equivalent to 6,000,000 megatons of
TNT. To put this in perspective, if you combined all of the nuclear arsenal
worldwide, that power would be 1/500th of that released by fragment G in a
single event.

What is interesting to note, is that astronomers still cling to NASA's dirty
snowball theory even though it often fails to accurately predict the behavior of
comets like S4 LINEAR.

An alternative to the dirty snowball theory is called the Electric Comet
Theory and the primary theorist is James McCanney, a former Physics
professor from Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. McCanney's theory has
received a "the world is flat and we'll have no more talk of it" type of response
from the American scientific community. Nonetheless, his Electric Comet
Theory is now required reading in Russia's most prestigious universities.

For a layman's introduction to the Electric Comet Theory and how it applies
to comets like S4 LINEAR, you can listen to a Real Audio interview of
McCanney by radio talk show host Chuck Shramek on February 22, 1999.
The Electric Comet, 1 hr. 14 mins.,., James McCanney, Primary Theorist

The interview is admittedly long, but very entertaining and highly informative.
They discuss McCanney's comet theory, Venus, Mars, and the SOHO
satellite that is now monitoring what is as abnormally prolonged and powerful
solar maximum.

Also, you might want to check out the Java Simulator for S4

Does S4 LINEAR present a direct threat to our planet? Some believe is
does represent a threat, but there is no evidence at this time to suggest that
it does.

Nonetheless, this comet is now behaving in a totally unexpected manner and
this should concern us. Why? Because what we think we know about
comets is obviously off the mark. For this reason, YOWUSA.COM will
continue to follow events as they unfold around S4 LINEAR.

Comet, July 27, 2000
On The Death Of A Comet, Java Simulator
Comet C/1999 S4 LINEAR
Students for the Exploration and
Development of Space (SEDS)
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Back to the Beginning
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 09:40:27 -0500

Back to the Beginning.

Some scientists seek to learn what will happen in the future on earth,
below the earth and/or above the earth. Others seek to learn what has
happened in the past to bring the material world to its present state.
This latter group have studied the 'origin' of things upon the earth,
below the earth, in the oceans and above the earth. Their studies of
things upon the earth have led them to conclude that many millions of
years ago there were huge creatures on the earth that we now call
'dinosaurs' and that these huge creatures were killed off, very
suddenly. The reason for their demise, however, has not been clear.
Those who have been studying what happened in the past, in the oceans,
have recently concluded the sudden disappearance of as many as 80% of
deep-sea species was a result of the rapid release of huge reservoirs
methane gas trapped beneath the ocean floor. It is thought this
happened during 'prehistoric global warming', that it resulted in a
sudden depletion of much of the sea's oxygen and this resulted in the
disappearance of these deep-sea species. They also suspect that such
massive methane release would also have resulted in prehistoric mass
extinctions on the surface of the earth. Such as the demise of

 For some time I have thought the Genesis account that follows, "In
beginning God…", could be interpreted to mean that, after "… God
created heaven and earth", there was an unknown period of time during
which the heaven and earth God created were in existence before it
without form and void." Why and how it was made 'without form and
is not spelled out in the Bible. There is reason to believe the
and the earth God created, 'in the beginning', were created for the
purpose of 'accommodating' Satan and his followers. When iniquity was
found in Satan it was necessary for God to expel Satan from His house
(eternity) and we know there were a number of angels who chose to
Satan when he was expelled. Therefore it is reasonable to assume, I
think, that they were all placed in the heaven and on the earth God
created, "In the beginning…".

The only clues we have as to what transpired on the earth during this
period of time are those the scientists have uncovered, dinosaurs and
many deep-sea species of life about which we know relatively little.
have no knowledge of what the sea species were like but, if they bore
any resemblance to the land creatures we call 'dinosaurs' we are, I
think, better off without them. Further, since I find it difficult to
accept that God would have made anything as grotesque as the
'dinosaurs', I think they were made by Satan and the 'why' the earth
made without form and void was that the 'life' forms on earth became
horrible and vile God was forced to wipe them all out - 20% of the sea
species, however, were clean. The 'how' could be what the scientists
have recently concluded, a massive methane release. This would not
account for the extermination of 80% of the creatures in the sea but
the complete extermination of all forms of life on the surface of the
earth and in the heaven, if there were any such in the heaven.
 It is interesting to note, I think, that when conditions on the earth
became so horrible and vile, in the time of Noah, God used a natural
substance, a liquid, water, to effect the extermination of all the
forms on earth and in the sky. In the first case He used another
natural substance, gas, a massive release of methane gas. During the
tribulation He will probably use solids to effect the extermination of
life forms.

