BPR Mailing List Digest
May 22, 2000

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - May 22,2000 TV Programs
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 08:24:52 -0400

9:00 PM Eastern

   Photography" - George Eastman introduces the Kodak and
   Brownie camera systems to the photographic

 HIST - SPY WEB - "U.S. Army Intelligence" - The Intelligence
   service traces its roots to Revolutionary War hero Nathan

 TLC - POLICE, CAMERA, ACTION! - "Global Menace" - A police
   helicopter pursues a menacing driver; car thief; video
          records bad drivers.(CC)


 PBS - THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE - "Edison's Miracle of
   Light" - Thomas Alva Edison announces his plan to produce an
          electric light for consumer use.(CC)(TVG)

 CNN - CNN NEWSSTAND - The government is preparing for
          biochemical terrorist attacks.(CC)

 DISC - IF WE HAD NO MOON - Without the moon, life as we know
          it would cease to exist.(CC)(TVG)

 TLC - POLICE, CAMERA, ACTION! - "Police Pursuit" -
   Technology thwarts car thieves; dog has camera; young drivers
   witness the results of their carelessness firsthand in the
          emergency room.(CC)

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Religion and Biology
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 08:37:27 -0400

RELIGION AND BIOLOGY Guide to Anthropology, Alec Christensen, writes
about recent studies which have examined the biological
relationships between different Jewish populations and have
found a correlation between genetics and religion. What do
these findings mean?

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - FW: Condition Red
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 09:12:32 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: "Rapture Watch" []
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 2:14 PM
To: Rapture Watch
Subject: Condition Red

Rapture Watch

Condition Red

In areas calling for preparedness, the terms condition white,
yellow or red are often used as descriptions for a level of
urgency or danger being produced by a certain situation or
combination of circumstances. White meaning that all is
well, yellow calling for caution with red meaning certain

To Bible prophecy students observing the dramatic increase in
the appearance of the signs foretold for the close of
this age, the present condition calling for the Church's full
preparedness to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the air
before the final seven year Tribulation Period begins is a
flashing red. (II Thessalonians 4:15-18).

On May 14, 1948, when the British mandate expired in the region
at midnight the Jewish National Council officially
proclaimed the State of Israel. U.S. recognition came within
hours, and on May 15th Jordanian and Egyptian forces
invaded the new nation. (The 1992 Information Please Almanac).

This day of May 14, on which this message is being written is
the towering date heralding the imminent close of this
age of corruption. Thus making all last days Bible prophecy
take on the relevancy of an alarm clock ticking off its
final increments of time. A brief look at news items warns us
just how near the fateful alignment of the hour, minute
and second hands of God's endtime clock really are.

For more information regarding any of the prophecies generally
referred to in this report please contact us and we
will direct you to more in-depth messages concerning the
appropriate subject.

According to the Word of God, Israel will soon be in a war
against Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt
and the Palestinians (see Psalm 83).

World news reports the following:

"Katyusha rockets continue to pound Israel" (Israel Wire, May
4, 2000).

"Israeli-Lebanese fighting intensifies" (Rueters, May, 5, 2000).

"Beirut sets new pullout demand" (Jerusalem Post, May 7, 2000).

"Mofaz: Don't discount Syria's armed might - The Syrian Army has
been upgrading its weaponry in preparation for
a confrontation with Israel, according to Chief of General Staff
Lt. Gen. Shaul Mofaz." (Jerusalem Post, May 8,

"Confrontations continue in south Lebanon" (Arabic News, May 9,

"Israel, Hizbullah resume fighting in S. Lebanon" (Middle East
News Line, May 10, 2000).

"Israeli raids on Lebanon condemned by Arab world - The Arab
world roundly condemned Israel's raids on
Lebanon, with the Arab League issuing a fresh call...for a
freeze in the normalization of relations with the Jewish
state. Saudi Arabia would offer whatever was needed "to
consolidate Lebanon's steadfastness," according to
Lebanese officials..." (Yahoo! News, May 6, 2000).

"Israel retaliates against guerillas in Lebanon" (Colorado
Springs Gazette, May 14, 2000).

According to the Word of God also recorded in Psalm 83 every
member country of the Arab League which make
their decision to attack Israel in this planned invasion will be
defeated. Current world news reports forecast Israel's
resolve to fight this upcoming war with their full fury.

"U.S. Secretary of Defense: Israel will strike back if provoked"
(Israel Wire, May 2, 2000).

"Cohen warns against attacking Israel after its withdrawal from
Lebanon" (Arabic News, May 2, 2000).

