BPR Mailing List Digest
September 25, 2000

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Prayer Request
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 08:19:38 -0400

[This is from one of our list members.--Moza]

Dear Moza:

...we would appreciate the prayer support of any of the list We include the
following that those who choose to may be informed as to the part we have
been called to: Through the school we are able to minister God's Word to
first our twenty-three students on a daily basis; Monday to Friday. We
believe/are convinced some of the parents and families are also ministered to
because of the testimonies we receive from them. Of course there is also a
constant stream of intercessory prayer on behalf of the students and families
by the Drakes and our two members of staff.


Drakes Christian School commits to provide an Above Average Education for
children with learning differences by fostering: THE LOVE OF LEARNING.

 It is a Quality Care School that utilises individual attention in small
classes (not more than 12 to one member of teaching staff) to achieve
scholastic excellence and character development

A MULTISENSORY, Systematic and Cumulative approach with PHONICS as
its foundation is used, within individualised curricula covering: mathematics,
language arts, social studies, handwriting, music and drama, craft and
physical education to bring each child to LITERACY.

Development of awareness of social responsibilities is encouraged by a
system of discipline based on knowledge of and adherence to THE WORD

Sydney & Frances Drakes" <>

Dear Moza,

Sydney and I are facing a a great challenge to our Ministry, the work we do
and our livelihood by the following situation We covet your and any others
who may care to lift this up in prayer.

Three days before the beginning of the school term we received a letter from
the "neighborhood association" informing us that the children would no
longer be permitted to play in the community park, ostensibly for lack of
insurance. We went to great lengths to secure adequate insurance for the
children and wrote them a letter to this effect. Our Landlord lives next door
to us and is a member of this association. My husband spoke to him and he
assured us it would not be a problem. Having written the letter and visited
with the President of the Association, Sydney called him last week to be
informed that will be seeking to evict the School from the house which we
rent. We live and operate the school out of the same house because the
parents cannot afford to pay higher school fees than what they currently do
and there are simply not enough funds for us to rent two properties.

We have been looking for some time now to find another location as we are
aware of the hatred for us and the school that this community has but we
have thus far been unsuccessful. The cost of real estate is prohibitively high
in this country. Please pray that God's will be done in this situation for the
best of the school and Ministry.


Sydney & Frances


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - (Fwd) Sudan, Part II
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 08:19:38 -0400

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Date sent: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 17:29:22 -0400 (EDT)
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Subject: Sudan, Part II

Lies and "damn Lies"
Sudan Part II, Lies and Damn Lies

     Reproduced with permission of source:

Heads Up! Sudan, Part II
Lies and "damn Lies"

Baroness Caroline Cox wears holy robes when she steals into Sudan. She is there to help a very powerful someone commandeer its oil. But for whom? To get to that answer, we must first question several misconceptions that stand in the way. They are:

1. Is slavery practiced in Sudan, as we are told almost daily?

2. Are persons being killed, starved and maimed simply because they are "Christians", as we are told by celebrity Christians?

3. Are 700,000 Chinese soldiers really massed in the desert for an attack on an innocent Christian population, as we were told?

4. Does Sudan have enough oil to beneficially effect world oil prices, and if so why has the news of new oil production been muffled so that few have heard of it?

Most of these misconceptions have been carefully examined in our detailed study on Sudan, "Missionaries, Mercenaries, Missiles & Money" ( We urge you to read it.

Baroness Caroline Cox is a British aristocrat through and through. She is also one of the apparent inventors of the idea of the modern "slave trade" in Sudan. She claims to have purchased the freedom of thousands of slaves from Arab slave traders. Her stories, while containing a minute kernel of truth, are lies that kill. Her statements are used to foment international war against Sudan, just as the issue of slavery was used a century ago in Sudan. So repugnant is the idea of slavery to most of us, that we are naturally inclined to relish the ide a of destroying any government that might encourage it by any means available and at any cost--even at the cost of many lives.