The first 'destruction' of life on the earth and in the seas occurred,
apparently, very suddenly. But, at the time of Noah, there were, on
earth, the descendants of the males and females God created on the
day and the descendants of Adam and Eve, along with a mixture of
God did not, therefore, bring unannounced, cataclysmic destruction, on
the earth. It took Noah and his three sons many years to build the arc
so there was ample warning given to the inhabitants of the earth. God
had told Noah why he was to build the ark and, in view of the fact
Noah was not told to keep it a secret, it is reasonable to assume that
when he was asked what he was doing and why he was doing it, Noah
have explained. It would appear, therefore that God gave those who
alive, at the time of Noah, lots of time to believe but they did not.

Flash forward to the year 2000 AD. The Bible has many prophecies
relating to the second coming to earth of the Lord, Jesus Christ to
begin His 1,000 year reign which speak of the terrible times that will
precede it. The Bible also spells out what world conditions will be
like materially, politically and spiritually both immediately before
during those times.

Many sincere students of the word are seeking to warn the people of
world that they are just around the corner but most do not even
let alone believe, the warnings. When Noah finished the ark, he and
sons rounded up the creatures which were to go into the ark with him
and, when that was done, Noah and his family entered the ark; God
the door of the ark, and the rains came and covered all the earth.
Noah, his family and the living creatures were all saved.

In the near future the 'second Adam', Jesus Christ, who has been in
heaven preparing a place for His bride for over 1,900 years, will come
to take His bride to the place He has prepared for her and, when He
done so, the door to salvation will be closed. Those who have not
believed Him and those who have believed Him but have not turned their
lives over to Him, will be left behind to face the tribulation.
However, even during that terrible time, there will be hope, not of
salvation, but of eternal life, and for those who are 'blessed'
12:12), the 'Noah's' of the new age, a 'new' life in their natural
state, in the 1,000 year kingdom of Our Lord. Praise the Lord!

Men are being warned, today, but will they listen, and believe? You
tell me.

-- Charlie

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Real World News - 07/28/00
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 12:45:07 -0500

Selected items from:

REAL WORLD NEWS 07/28/2000

Visit Real World News online at

Yassir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, is expected to extend his Sept
13 deadline for the declaration of an independent state to give a
breathing space for stalled peace talks. Diplomats said Mr Arafat,
who has been blamed by Washington for the collapse of the Camp David
summit with Israel, is under pressure to show flexibility. Washington
has made clear to Mr Arafat that any unilateral action in September
would be dangerous and could deprive his fledgling state of full
rr rrrq&pg=/et/00/7/28/wmid28.html

Congressional figures are now openly saying the real reason behind
the United States' proposed missile defence shield is a perceived
threat from China. "The Clinton Administration fears mentioning the
'C' word: China," said Peter Brookes, the principal adviser to a
Republican-dominated congressional committee on East Asian affairs.
"Washington should stop denying that there is a link between China's
nuclear modernisation, conventional military build-up and
proliferation practices and the requirement for ballistic missile

The nation's worst fire season in four years grew worse Friday as an
18,000-acre blaze forced hundreds of evacuations at the Idaho
National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. Some 1,800
employees were ordered out of three buildings at the sprawling
eastern Idaho complex as a precaution, said Jason Bohne, a lab
spokesman. There were no injuries. No widespread damage has been
reported at the 890-square-mile facility, but Bohne said a small fire
"went into" a reactor test area before it was contained.,1038,500233094-500339054-50194227

The editor of the leading Saudi-owned daily, Asharq al-Awsat,
yesterday launched a blistering attack on Palestinian Authority
Chairman Yasser Arafat for his refusal to strike a deal at Camp
David. The attack, coming from one of the most important newspapers
in the Arab world, is thought to be particularly significant, as it
is likely to reflect official Saudi thinking.