In a May 9, 2000 United Press International article titled,
"Barak warns Syria over any possible attacks" the Israeli
prime minister was quoted as stating:

"I do not advise anyone to try and hurt the State of Israel, or
its army when we are deployed on the border of
Israel...When I say everybody, I mean everybody, those who act
directly and those who are behind them, on this
side of the border and on the other side...(we shall) have more
freedom of action than when we are in Lebanon...The
world will understand Israel better when it strikes back after
it complies with UN Security Council Resolution 425 [in
July 2000] and leaves Lebanon."

We are told in Zephaniah Chapter 2 that this war will take place
when the modern-day Philistines (that is the
Palestinians) will form an undesired nation.

A May 2, 2000 Associated Press Article which headlined,
"Israel: Palestinian State Exists Now" quoted Israeli
cabinet minister Haim Ramon as stating that, "A Palestinian
state is already a fact, and an Israeli-Palestinian peace
treaty will simply define its limitations...Ramon generally
speaks for the prime minister, but it was not clear whether
he did so today."

In Daniel Chapter 9, we are shown that at the close of this age
a dominating leader will arise over a restored Roman
Empire and will strengthen a seven year treaty with Israel and
many others. The present-day European Union has all
the needed credentials to fulfill the role of the revived Roman
Empire. That its members are seeking one man to lead
the confederation found support in the May 13, 2000 Electronic
Telegraph which headlined, "German call for EU
superstate." The article reported that:

"Joschka Fischer, Germany's foreign minister, called for a
European federal superstate with its own elected president
and written constitution...he proposed a European government
with "far reaching executive powers."

Europe's interest in strengthening a peace plan between Israel
and her neighbors was touched on in a May 9, 2000
Arabic News article which headlined, "Moratinos: Europe exerts
intensive efforts to stop escalation against
Lebanon." Miguel Moratinos is the European Union's envoy
representative for the Middle East peace process.
Israel's interest in having a past treaty strengthened was
highlighted in an April 29, 2000 Denver Post article which
headlined, "Israel interested in 1993 boundary." The 1923
boundary being referred to was a boundary originally
designated by present-day EU members Britain and France. The
boundary was reaffirmed in a 1949 armistice

Ezekiel 38:11, reveals that after this treaty is strengthened
Israel will be dwelling safely in unfortified cities. It is our
opinion, that this means Israel's nuclear deterrent will also
have been removed. Two Middle East News Line articles
of May 7th and 10th, 2000 would seem to support this
consideration when reviewing the condemning headlines
which read, "Arab League wants [nuclear] Non-Proliferation
Treaty to name Israel" and "Israel singled out in
Non-Proliferation Treaty draft."

Sometime between now and the confirming of the seven year
covenant described in Daniel 9:27, we believe the
Church of Jesus Christ will be glorified before proceeding
immediately on to heaven with the Lord (I Corinthians
15:51-55). Whether we as believers will remain on this earth to
witness part of, all, or none of the preliminary
Arab-Israeli war we cannot say - but it will not be long before
we learn the answer. We can and do boldly declare the
condition at present is red. End the sin in your life this very
moment by turning them over in faith to the Saviour
Jesus Christ who shed His atoning blood in an unconditional
offering for total forgiveness and "Though your sins
be as scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they be
red like crimson, They shall be as wool." (Isaiah

Unfortunately the vast majority of people in these last days
will disregard the warnings and instead will choose to
gamble their eternal fates at the cost of running a red light.
And by so choosing will be left behind at the rapture and
risk everlasting sorrow by hardening themselves against future
invitations for salvation. Call upon the Lord while He
is near - if you do you can quote from an old poem that shared
"I'm drinking from the saucer because my cup is

Your Brother and friend in Christ,
May 14, 2000

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - The Gifts of The Jews: an Issue Book Review, David Brickner, Reviewer
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 11:45:45 EDT

The Gifts of the Jews: How a tribe of desert nomads changed the way everyone
thinks and feels.
Thomas Cahill - Nan A. Talese, Anchor Books, 291 pp
Issues, Vol 13.2 , A Messianic Jewish Perspective
David Brickner, Reviewer

 When considering the contribution of the Jewish people to modern society,
people are apt to reflect on obvious features: monotheism; our system of
jurisprudence; the Ten Commandments; a vaccine for polio or even Barbra
Streisand. But Thomas Cahill authored a national bestseller showing the gifts
of the Jews even much more subtle and far-reaching. His rather seeping
subhead indicates just how far-reaching!

