BPR Mailing List Digest
November 13, 2000

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Subject: [bprlist] A Word on America's Crisis, by E. Narrett
From: <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 13:37:20 -0000

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From: BSaphir
Date sent: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 16:45:53 EST
Subject: A Word on America's Crisis by E Narrett PhD

Korach is Gaining: A Word on America's Crisis, by E. Narrett, PhD, 14
Cheshvan 5761, Nov. 12, 2000

Dear Jewish people and friends of Israel everywhere: the current
Electoral crisis in America is a terrible event for every nation
based on principles of governance, personal responsibility and law
derived from the Torah. It will be a terrible tragedy if Jews and
their friends fail to grasp what is at stake.

As the Wall Street Journal noted in its lead editorial, the DNC and
Al Gore are attempting to steal the " in what, in a banana Republic
would be recognized as a coup d'etat" (11-10-00). Even the New York
Times, a bastion of liberal-left opinion that endorsed Hillary
Clinton, led its comments by stating, "Vice President Al Gore has
escalated the atmosphere of combat surrounding the presidential
election=E2=80=A6 It is worrying that Mr. Gore and a legal team announce
their support for a lawsuit while the mandatory recount is still
going on=E2=80=A6 It is doubly worrying that Gore associates are using the
language of Constitutional crisis and talking of efforts to block or
cloud the vote of the Electoral College, Dec. 18" (11-10-00).

The complaints about the now famous "butterfly ballot" in Palm Beach
County are utterly spurious. They are a pretext to create a crisis
atmosphere to undermine and ultimately destroy Constitutional
government in America and reduce it to the instability of charismatic
demagogues, enflaming to the people and purporting to speak in their
name. Hillary and Bill Clinton and their tool, fomenter of racial
tensions, Jesse Jackson are main instigators of this lethal trend.

The ballot was designed by Democratic County official, Theresa LePore
at the specific request of her largely Democratic constituency. It
reads from left to right and from top to down, just like English
does. There is a large bold black arrow pointing directly from the
name of each candidate to the spot to record your vote. The ballot is
so easy to use correctly that all seven dozen fourth-grade students
who used it as a sample recorded their votes correctly (WHYY, Miami,
New York Post, 11-11-00). Almost 90% of first graders used it
accurately (AP), six-year olds. Residents of a nursing home, all
between the ages of 92-7 used it without a single mistake. Those
claiming it is too "confusing" invite disgrace upon themselves, if
indeed, their claims are genuine. And there is abundant evidence most
of them are prompted and orchestrated by the Democrats using the
media the way leftist politicians in Israel do.

Democrats again are using battalions of lawyers and judges to
overturn and confound established Constitutional safeguards against
mobocracy. They did the same thing when they ran to a leftist judge
to overturn California's Proposition 209 a few years ago. That ballot
initiative sought to restore the power of the 1965 Civil Rights Act
and to forbid racial, ethnic and gender preferences in hiring and
promotion. As Carl Pearlston reminds us in a recent report, a chief
feminist opponent of 209 taunted its black American sponsor,
Professor Ward Connerly by saying, "now you're playing in my
sandbox," that is, the Courts. As Pearlston and many others have
noted, in the era of "activist judges," dictators who make rather
than uphold the law, anyone from a favored group who makes a mistake,
or who claims 'distress' is a "victim." The standard or person
who "caused" them to make a mistake is guilty. There is no personal
responsibility, and the law becomes a tool for leftist social

By the way, the cases of genuine fraud in this as in most other
American elections are in big cities controlled for generations by a
Democratic party machine: Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis,
Los Angeles, Kansas City and Pittsburgh all witnessed serious
illegalities the evening of November 07. In many of these cases, the
Gore campaign brought and exploited the courts to interfere with
normal voting hours, registration procedures and voting itself. In
1996, Al Gore was the Democratic point man for registering hundreds
of thousands of illegal immigrants, many of them criminals, to vote.
Ignorance is expensive. Educate yourselves on these matters. Consider
the costs of twisted information in Israeli media and schools.

It is revealing of the state of our law schools and of the moral
dementia that most lawyers there imbibe that although first and
fourth graders and nonagenarians used the ballot without
problems, "more than half the members of a second-year law school
class reported confusion and mistakes" (Pearlston, 11-11-00). These
are the cadres that are litigating both America and Israel into their

Hillary Clinton, a friend, sponsor and enabler of terrorist
affiliated Islamic groups (see Steven Emerson's articles in Wall
Street Journal, 03-13-96, 11-03-00) now demands the abolition of the
Electoral College. This should alarm Jews and those who cherish the
social and political teachings based on Torah. The Electoral College
and the entire Representative principle of American democracy is
based on parsha Yisro, specifically the advice "Jethro" gives to
Moshe about who should lead the nation. "Discern for yourself
distinguished men, G-d fearing men who love truth and despise money."
Electoral campaigns provide ample time for debate, discussion and
reflection. On a national level, electors, "men of distinction" are
established to consider and examine the choices of the people and the
character and behavior of those they have chosen. Men of truth, G-d
fearing men are meant to weed out errors into which the people may be
led by eloquent demagogues who appeal to and enflame their passions.

The episode of the ten cowardly spies (Torah portion, Shelach)
teaches this in the most uncompromising terms. How quickly they
turned the nation against its roots, heritage and purpose. How
quickly their inflammatory appeals created panic, leading to attacks
on the wise and resolute Caleb and Joshua. It was for this reason
that they dropped their carcasses in the wilderness. The Constitution
is the Torah of America. As Professor Eidelberg has explained at
length, it looked to the Torah as the ideal model for a polity based
on reason supported by religious faith against the transient passions
that can sweep a public.

Understand that the Democratic attempt to use specious claims
(without any evidence of fraud) lawyers and mob threats to steal an
election is an attack at the very heart of American democracy. It is
consistent with the dangerous messianic fantasies of power that are
at the heart of Hillary Clinton, as indicated openly in her
campaign "song." Read it, and see the refrains familiar from the
exaltation of "popular" leaders in the east bloc. Rodham already has
announced that Americans need "a more ecstatic and penetrating mode
of being" (1967), that they "suffer from a sleeping sickness of the
soul," that "they don't know anything." Hillary has stated that she
intends to "remold" society and "redefine who we are as human
beings." This is socialist engineering of bodies and souls of a kind
that should alert everyone. The shofar sounds in the city. Who will
not hear?

Lastly, if you have placed hopes in Lieberman and Gore, disabuse
yourself before it's too late. Last Thursday was the anniversary of
the death of Rachel. Except for a few VIPs, Jews were barred from
praying there. Even at the best of times recently, Jews only access
to their holy sites is through a gauntlet of troops and stones and
sniping and in armored buses. November 08, a Jewish woman was shot to
death while walking to work in Rafiah. Senator Lieberman and his
bosses, Clinton & Clinton and Gore have nothing to say about the
unrelenting religious hate crimes and violence to which Jews in
Israel (and throughout the Arab world) are subject. They are silent
about swastikas and Nazi slogans are sprayed all over and inside a
synagogue in Efrat. They call Arafat's war, "protests" about
frustration, the same idiom they use to describe the rampages of
Jackson and Sharpton and their stupid fellow travelers. Worse, at the
same time that they ignore these atrocities in the name of their
false "peace," Clinton meets with Arafat and shakes his filthy hands,
bearing the blood of hundreds of Jewish civilians and thousands of
others whose murder is his responsibility.

The same attitudes that want lawyers and blue helmets to carve up
Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem are trying to steal the American
election. And worse, to destroy the remnants of Constitutional
governance and the rules of evidence that protect every American
against tyranny and the violence that always follows in its wake.

Peres, Barak (and his treacherous, lame General Staff) and Lieberman
are Jews and they have been put in place to give a seal of kashrut to
the dismemberment of Israel. Their sponsors are destroying
Constitutional Government in America in the name of "the people."
Wake up.

Eugene Narrett teaches at Boston University.

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Subject: [bprlist] Stratfor: US - Elections
From: <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:37:47 -0500

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Date sent: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 19:32:18 -0600 (CST)
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Subject: US - Elections's WorldView - 13 November 2000


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U.S. Election Results in Foreign Policy Concerns
By George Friedman

A statistical improbability has placed the United States on the
edge of a constitutional crisis at worst and a leadership crisis at

The real danger the American election poses is that it calls into
question the legitimacy of the presidency. Since the president is the
chief agent of U.S. foreign policy, this could destabilize the
international system. The consequences are not trivial.

Let us review how we got into this mess. As they have every four
years for two centuries, the American people went to the polls on the
first Tuesday in November to elect a president. Turnout was
unexceptional. The campaign was neither the most rancorous nor the
most enlightening. It took place in a time of relative peace and
prosperity. Truth is, the candidates of the two major parties agreed
on more things than they disagreed, leaving genuine divergence to the
candidates of minor parties. As elections go, it just wasn't that

Despite this, or perhaps because of it, or maybe by pure accident, the
election turned out extraordinarily close to the point of statistical
improbability. The popular vote almost evenly divided. Vice-President
Al Gore appeared to lead by 200,000 votes out of about 100 million.
We say appeared to because no one knows what the total would be in a
national recount. Making a mistake of two- tenths of one percent is
easy when you count 100 million ballots in a few hours. Nevertheless,
it seems Gore won the popular vote.

However, the popular vote does not elect the U.S. president.
America's founders created a peculiar institution called the
Electoral College. Voters do not vote directly for president but for
electors real people nominated by parties. Whoever wins the popular
vote within a state, with a few state exceptions, has his electors
selected. They go through a process in December, cast their votes,
which are then reported to the Senate in January, electing the

The founders created the Electoral College primarily for two
reasons. First, they distrusted the ordinary citizen to elect a
president directly. Which is why they created this temporary
council of elders who select the next president. Second, the
founders understood the United States is a diverse land with varied
interests and not a homogeneous entity. Certain groups are not very
large but remain utterly essential to the nation. Consider farmers.
They are vital out of proportion to their small numbers. If the
political system responded only to size, it might completely ignore
their interests. The Electoral College design forces national
candidates to pay attention to farmers' interests because the farmers
control at least some electoral votes.

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The system of state-based Electoral College forgetting the human
electors for the moment also forces national candidates to break
down their message to the state level and create a national
political base from the parts. This has two effects. It forces
national attention on matters of local importance in all parts of the
country and selects presidents skilled at coalition building.

So, the system has its uses. One of which was visible this week. If
the popular vote counted, the country would now be going through a
national recount, in which both sides would search for evidence of
wrong doing everywhere. The events in West Palm Beach would repeat in
every city, town and subdivision in the country. If you think the
current situation is weird, imagine the United States undergoing a
national orgy of recrimination. The electoral system has built in
damage control, which the country badly needs right now.