President Clinton warned in remarks broadcast on Friday of
far-reaching ramifications if Middle East leaders took unilateral
actions and torpedoed the peace process. ``I think it would be a big
mistake to take a unilateral action and walk away from the peace
process, and if it happens, there will inevitably be consequences not
just here but throughout the world,'' Clinton said on Israel Radio.

Russia is interested in building a democratic world order, President
Vladimir Putin said Thursday as he accepted credentials from seven
new ambassadors to Moscow. Putin said the United Nations should
continue to play a central role in the world, and that the U.N.
Security Council should increase its effectiveness. ``On the
international arena, Russia will strive for construction of a
democratic world order ruled by the law of equality, mutual respect,
a balance of interests and humanism,'' Putin said.

A volcano on the Kamchatka peninsula in Russia's far east erupted
Friday, throwing ash up to three kilometers (two miles) into the air,
ITAR-TASS news agency reported. A thick cloud of ash formed south of
the Klyuchevskoy volcano, Kamchatka's highest at 4,750 meters, and
could force aircraft to make a detour, local emergency services were
quoted as saying. There are some 120 volcanos, 28 of them active, on
the almost-uninhabited Kamchatka peninsula.�ion=default

Nicholas II, the last Tsar of Russia, is on the way to sainthood
after a concerted campaign of films, lectures, ikons and exhibitions
extolling the ruler executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918. The campaign
has jumped the gun on the Russian Orthodox church which has not yet
formally decided on canonisation, but is expected to sanctify the
former ruler in mid-August. "The tsar has already been sanctified,
without the green light of the patriarchy," said Mikhail Odeski, a
specialist in Russian religious writing.
oo d.html

The UK's economy is getting into step with the eurozone, and the
country could benefit from joining the euro, according to a report
from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. A
report from the House of Commons Treasury select committee, to be
published on Friday, is expected to come to similar conclusions. The
study comes a day after the leak of a memo by Tony Blair, in which
the prime minister argued the political case for joining the single
currency was "overwhelming".

Couples, both heterosexual and homosexual, will be allowed to have
sex in public places under controversial proposals to be unveiled by
the London Home Office this week. Planned reforms to the law on
sexual offences would sweep away the current total ban on public gay
sex. Outdoor sex will be illegal only if police can prove those
involved should have known it would seriously offend other people.
=3 02270&in_review_text_id=246311

Inspired by the Ridley Scott film Gladiator, modern Romans have
inundated a course offering lessons in how to fight to the death in
the arena. Bank clerks, accountants and traffic wardens have turned
to a gladiators' school on the old Appian Way, along which several
thousand rebellious slaves, led by the gladiator Spartacus, were
crucified, providing the climax of an earlier hit film.
kk kkku&pg=/et/00/7/28/wglad28.html

China and India, the world's most populous states, said on Friday
globalisation was a mixed blessing for developing countries, bringing
economic riches to poor countries but also harsh competition and
disruptive change.

Every school in England has been sent advice from the Government
discouraging pupils under 16 from using mobile phones. The advice
follows the report in May of the Independent Expert Group on Mobile
Phones which recommended that children should not use them for
non-essential calls. Guidance sent to every school this month states:
"Children aged 15 and under . . . are likely to be more vulnerable to
any unrecognised health risks from mobile phone use than are adults
because their nervous systems are still developing."

The American space agency, Nasa, has announced plans to send at least
one new unmanned probe to Mars. A Nasa spokesman, Edward Weiler,
said a robot vehicle capable of landing and travelling 100 metres a
day on the Martian surface would be launched in 2003 for a landing a
year later.

Baseball-size bullfrogs are invading large areas of British Columbia
and endangering native species with their hearty appetites, according
to a Canadian biologist. The intruding Rana Catesbeiana, more
commonly known as the American Bullfrog, is the largest frog in North
America with females weighing up to 24.5 ounces.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 12:50:53 -0500

Date sent: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 10:24:22 EDT
Subject: CANNIBALIZING JERUSALEM by Emanuel A. Winston


Please disseminate & re-post. If you publish, send us a copy.