Cahill, a master storyteller, lucidly traces the history of the Jewish people
primarily using the text of the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, as his
guide. He also tries to explain the societies of the surrounding ancient
peoples in order to contrast those cultures with the development of Jewish
society. As such, the focus of this writing is the seminal, formative aspects
of Jewish history, not the whole sweep of Jewish life and contribution to the
present day. The book is not historical per ser, but rather, Cahill uses the
Bible narrative to identify a few kley ideas that he believes have changed
the way "moderns" think about life and about ourselves.

Cahill considers the main and overarching Jewish contribution a "processive
worldview" as opposed to a "cyclical worldview". The ancient Mesopotamians
perceived life as a wheel. Events were considered part of the cycle of life
and death, with no real beginning or end. The lifecycle on earth reflected
the same pattern among the gods. There was nothing new or different to
encounter; everything was part of the same repetitive pattern.

Cahill maintains that Avram and his descendants broke that pattern. They
purpotedly began to see life as a progression of time and events; a process
that enables people to make and shape the future rather than living passively
as cogs in the endless wheel of life.

In essence, Cahill argues, the Jews gave the world the enduring concept of
history. Emanating from this sense of history is the concept of self-identity; the
importance, indeed, the emancipation of the individual. Avram, Moses and
David asserted their individuality and participated in shaping their own
destinies. They interacted with God. In fact, they were friends with God;
they spoke to God and they heard him speak to them.

Spirituality -religion- was not an impersonal exercise of human appeasing the
wrath of the gods. Instead, individuals could have a relationship with the
one true God rather than being mere pawns of many gods.

Acknowledging the importance of the individual gives birth to the greatest of
human hopes for justice and righteousness as articulated in the Hebrew
prophets' writings. The poor and the oppressed are also important because
they are individuals with a destiny and a connection to God. Therefore, we
must work for their emancipation, too.

Cahill's approach is fresh, insightful and worth reading, but his book is
ultimately flawed by prejudice. While Cahill is not the first skeptic to
write about the biblical narrative, the problem is that he presents his views
as initially sympathetic, but in the end he treats the Bible with cynicism.
His thin veneer of respect for the Bible accounts' historicity is shattered
by his all-too-apparent anti-superantural bias.

Cahill attempts to maintain sympathy for a belief in God but cannot bring
himself to assert that the God of the Bible can truly speak or truly act. The
Bible, as he sees it, is not God's revelation. God can do no miracles. Cahill
does some fancy footwork to explain away miracles in the Bible such as the
plagues, the crossing of the Red Sea, etc. His explanations sometimes sink to
absurd levels as in his assessment of the miracle of manna in the wilderness.

Cahill describes the Sinai as the most remote and barren place in the world;
a desert region with very little vegetation. He goes on to say that the
manna, which fed the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years, was most
likely edible insect excrement found on certain vegetation in the Sinai

Cahill's cynicism is most apparent in the closing chapter of the book: "It is
no longer possible to believe that every word of the Bible was inspired by
God. Fundamentalists still do, but they can keep up such self-delusion only
by scrupulously avoiding all forms of scientific inquiry".

Such is the arrogance of skeptics. He wants us to choose those parts of the
Bible we find acceptable and discard those we find unacceptable. In fact, he
would like to do that job for us! As such, Cahill's biblical rewrite would
begin in Genesis 1 to read something like, "In the beginning man created God
in his own image..."

Indeed, Cahill has found a way to welcome some of the greates gifts given to
humanity without acknowledging the True Giver. It is not the Jews, but rather
the God of the Jews who has revealed his truth to Israel and to the world in
the Bible. The greates gift of the Jews is the one we have received along
with everyone else. That is the gift of truth; of God speaking and revealing
himself to humanity; it is the gift of salvation and forgiveness that he
still gives to all who will listen and truly believe.


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Re: FW: Condition Red
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 12:38:45 -0400

>>>Sometime between now and the confirming of the seven year
covenant described in Daniel 9:27...<<<


Daniel 9:23 At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came
forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore
understand the matter, and consider the vision.

Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy
city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make
reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and
to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the
commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince
shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be
built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

Daniel 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but
not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy
the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and
unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in
the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to
cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate,
even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the

Verse 23, At the beginning of thy supplications *the commandment came
Verse 25, Know therefore and understand, that *from the going forth of the
commandment* ...

Over to Nehemiah:

Nehemiah 1:The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah. And it came to pass
*in the month Chisleu*, in the twentieth year, as I was in Shushan the

Nehemiah 1:2 That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and certain men of
Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were
left of the captivity, and *concerning Jerusalem*.

It continues...