The statistical improbabilities in this election are amazing. Not
only did the popular vote virtually tie, the electoral vote count
through pure, unintended accident also equally divided. The entire
election rested on the outcome of the vote in a single state, Florida,
where the vote was amazingly close. But amazingly close is not the
same thing as tied. On election night, Texas Governor George W. Bush
won by less than 2,000 votes, percentage-wise on the order of the lead
that Gore had in the national popular vote. But a win by a single
vote constitutes a victory and determines the recipient of a state's
electoral votes. Bush had more than a single vote majority. He had
won the election in Florida, and was therefore president-elect.
Florida's election law ruled a recount was in order. The recount
seems to show that Bush won, albeit by hundreds of votes rather than
thousands. No matter. A win by a vote is a win.

This is where it gets complicated. In the wake of the election,
some residents of West Palm Beach claimed the particular ballot
used in that county confused them, causing them to vote for Pat
Buchanan rather than Al Gore. Others ruined the ballot by punching
two holes, attributed to more confusion over the ballot. Both sides
continued to raise other issues throughout the state.

Normally, this wouldn't matter. A single state never decides the
election. Then again, a few hundred votes do not decide most
elections. Confusion over a few hundred or even several thousand
ballots is a common occurrence. No matter how common, it never
affects the outcome of the presidential race. But in this case, it
matters greatly. If true, it means that without the ballot confusion,
Gore would have won Florida and therefore the presidency.

As untenable as the current situation is, the alternatives are even
more difficult to contemplate. A special election in West Palm Beach
to select the next president is too wacky to imagine. Picture a
weeklong campaign where millions of dollars and all candidates' time
are in one town dominated by a single ethnic group the outcome of
which would decide the presidency of the United States. A new general
election in Florida is possible and somewhat less insane, but it would
violate the intent of the Electoral College by turning a single state
into the beneficiary of every promise a candidate could think of
making. Both would probably offer to move the White House to Disney
World. ________________________________________________________

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America is not in crisis because of the close election. It is in
crisis because there appears to be no way to know which way the vote
actually went in one American town. If Bush wins, there will be those
who say it was against the intent of the voters. If Gore wins, it
will be said he won because of extraordinary dispensations in vote
counting that did not take place anywhere else. The election now
turns on such trivial, contingent questions such as did 100 pencils
punch completely through a card that no matter who wins, the
legitimacy of his presidency is open to doubt.

This could lead to a constitutional crisis if the legitimacy of the
West Palm Beach vote is rescinded and something is done about it. The
United States can avoid the constitutional crisis and still wind up in
a leadership crisis whether anything is done at all. If nothing is
done, Bush will win and be barely legitimate for four years. If
something is done, and Bush wins, the country can dodge the bullet.
If something is done and Gore wins, America winds up with a president
who got there through special dispensation.

Arithmetic oddity has placed us in a leadership crisis, on the edge of
constitutional crisis and heading towards a crippled presidency. The
courts cannot solve the problem. In a way, nothing can solve the
problem. Not even an act of statesmanship by either candidate could
resolve the issue of who should be sworn-in. Nor would statesmanship
by the loser enhance the leadership of the winner. Assume George W.
Bush suddenly withdrew. That would not make Al Gore president. Bush
is not in a position to hand the election over and neither is Gore.

A withdrawal by either does not obligate their electors in any way. In
fact, it could free them for unprecedented zaniness. The issue is not
in the hands of either candidate. While the courts can declare a
winner, they cannot anoint a leader. The fact is no one, least of all
the candidates, is in position to make a binding decision. A single
voter has the power to bring suit. All the campaign consultants in
the world cannot control the outcome. Perhaps the withdrawal of both
candidates might help, but there is no provision for new elections
even if every citizen agreed to hold one.

Whether any president will have the legitimacy needed to govern
authoritatively is unclear, unless the extraordinary happens and
the Senate and House band together to guarantee his authority.
Alas, since both institutions now divide right down the middle, and
neither house has leadership worthy of the name, the United States is
in a strange predicament indeed.

Oddly, this will matter more to the rest of the world than to the
United States. The president has deeply limited domestic power. He
can lead, but no one need follow for the nation - as opposed to the
federal government - to function. The place where the president has
tremendous authority is foreign policy. The crisis, unless resolved
authoritatively, will most affect the ability of the next president to
conduct foreign policy. Therefore, deeply affecting the rest of the
world, rather than the United States. At a time when other great
powers are rising to challenge the United States, one can be certain
this strange outcome will come under careful study in foreign

We believe deeply that embedded in history is a logic that unfolds
over time. This situation makes it hard to argue that point.
Accident, not necessity, seems to govern. No wonder world headlines
reflect confusion. The Republic will survive this anomaly, but not
without discomfort. The impact on U.S. foreign policy during the next
four years remains unclear. That ought to concern the world.

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Subject: [bprlist] ReligionToday News Summary for Monday, November 13, 2000
From: <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:40:24 -0500

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          C U R R E N T N E W S S U M M A R Y
              by the Editors of ReligionToday

November 13, 2000


Police in Nepal saved the lives of Christians by arresting them
and taking their van. A musical team from an Indian church
traveled to Tikapur, Nepal, to attend a church conference in
October, the India Missions Association reported. Hours before
they were scheduled to return to India, police arrested the team
leader and confiscated their van. Several officers then used the
van for a personal trip to Dhan Khadi, 150 miles away, according
to IMA.
...Robbers attacked the van as it traveled through a forest, the
team leader said. They had expected the van to be full of
Christians and were planning to kill them and take their
equipment, but police jumped out of the van and shot at the
robbers, forcing them to flee.
..."Praise be to God who saved our lives," the leader told IMA.
When he told the Tikapur police chief that God used his arrest to
protect the Christians, the chief agreed that the team was blessed and
decided to release them. The pastor then preached to the police chief
and other officers at the station and prayed with them, IMA reported.


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Subject: [bprlist] New Kursk Governor Lashes Out At Jews
From: <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 13:56:23 -0000

Saturday, Nov. 11, 2000. Page 3

New Kursk Governor Lashes Out At Jews

By Andrei Zolotov Jr.
Staff Writer

The Communist governor-elect of Kursk, Alexander Mikhailov, said that
he and President Vladimir Putin are allies working to rid Russia of
Jewish "filth," drawing an outcry Friday from Jewish leaders.

Incumbant Kursk Governor Alexander Rutskoi, whose mother is Jewish,
threatened Friday to sue Mikhailov.

Mikhailov won the Kursk governorship in a second round of voting
Sunday Rutskoi was struck from the ballot by a court for election
campaign irregularities on the eve of the first round in October.

Mikhailov said in an interview published in Kommersant on Thursday
that the Kursk elections had ramifications for all of Russia because
it was a "test ground" for fighting the "All-Russian Jewish

It was not clear if Mikhailov was referring to the Russian Jewish
Congress led by tycoon Vladimir Gusinsky.

Mikhailov said Rutskoi was a pointman in the organization and was
backed by billionaire Boris Berezovsky, who is also of Jewish origin.

"Today the liberation of Russia of all this filth, which has piled up
over 10 years, will start," Kommersant quoted Mikhailov as
saying. "In this, the president and I are allies, not opponents.

"Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin], by the way, is a Russian man. So am
I," he said. "And Rutskoi, in case you don't know, has a Jewish
mother, Zinaida Iosifovna."

Mikhailov also said he owed his gubernatorial victory in large part
to Putin, who sent his personal psychologist to assist in campaigning.

"Vladimir Vladimirovich has twice sent his personal envoy to meet
me," Mikhailov was quoted as saying. "I don't want to give you the
name, but it was a woman, Putin's personal psychologist."

A high-ranking official in the presidential administration called
Mikhailov's remarks nonsense, Interfax reported.

"It is complete nonsense, beginning with the ficticious personal
psychologist of the president and ending with all the other
foolishness," the source was quoted as saying.

The presidential press service declined to comment Friday.

Rutskoi said he would sue Mikhailov for igniting national hatred.

"As a man, I'm ready to beat him into a pulp, but as a public
official I will sue him in court," Kommersant quoted him as saying

Communist leader Gennady Zyuga-nov gave Mikhailov a mild reprimand,
saying that he should "look into the economy rather than digging up
other people's genealogies," Interfax reported.

Jewish organizations called on Putin to speak out. "We consider these
statements, as well as Mikhailov's hints about some allied relations
with Russia's President Vladimir Putin in liberating Russia of Jews,
a serious political provocation," the Russian Jewish Congress said in
a statement.

"The authorities, the president has to speak out," said Mikhail
Chlenov, president of the VAAD Jewish umbrella organization.

Chlenov said he has received numerous telephone calls from outraged
Jewish activists across Russia. "He [Mikhailov] is a dense, ignorant,
scaly anti-Semite, who has no idea what he is babbling about,"
Chlenov said. "These are the mildest terms I can think of."

Mikhailov's campaign office in Kursk said the governor-elect and his
assistants had no comment Friday.

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Subject: [bprlist] Hamas leader broadcasts call for 'armed struggle' on PA radio
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 09:01:21 -0500

Ha'aretz Hamas leader broadcasts call for 'armed struggle' on PA radio

Ha'aretz 13 November 2000

[IMRA: The IDF reported that Palestinian fire hit a car in the convoy
of UN Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinson in Hebron]

Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin used the PA controlled Radio Palestine
yesterday to repeatedly urge the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza to
"transform the Intifada into an armed struggle against the Israeli
conquest." He promised that "selective attacks" by Hamas militants against
Israeli targets were "coming soon"

Talking to reporters at a press conference at his office in the Gaza
Strip, Yassin said that "it is stupidity to believe that stones can defeat
rifles, helicopters and tanks." He called on the Palestinians to "exchange
stones for grenades" as "the only language that the Israeli enemy
understands is the language of force."

The Sheikh's words were broadcast several times throughout the day on
Radio Palestine, which is under the direct supervision of the PA. The PA
has previously refrained from broadcasting messages from Hamas leaders.

UN's Robinson unhurt in shooting

A bullet hit a car in the convoy of UN Human Rights Commissioner Mary
Robinson as she visited the West Bank town of Hebron yesterday, an aide
said. It was unclear who fired at the three-vehicle convoy, but Robinson -
the former President of Ireland - was not in the car hit by the bullet,
according to the aide.

No one was hurt in the shooting but a reporter at the scene said Robinson
appeared to be upset.