Lady Cox's alleged slave purchases have been thoroughly debunked as fraudulent by many sources. One that does an excellent job is called "Prejudiced and Discredited: Christian Solidarity International," by The European Sudanese Public Affairs Council, which is admittedly pro-Sudanese, but which cites many valid authorities. **

  The best test of Caroline Cox's lack of veracity lies in the illogic of her claims. The latest example is her endorsement of the 700,000 Chinese soldier story. Her propaganda program urges the U.S. Congress to declare a "no-fly" zone over Sudan--an act of war, and she is not even an American citizen. Her technique is to incite the American people against the Muslims of Sudan. She is no less than a British House of Lords mercenary posing as a missionary, and she is defiling Christ's name with sordid and deliberate lies that kill.

Caroline Cox's motives were once a puzzle, but now it is evident that Sudan's oil is firing the greed of those who seek to destroy the stability of the Sudanese government in order to get it. She herself has brought the oil issue to the forefront by promoting the Chinese fraud. As we stated, someone covets Sudan's oil, and Cox is the propaganda agent helping to deliver it. But before the country can be divided into North and South, the black Muslim Government of Sudan must be destroyed. Americans are not being told that the people of Sudan will also be destroyed, as they were when the British, under General Kerchner, destroyed the Government in 1898.

Dozens of mail-order missionaries and Celebrity Christians who follow this perfidious queen of the forked-tongue are simply in it for the money. Some whom this reporter has interviewed clearly believe their own stories, and some do not; some see through their own lies and tell them

anyway, and avoid interviews with people who suspect them. This includes a publicity director for Christian Solidarity International, who ended an interview when this writer would not assure him his report would be favorable to CSI.

To most Americans, Sudan is a remote and seemingly insignificant country in North Central Africa, known as sub-Sahara. But Sudan is constantly in the news, and invariably with a negative connotation. Deja News shows 2,209 news stories about Sudan, mostly having to do with claims of slavery and Christian persecution. Sudan is a country that hardly has a press of its own and has a gross annual income of about $500.00 per capita; less than one American in 100,000 will ever visit Sudan. And neither Caroline Cox nor any of the hundreds of Celebrity Christian leaders who claim to go there, and who lead the cry for US war on Sudan, have ever gotten a visa or tried to visit the country legally. Every mail-order missionary we know of, including Caroline Cox, sneaks into the war zone across an international border, usually Kenya.

Harry Truman said, "there are lies, and there are damn lies." He meant that we get used to the ordinary lies that people tell. What surprise us are the huge and malignant lies that are designed

to deceive, with a mean objective in mind. A "damn lie" to President Truman meant one designed to kill and destroy; Truman should have known, for he probably told a few himself. Sudan has been the victim of many "damn lies". We need to know who is trying to fool us and why.

Let us examine some of the tall tales told about Sudan. Regarding a Chinese Army in Sudan, the figure of 700,000 contains just a grain of truth, but the exaggeration is so enormous as to be

impossible. The U.S. State Department responded to the report by noting that the entire Gulf War occupation numbered only about 350,000, including all the countries involved. The spokesman stated that even the reports of "tens of thousands" of soldiers was greatly exaggerated and "would be easily detected." Such a gigantic troop movement would require from 3,500 to 10,000 or more airplane sorties, depending upon equipment and supplies--an impossible task for either China or Sudan. Such an army could stand along the 1,000-mile Sudanese pipeline and, by extending their arms, they could probably touch each other for the whole way! Even if China could transport such a force to Sudan, undetected by satellite surveillance that count the mud huts, it is doubtful that the Government of Sudan could feed them.

The story is more than a lie; it is a preposterous lie.

But for Baroness Cox, who was quoted in the London Telegraph story, and who is probably behind planting the story in the Telegraph, this kind of yarn is an everyday event. Carolyn Cox has a history of feeding outrageous quotes to the international press. The British Press has a record of printing what she says, probably because of her royalty status in England. It is this writer's guess that she or one of her colleagues planted the story in the Telegraph in the first place, and she just happened to be called for an interview. Regardless of who started the lie, it is a big one. Both its inventor and its facilitators are "damn liars" in the vernacular of Mr. Truman.