Please see our web sites at & (FREEMAN CENTER)

by Emanuel A. Winston
Middle East Analyst & Commentator

The famous explorer and anthropologist, Professor Richard Leakey
(among others) has scoured Africa looking for origins of the human
species. When he finds human remains, he occasionally finds scar
marks on the bones, indicating that person was the victim of
cannibalism. Anthropologists know that cannibalism isn't merely
indicative of a hunt for meat but rather a superstitious ritual
wherein the victor seeks to absorb his enemies' strength. That
practice and ritual of absorbing your enemies' strength and spirit
was elevated as nations sought to capture their enemies' lands and,
above all, their self-identified island of strength . . . their
capital cities.

Jerusalem became a prime target for many nations and religions. Time
and again great armies swept over the land with the prize being
Jerusalem. Why, you may ask, would any conquering army want a rocky
promontory that had no wealth to speak of . . . no gold or precious
stones . . . no agriculture . . . no water? What did Jerusalem have
that was so valuable that she drew great armies and nations like a

The answer was that the golden city of Jerusalem, held "A Promise!"
She held what all men wanted. She held the Promise of Life after
Death. You couldn't see it. You couldn't touch it but it must be
there because the Jews built a Temple around it.

It became known among the nations that the Jews had somehow made a
contract with a powerful G-d one couldn't see or hear, but who
clearly radiated power and miracles. But, all nations, even every
individual village, had numerous gods (idols) they could see and
worship. What was different about a people who worshiped only one
G-d? The word spread that the Jews, indeed, found the one true G-d
and had made a Holy House for Him to dwell within. The new G-d could
give you everything you ever wanted: riches, good crops, many healthy
children and even help you defeat the strongest of enemies. But,
above all, He could give man what he really wanted most, namely, life
after death. Now, all one had to do was to capture this new G-d, held
in the Jews' Temple in Jerusalem. So, they came in waves and, indeed,
succeeded in capturing Jerusalem -many different captors, many
different times. They built temples, churches and mosques over the
Holy of Holies of the Jews, thinking to contain this new, most
powerful G-d for themselves.

All tried to absorb that invisible power but, in the end, all they
had were cold stones. The essence and spirit of G-d was all around
them but they could not touch It. The Jews somehow could feel the
Spirit as the essence of G-d, which ebbed and flowed through them.
For this they were hated and driven from the Land of Eretz Yisrael.
If they, the conquerors, could not have the G-d of the Jews, then
they would destroy His dwelling place and deny it to the Jews.

More armies came to cannibalize Jerusalem but, none could bring
themselves to claim her as their capital. To the victorious invader,
Jerusalem was a city of cold stone. Only Jews seemed able to draw
warmth from this rocky place. Only when the Jews had it in their
hands did the gold of the stones glow with warmth. After each
conquest, the victors tired of the place because it did not deliver
the magic they expected and they allowed it to sink into poverty and

Christianity and Islam have been eternal mortal enemies theologically
and militarily. Each claims dominance over the other and both claim
they are the rightful heirs to the Jews' Covenant with G-d. Both
slaughtered the other in their claims over Jerusalem and the victor
always denied the other access to their churches or mosques.
Consistent with this philosophy of denial, the Palestinian clerics
have declared that no Jew will be allowed to worship or set foot in
the Mea'arat HaMachpelah (Cave of the Patriarchs - the burial cave of
Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca; Jacob and Leah) or the Temple
Mount (which they now consider a mosque where Jews are not permitted.)

When they found they could not actually capture the Spirit within the
Holy Temple, they build their own churches or mosques on top of the
Jewish Temple, as if to hold down and contain the spirit within.
Often the victors built their religious symbols on the foundations of
each other's places of worship to demonstrate their superiority. Like
the earlier cannibals, there was the thought that they could absorb
the strength of the vanquished.