She was touring the West Bank and Gaza to investigate complaints by
Palestinians that Israeli soldiers have been using excessive force against
Palestinian stone-throwers and gunmen. The shooting erupted shortly after

Israeli soldiers and Palestinian gunmen exchanged fire in a nearby area of

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Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:52:31 +0200

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Subject: [bprlist] IDF Spokesperson: Summary of Day's Events (11/12/00)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 09:01:21 -0500

IDF Spokesperson: Summary of Today's Events in the West Bank and the
Gaza Strip (Correct 19:30 12 November 2000)

12 November 2000

During today violent riots continued throughout the West Bank and the Gaza
Strip. The riots included gunfire, burning tires and throwing Molotov
cocktails and stones. The IDF continues to respond with restraint in the
face of those who endanger human lives.

The West Bank:

During the tour of the UN Human Rights Commissioner in an area under
Israeli control in Hebron, shots were fired towards the convoy by a
Palestinian sniper. The fire damaged a TIPH observer vehicle. The convoy
was evacuated by the IDF to Tel Romayda, where the passengers were
and secured until their exit from the area.

More shooting incidents took place in several locations: towards the Gilo
neighborhood from the direction of the village of Beit Jala, the
"Minharot" road, the Ayosh junction, the Shalalot neighborhood in Hebron,
the area of the village of El Hader near Bethlehem, an IDF base in Shdema
and towards an Israeli vehicle near Otzrin.

The IDF responded with light arms, machineguns and tank shells towards the
sources of the fire.

An Israeli ambulance was damaged by stones in the village of Hizma (north
of Jerusalem).

Stones and Molotov cocktails were thrown towards Israeli civilians and
security forces in several locations: Hebron, the Fruit roadblock near
Kalkilia, the village of Bnei Na'im north of Hebron and the A-Ram junction
north of Jerusalem.

The IDF responded with crowd dispersing means.

The Gaza Strip:

An explosive charge detonated near an unsecured Israeli bus traveling from
the Karni crossing to the Oz River crossing. The bus was empty, there were
no casualties but damage was caused to the bus.

Shots were fired towards: IDF forces in a convoy traveling towards an IDF
position on the Israel Egypt border, an IDF position near the settlement
of Gadid, IDF vehicles near Kfar Darom and an IDF position in the area of
Gush Katif.

There were no Israeli casualties. In some of these events the IDF returned

Violent riots that included throwing stones and Molotov cocktails took
place in the area of the Erez crossing, the industrial zone of Neveh
Dkalim and the border fence north of the Kissufim roadblock.

"IMRA Newsletter" <>
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:34:07 +0200

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Subject: [bprlist] Syria to open borders to PA residents
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 09:01:21 -0500

Ha'aretz: Syria to open borders to PA residents

By Daniel Sobelman Ha'aretz 13 November 2000

Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, Mufti of the Palestinian Authority and Jerusalem,
returned this weekend from a visit to Damascus, and said that Syrian
President Bashar al Assad agrees in principle to allow PA residents to
enter Syria. Syria, which currently does not recognize PA passports, will
also allow several Palestinian students to attend its universities, Sabri
said. This is a change in Syrian policy, after years of animosity between
the late Hafez al Assad and PA Chairman Yasser Arafat.

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Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:56:30 +0200

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Subject: [bprlist] Blood in the Streets?
From: <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:42:24 -0000

Blood in the Streets?
Report By Hal Turner - Posted: 11.12.00
Source: The Hal Turner Show

While Gore supporters are holding protests in the streets, Bush
supporters are buying bullets at gun shops. In the three days since
the U.S. General Election, ammunition sales throughout the United
States have jumped an astonishing nine-hundred percent (900%).
Americans are furious over massive, blatant and widespread vote fraud
by supporters of Al Gore and many are openly talking about "blood in
the streets."

Voter fraud in Tuesdays general election has Radio Talk Shows
throughout the United States burning up with callers who are openly
speaking about civil insurrection, blood in he streets, state
secession from the Union and wondering aloud whether President Bill
Clinton will use this election debacle as an excuse to remain in
power after his term expires on January 20, 2001.

Such talk is not limited to fanatics; U.S. Congressman Ron Paul (R-
TX), lent credibility to the prospects of violence when he was asked
tonight on radio station WBCQ if President Clinton would use this
situation to remain in power. Responding to that query, Rep. Paul
stated "Six months ago, I thought the idea was preposterous. Now I'm
not so sure. The people would come out and there would be total

Here's a brief list of just some of the fraud:

Tens of thousands of U.S. Military personnel around the world were
unable to cast ballots for the first time in US History because their
Military Absentee ballots "got lost in the mail." In past elections,
the Military voted 9:1 in favor of Republicans.

Thousands of non-US Citizens - who cannot legally vote - were sent
letters by President Bill Clinton just days before the election,
informing them they had registered, and even providing them with
Voter Identification Cards to sign and use when voting! These
mailings were sent to states with large Latino populations such as
California, possibly allowing enough non-citizens to vote and sway
the election.

In New York City, voting machines were tampered with, disabling the
Republican voting levers. When voters came out of the malfunctioning
voting booths and sought a paper ballot, it let polling workers know
the voter was going to vote Republican because those were the only
levers that weren't working. A television news crew caught Democrat
vote counters in Brooklyn, New York throwing thousands of paper
ballots into garbage dumpsters - resulting in thousands of Republican
votes disappearing.

Also in New York, registered Republican voters were told in hundreds
of polling places they were no longer registered to vote. Those
persons were offered a paper "provisional ballot" but when those
ballots were filled out, Poll workers refused to place the Ballots in
a locked box.

In the Albuquerque, New Mexico area, computerized voting machines
were reprogrammed so that votes were not counted whenever anyone cast
ballots for all candidates from the same political party! Upwards of
68,000 votes may have been reprogrammed out of existence.

In Michigan, Gore campaign workers were paying drunks and homeless
hobos with cigarettes if those people would register to vote and cast
a ballot for Gore.

In Missouri, polling places in heavy Democrat areas remained open up
to four hours after the legal time, allowing those Democrats to cast

In New Jersey, hundreds of voters in urban Democrat areas like Hudson
and Essex County, were jammed into the hallways at the County Boards
of Elections, casting absentee or provisional ballots hours after the
polls legally closed.

The media a willing participant

Just minutes after voting places on the east coast closed, major news
networks began "calling' the race. But when the networks "called"
Florida as being won by Al Gore, they did so despite the fact that a
portion of that state is in the Central time zone and those polling
places were still open.

These premature "call" of Florida by the media caused tens-of-
thousands of voters in the affluent Republican area of the Florida
panhandle, to leave polling places without voting because they
thought Gore had already won. Florida is now the key state in the
Presidential race.

False Claims of fraud in Palm Beach County, Florida Democrats have
been complaining wildly about alleged fraud in Palm Beach County,
Florida, where 19,000 ballots were allegedly discarded because voters
punched ballots for two Presidential candidates. Punching the ballot
for two Presidential candidates automatically voids the ballot.

But it is now surfacing that many or most of the 19,000 discarded
ballots were, in fact, lawfully and properly replaced when voters who
made the mistake came out of the voting booth, requested and received
replacement ballots then cast a proper vote!

Leftist Gore supporters and the media are ignoring this fact,
spurring outrage by conservatives that the truth is being suppressed
and causing minorities in that county to take to the to the streets
demanding a re-vote. Such a re-vote is not only illegal under Florida
law, it is also illegal under federal law. (3 U.S.C. 1)

Putting this in perspective, even if the 19,000 votes were all
discarded and not counted, those votes would only represent four
percent (4%) of the total votes cast in that County, meaning ninety-
six percent of the other voters in the County did it correctly.

As a result of all this election fraud, Bush supporters are convinced
that Gore, with Clinton's help, is stealing the US Presidential
election. Bush supporters are going to gun stores in large numbers
and buying large amounts of ammunition for their guns. Many are
openly saying they will not allow Al Gore to steal the election and
are calling those who support Gore "the

Not since the early 1860's prior to the Civil War has the US
population been so divided and openly talking about violent civil
warfare. Radio callers are making unprecedented open and public calls
to employ the Second Amendment (right to keep and bear arms) to
protect the integrity of the Constitution and of the Bush election.

This election has pitted brother against brother, parent against
child, young against old, white against black, Gentile against Jew.
The anger is palatable and the situation grows steadily worse.

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Subject: [bprlist] Tell Big Brother To Get Out Of Our Washing Machines
From: <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 16:44:33 -0000

Tell Big Brother To Get Out Of Our Washing Machines
By Phyllis Schlafly

Few changes in our society have done as much to liberate women from
the drudgery of "women's work" as the washing machine. American
ingenuity and the private enterprise system combined to provide us
with a wide variety of models of this convenient labor-saving
appliance, the envy of women all over the world.

Some 81 million households are equipped with washing machines and 10
million are bought every year. But, Big Brother Busybodies in the
Clinton-Gore Administration want to take off the market the models
that Americans have been buying, and then force us to change to a
style the environmental extremists claim will reduce global warming.

This is the same Administration that sanctimoniously espouses "a
woman's right to choose." But it wants to deny us the right to choose
the kind of washing machine that sales data prove we prefer.

In a back room deal without consumers or taxpayers present, the
Clinton-Gore environmentalists conspired with industry to mandate the
manufacture of only front-loading, instead of top-loading, washing
machines. The mandate requires elimination of the agitator which is
the element that washes our clothes.

Front-loading washers are available now, but they make up less than
12 percent of sales. So Big Brother's attitude is, let's force people
to buy front-loading washers.

On October 5, the Department of Energy (DOE) proposed two new
regulations, one for clothes washers and the other for residential
air conditioners and heat pumps. Not many homemakers make a practice
of reading notices in the Federal Register, and the 60-day comment
period will expire just as households are busy getting ready for

DOE Secretary Bill Richardson had the nerve to issue a press release
claiming the new regulation will bring "big savings for consumers and
the environment." However, the regulations will actually add $240 to
the price of a clothes washer, $274 to the price of a residential
central air conditioner, and $486 to the price of a residential heat

In addition, a load of laundry will take about 10 minutes longer to
wash than in ordinary washers and will require a special detergent.
If the housewife uses her ordinary detergent, it over-suds; if she
cuts back on the amount, her clothes won't get clean.

The reason for these mandates is that the Gore-style
environmentalists want to reduce the amount of water and electricity
Americans use in order to comply with United Nations treaties about
energy, even if the United States hasn't ratified them. And they
don't care how much this costs consumers or how much it reduces our
standard of living.

Where does the Department of Energy (DOE) get the authority to upset
housewives all over America with these draconian rules? A 1987 law,
the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act, authorized the DOE to
impose efficiency standards in order to reduce U.S. dependence on
foreign oil. The Clinton-Gore environmentalists are trying to exploit
this law to implement the Kyoto Protocol on Global Warming, a treaty
so extreme that the Senate has refused to ratify it.