Nehemiah 1:3 And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the
captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: *the
wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with

Nehemiah 1:4 And it came to pass, ***when I heard these words***, that I sat
down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and *prayed before the
God of heaven*,

Nehemiah 1:5 And said, I beseech thee, O LORD God of heaven, the great and
terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and
observe his commandments:

Nehemiah 1:6 Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou
mayest hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now, day and
night, for the children of Israel thy servants, and confess the sins of the
children of Israel, which we have sinned against thee: both I and my
father's house have sinned.


Know therefore and understand, that from the *going forth of the commandment
to restore and to build Jerusalem* unto the Messiah the Prince shall be
seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks:

The author of this page counts Daniel's timeline from Nisan, but check out
the historical information:

>>>If we are to accept the accounts of these ancient historians, especially
Thucydides, then the flight of Themistocles occurred probably within a year
or so after the ascension of Arta-xerxes to the Persian throne. The date of
Themistocles' flight is important because it gives us pivotal evidence on
which to date the ascension of Artaxerxes. According to Jerome's Eusebius,
the date for the flight is in the fourth year of the 76th Olympiad
(four-year periods beginning in 776 BC) which would be 473/472 BC. That
means Artaxerxes must have come to the throne in the previous year, 474 BC,
which in turn makes his 20th year 455 BC.<<<

455 B.C. plus 483 years = 29 A.D.

John's ministry was timed to the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius, which
ran from Aug/Sept 28 to 29 AD. After being baptized in the Jordan and
spending 40 days in the wilderness, Jesus ends up in Nazareth in the

Luke 4:14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and
there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.
Luke 4:15 And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his
custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and *stood up*
for to read.
Luke 4:17 And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias.
And when he had *opened the book*, he found the place where it was written,
Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath *anointed me to
preach* the gospel to the poor; he hath *sent me to heal* the brokenhearted,
to *preach deliverance* to the captives, and *recovering of sight* to the
blind, to *set at liberty* them that are bruised,
Luke 4:19 To *preach the acceptable year of the Lord*.
Luke 4:20 And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and
sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened
on him.
Luke 4:21 And he began to say unto them, *This day is this scripture
fulfilled* in your ears.

He stood up and announced his ministry, without finishing the entire
passage. He cut it off.

1 Kislev 29 AD was a Sabbath. 153 x 8 days later = Friday April 3, 33 AD (14

Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and
***in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to
cease***, and for the overspreading of abominations *he* shall make it
desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be *poured
upon* the desolate.


John 2:20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in
building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?
John 2:21 But he spake of the temple of his body.
John 2:22 When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples
remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture,
and the word which Jesus had said.
John 2:23 Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day,
**many believed** in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did.

John 8:29 And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone;
for I do always those things that please him.
John 8:30 As he spake these words, **many believed** on him.


Hebrews 10:11 And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering
oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:
Hebrews 10:12 But this man, after he had **offered one sacrifice for sins
for ever**, sat down on the right hand of God;
Hebrews 10:13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his
Hebrews 10:14 For by **one offering** he hath perfected for ever them that
are sanctified.
Hebrews 10:15 Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that
he had said before,
Hebrews 10:16 This is the **covenant** that I will make with them after
those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in
their minds will I write them;
Hebrews 10:17 And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.

covenant = testament (#1242)

Matthew 26:27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them,
saying, Drink ye all of it;
Matthew 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for
many for the remission of sins.

Hebrews 9:13 For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an
heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh:
Hebrews 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the
eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience
from dead works to serve the living God?
Hebrews 9:15 And for this cause he is the **mediator of the new testament**,
that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were
under the first testament, they which are called might **receive the promise
of eternal inheritance**.
Hebrews 9:16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the
death of the testator.

>>And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst
of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease...


...and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even
until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the

Psalms 69:22 Let their table become a snare before them: and that which
should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap.
Psalms 69:23 Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make their
loins continually to shake.
Psalms 69:24 Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful
anger take hold of them.
Psalms 69:25 *Let their habitation be desolate*; and let none dwell in their

Revelation 16:1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the
seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon
the earth.

Let their table become a snare before them...

Luke 21:34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be
overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so
that day come upon you unawares.
Luke 21:35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face
of the whole earth.

Matthew 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them
that *sold and bought in the temple*, and overthrew the **tables of the
moneychangers**, and the seats of them that *sold* doves,
Matthew 21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called
the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one,
and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Colorado center where girl died in 'rebirthing' session
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 12:06:42 -0500

Colorado center where girl died in 'rebirthing' session attracted clients nationwide

Raleigh News & Observer

EVERGREEN, Colo. - In a town where elk stroll across Main Street without raising attention, the Western creed to mind your own business is as constant as the local trout stream.