China does have a presence in Sudan, and probably has some military personnel there. China has an investment to protect in Sudan. Its government controlled (China Nation Petroleum Company) is a partner in the presently producing Heglig and Kaikang oilfields near the town of Bentiu on the White Nile River, some 500 miles southwest of Khartoum. China is a major financier in the newly-constructed multi-billion-dollar pipeline that carries crude oil about 1,100 miles to Port Sudan on the Red Sea. This pipeline began limited operation in August 1999, and was sabotaged by bombing in September 1999. It has since been bombed or sabotaged no less than three times. China, as a major owner, has an interest in the security of the pipeline and field, and it is logical that some security forces are present.

The insurgent army is commonly referred to as the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA), commanded by a U.S.-educated Sudanese, John Garang, who was at one time an admitted Communist. Garang claims to have changed his affiliation, but not the name of his organization.

Garang's ragtag "army" has established district governors in captured territory. Some of the territory he intermittently controls is within a few miles of the producing oil fields. Garang has stated his intention to capture the new billion-plus-dollar pipeline and stop oil production. The Sudanese and Chinese have contrary interests.

China has been involved in the Sudan project since 1996 through an initial agreement with Arakis. It became a major partner in financing the pipeline only after the U.S. sanctions were imposed on the Sudan in December 1998, by the Clinton Administration. The result of President Clinton's act was to destroy the creditworthiness of, Arakis Energy, a Canadian junior mining company. Arakis was forced to sell, and its successor was Talisman Energy Inc., a large Canadian independent. Sudan defied the U.S. sanctions and put together financing from European and Canadian companies and third world, energy hungry countries to build the pipeline and commence production. They funded and built what appeared to be an impossible pipeline in an active war zone.

The active objective of the campaign against Sudan is to destroy its government and steal the coveted oil wealth that promises to make it independent. Caroline Cox and a host of mail-order missionaries have long claimed their campaign is to overthrow the Government of Sudan in order to protect Christians from Islamic persecution. Some may believe this, but the story has now sprung a serious leak, since the news of Sudan's oil sales has attracted worldwide attention.

Part III will discuss the role of American mail order missionaries and mainline churches in financing revolution. We will discuss the unwitting dupes, the hungry opportunists and the few willful activist who probably know they are bringing war and death to black Sudanese.

** source reference, The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, 1 Northumberland Avenue, LondonWC2N 5BW England , (

"Heads Up!" Copyright 2000, WHTT, reproduced with permission, as a public service.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Male couples could have own babies
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 08:25:30 -0400

September 25 2000 BRITAIN

Male couples could have own babies


MALE homosexual couples could conceive children without a mother using
the genetic techniques pioneered by Dolly the Sheep, a leading British
biotechnology expert has claimed.

Dr Calum MacKellar, a lecturer in bioethics and biochemistry at the
University of Edinburgh, believes that research into cloning procedures to
treat infertility and metabolic disease could yield technology that would allow
a male homosexual couple to produce a child using only their own DNA, with
no need for a third, female, party to act as mother.

Dr MacKellar, who runs the European Bioethical Research charity, said that
the cell nuclear replacement technique, which was used to create Dolly, the
cloned sheep, could be developed to create so-called "male eggs", which
could then be fertilised by sperm from the other partner.

The "male egg" would be created by removing the nucleus from a donor egg
and replacing it with the nucleus from a sperm cell. The new egg would then
have male DNA and could be fertilised in-vitro by another sperm to give the
embryo two genetic fathers. It would then be implanted in the womb of a
surrogate mother.

However, Dr MacKellar said that new government guidelines on human
cloning have ignored the ethical issues raised by the technique, which would
allow the birth of a child with two genetic fathers.

At present, embryos conceived in such ways in animal tests on mammals
have so far failed to develop. As science stands, a mammal embryo created
solely from paternal DNA lacks certain imprinted maternal genes that allow it
to grow normally. Reptiles and birds do not face this obstacle.