These regulations come from the same mindset of the bureaucrats who
in 1992 banned the sale of toilets that use more than 1.6 gallons of
water per flush. Today there is a flourishing black market in old-
style toilets because the new toilets simply can't carry out the
mission assigned to toilets.

The 1.6-gallon toilets don't help the environment, either, because it
usually take two flushes to do the job that the old-style toilets can
accomplish with one flush.

Don't look to big business to defend us from the federal
environmentalists who are now licking their chops at the prospect of
dictating all our energy use if Al Gore is elected President. The
appliance manufacturers are glad to support the new rule to force us
to buy the more expensive front-loading washing machines that
otherwise don't sell.

One manufacturer said, "selling it in the marketplace is easy if
there's a [government] standard in place." A press release from
Whirlpool "commends" DOE for requiring Americans to buy and use the
more expensive energy-efficiency appliances "because consumers have
historically shown a disinclination to pay more for products that are
more environmentally friendly."

The manufacturers have also been induced to go along because the
White House is proposing a tax credit for appliance manufacturers who
cooperate with these regulations. This washing machine mandate is a
good example of the anti-free-market, high-tax regime that would be
imposed by the Gore environmentalists who truly believe that
government knows best, even about such things as how to wash our

At this late date in the congressional session, the only practical
step citizens can take is to demand that Congress append an amendment
to any piece of must-go legislation, to order DOE to extend the
public comment time until those of us who actually use washing
machines have time to register our objections. Call your Members of
Congress today.


Phyllis Schlafly is President of Eagle Forum, PO Box 618,, Alton, IL 62002. Phone: 618-462-5415, Fax: 618-

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Subject: [bprlist] Daily World Affairs Report items (11/11/00)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:02:02 -0500

America's adversaries around the globe could not resist gloating yesterday
as the world=92s most powerful democracy struggled to find a way out of its
electoral mess. Countries as far apart as Cuba and Iraq added to
America=92s growing embarrassment by deriding the weaknesses of the
voting system in a State that champions democracy. The Cuban media
blamed =93fraud=94 for the chaos and said that the problem was common in
Florida, home to many anti-communist Cuban exiles. Fidel Castro was
shown on state television strolling along a sandy beach lamenting the low
voter turnout in the US race. He paused to commiserate with an American
tourist.=93Like the majority of Americans, you have gone to the beach (rath er
than to vote),=94 he said.

The official Iraqi media derided the elections as a =93comedy=94 and blamed  a
pro-Israeli Jewish conspiracy. =93The electoral strings are pulled by the
Jews,=94 said Babel, a newspaper owned by President Saddam Hussein=92s
son, Uday. In Harare the state-run Herald newspaper pointed out that
voting irregularities, highlighted earlier this year by Western monitors in
Zimbabwe=92s parliamentary elections, were not just the preserve of African
countries. The paper suggested that the Florida recount happened because
the =93ruling party candidate=94 had been beaten and the authorities wanted  to
cling to power.

Even relative newcomers to the principles of democracy, such as Russia,
could not resist the opportunity to give the leader of the free world a les son
in electoral propriety. =93I do not think we would ever adopt their elector al
college system,=94 Aleksandr Veshnyakov, head of the central election
committee, said. (The London Times)

The world's newspapers revelled in the embarrassment of the American
political system yesterday, making comparisons with "banana republics",
"spaghetti westerns" and the endemic corruption of Indian and Italian
politics. The most caustic mockery came from countries whose democratic
failings have been criticised by Washington. For many writers, America had
received its comeuppance for holding itself up as a model for others to

Nepotistic dynasties, a dead man elected and scandals over ballot boxes
were not just confined to the Third World, they said. A "great victory for
democracy, desi-style (India style)", is how the Times of India gleefully
described the debacle. The Indian Express, noting the vicissitudes of the
Bush and Gore dynasties, urged readers to stop "moaning about how we
alone in the world have been loaded with politicians whose fathers or
grandfathers, mothers or grandmothers, uncles or aunts, great-uncles or
great-aunts or plain cousins also happen to be politicians".

La Reference Plus, published in the Democratic Republic of Congo, said
the chaos in Florida only encouraged African dictators. "If this happens in
the United States, how do you want everything to be clean and transparent
in the poor African continent?" Zimbabwe's state-controlled daily, The
Herald, said: "Analysts questioned whether the Americans would have
accepted a recount in African elections if the ruling party candidate had
been beaten, as happened in Florida."

Iraq, which had previously dismissed both the American presidential
candidates as equally pro-Israeli and hostile to Iraq, yesterday took the s ide
of George W Bush. It said the delay in announcing the result was a Jewish
plot to control America through Al Gore. The newspaper Babel said the
Jews in America wanted Mr Gore to win in order to give more support to
Israel in its confrontation with the Palestinians. Babel said in a front pa ge
editorial: "If they (the Jews) succeed in making Gore win the election they
will become the real leaders of America."

Italians, whose own politics have been compared to an "opera buffa" after
58 post-war governments, had a field day. The Rome daily, La Repubblica,
ran the mocking headline: "A Day worthy of a Banana Republic". German
newspapers were more sanctimonious,with several arguing that America's
electoral system was outdated and undermined the legitimacy of the
eventual winner. Sueddeutsche Zeitung said the next president would be "a
king without a kingdom."

The conservative Die Welt said: "This is not a cheap novel, not a soap
opera but a debacle that may reach the level of comedy and will be, in
hindsight, an anecdote of a time in which politics had to painfully grasp h ow
unfair it is to voters. What a macabre spectacle: a giant empire with 280mn
citizens sends voters to the polls to decide who should be the next
American president and both candidates remain in a dead heat in a way we
have not even seen in elections in Uzbekistan or Switzerland."

In Moscow, an elections official said the disarray in America demonstrated
the superiority of the Russian system. Alexander Veshnyakov, chairman of
the Russian Central Election Committee, told the business daily
Kommersant: "I think we should never adopt their electoral college system .
. . Russian elections are more democratic and easier to grasp for the

The Lebanese daily, Al-Safir, had to apologise to its readers for incorrect ly
reporting that Mr Gore had won, but used the occasion to needle Arab
dictators who stage overwhelming election victories for themselves. The
paper's owner and editor Talal Salman wrote: "We offer our apologies to
our readers for deciding on something that was still under way. Perhaps it is
because of our deep-rooted experience of Arab democracy, particularly in
Lebanon, where results are given before the poll, which is then held only t o
confirm the correctness of the declaration." (The London Telegraph)

Many people around the world are used to elections that are plagued by
turmoil, confusion and irregularities. They just are not used to seeing the m
in the United States. While the electoral authorities in Florida tried to s ort
out the ballots to determine whether Governor George W. Bush or Vice
President Al Gore had won the White House, ordinary citizens from Hong
Kong to Helsinki on Thursday marveled at the uncertain electoral situation
in the United States.

''It's like Italy!'' said owner of a coffee bar in Rome. A cab driver in La gos
said, ''If this had happened in Nigeria or anywhere else in Africa, the who le
world would be pointing fingers at us.'' Some observers saw the confusion
as proof of the strength of the American system of politics. Others were
stunned that a country with economic, political and cultural clout in the
farthest reaches of the globe could be plunged into electoral limbo.

Newspapers in every corner of the world faced a similar problem: how to
explain the outcome. The safest approach was to treat the election as a
political who-won-it, akin to a murder mystery. In Sweden, Expressen
called it a thriller. Newsstands in Tokyo displayed bold-type posters
proclaiming, ''Gore Won, Didn't He?'' In Argentina, Pagina Doce, with a
nod at the Hollywood aspects of the whole episode, published a headline in
English saying, ''And the Winner Is...''

One Mexican analyst indicated Thursday that some of his countrymen were
amused at the uncertainty of the U.S. count after enduring decades as the
butt of foreign jokes for electoral chaos. ''It does sound very Mexican,'' said
a political scientist named Federico Estevez. ''It will probably play well

But Brazilians, who fought through years of military dictatorship to free
their country from indirect elections, were perplexed to find a form of it
surviving in, of all places, the United States. ''One candidate gets more
votes than the other, and he's not the winner?'' asked Josimar Nunes
Ferreira, a delivery man in Sao Paulo. ''How can that be? That doesn't
seem democratic to me.''

In Asia, a continent where democracy is in its infancy in many countries
and yet to be conceived in others, the news media generally hailed the U.S.
election race as a model of a people's choice. But Asian papers warned
that whichever candidate emerges as winner faces the daunting task not
only of governing a finely divided nation but also of winning the trust of the
half of the electorate who did not vote for him.

Indonesia, which just last year chose its first democratically elected head  of
state, drew hope from the U.S. election even as its own president,
Abdurrahman Wahid, is trying to counter mounting attempts by the political
elite to push him aside. The Jakarta Post wrote in an editorial, ''As a
fledgling democracy, Indonesia could learn much from Wednesday's U.S.
election and from the political maturity the American people displayed in
adhering to their democratic principles.''

It added, ''No matter how much the candidates criticize each other, and no
matter how enthusiastic their supporters are, once the winner of the contes t
has been declared, the supporters will stand firmly behind the victor as a
united nation and support their elected president.'' (Int'l Herald Tribune)

* And Europe's fascination with what's been called the craziest election to
date continues. Italy's Corriere della Serra calls the United States an
impotent giant. "The image and the reputation of the US have suddenly
been damaged. In a matter of days, the most important aspect of America's
political strength has become its weakness. Itas not easy to make
predictions at this point, but it could well happen that the whole issue co uld
get caught in a tangle of blame and accusations, and end up in a courtroom
to be decided. If that happens, there'll be 2 victims: America's authority in
the rest of the world, and its electoral system." (Deutsche Welle)

It would seem that not even the arrival of the Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse on the Old Continent at the head of a cohort of opinion pollster s
would deflect the attention of the European press from America's political
conundrum. In the light of reports that the Democrats are considering legal
action, Madrid's El Mundo ponders what it calls "Al Gore's dilemma". "The
vice-president should weight 2 very important aspects. One is that recourse
to the courts would mean calling into question the cornerstone of American
democracy - its electoral system." Secondly, a court case could take weeks
to come to a resolution, "which would create a of disturbingly unsettled

The French Le Monde worries that money and the media are undermining
the American body politic. It points out that most of the huge total of
campaign donations did not come from the rank-and-file, but from "an open
system of accepted corruption", and was mainly used on the kind of politica l
commercials which "now more than ever are turning politics into
showbusiness". "Never mind that the urgency of TV air time violates the
slower pace of democracy. Never mind that it impinges on the time
required by the noble and difficult task of counting the votes."