So when four people were arrested Thursday because a 10-year-old North Carolina girl died during a "rebirthing" therapy session, residents of Evergreen were as surprised as anyone else to learn that it happened in their back yard.

"It's upsetting to a lot of people," said Steve Repaz, whose Evergreen Boot and Shoe Service has been on Main Street for 23 years. "You think, 'How could it happen here?' But you don't know all the factions who live here." Evergreen has become known as the birthplace of the attachment therapy movement, but it's not a new-age mecca, residents said.

"I'm sure there's a little bit of that here, but this was an isolated incident," said Wayne Shephard, who grew up in Evergreen and sells real estate with his father.

According to a local history book, the '70s saw a burst of health-care providers moving into town. It especially attracted those in the mental-health field, and they were followed by practitioners of alternative therapies.

Best known is the Attachment Center at Evergreen in Colorado. Researchers there pioneered the study of "reactive attachment disorder," which is seen in children who suffered severe emotional trauma early in their lives and cannot seem to show affection.

The center draws families from all over the country to try to work through the psychological damage in a mainstream, professionally accepted setting. Local residents say they sometimes get to know the families and children. But the therapy that caused Candace Newmaker of Durham to suffocate while wrapped in blankets and squeezed by adults pushing pillows against her is much less accepted. Rebirthing, while not uncommon, remains controversial in its intense attempt to reconnect a parent and a child through a simulated birth.

Candace's mother, Jeane Newmaker, found out about Connell Watkins' rebirthing center in Evergreen through Bill Goble, a practitioner of the therapy in Newland, N.C. She had turned to the treatment after going through a shopping list of potential disorders to find out what was wrong with her adopted daughter.

Ms. Watkins, who told investigators she was trained in rebirthing in California, started her own business, Connell Watkins and Associates, in Evergreen.

On Saturday, Ms. Watkins declined to comment on the case or talk about the therapy. She said her attorney instructed her to remain silent for now. Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - World Affairs Report items (5/22/00)
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 13:53:50 -0400

Senior Church of England clergy are to join Druids and pagans at a
controversial conference designed to help "reconcile" the traditions, much to
the alarm of Church leaders. The conference, Spirit of the Land 2000, is
described as "a Christian-Druid dialogue and reconciliation meeting for the
new Millennium". It is being held against a background of growing interest in
New Age religion and white magic. Organisers of the event include Emma
Restall Orr, the joint chief of the British Druid Order, the Rev Marcus Small, a
vicar in Hertfordshire, and the Dean of Guildford, the Very Rev Alexander
Wedderspoon. According to one of the speakers, a number of clergy already
participated in joint Christian and pagan services, but there was still too
much ignorance and hostility. Mark Graham, of the Pagan Federation, which
represents Druidry, wicca and sharmanism, said: "Some pagans believe in
magic, just like some Christians believe in the power of prayer and miracles.
We celebrate our connectedness to nature and I will sometimes dance
naked around a fire. They aren't doing much dancing around a fire naked at
matins or evensong but perhaps they should. Perhaps they will like it." The
day-long conference at Amesbury, Wiltshire, in June, will be chaired by
Rosemary Hartill, the former BBC religious affairs correspondent. Speakers
include Martin Palmer, a former adviser to Prince Philip, and Ronald Hutton,
a professor of history at Bristol University. The event will end with a Christian
service and a Druid ceremony in which a green-robed priestess will make
offerings of bread and mead. (The Sunday
London Telegraph)