Dr MacKellar, however, said the advance of genetics was proceeding at such
a rate that this difficulty could soon be overcome. "Because researchers are
now beginning to find techniques of stripping imprints from certain
chromosomes, a successful outcome for the male egg may not be far away,"
he said.

"Not long ago, everybody thought the cloning techniques used to create
Dolly the sheep were science fiction. Now they are very real, and the
legislation is having to catch up. It would be a mistake not to consider the
male egg issue at the same time."

The ethical problems that such a development would raise were not
addressed in last month's report into cloning by the Chief Medical Officer, Sir
Liam Donaldson, which will form the basis of a new Bill to be placed before
MPs later this year.

As a result, public debate has overlooked one of the most controversial areas
in which cloning might one day be applied, Dr MacKellar said.

"This is something of an oversight," he said. "The ethical, philosophical and
theological issues surrounding the creation of children with two genetic
fathers and a surrogate mother are extensive, and they need to be thoroughly
thought through before any legislation is considered in parliament.

"If the Government does not take careful notice of the issues surrounding the
male egg, another report will need to be written by another Chief Medical
Officer just because no-one believed this could happen."

The cell nuclear replacement technique that could be used to create male
eggs is considered by the Donaldson report, but only as a way to treat
infertility and metabolic disorders caused by mitochondrial disease - in which
a mother's cells have defective mitochondria, the DNA structures that create

By placing the nucleus from one of a mother's eggs into a donor egg with
healthy mitochondria, the embryo formed would inherit maternal nuclear DNA
without inheriting the mitochondrial disorder. The Donaldson report
recommends that research into such techniques be allowed.




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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Clinton, Iran plan election-eve coup
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 08:36:03 -0400


Clinton, Iran plan election-eve coup

Secret talks aimed at deal to boost Gore vote, legacy

The Clinton administration is hoping to conclude a "package deal" with the
government of Iran in time for the November elections that would resolve 20
years of hostility between the United States and Iran, lead to renewed
diplomatic relations, and give President Clinton a much sought-after "legacy"
in foreign affairs, according to interviews with intermediaries directly involved
in the negotiations and former U.S. officials.


President Clinton can lift the U.S. ban on trade with Iran with a simple stroke
of the pen, by annulling Executive Order 12959, which he signed on May 6,
1995. Lifting the sanctions would allow U.S. oil companies to purchase crude
oil from Iran, thus alleviating any shortfall that may result from a decision by
Iraq to withhold its oil from the market.

While most oil industry experts argue that there is no shortage of oil on
today's market, and that other factors including maintenance problems at
U.S. refineries have contributed to high home heating oil costs in the U.S.,
President Clinton would be sure to claim a political victory if oil
                 prices go down.

Full Story:


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - China Says West Demonizes Its State-Run Religions
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 09:54:58 -0500

China Says West Demonizes Its State-Run Religions

BEIJING, Sep 22, 2000 -- (Reuters) China on Thursday defended its tight
state control of religion as necessary to ward off hostile foreigners and
accused the West of demonizing the Communist country's religious policies.

"Some Western countries are now demonizing the status quo of religions in
China," said Deng Fucun, a Protestant pastor and vice chairman of the
government's Three-Self Patriotic Movement of Protestant Churches.

Contrary to repeated reports of religious persecution under the atheist
Communist Party, faith in China was thriving under "patriotic" churches
formed 50 years ago to shut out Western imperialism, Deng and other
Protestant officials told reporters.

"As to whether there is religious freedom in China, I think the figure of 15
million Protestants is self-evident," Luo Guanzong, head of the Three-Self
group told a news conference, stating the highest number China has ever
given for Protestants.

In a rare public forum, state clergy and officials offered a stern lecture
on the centuries-old sins of Western missionaries and a strident defense of
a system that critics say makes believers place loyalty to the Communist
state highest.