The French L'Express thinks it has an explanation for the difficulty of the
American voters in making up their minds between Al Gore and George W
Bush: both represent different facets of Bill Clinton, but in both there's
something missing. "Bush is the hearty Clinton who knows how to seduce a
crowd," the paper says, "while Gore is the serious side, the Clinton who
knows how to govern." The problem is, "both lack Bill's charisma and

A columnist in the Portuguese Diario De Noticias has a good go at what it
calls "the night of total madness of the American TV networks". The paper
accuses them of "absurd mistakes, failed forecasts, botched projections, an d
over-the-top comment and analyses that lost all meaning minutes later. If
anyone was defeated, and unforgivably so, it was not the parties, nor the
candidates, but the TV networks in the frenzied haste caused by their fierc e

"The crisis bears witness to the profound rift between the two Americas,
irreconcilable even in this sinister political comedy," says an editorial i n the
Swiss Le Temps. "The new president, unless he tries to heal the trauma by
taking on board his team representatives of the other side, risks spending his
term trying to reunite his disunited states. The ultimate joke is that peop le
are beginning to say that it is decidedly easier to change president in
Belgrade." (BBC)

* As the presidential vote cliff-hanger threatened to drag on into next wee k,
there was widspread surprise this could happen to the world's most famous
democracy. "An American legend collapses -- suspicions of fraud in US
vote," ran the headline in Turkey's mass-circulation Hurriyet daily. "Even in
the United States there is electoral fraud," the Bulgarian financial daily
Curentul wrote. Portugal's Diario de Noticias also echoed the view that
democracy was being undermined: "In the end, this (US vote) is bad news
for democracy in America. And in consequence, is bad news for
democracy." (Agence France-Presse)

African nations suggested Friday sending 'observers' to the United States t o
help overcome presidential poll confusion as the world's press argued over
whether it was witnessing electoral chaos or simply democracy in
action."International observers should be put in place" because "the United
States must join the established democracies," said South Africa's daily
Star. A top aide to Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe endorsed the
idea: "perhaps now we have reached a time when they can learn a lot from
us. Maybe Africans and others should send observers to help Americans
deal with their democracy."

Others fantasized about observers dressed in Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda
shorts, alongside UN Blue Helmets, investigating Al Gore's campaign claim
there were "serious and substantional illegularities" in the ballot. "It is  a
shameful reflection on our continent that, in the US's hour of need, we wer e
not there beside our American brothers and sisters to help and advise
where we could," said an editorial in South Africa's weekly Mail. (Agence


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Subject: [bprlist] Barghouti promises 'special activities' for Nov. 15
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:16:42 -0500

Monday, November 13, 2000

Barghouti promises 'special activities' for Nov. 15

                  By Amira Hass
                  Ha'aretz Palestinian Affairs Correspondent

Palestinians will engage in "special activities" on Wednesday to highlight
"popular Palestinian sovereignty" in the West Bank and Gaza, West Bank
Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti declared yesterday.

Barghouti did not divulge details about the "special activities" planned for
November 15, when PA Chairman Yasser Arafat has said he will declare an
independent Palestinian state. One of his associates said that "at a time
when the Palestinian Authority's official leadership refrains from making a
declaration about Palestinian sovereignty, the people will do so in its own

Barghouti, who has operated Tanzim para-military units throughout the six
weeks of Al-Aqsa Intifada, spoke yesterday at a funeral of two Al-Bireh
residents who were killed on Saturday night by missile fire.

Thousands of Palestinian residents attended the double funeral and called on
"Barak and his cowardly army" to vacate the territories. Mourners chanted:
"The Intifada expresses the public's will."

Barghouti declared that Barak and Israel's tanks and helicopters don't
intimidate Palestinians, "who will continue the popular Intifada until
independence is won." He called on the Palestinian people to unite and show
patience, "since victory belongs to those who forbear." Asking his Fatah
followers to abandon the practice of shooting in the air during funerals,
Barghouti said that the bullets should be saved for worthy targets - namely,
the occupiers and the settlements.

A senior Fatah member told Ha'aretz that the movement remains committed
to a policy of "not pushing the struggle beyond the Green Line." Fatah, he
said, is investing its energy in the campaign to attain independence in the
territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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To: BPR Item Of Interest <>
Subject: [bprlist] Faith in our schools
From: Shophar_Sho_Good
Date: 13 Nov 00 12:46:53 EST

Faith in our schools

Nat Hentoff
     Some, not all, religious leaders denounced last term's Supreme Court
decision that school-encouraged prayers before football games are
unconstitutional - violating the First Amendment's Establishment Clause, the
separation of church and state. The debate continues amid increasing support
for more religious influence in politics.

     In dissent, Chief Justice William Rehnquist, joined by Justice Clarence
Thomas and Justice Antonin Scalia, charged that the majority's opinion
bristles with hostility to all things religious in public life. Many citizens
feel the same way and are now violating the Supreme Court's decision,
especially in the South.

     Vigorously disagreeing with that furious view was the Baptist Joint
Committee in Washington, which has been a consistent, lucid advocate of the
First Amendment's free exercise of religion guarantee. The Baptist Joint
Committee is supported by Baptist churches in the United States, the Religious
Liberty Council, and Southern Baptist state conventions.

     Melissa Rogers, general counsel of the Baptist Committee, points out that
the facts of the Santa Fe case show clearly that the school was heavily
involved in establishing and overseeing the policy and encouraging prayer.

     But didn't the majority of the students vote to have the prayer? Yes,
Miss Rogers continued, but using the voting process to advance the religious
views of the majority of the students against the consciences of the minority
violates a primary purpose of the First Amendment's Establishment Clause - to
protect the rights of members of minority religions. And, I would add, the
rights of those who have no religion.

     This Supreme Court decision does not at all mean that praying has been
banished from public schools. Melissa Rogers explains that prayers may be
offered individually or by groups of fans and students (including football
team members) before, during or after the game, so long as the religious
expression occurs without school involvement.

     Miss Rogers goes on with an illumination of fundamental American
religious liberty that should be framed on the walls of principals,
superintendents and school boards across the nation:

     We should and must continue to keep government out of the prayer
business. Using government coercion to encourage participation in religious
exercises strikes at the heart of our Constitution's guarantee of religious
liberty and trivializes a sacred act. Placing the government's stamp of
approval on some religions and not others is like holding a match to the
powder keg of our pluralistic nation.

     Accordingly, she says, in its Santa Fe decision, the Supreme Court helped
rather than harmed the cause of religious liberty. That's worth remembering in
the future controversies about separation of church and state.

     This crucial separation of church and state goes beyond religion. As
historian Irving Brant wrote about the Bill of Rights, the Framers knew what
they were doing. English history had demonstrated to them that without
complete religious liberty, without freedom of conscience, and separation of
church and state, there could be no freedom of speech, or of the press, or the
right of assembly.

     I hope that the Santa Fe decision will lead the Supreme Court to make
clear another constitutionally protected dimension of religious liberty. As a
reporter, I have covered many cases involving public school valedictorians who
- as is often required - have to get the principal's prior approval of the
graduation speech they want to give.

     If that student's speech includes his or her thanks to parents,
particular teachers and to Jesus Christ, the reference to Christ is censored.
This is a violation of the free exercise of religion clause of the First

     The content of such a speech is entirely created by the student. There is
no coercion by any agent of the state - the principal, the superintendent of
schools, or the school board. I cannot imagine that Thomas Jefferson, James
Madison, or any other Framer of the Constitution would have objected to a
student freely expressing his or her religious faith.

     Some law school deans and professors have told me that a religious
reference would be unconstitutional because there is a captive audience at
graduation ceremonies. However, the valedictorian giving thanks to Jesus is
not proselytizing. He or she is speaking only personally, not in the name of
the state. A valedictorian should also be able to give thanks to the God of
the Old Testament or to Muhammad.

Nat Hentoff is a columnist for The Washington Times. His column runs on

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To: BPR Item Of Interest <>
Subject: [bprlist] Daughter of God? Parents doubt it
From: Shophar_Sho_Good
Date: 13 Nov 00 12:48:53 EST

Daughter of God? Parents doubt it
St. Petersburg Times

Published in The Orlando Sentinel on November 12, 2000

FORT MYERS -- How does one discover that she is the daughter of God?

It begins with a message from prophets. The blinders come off. You forsake
your family, and you forsake those ungodly designer clothes.

You attract followers, who bow before you and snatch money from restaurant
cash-register drawers on your behalf -- because God said you should put the
cash to a higher purpose.

Maybe there are other ways to fulfill such an important calling, but this is
how it worked for Queen Shahmia. Or, for those who knew her in a previous
life, this is how it worked for Richell Denise Clark Bradshaw.

Bradshaw has strictly followed what she calls God`s orders to forsake her
family. She last saw her parents four years ago, when Bradshaw and her husband
visited them in Corpus Christi, Texas.

"She said the Lord told her that they shouldn`t have anything to do with us,"
said June Clark, Bradshaw`s mother. "She was convinced that I was evil and
that I was not of God. Neither one of them could understand what God could
have been thinking of." Bradshaw did not believe in the ministry that her
parents had begun.

Bitterly divided over religious beliefs, mother and daughter parted.

"If you don`t want us to stay here, we`ll leave tonight," Clark said her
daughter told her. "I said, `Well, leave.` "

They never talked again. They were so out of touch that nobody in the family
heard about it when Bradshaw was arrested in January and held in the Lee
County Jail. Nor did they know that she had been convicted in August and
sentenced to prison for 25 years for her part in a string of robberies across
Southwest and Central Florida during the Christmas holidays. Finally finding
out from a reporter, the family is puzzled as to what went wrong.

"My wife and I never fought. We`ve been together 36 years," said 63-year-old
Leo Clark, who with Bradshaw`s mother runs a homeless shelter in Corpus
Christi as part of their Spirit of the Lord Ministries. "She didn`t come up in
a broken home. This is just something that happened."

"I am just really sorry that I did not realize she was this dispirited," said
Bradshaw`s older sister, Angelia McConico. "But I do feel like she`s been
brainwashed as well. Over time she`ll have to accept reality: that she is not

But Bradshaw shows no sign that she plans to end her run as Queen Shahmia, and
her servants are sticking by her. Her maidservant, Nirishi, still wears a
necklace made of Bradshaw`s clipped fingernails. Convicted of robbery in
Orange County, Nirishi was given a choice by the judge: Stay away from
Bradshaw or lose custody of your five children. Nirishi chose to stay by her

At least one of Bradshaw`s man servants has been convicted of robbery. Though
families of some of the servants have accused Bradshaw of brainwashing them,
the servants continue to pledge their allegiance to "goddess Shahmia."