France is bracing itself for a confrontation with Britain and other EU countries
over Franco-German plans to dilute government powers of veto so that an
"avant-garde" of member states can press ahead with federal reforms. Amid
signs of a revived entente between French and German leaders, officials in
Paris have begun to prepare the ground for a potentially inflammatory debate
over voting rights and EU enlargement when France takes over the six-
monthly EU presidency in July. In briefings last week, French officials gave
warning that a summit in Nice next December intended to prepare EU
institutions for the arrival of a dozen or more eastern European members
might not end in success. "We are being told that, while a good agreement
[on reform] is necessary, France has no interest in securing a deal at any
cost for reasons of prestige," said Henri de Bresson, of Le Monde. "The
feeling is that a crisis would be better than a bad deal." At stake is the right
of Britain and other member states to veto EU policies, and the problems
posed by the pressure for a two-speed Europe, with a hard core of federal-
minded states pressing on towards political union. These two issues are the
likeliest obstacles to agreement on EU enlargement. They were discussed at
length during a mini-summit between President Jacques Chirac and
Chancellor Gerhard Schröder of Germany at Rambouillet on Friday. A French
spokesman said the meeting was brainstorming before a full Franco-German
summit in Mainz next month. The main topic was thought to have been a call
this month by Joschka Fischer, the German foreign minister, for swift moves
towards a federal United States of Europe. Fischer's remarks electrified
France's long-moribund Euro-federalists, and Chirac has suddenly found
himself under pressure to ensure that Paris is not trampled underfoot in any
stampede towards a German-led Europe of up to 30 states. Several of
France's most experienced European warhorses, among them Jacques
Delors, the former president of the European commission, and ex-president
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, have warned Chirac that the EU is approaching a
"make or break" moment that will determine if it can ever seriously challenge
the economic dominance of the United States. Until Fischer launched his
federalist fusillade, France had been trying to reassure its Eurosceptic
partners that pragmatism and consensus would be the hallmarks of its
presidency. Fischer himself acknowleged that any mention of the European
F-word - federalism - was a "red rag" to the British. Alarmed that expansion
to the east will enhance Berlin's claims to be the centre of European gravity,
Paris faces a dilemma: if the Franco-German relationship is revived as an
engine for change, Britain and other anti-federalist states will be alienated; if
Paris and Berlin fail to take a common approach to enlargement, the EU will
be plunged into disarray. Both Chirac and Lionel Jospin, his Socialist prime
minister, look sure to choose the route that will cause the fewest upsets for
their domestic ambitions. The two men are rivals for president in the 2002
election. Jospin has already called for greater "flexibility" in EU decision-
making procedures to prevent a 30-strong community from becoming
ungovernable. He favours a system of "reinforced alliances" - EU-speak for
an inner circle - allowing smaller groups of nations to pool sovereignty in
agreed areas of policy-making. (The Sunday London Times)

Europe´s politicians seem indifferent to the progress, or lack of it, of their
own EU To listen to the speeches emerging recently from the capital cities of
Western Europe, you could be forgiven for thinking that the EU was about to
purr along its usual road to “ever closer union”, led as ever by its ultimate
driving machine, the French and German governments. Lionel Jospin,
France´s prime minister, called last week for an “economic government” for
Europe. A few days later Joschka Fischer, Germany´s foreign minister,
pressed for something called “full parliamentarisation as a European
Federation” . And many heads of government, including Mr Fischer´s boss,
Gerhard Schröder, have been saying that Central European countries such
as Poland, Hungary and others must be admitted to the EU as a matter of
urgency. Even Tony Blair, prime minister of Europe´s awkward squad, the
British, has recently been able to claim that he has been a force for unity
and progress. Yet the reality is rather different. Mr Jospin had to say
something because France is about to take over the presidency of Europe´s
Council of Ministers, and he needed to show that he had some plans. But
they were vague, and gave little sign that he saw Europe as much of a
priority. Mr Fischer´s speech was more ambitious, and more intriguing, but
he stressed that it was only a “personal”, not an official, view, which is
unusual for a foreign minister, to say the least. His chancellor, Mr Schröder,
has looked less keen on Europe, partly because the right-wing opposition
has turned somewhat hostile to it. Mr Fischer´s Green Party fared poorly in a
key state election last weekend, raising the possibility that it might not last
long in the ruling coalition. And comments about the urgency of enlargement
are cheap: prime ministers and presidents have been making them for years,
without actually doing anything to speed the process up. Even for a believer
in Europe, a stage should come when indifference is the right attitude, when
Europe can be left to get on with its business while nations get on with
theirs. Or, to place it more pragmatically in the context of Europe´s current
tasks, lack of interest in May could just be a natural negotiating tactic for a
mind-numbingly drawn-out process due to end in December, in which
governments are supposed to be debating how to reform the EU institutions
and working methods in preparation for enlargement. Deals are typically
done, and decisions made, in the middle of the night, at the last possible
moment. That might happen again. But the limit to being indifferent about all
this indifference is that in this process there is no real deadline. All this
institutional reform is intended to prepare the Union for its proposed
enlargement from today´s 15 to 30 or more countries, but for which there is
itself no deadline. Indeed, the likely date of the first round of enlargement
keeps on slipping: supposedly it is 2002, but 2005 now looks a much more
plausible date for admitting the first new countries, and even that could slip.
That would be a great shame. If there is one task for which the Union is well
suited it is that of bringing the former communist countries of Central Europe
firmly into a liberal, western, market system, and bringing others in besides.
Failure to admit the principal countries in good time could make them
hostile, and even endanger their democracies. It would also be a missed
chance for the Union itself. The reason for the paralysis, and for being
pessimistic about whether it will soon be solved, is that the EU´s main
modus operandi -- that all should move together, or not at all -- looks
unworkable. Different countries have different aims, and for perfectly good
reasons, not the least of which is that their electorates feel differently about
the whole process of European integration. A more workable solution has, in
part, already been proposed -- among others, by Messrs Jospin and Fischer.
It is known as “flexibility”, under which countries that wish to integrate more
would be allowed to do so, while others can lag behind. But what it omits is
crucial: the possibility that this could be permanent, rather than merely
temporary. A multi-system Europe, in which groups of countries proceeded
to integrate and co-operate in different ways according to their different
choices, would offer a more stable and viable way to run a large, liberal
community of 30 or more countries. Yet, to force governments to agree on
such a radical change, a crisis would be needed. Instead, with no real
deadline, a long, slow, thickening of the treacle looks a likelier outcome. The
void needs to be filled, the treacle thinned. (The Economist - Editorial)