Deng said the Three-Self movement - self-government, self-support and
self-propagation - had made Christianity palatable to a nation which
associated Western missionaries with "opium traders and spies" due to 19th
century imperialists who dismembered China's decaying empire.


Speaking in the wake of a series of arrests of Chinese Christians who
worshipped in unauthorized churches and a damning U.S. State Department
report on religious freedom, the officials said critics were still trying to
control China through faith.

"Even now, some hostile forces are still unwilling to see the Chinese church
develop independently," said Reverend Cao Shengji, vice president of the
China Christian Council.

The government clergy said they encountered strong prejudice about the state
of religious belief in China during trips abroad.

Freedom of religion for Catholics, Protestant, Buddhists, Taoists and
Moslems is enshrined in the Chinese constitution, but worship is allowed
only at state-approved "patriotic" churches, temples or mosques.

Foreign religious and human rights groups say many millions of Christians
shun the state-run churches to worship in private "house" churches, risking
harassment or arrest.

China's Three-Self Patriotic Catholic church, which does not recognize the
Pope's authority, says it has more than 70 bishops and four million members.

The Vatican says eight million Chinese are loyal to the Pope and worship in
secret, while overseas Protestant groups have claimed similar numbers for
underground believers.

"Underground church membership has been greatly exaggerated," said Deng, who
heads a Protestant church in the eastern city of Hangzhou which he said
draws 5,000 worshippers to each of three or four weekly services and
baptizes 400 new members each year.


Addressing the detention of three U.S. missionaries last month in the
central province of Henan, China Christian council President Han Wenzao said
they had conducted "illegal preaching" for proselytizing without a
government invitation.

"The law is the law, whether you like it or not," said Han, who added the
three Taiwanese-born U.S. citizens were questioned and expelled. One of the
trio, 36-year-old Henry Chu, told Reuters he was punched and kicked by 10
public security officers.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - What's New at BPR?
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 09:58:45 -0500

Bible Prophecy Research
Additions and updates made since September 4, 2000
Issue #51
September 25, 2000

> Added: The Number 13

Excerpts from Bullinger's "Number in Scriptures" and Bob Schlenker's
(Christian Research Ministries) article on Nisan 13.

> Added: Big Brother

A newsletter issue from "A Voice in the Wilderness."

> Updated: The Number 42

> Updated: The Tree of Life


Moza shares a neat find:

The Interlinear Bible -- see and hear both the Hebrew and Greek.


"...[I]t is no coincidence that a society which undermines parental
authority, which marginalizes religion, and which steeps its children
in a violent and sexually obsessed popular culture produces children
who are unruly, undisciplined, nihilistic, and in some cases
infatuated with murder and quite prepared to act on these
infatuations." --Rep. J.C. Watts Jr.

(Extracted from THE FEDERALIST(r) BRIEF; 12 September 2000;

(Prov 29:15) The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to
himself bringeth his mother to shame.


The Messiah Texts: Jewish Legends of Three Thousand Years
by Raphael Patai

Paperback Reprint edition (January 1989)
373 pages
Wayne State Univ Pr
ISBN: 0814318509

From the Backcover: "Following a detailed introduction to the world
of messianic ideology and its significance in Jewish history, 'The
Messiah Texts' traces the progress of the messianic legend from its
biblical beginnings to contemporary expressions.

"Renowned scholar Raphael Patai has skillfully selected passages from
a voluminous literature spanning three millennia. Using his own
translations from Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, Latin, and other original
texts, Patai excerpts delightful folk tales, apocalyptic fantasies,
and parables of prophetic power. All are central to the
understanding of a magnificent heritage. Patai also investigates the
false messiahs who have appeared throughout Jewish history, the
modern Messiah-influenced movements such as reform Judaism and
Zionism, and the numerous reasons put forth by the various branches
of Judaism as to why the Messiah has not yet appeared.

"Raphael Patai is an internationally regarded anthropologist,
Orientalist, and biblical scholar. He has written over six hundred
articles and two dozen books..."