The 34-year-old would not grant an interview, but she was required to give
sworn testimony to the detectives investigating the restaurant and store

She told them she considers her prosecution and prison sentence a bump in the
road and expects God will see to it that she fulfills her destiny:

"Right now there is this little piece of trouble. That will, will be passing
over swiftly, there is an amount to do."

Bradshaw told investigators she spent the early 1990s living on the streets of
Seattle, a place where her purpose in life began to unfold: Angels appeared
and prophets came on bended knee, "offering me honor."

On a mission to deny herself worldly pleasures, Bradshaw cleared her closet of
designer clothes and stuffed them in big black plastic bags.

To replace the designer clothes, Bradshaw made "dresses out of sheets, and it
was tennis shoes and no jewelry, and no perfume and nothing extravagant.
Colors had to be distant, as dim as possible, because it was a time of my

When Bradshaw left Washington around 1993 for last time, she stopped in
California, Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas. Between Texas and Florida, Bradshaw
amassed a cluster of followers that included her husband and their three
children, plus a woman, three men and five children.

They would bathe their queen, rub lotion on her feet and peel her fruit.

Now that they know about Bradshaw`s imprisonment, her family wants to reach
out to her. Her 59-year-old mother said she would like custody of her three
grandchildren, who are in state custody.

June Clark just wishes her daughter would pray.

"If you`re prayer-minded, then you`re listening to the Lord, and the Lord is
in control of your life," she said. "It`s just that simple."

Posted Nov 11 2000 10:10PM

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To: BPR Item Of Interest <>
Subject: [bprlist] Consumer guide: Bibles
From: Shophar_Sho_Good
Date: 13 Nov 00 12:52:37 EST

Consumer guide: Bibles

Publishers target women, business executives, even cowboys in effort to market
the Scriptures
November 12, 2000

For centuries, millions of people comfortably assumed that the Bible was one
of the few changeless things in their lives.

That was before modern scholars and marketing experts got their hands on it.

Now Bible customers face sensory overload.

This Christmas shopping season, there are Bibles for women, for people who
live in the city, for cowboys on the open range, for recovering addicts and
for executives who want God to help make them better leaders. There are
software Bibles, coat-pocket Bibles, Scriptures bigger than a telephone book
and even leather-bound Bibles with shoulder straps for women to wear like a

"We've even got beautiful little pastel-colored leather shoulder-strap Bibles
for girls that kids think are just the bomb!" boasted Craig Featherstone,
marketing vice president at Thomas Nelson Bibles in Tennessee. "We're creating
all kinds of new contexts for the Bible."

Hundreds of editions compete for customers' attention with covers as slickly
colorful as TV commercials -- and contents as complex as a maze.

"For a lot of new Bible readers, it's overwhelming," said Glenn Paauw,
spokesman for the International Bible Society. "That's why many of the books
we publish contain just a piece of the Bible for readers to start with."

Paauw's group is dramatically repackaging the Bible in easy-to-consume pieces.
"David," the first in a new series of paperbacks about biblical heroes,
contains only Bible passages about the shepherd who became king of Israel.
Another new edition, "The Wisdom Chronicles," is a boxed set of tiny
paperbacks designed to attract even nonreligious people. No one will discover
that these are excerpts from the Bible until after they open the covers.

A smart Bible-shopping strategy is to check out the offerings of nonprofit
Bible societies before visiting bookstores. These groups sell their books at
deep discounts, sometimes at half the price of Bibles sold in stores. "David"
is only $1.25 and the "Wisdom" boxed set is only $9.99.

Here's how to contact two nonprofit groups: Visit for the
Colorado-based International Bible Society or call 800-524-1588 anytime to get
a catalog by mail. Visit for the American Bible Society
in New York or call 800-322-4253 for a free catalog.

Although they usually don't market through stores, these societies sell a huge
number of books. Last year, for example, the International Bible Society sold
8.5 million complete or abridged Bibles.

This fall, the American Bible Society is appealing to black churches with its
new African American Jubilee Edition of the Bible. It includes 300 pages of
black history along with the sacred text. Last month, 14 metro Detroit
churches -- half black and half white -- held programs to celebrate it.

No one knows exactly how many Bibles are sold annually by all publishers
because many guard their sales figures -- but the total is in the tens of

The Bible easily would blow away any other best-seller on the national book
lists, and that's why it is routinely excluded.

In a Gallup survey released this month, half of Americans say they read their
Bibles at least once a month -- and two-thirds of Americans say they believe
the Bible contains answers to life's most basic questions.

The number of editions that these Bible readers are buying is staggering. A
typical book is available in two editions: hardcover and paperback. In
contrast, a single Bible publisher, Zondervan of Grand Rapids, has 350
editions of the Bible in print this season.

Whose Bible to buy?

Three factors have converged to produce this confusing array: Many Christians'
discovery that all Bibles do not contain the same books, the completion of
dozens of English translations and the trend among publishers to customize
Bibles for specific demographic groups by adding meditations and educational
material for everyone from children to cowboys.

An improvement in interfaith relations got people talking with friends across
religious boundaries -- and discovering that there are at least five different
sacred versions of the Bible.

So a customer's first question is: Whose Bible should I buy?

In Judaism, the Hebrew scriptures traditionally are organized into 24 books,
counting the 12 minor prophets as a single book. If you want a true
Hebrew-English Bible, look for a Tanakh, the Hebrew word for the Scriptures.

Christians refer to the Hebrew part of the Bible as the Old Testament. Over
the centuries, however, church leaders have added books to this section. That
has led to disagreements between denominations about which books to include.

All Christian New Testaments have 27 books, but Old Testaments vary widely.
Slavonic Old Testaments in the Russian Orthodox Church include 51 books; Greek
Orthodox Old Testaments have 50. Catholics include 46 books, and Protestants
accept only 39.

Most Bibles sold in the United States are Protestant, so shoppers need to look
carefully if they want a different version. Catholic Bibles, for example,
usually have the word "Catholic" somewhere on the cover.

However, few Bibles contain all of the books. The most authoritative of these
is probably the HarperCollins Study Bible. This edition was sponsored by the
prestigious Society of Biblical Literature, an international group of 5,500
Bible scholars.

Many readers now prefer to expand their horizons and consider books beyond
their own tradition. For instance, 4 Maccabees, a book that appears only in
the most complete Bibles, is an intriguing meditation on the roles of reason
and emotion in our lives -- but most Protestants have never seen the book.

According to new research by Zondervan, readers tend to get hooked on the
Bible and wind up buying a whole collection of them.

"In the past, people would buy one leather-bound Bible and use it through
their whole life, but now we're finding that people go through different
stages of life and they want different kinds of Bibles for each stage," said
John Sawyer, Zondervan vice president of Bible marketing.

Zondervan calls its sales strategy "ages and stages" and offers Bibles
packaged in hundreds of different formats. They range from illustrated Bible
story books for preschoolers to the new Leadership Bible for mid-career

From 'thee' to 'you'

Marketers also promote the virtues of their distinctive English translations,
but the fact is that virtually all of the contemporary English versions are
accurate and much easier to understand than the 1611 King James Version. A few
of the more popular ones are:

The New International Version, sponsored by the International Bible Society,
is now the best-selling English translation. That's mainly because it is
popular with evangelical Protestants.

The New Revised Standard Version, sponsored by the National Council of
Churches, reflects the broadest scholarly consensus on the fine points of
translating the ancient texts. It is popular in mainline Protestant

The stately cadence of the King James Version remains popular in many
traditional Protestant churches, but a recent revision, the New King James
Version, is gaining ground. The revision, published by Thomas Nelson Bibles,
updated many archaic words. For instance, "thee," "thou" and "ye" became:

The Contemporary English Version, sponsored by the American Bible Society,
started out as a simplified translation for children, but caught on with
adults. Translators paid special attention to ensuring that phrases can be
read aloud with ease.

When shopping for Bibles, people should flip them open and try to read a few
verses aloud, said Barclay Newman, chief translator for the American Bible

"Ask yourself: Is the text easy on the eyes? Is it easy to read aloud? Are the
words and sentence patterns familiar to you? Does it catch your interest?"
said Newman. "If a person finds just the right Bible, a chemistry should
develop between the text and the reader. Most of all, you want to know: Does
this sing to my heart and soul?"

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To: BPR Item Of Interest <>
Subject: [bprlist] Going fast: $30,000 bibles
From: Shophar_Sho_Good
Date: 13 Nov 00 12:55:07 EST

Going fast: $30,000 bibles

November 12, 2000

You'd better hurry if you want the Rolls-Royce of Bibles: the
Pennyroyal-Caxton Bible. There are only 10 of these unique $30,000 volumes
left for sale.

They are so expensive because illustrator Barry Moser worked 5 years to
produce the 231 unique engravings that are the soul of this unusual work. This
was the first time a single artist had illustrated the entire Christian Bible
since Gustav Dore completed his Bible in 1865.

In 1999, 50 copies of the masterpiece were produced on handmade paper, each
Bible hand-stitched into five large volumes. Twenty copies were reserved for
Moser and New York book collector Bruce Kovner, who spent $2 million to
underwrite the publishing project. Twenty copies have been sold.

"But we wanted ordinary people to get their hands on this book, too," said
Moser. So there also is a $10,000, two-volume edition -- and even a $65,
one-volume edition, published by Viking

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To: BPR Item Of Interest <>
Subject: [bprlist] Image of Christ spotted on soccer pitch
From: Shophar_Sho_Good
Date: 13 Nov 00 12:56:23 EST

Image of Christ spotted on soccer pitch
Crystal Palace have a replica Turin Shroud image of Christ on their football

An aerial photograph of the club's Selhurst Park home reveals an amazing
Jesus-like imprint created on the turf by worn patches of grass, reports the
Daily Star.

"It seems there'll be a saviour for Palace this Christmas after all. It's
obviously divine intervention," said lifelong fan John Humphries, who spotted
the image.

Mr Humphries, 28, of Sydenham, Kent, was surfing the web looking at and noted the Jesus resemblance.

"I was looking at a picture of the ground on the internet and spotted Christ's
face, long hair and beard - just like the Turin Shroud," he said.

The famous cloth in the Italian city is said to have wrapped Jesus's body
after the Crucifixion.

Last updated: 08:24 Monday 13th November 2000.