After a long silence, France and Germany have come up with some tentative
new ideas for further European integration. But these may not be to the taste
of the European Commission Even the founding fathers of the EU, France
and Germany, seem unsure now what they want from it. The old imperative
of post-war reconciliation has faded, and nothing comparable has taken its
place. The hesitancy of the two big powers at the heart of Europe is bad
news for the EU´s central institution, the European Commission, which is
both the civil service and the policymaker of the Union. Once, France and
Germany would defend the commission almost unconditionally, as their
instrument. Now they too question its methods, its aims, its popularity, its
value for money. The commission, these days, looks a bit punch-drunk. It
forfeited much of its authority and reputation last year, when a previous team
of commissioners resigned amid allegations of nepotism and petty
corruption. The new team, under Romano Prodi, a former prime minister of
Italy, took office last September. But, so far, the verdict is that the new
commission is not pulling itself together as quickly and as surely as was
hoped. Mr Prodi has been slow to impose the centralised, detailed,
bureaucratic and political controls needed to steer his 19 other
commissioners and their work. He aims to correct this with a shuffle of top
staff, which was announced this month. But since part of the shuffle involves
the introduction of a policy unit that will overlap with his cabinet, or private
office, which is also meant to co-ordinate and develop policy, it is far from
clear that the new arrangement will provide the clarity needed. Elsewhere,
some things are going better. The commissioner for external relations, Chris
Patten, has produced a persuasive blueprint for improving the delivery of
foreign aid. Neil Kinnock, the vice-president for reform of the commission
itself, is mastering a monstrous brief with every sign of genuine enthusiasm.
The competition commissioner, Mario Monti, is stamping his logic on
antitrust policy. But there is still much shakiness in the Brussels air --
enough, at any rate, to worry France and Germany. They may not know
quite what they want from the Union now, but they do see they have far too
much of their national interests invested there to risk letting it drift. For one
thing, a more unstable Union might lead to an even more unstable euro. One
sign of their renewed engagement is an informal summit on May 19th at
Rambouillet, in France, scheduled so that French and German leaders could
discuss plans for the French presidency of the EU in the second half of this
year. There have also been some speeches on Europe from French and
German politicians. Lionel Jospin, the French prime minister, made a fairly
cautious one last week about short-term priorities. Joschka Fischer, the
German foreign minister, delivered a more visionary one about enlargement
and integration -- albeit, he quaintly insisted, in a “personal” capacity, not as
a government manifesto. Mr Fischer argued bravely for enlargement, a
divisive issue in Germany. He also said that political integration of the Union
had to take place at the same time, otherwise an expanded Union would be
both bloated and constipated. A true EU would require a true European
government, he said, and that might be reached by one of two routes. It
could be formed by heads of national governments, acting together.
Alternatively, a supranational body could be installed, along the lines of the
European Commission, and topped off for decency´s sake with a directly
elected president. No prizes for guessing which of those options the
commission would prefer. But, equally, no prizes for guessing which one
most governments would prefer. Their present view is that any further steps
towards European integration should involve a transfer of powers to
governments acting in concert, not to the commission. For evidence of this,
turn to Mr Jospin´s speech. His main specific proposal, an old French
favourite, was for beefing up the role of “euro-11”, an informal grouping of the
finance ministers from the 11 countries in the monetary union. This seems to
have a fair chance of coming to something, since Mr Fischer also spoke
approvingly on the same theme. Mr Jospin wants a euro-11 that incarnates
“the economic policy of the euro zone and the authority, political of course,
which directs it”. In other words, France wants a political body at least equal
in power to the European Central Bank, which is independent of
governments. In practice, that would probably mean turning the euro-11 into
a formal council of the Union, with legislative powers, and with a president
who can speak for the whole euro area in economic affairs -- in American
terms, a sort of treasury secretary for Europe. If so, the commission would
be a big loser. Its economic services would be limited merely to the provision
of forecasts and statistics to the euro-11. The authority of commissioners in
fields such as taxation, the single market, agriculture and regional policy
would also be reduced over time. As an “economic government” for the euro
area, the euro-11 would want to make at least some policy in these areas,
and the commission would have to acquiesce. Go down this route, and the
question becomes one of whether the commission has any sort of future in
its present form. The EU needs a civil service of its own, most certainly, and
the best one possible. It needs a competition agency and a trade negotiator,
jobs the commission has done well. But it does not obviously need for ever a
team of commissioners trying to make policy across the board in
competition with ministers. Admit that, and the commission is an institution
on trial as never before. (The Economist)