In the end, all they could do is to plunder the symbols of the Jews
to carry back to their capital cities. The Golden Menorah looted by
the Roman soldiers from the Jewish Temple may yet be in the vaults of
the Vatican in the hope that such a treasure carved by Jewish
artisans according to G-d's instructions may offer some mystical
benefits to her captors. In ancient times the Holy Ark that housed
the Covenant was once captured by the Philistines.. Its captors began
to die with the plague. They got frightened and soon returned it to
the Jews.

It is now the year 2000. Because of Jewish law, for the first time
both Christianity and Islam have unimpeded access to their places of
worship. Yet, both proclaim to the world they want Jerusalem
internationalized so they could have free access to their places of
worship. They are creating the Big Lie in their war of words.
Assaulting Jerusalem can be done by armies with weapons or armies of
diplomats with words - or with both.

Once again the City is about to be invaded. Once again, primitive
nations and people will attempt to cannibalize the Spirit of
Jerusalem. This time, the Jews' sworn enemies and enemies to each
other, have united in the belief that they can conquer the City, the
dwelling place of the G-d of the Jews and own for themselves the
ethereal spirit that flows through the City.

The armies are now composed somewhat differently. Now the advance
team consists of politicians and media spokespersons. Their job is to
convince the people that Jerusalem is not the capital and soul well
of the Jews but rather, rightfully belongs to all other claimants.
Part of the process is to recruit non-observant Jews with promises of
power and participation in the New World Order in which they will be
more easily accepted for assisting in de-Judaizing Jerusalem.

The deep history of the Jews is no longer mentioned in today's news
reports from the flagship media outlets (print and TV). Politicians
from the nations speak of peace with words that blame the Jews for
the unrest of primitive claimants. All of these people and nations
have welded themselves into an advance guard to prepare the world for
the follow-on assault to be carried out by the Arab nations, with
assistance by the Western countries.

I believe that this time, the wrath of HaShem will be so aroused that
He will consume the invaders. In a fury He will reach out across the
nations to destroy them. Instead of honoring G-d's devoted servants
and messengers, they have hated His Chosen and tried to destroy them.
Instead of peacefully coming to Jerusalem to offer supplication and
praise to G-d, they have come with deadly weapons to conquer and
present G-d with a petition of their selfish demands.

I believe these would-be conquerors are prepared to unlock the last
door behind which is an unimaginable fury. When unleashed, it will
sweep away the arrogant, leaving a remnant of the good. The key is in
the lock. Now, all it needs is for the conquerors to turn it.


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Weekend News Today (7/28/00)
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 17:30:28 -0400

Abdullah and Mubarak to meet to revies how to support the PA

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: Jordan Times

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- King Abdullah is due to meet President Hosni Mubarak in
Egypt on Monday as part of joint efforts to muster support for Palestinian
negotiators following the failed Camp David summit, Jordan's Foreign
Minister Abdul Ilah Khatib said. King Abdullah and Mubarak last met in
Cairo in April. They have been in direct contact with Arafat throughout
the two- week summit in the US state of Maryland. Khatib met his Egyptian
counterpart Amr Musa in Alexandria on Saturday to discuss the Camp David
summit, which collapsed on Tuesday. He said Jordan would pursue contacts
with the concerned parties to help achieve progress, in the next “few
decisive weeks” before the “crucial Sept. 13 deadline,” when Arafat is
expected to declare an independent Palestinian state.

Khatib warned that “the entire region was bound to be affected by a
(possible) deterioration of the situation,” unless both parties reach a
settlement on time. He called on all Arab countries “to back the
Palestinian negotiators at this crucial juncture.” A senior Israeli
negotiator is also due in Amman within a few days to brief officials on
the peace negotiations, added Khatib. “According to initial reports we
received from the negotiators, Camp David has bridged the gap between the
two sides on certain subjects,” Khatib said.

He also said the weeks leading up to the target date of Sept. 13 for a
unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state were “decisive and of
extreme importance.” A senior Israeli negotiator is also due in Amman
within a few days to brief officials on the peace negotiations, added
Khatib. He did not name the Israeli official. “According to initial
reports we received from the negotiators, Camp David has bridged the gap
between the two sides on certain subjects,” Khatib said.