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Subject: [bprlist] Arutz-7 News (11/13/00)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:22:09 -0500

Arutz Sheva News Service
Monday, Nov. 13, 2000 / Cheshvan 15, 5761

   2. BARAK IN U.S.
   9. IN BRIEF

All roads in the vicinity have been closed, as IDF forces, aided by
helicopters, search the area for a car from which Palestinian terrorists sh ot
and killed three people at around 4:15 PM today. The grave events occurred
roughly halfway between Jerusalem and Shechem, at the junction between
Ofrah and Shilo where the road forks westwards to Nachliel and Ateret. The
terrorists first shot at a car, killing a woman, and then shot at a busload  of
soldiers, killing two and wounding eight. Six ambulances were rushed to th e
scene; two of the wounded are in moderate condition, and the others were
lightly hurt. All traffic from Jerusalem to the Binyamin region - Tel Tzio n,
Psagot, Beit El, Ofrah, etc. - is being held up at the Hizme junction near
Jerusalem's Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood.

The Yesha Council's immediate reaction to the murderous attack: "These
are the victims of the policy of restraint that the government has decreed
upon the IDF=85 All Yesha roads must be closed to Palestinian traffic, to
reduce the risk they present to innocent Israeli drivers." MK Sha'ul Yahal om
(National Religious Party) called upon Prime Minister Barak to return to
Israel at once and establish an emergency government. Likud MK Yisrael
Katz said that Barak must instruct the army to liquidate the Palestinian

Other attacks today: Shortly before 2 PM, a large explosion from the
direction of Beit Jala was heard as far away as Gilo. HaKol MeHashetach
News Agency reports that the explosion is currently assumed to be a car
bomb under preparation by terrorists that blew up "before its time."

Three IDF soldiers managed to escape from a near-lynching in Gush Katif
early this afternoon. HaKol MeHashetach reports that they lost eye contact
with the military convoy in which they were traveling, and ended up at a
Palestinian police post. The three were forcefully removed from their vehi cle,
and a magazine was taken from their weapons. A large mob gathered at the
place and attempted to lynch them, but they somehow managed to escape.

The Palestinians shot last night at many Yesha locations, including most
notably the community of Vered Yericho, which was the target of protracted
fire from the casino in Jericho; an IDF tank fired a mortar shell at the bu ilding,
causing extensive damage to the top floor offices. Palestinian fire was al so
directed at IDF posts near Mt. Gerizim, Beit El, the Alon Road, and Bezek
base near Jenin. A Border Guard base near Tulkarm and Jewish homes in
Hevron were shot at, as well. As usual, several sites in Gaza were attacked
by Palestinian gunfire. No one was hurt in these incidents. A one-year-old
toddler from Beitar was lightly wounded by rocks thrown at her family's car
last night.

Arab rioting continued today at the usual sites=85 An Israeli civilian was
lightly wounded by a rock thrown at him near N'vei Dekalim. The PA reports
that two Arabs were killed in the various disturbances.

2. BARAK IN U.S. Prime Minister Barak's meeting with U.S. President
Clinton last night ended with no concrete results. Gen. Danny Yatom,
Barak's top security-affairs aide, said afterwards that peace with the
Palestinians will not be attained during the current Prime Ministerial term . At
the same time, other sources said that a Clinton-Barak-Arafat summit may
take place before the new American President is inaugurated. Barak
departed from the meeting to meet with American-Jewish leaders in Chicago.
 Conflicting reports emanated from Washington after the Barak-Clinton
meeting. MK Ruby Rivlin (Likud) termed "very grave" the reports that the
Prime Minister has agreed to hold a three-way summit involving himself,
Clinton, and Arafat without first demanding an end to the violence. Rivlin  also
predicted bitterly that the negotiations would resume from where they left off
at Camp David - despite the fact that Barak had promised after the Camp
David failure that the rejected Israeli proposals were to be considered "nu ll
and void." Senior officials in Barak's entourage said, however, that the
government would insist on a total cessation of hostilities, and not just a
ceasefire, before proceeding with negotiations.

DOESN'T A large front-page ad appears in today's edition of the Palestinian
newspaper Al Ayam, declaring that the main obstacle to peace is the Yesha
settlements. Sponsoring the ad is none other than the Israeli organization
Peace Now. The ad states that Peace Now promises to report to the
newspaper's readers on every shekel spent on the settlements.

The Tanzim - the PLO's slightly-more military arm than Fatah - is supplying
weapons and ammunition to the Hamas military wing Iz A-Din El Kassam. A
senior Tanzim source told Itim News Agency today that this is part of his
organization's plans to "turn the settlers' lives into hell, until they lea ve their

Most of the Israeli public does not agree, however. The Yesha Council
announced today that the findings of a poll carried out this month by Marke t
Watch are "very encouraging." The poll shows that about half the public fe el
that their admiration for Yesha residents has grown, and about the same
number feel that the settlements "provide protection for the rest of Israel , in
that they absorb the brunt of the Palestinian violence." Four-fifths do no t
agree that the settlements are the chief cause of Palestinian violence, and
60% do not believe that evacuation of settlements will lead to calm between
Israel and the Palestinians. However, 46% would support unilateral
separation even at the expense of evacuation of settlements; 45% are

4. LET THE IDF WIN! The Yesha Council has scheduled a major rally in
downtown Jerusalem next week, with its theme, "Let the IDF Win!" This was
also the theme of a pilgrimage today by a delegation of Gush Katif (Gaza)
residents to the Knesset. They were scheduled to meet, separately, with
MKs of the Likud, Meretz, Shas, and United Torah Judaism. Gaza Coast
Regional Council head Aharon Tzur told Arutz-7's Haggai Seri today that
they will try to persuade the MKs that the IDF must be given orders to win
the battle/war against the Palestinians.

The meeting with Meretz went basically smoothly, except for one outburst by
MK Mosi Raz, who called the settlers "men of Sodom." His party
colleagues condemned him. The two groups did not reach agreement, as
the post-meeting statement by Meretz illustrated: "The residents of Gush
Katif will merit protection only within the borders of the State of Israel. "

5. WHY DIDN'T THE ARMY BOMB? The military commission charged with
investigating the circumstances of the abandonment of the soldier Madhat
Yusuf during a battle for Joseph's Tomb on Oct. 1, and last month's Mt. Eva l
battle, will publicize its findings this afternoon. The second subject of the
investigation was the Oct. 19 hike to Mt. Eval by residents of Yesha who
were shot at by Palestinians for five hours until the IDF was able to rescu e
them; Rabbi Binyamin Herling was killed at the beginning of the battle.

According to a preliminary summary of the findings, the responsibility for the
Mt. Eval events has been laid mainly on Shechem Commander Col. Yossi
Adiri, and the fact that the hikers left the route that had been approved f or
them. MK Tzvi Hendel (National Union-Yisrael Beiteinu) expressed dismay
that the committee did not relate seriously to one of the main questions
raised by the public, namely, why the army did not bomb the houses from
where originated the firing against the hikers. The report explained that it
was feared that the hikers themselves would be harmed by the bombing.
Hendel demands an outside investigation of the events at Mt. Eval.

Regarding the death of the soldier at Joseph's Tomb, the committee found
that the decision to ask the PA for help in rescuing the soldier - help whi ch
did not materialize - was reasonable, in light of the fact that the only ot her
alternative was to bomb Furthermore, the Tomb should have been abandoned
as soon as the fighting started, and not a week later, according to the
committee. Regarding the question of responsibility, the conclusion was
that "no one can be blamed" for the lack of coordination between the three
commanders - Ganz, Eitan, and Mofaz. Noam Livnat, one of the teachers in
the now-defunct Joseph's Tomb yeshiva and who helped organize an
independent investigation of the events, said, "It's not that there is no o ne to
blame, but rather there are so many people to blame. If anyone of the
people in the chain had acted differently, then Madhat Yusuf would have
been alive today. They are all at fault..." Regarding the Mt. Eval findin gs,
Livnat said, "Everyone had great praise for Gen. Benny Ganz for his fightin g
of the battle, except they forgot to note one little detail: At no point d id the
Israeli forces fire back with heavy weapons at the source of the Palestinia n
fire. This is simply unbelievable."

1980's intifada may have begun to re-appear. The body of an Arab man
suspected of collaborating with Israel was found at the A-Ram junction in
northern Jerusalem yesterday. Palestinian sources say he was murdered by
Tanzim agents, who suspected him of having transferred information to Israe l
that was used in the successful killing of the Tanzim's Beit Jala leader
Hussein Abiyet last week. Itim News Agency quotes a Palestinian source
who expressed concern that such Arab-Arab killings may increase, as it did
during the previous intifada.

passed away yesterday, will be buried next to her husband, the
assassinated Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, on Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem this
Wednesday. Dennis Ross, who has announced that he will be resigning
from his position as American mediator for the Middle East, will attend the
funeral, and will take advantage of the opportunity to meet with Barak and
Arafat. Prime Minister Barak gave his approval - before today's murderous
terrorist attack - for Yasser Arafat to participate in the funeral; Arafat has not
yet requested to do so. Barak's approval aroused the ire of many groups.
The National Religious Party issued a statement condemning Barak's
decision, saying that it reeks of "insensitivity and stupidity." Women In
Green issued an announcement saying, "Even Ehud Barak should realize
the immorality of giving such permission to this abominable enemy of the
Jewish People... Daily our soldiers are being murdered by Arafat's use of t he
guns that Peres and Beilin irresponsibly gave to this band of Arab terroris ts.
To allow Arafat to attend the funeral of Leah Rabin at Mt. Herzl, at the pl ace
where many of the soldiers whom Arafat murdered are buried, would be a
mockery of the moral values that the Jewish People have given to the

Relatively new websites providing different and original viewpoints on
Israel and the troubles it is presently experiencing:
 <> - Keeping an eye on the world
media and responding, en masse, to anti-Israeli bias.
 <> - where users share news items, as well as
their personal impressions thereof, with each other.
 <> - Providing the international public with a
means of directly helping Israel in a time of national emergency.
 <> - Photographs of the events of the past we eks.
 <> - News items and analysis selected
from journalists registered with the Beit Agron International Press Center in
Jerusalem, or with the Palestinian Authority's Gaza Media Center.

 MK Limor Livnat (Likud) continues her sit-down strike outside the Prime
Minister's residence in Jerusalem. She is protesting the government's
"policy of restraint" in the face of Palestinian violence, and she plans to
remain there until Barak returns from abroad on Wednesday...
 A tender for the operation of a third TV channel in Israel - an all-news
channel - has been issued. It will expire in three months, and will allow the
winner to operate the station for at least ten years. CNN is likely to sub mit a
bid for the station, which is planned to begin running within a year...