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Supreme Court Strikes Down Adult Cable TV Law
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 19:05:20 -0400

Monday May 22 1:29 PM ET

Supreme Court Strikes Down Adult Cable TV Law

By James Vicini

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court handed Playboy
Enterprises Inc. (NYSE:PLA - news) a major victory on Monday, striking
down a law that requires sexually explicit cable television channels to
completely block their signals to non-subscribing households.

The high court, by a 5-4 vote, agreed with Playboy's arguments that the 1996
federal law was too broad and violated constitutional First Amendment
free-speech rights.

The U.S. Justice Department strongly defended the law that requires cable
operators who show adult programs to ``scramble'' or block the signals, or air
the programs only late at night when children presumably will not be watching

Congress, in adopting the Communications Decency Act, wanted to shield
children from sexually oriented cable television networks, the Justice
Department said.

But Justice Anthony Kennedy said for the court majority that the government
failed to prove the law was the least restrictive means of addressing a real

``Basic speech principles are at stake in this case,'' Kennedy wrote in the 22-
page ruling. ``Here, the government has not met the burden the First
Amendment imposes.'' The law was aimed at addressing ``signal bleed'' --
when audio or video signals from sexually explicit programming inadvertently
comes through on channels of non-subscribers. The programming usually is
shown on pay-per-view channels.

If a cable operator cannot comply with the scrambling requirement, sexually
explicit programming may be shown only when children presumably were
unlikely to view it, an eight-hour time period that starts at 10:00 p.m. and
ends at 6:00 a.m.

Playboy's lawyers said complying with the law would deprive it of $25 million
in revenues over the next 10 years. Playboy said it would cost millions of
dollars to install scrambling technology in all U.S. cable systems.

The Supreme Court agreed with Playboy in upholding an alternative in the
law that requires cable channel operators to block any channel, free of
charge, only if a customer requests it. Kennedy said the less restrictive
alternative would serve the government's purpose.

He said targeted blocking was less restrictive than banning, and the
government cannot ban speech when targeted blocking represented a
feasible and effective alternative.

Joining Kennedy in the ruling were Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter,
Clarence Thomas and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Justice Stephen Breyer said in dissent that he would uphold the law as

``Congress has taken seriously the importance of maintaining adult access
to the sexually explicit channels here at issue,'' he said. ``It has tailored the
restrictions to minimize their impact upon adults while offering parents help
in keeping unwanted transmissions from their children.

``By finding 'adequate alternatives' where there are none, the court reduces
Congress' protective power to the vanishing point. This is not what the First
Amendment demands,'' Breyer said.


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - May 23, 2000 TV Programs
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 19:18:04 -0400

8:00 PM Eastern

   Excavations in Egypt's Valley of the Golden Mummies open a
   king's untouched tomb; host Hugh Downs; special narration by
          Samuel L. Jackson.(CC)(TVPG)

 PBS - SOLAR BLAST - Scientists study coronal mass ejection,
          the unpredictable kin of the solar wind.(CC)(TVG)

 HIST - HITLER'S SECRET DIARIES - A 1983 discovery of Adolf
          Hitler's journals proves to be a hoax.(CC)(TVPG)


 A&E - INVESTIGATIVE REPORTS - "Inside Polygamy" - It
   is estimated that there are between 30,000 and 50,000 people
   involved in polygamous relationships in

   SCIENCE - "Electronic Witness" - The intrusion of
   technology into everyday life is advantageous to

 HIST - SPY WEB - "Spying From the Skies" - Biplanes and spy
   satellites are among the aerial methods of gathering secret


 PBS - FRONTLINE - "The Battle Over School Choice" -
   Politicians debate over the reform of public

 TLC - 48 HOURS - "Price of Perfection" - The quest for
   perfection may lead to mental and physical

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