Khatib reiterated Jordan's support for the right of Palestinians to an
independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Israel claims
Jerusalem as its indivisible eternal capital. The Kingdom, which lost East
Jerusalem along with the rest of the West Bank during the 1967
Arab-Israeli war, still assumes a role as custodian of the Muslim holy
places in the eastern part of the city. Jordan, which hosts 41 percent of
the nearly 3.5 UN- registered Palestinian refugees, has a crucial stake in
a lasting Middle East settlement.

Ending an unjust policy in the Red Cross

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: Arutz-7

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- U.S. Senator Peter G. Fitzgerald (R-Illinois) this week
introduced a Senate resolution urging the International Red Cross and Red
Crescent Movement to officially recognize the Magen David Adom (MDA)
Society - Israel's equivalent of the American Red Cross - as a full
member. The American Red Cross has called the present policy of its
international parent organization "an injustice of the highest order."

MDA has been excluded from the International Red Cross Movement due to a
claim that its 70-year-old emblem, the Red Shield of David, is
unacceptable under current Red Cross guidelines. International Red Cross
rules state that post-1949 entrants to the Movement must use the Red Cross
emblem. While MDA has been denied full membership in the network under
that rule, 25 other national societies using non-Red Cross emblems have,
nevertheless, been admitted since that time.

Old City joins struggle against Barak

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: Arutz-7

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- Residents of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of
Jerusalem have begun their struggle against Prime Minister Barak's plan to
divide Jerusalem, which includes the transfer of quarters of the Old City
to Palestinian control. They erected a protest tent in the heart of the
Jewish Quarter this week, and are distributing informational materials to
visitors. The protest tent will also operate on Shabbat. Yesterday,
hundreds of Old City Jews marched to Barak's residence and demonstrated
against his intention to divide Jerusalem.

Egypt forges united Arab stance

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: Arutz-7

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is orchestrating a
Pan- Arab summit in Gaza for Sept. 13, the day on which Arafat has
threatened to declare a Palestinian state. Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr
Moussa announced yesterday that Egypt would immediately recognize a
unilaterally- declared Palestinian state. Asked whether such a position
does not constitute a violation of the peace agreement between Israel and
Egypt, Moussa said that Israel itself has already violated the pact by its
"unilateral establishment of settlements." Meanwhile, US President Clinton
is dispatching Assistant Secretary of State Edward Walker to Arab capitals
to press leaders there to convince Yasser Arafat to relax his stances on
Jerusalem and Arab refugees.

Yesha Council decides: Topple Barak

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: Arutz-7

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- After much internal debate, the Council of Jewish
Communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza (Yesha) has decided to work
towards the immediate toppling of the Barak government. The decision was
prompted by information that despite the collapse of the Camp David
summit, Prime Minister Barak is still fervently working towards a
final-status deal with the Palestinians. Yesha Council officials are now
coordinating efforts with other extra-parliamentary groups to convince
Knesset members from both the Shas and United Torah Judaism parties to
support Monday's no-confidence motion against Barak.

Barak says another summit is possible

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: Ha'aretz

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- A basis for continuing the peace talks with the
Palestinians exists and within the weeks ahead, it should become clear if
it would be possible to complete the process, perhaps via another summit
meeting, Barak said yesterday. Briefing Labor Party cabinet ministers on
the summit at his office in the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, Barak said
he is not enthusiastic about the idea of another summit meeting, but he
does intend to give top priority to pursuing the avenues toward peace and
securing an agreement with the Palestinians.

However, he added, that it could turn out that the Palestinians are bent
on a confrontation, in which case he will form an "emergency government."
"We will have a few weeks of uncertainty: Will we need a narrow-based
government, a government along the lines of the previous one or a national
emergency government?" Barak said.

IDF commander calls for increased cooperation with PA forces

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: IsraelWire

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- The government�s Coordinator of Activities in Judea,
Samaria & Gaza, Major-General Yaakov Ohr met with his PLO Authority (PA)
counterparts, along with IDF Chief of Staff Lt-Gen Shaul Mofaz. Emerging
from the meeting, both senior commanders stated the PA is not interested
in violence at this time, something that would serve to harm PA interests
at this stage of the negotiations. Mofaz also ordered senior commanders to
work to increase and improve professional cooperation between IDF and PA
security forces to maintain calm throughout the region.