Hebrew News Editor: Haggai Segal
English News Editor: Hillel Fendel

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Subject: [bprlist] Infobeat News items (11/13/00)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:22:09 -0500

*** Philippine president impeached

MANILA, Philippines (AP) - For the first time in Philippine history,
the House has sent impeachment charges against the president to the
Senate for trial, charging Joseph Estrada with taking millions of
dollars in illegal payoffs. There was no vote by the full House, as
had been expected. Speaker Manuel Villar said it was unnecessary
because more than the required one-third of the members signed a
petition endorsing impeachment. But the lack of a vote means the
House impeachment decision may be challenged. Estrada may have just
enough support in the Senate to remain in office. Two-thirds of the
Senate must vote for removal and the process could take months. The
impeachment process could take months, and opposition groups have
demanded Estrada resign to spare an economic crisis. The nation's
main stock index plunged 2.2% on Monday, and the peso weakened
further. Allegations by a provincial governor that Estrada accepted
more than $10 million in payoffs from illegal gambling and tobacco
taxes have triggered widespread calls for his ouster.

*** Putin proposes deeper nuclear cuts

MOSCOW (AP) - In a bold new arms control gambit, Russian President
Vladimir Putin said Monday that Russia and the United States could
make drastic cuts in their nuclear arsenals far beyond existing
proposals. Putin, who is pushing to downsize a huge and inefficient
military that Russia can no longer afford, said the former Cold War
opponents need not stop at the 1,500-warhead limit Russia has been
advocating up until now. He did not propose any specific numbers.
"It's not the limit. We are ready to consider lower levels in the
future," he said in a statement issued by the Kremlin. Putin said the
1,500 level could be achieved by 2008, but only if the United States
does not go ahead with a national missile defense system that Russia
says would undermine nuclear deterrence. After years of delay,
Russia's parliament in April ratified the START II arms reduction
treaty, which would roughly halve arsenals to about 3,500 warheads
each. As soon as the treaty goes into effect, the sides have
tentatively agreed to go ahead with a START III treaty that envisages
further cuts, to 2,000 to 2,500 warheads. Analysts say the United
States has roughly 7,500 nuclear weapons, while Russia has between
6,000 and 7,000. START II has not taken effect because the Russian
parliament added conditions not yet ratified by the U.S. Senate.

*** Annan seeks new Middle East talks

DOHA, Qatar (AP) - A final statement from an Islamic summit "invites"
Muslim countries to break ties with Israel and threatens to sever
relations with any nation that moves its embassy to Jerusalem,
diplomats said Monday. Though strongly worded, the communique falls
short of demands by several Muslim delegations, including the
Iranians and Saudis, who preferred a call committing the 56 members
of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to a breach of
relations with Israel. The summit, which opened Sunday and was
supposed to last three days, could wind down Monday, said Azeddine
Laraqi, the OIC's secretary-general. Several heads of delegations
have already departed, including Obeid, Syrian President Bashar Assad
and Jordanian King Abdullah II. The deadly Israeli-Palestinian
conflict that erupted Sept. 28 was the focus of the gathering. The
most intense debates revolved around which word to choose in the call
for freezing ties with Israel: demand or invite. Another issue
tackled by the participants was the rift between Kuwait and Iraq
resulting from Iraq's invasion of the tiny emirate in August 1990.

*** U.S. accused at climate meeting

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - Environmental groups accused the United
States on Monday of seeking loopholes to avoid cutting pollution, as
a U.N. conference opened to set rules for reducing harmful gases
released into the atmosphere. One major issue revolved around how
much countries could trade off against their commitments to roll back
their own pollution by helping other countries reduce theirs or by
planting new forests to absorb greenhouse gases. The question pits
the United States, which advocates unlimited emissions trading,
against the European Union and some developing countries, which fear
it will defeat the effort to force the biggest polluters to change
their ways. The United States argues that emissions trading is the
most cost-effective way to meet the global target of reducing
greenhouse gases by 5.2% from 1990 levels, and would give a breathing
space for the transition to cleaner energy and expensive new
technologies. Three years ago in Kyoto, Japan, governments drew up
targets and a rough outline for rolling back emissions of
carbon-based gases by a total of 5.2% from the 1990 level. Europe
agreed to cut emissions of these greenhouse gases by 8%, the United
States by 7% and Japan by 6%.

*** Clinton embarks on Asian journey

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton, with little more than two months
remaining in his presidency, embarked Monday on an Asian journey
centering on a historic visit to Vietnam to cement ties with a former
wartime adversary. Clinton's trip has at its other focus a summit of
more than 20 Asian-Pacific leaders in the sultanate of Brunei. It is
going ahead despite the current stalemate in the U.S. presidential
election. Administration officials say it demonstrates that the
nation's business is continuing without interruption. Accompanying
the president on Air Force One were his daughter, Chelsea, and
mother-in-law, Dorothy Rodham. His wife, U.S. Sen.-elect Hillary
Clinton, will join the president in Vietnam after attending the
Wednesday funeral of Leah Rabin, wife of assassinated Israeli Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin. While at the Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation summit, Clinton will confer with Russian President
Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

*** Germany criticizes U.S. justice

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) - Germany criticized the fairness of the
U.S. justice system and its application of capital punishment on
Monday as it opened a World Court suit against the United States over
the execution of two German citizens in Arizona. Gerhard
Westdickenberg, chief representative of the German government in the
World Court case, said the lawsuit over the case of Walter and Karl
LaGrand was meant to ensure that jailed foreign nationals receive
consular representation, and that it was not a challenge to U.S.
sovereignty. "This form of punishment cannot be justified, neither
ethically nor legally," Westdickenberg told the 15 international
judges at the supreme U.N. judicial body. Karl LaGrand and his
brother Walter were sentenced to death for fatally stabbing a
63-year-old bank manager during a botched robbery near Tucson,
Arizona, in 1982. Germany filed its suit the day before Walter
LaGrand, 37, was scheduled to die in Arizona's gas chamber on March
3, 1999. Karl LaGrand, 35, had received a lethal injection on Feb.
24. The lawsuit comes at a time of increasing protests worldwide
against U.S. executions of foreign nationals.

*** Malaria kills 818 people in Burundi

BUJUMBURA, Burundi (AP) - A severe malaria outbreak in the past month
has killed 818 people, including at least 100 children, a medical
official said Monday. The epidemic broke out in the Mwaro province of
the tiny central African nation, said Dr. Tharcisse Barihuta,
director of the National Program for Communicable Diseases. The
provinces of Gitega and Cibitoke were also hit hard, he said. Most of
victims died "either by refusing to treat the disease and turning to
traditional medicine or because they lacked money to go to a doctor,"
said Health Minister Stanislas Ntahomvukiye. Malaria is transmitted
by the bite of the Anopheles mosquito, which carries the Plasmodium
parasite. There is no vaccine to prevent malaria, but it can be
suppressed by taking daily or weekly doses of antimalarial medicines,
which are also used in larger doses to treat the illness. Most
Africans cannot afford these medicines.

*** U.S. presidential ballots in Denmark

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) - A Danish couple were surprised this
weekend when two absentee ballots from the U.S. presidential election
turned up in their mail. Brian Kain, a 33-year-old accountant and
sailing enthusiast, eagerly opened a large envelope when it arrived
Saturday with some information about navigation charts that he had
ordered from a company based in the state of Washington. He assumed
two extra sealed yellow envelopes inside the package were ads and
planned to throw them away until his wife, Helle, opened one of them
to discover the absentee ballot of Steven H. Forrester of Bellevue,
Wash. "The most interesting thing to me was the free chart and the
brochure," said Kain. The Kains didn't open the second envelope but
assumed it also was a ballot since both were marked with the words
"Official ballot - do not delay." They contacted the U.S. Embassy in
Copenhagen on Monday and were asked to put the envelopes in the mail.

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Subject: [bprlist] =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arafat=92s_Tanzim_forces_applaud_fatal_shooting_attacks? From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:37:02 -0500

     Arafat=92s Tanzim forces applaud fatal shooting attacks
     (NOV.14 =96 00:41-IST)

     (IsraelWire-11/14) Marwan Barghouti, a senior leader of the Tanzim
     forces aligned with PLO Authority (PA) Chairman Yassir Arafat=92s Fata h
     faction, on Monday issued statements applauding the shooting attacks
     which claimed the lives of two IDF soldiers and two Israeli civilians on
     Monday afternoon and evening.

     Barghouti stated the attacks were =93legitimate=94 considering the cur rent
     situation and PA struggle for independence, promising they would
     continue and increase in intensity.

     Military commanders predict the violence and attacks seen on Monday
     are a sign for the immediate future, predicting a continuation in the
     escalation in attacks as the November 15 date approaches, the PLO=92s
     Independence Day as declared in Algiers in 1988. Senior IDF
     commanders in Yesha are warning the shooting attacks are likely to
     increase in intensity and frequency in coming days and weeks.

     According to IDF statistics, since the start of the PA=92s orchestrate d
     =93Intifada=94 on September 29, 2000, there have been over 1,400 shoot ing
     attacks in which 25 IDF soldiers and Jewish citizens have been killed.

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Subject: [bprlist] Government orders closure on all PA autonomous areas
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:38:30 -0500

     Government orders a closure on all PA autonomous
     areas (NOV.14 =96 01:02-IST)

     (IsraelWire-11/14) Acting Prime Minister/Defense Minister Binyamin
     Ben-Eliezer on Monday night convened a meeting of senior security
     establishment personnel following terror attacks which claimed the liv es of
     two IDF soldiers and two Israeli civilians on Monday.

     It was decided that all areas under total PLO Authority (PA) control,
     areas =93A=94, will be placed under a closure. As such, no vehicles wi ll be
     permitted to enter or leave those areas except for humanitarian reason s.

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Subject: [bprlist] Anti-government protest
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:53:17 -0500


The mazkirut of Ofra is calling upon all residents of Judea, Samaria &
Gaza to form vehicular convoys and begin making their way to Jerusalem =96
to meet at the Prime Minister=92s Residence in the Rehavia section of
Jerusalem. (Kol M=92Hashetach)

BreakingNews-Israel <>
NOV/13/00 - 21:49-IST [14]


     Supporters continue to arrive at anti-government protest
     tent (NOV.14 =96 00:10-IST)

     (IsraelWire-11/14) Tens of residents of Neve Tzuf, the home of a victi m
     of a Monday afternoon terrorist attack, have arrived at the
     anti-government protest tent opposite the official Prime Minister=92s
     Residence in the Rehavia section of Jerusalem.

     In addition, about 40 cars from the Samarian community of Ofra also
     arrived at the tent as the number of persons participating against the
     anti-government protest continues to increase.

     Likud opposition MK Limor Livnat, who has moved her Knesset office to
     the site, is manning the tent.

     Following an emergency meeting of the Yesha Council Monday evening
     following a day during which four Israelis were killed, the council le aders
     stated that they too will be joining the open-ended protest, demanding  the
     government take appropriate action to end the daily shooting attacks
     against Israeli civilians and security forces.

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