'It is difficult to determine that flying the national flag on Temple
Mount is against the law'

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: IsraelWire

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- On Tuesday, Hebron resident Noam Federman (formerly of
the Kach movement) raised an Israeli flag on Temple Mount in Jerusalem. As
a result the Israeli police demanded that an injunction be issued against
Federman, preventing him from visiting the Temple Mount area for 45 days.
On Wednesday afternoon Judge Strauss of the Jerusalem Magistrate�s Court
refused to issue the injunction, saying in his decision, "it is difficult
to determine that flying the national flag on Temple Mount is against the

CNN grants Jerusalem autonomy

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: IsraelWire

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- If one goes to the weather page of the Cable News
Network, one will find that officials at CNN have decided to cut off
Jerusalem from Israel, apparently due to recent claims to the capital by
Arafat and the PLO Authority. Unlike other cities, Jerusalem is no longer
listed with a state or country, is no longer under the “Israel” listing,
and remains isolated under its own listing, not connected to any country.

MK Ras calls for reclassifying 'settlers'

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: IsraelWire

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- MK Mossi Raz of the left-wing Meretz party has called
upon Barak to reclassify the residents of Yesha communities, calling for
the removal of “preferred” status pertaining to building, mortgages and
other financial dealings. Raz also called for a decision that would bar
anyone moving to a Yesha community from now on from receiving any
compensatory payments in the event they are uprooted by the government in
the future.

Arafat rejected US offer of Jerusalem office

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: IsraelWire

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- Arafat rejected a US offer at Camp David of a Jerusalem
office. According to advisor to the prime minister and member of the Camp
David team attorney Gilad Sher, Arafat turned down the offer since it did
not include PA sovereignty over the Old City of Jerusalem. Sher spoke of
the significant progress made during the two-week Camp David II summit,
explaining the June 1967 “Green Line” was eradicated once and for all.

Barak's new secret defense appointment

                         Weekend News Today
                         By Andra Brack
                         Source: IsraelWire

Fri Jul 28,2000 -- Prime Minister/Defense Minister Ehud Barak has
appointed former General Security Service (GSS/Shin Bet) chief Avraham
Shalom, who was forced to resign in 1986 over the Bus 300 scandal, to a
secret new part- time defense position. Sources said that Shalom will
oversee matters related to security and information flow. Shalom received
an "advance pardon" from then-president Chaim Herzog before resigning as
Shin Bet chief. Several inquiry panels had found Shalom responsible for
the 1984 order to "terminate" two Arabs captured after they hijacked a
passenger bus. They were beaten to death in a Shin Bet cover-up.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Clinton Promises Review of Embassy Move to [West] Jerusalem
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 17:36:14 -0400

Friday July 28 11:51 AM ET
 Clinton Promises Review of Embassy Move
 to Jerusalem

 JERUSALEM (Reuters) - President Clinton said in an interview due to be
 broadcast Friday that he would seriously review the possibility of moving the
 U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

 Speaking to Israel Television, Clinton said he wanted to strengthen strategic
 and diplomatic ties with Israel following the 15-day Israeli-Palestinian Camp
 David peace summit outside Washington. The summit ended without
 agreement but Clinton was full of praise for Israeli Prime Minister Ehud

 ``I have always wanted to move our embassy to West Jerusalem. We have a
 designated site there,'' Clinton said, adding that he had not taken action
 previously because he did not want to undermine Washington's ability to
 broker Middle East peace.

 ``But in light of what has happened (at Camp David), I've taken that decision
 under review and I'll make a decision some time between now and the end of
 the year on that,'' said Clinton, whose eight years in office will end in
 The White House released a text of his remarks.

 Congress passed a bill in 1995 aimed at moving the embassy to Jerusalem
 but Clinton has repeatedly made use of an escape clause in the bill allowing
 him to postpone the move indefinitely on the grounds of national security.
 Most of the world does not recognize Israel's annexation of Arab East
 Jerusalem captured in the 1967 Middle East war.

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