Rabbi Yonassan Gershom, Amazon Review:

"This book is the most comprehensive compilation of Jewish texts
about the Messiah that I know of in English. When it first came out,
it filled a great need for an intelligently-written book where both
Jews and non-Jews could read the traditional sources on what Jews
believe about the Messiah. As it turns out, those sources are much
richer and far more complex that you might imagine.

"Patai does not seek to present any particular doctrine as 'the
truth,' nor does he seek to convert anybody to anything. He simply
presents all the materials he could find, with some academic
overviews of the basic themes. His approach is that of an academic
folklorist, not a theologian — in fact, the book is subtitled 'Jewish
Legends of Three Thousand Years.'

"The chapters cover such things as pre-existent names of the Messiah,
prophecies, apocalyptic writings, birth of the Messiah, stages of the
Great Redemption, Last Judgement, Resurrection, dreams and visions of
the future world, etc. There are sources from the Bible, Talmud,
Midrash, medieval texts, Hasidic teachings, and modern accounts. Plus
there are literary references to the Messiah from such writers as
Elie Wiesel, Scholom Asch, Martin Buber, Jacob Wasserman, etc. All in
all, 337 pages of prime material.

"Most interesting were the various people who have claimed (or were
once thought to be) the Jewish Messiah, ranging from Bar Kochba to
Shabbetai Zevi to — get this — Theodore Herzl! Yes indeed, the
founder of the Zionist movement once dreamed that he was the Chosen
One (see pp. 272-73) and apparently saw himself as a savior of the
Jewish people — albeit a secular one."

(Please read more of what Rabbi Yonassan Gershom has to say about
'The Messiah Texts' as well as his other interesting reviews at

BPR Comment: 'The Messiah Texts' is a great reference for anyone
researching or interested in Judaism and messianic belief. Keep in
mind that Patai writes and compiles the book from the viewpoint of a
folklorist, and Rabbi Gershom (above) reviews the book from his
Judaic viewpoint that the Messiah has not yet come. Those of us that
believe the Messiah has indeed come and will in fact return, will
find some interesting "tales" in this book that could be applied to a
future antiChrist scenario. Would a person claiming to be the
Messiah in the future possibly use Judaic legends and beliefs to lend
credence to his claims? I find that an interesting speculation.
Some of the references presented in 'The Messiah Texts' are
down-right absurd, while others are extremely fascinating.
Nevertheless, all the references presented should give the reader a
better idea and understanding of the various messianic beliefs
throughout Jewish history.

For more info and a Table of Contents please visit
The BPR Reference Guide


Tishri 5761
Sep - Oct 2000

Its zodiacal sign is Libra. The tribe associated with this month is
Levi. Tishri consists of 30 days, with the 1st of Tishri never
falling on Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday.

Theme: balancing scales; righteous judgment

September 30, 2000 - Rosh Hashanah - New Moon - Tishri 1
(New Years, Feast of Trumpets)

October 2, 2000 - Fast of Gedaliah - Tishri 3 (Day that commemorates
the murder of the Jewish governor of Judea, Gedaliah, who was
appointed by the Babylonians after they captured Jerusalem in 586

October 9, 2000 - Yom Kippur - Tishri 10
October 9, 2000 - Draconids Meteor Shower Peak

October 14, 2000 - Succoth - Tishri 15

October 20, 2000 - Hoshana Rabbah - Tishri 21
(Last day of Succoth)

October 21, 2000 - Shemini Atzeret - Tishri 22
(Eighth day of the Solemn Assembly)
October 21, 2000 - Orionid Meteor Shower Peak

October 22, 2000 - Simchat Torah - Tishri 23
(The Day of Celebrating the Torah)

October 23, 1998 - Anniversary of the Wye River Memorandum Peace
Agreement signed in Washington, D.C.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Top 10 images released from commercial eye-in-the-sky
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 10:05:55 -0500

Top 10 images released from commercial eye-in-the-sky
Posted: September 25, 2000

Space Imaging, the world's only company to offer commercially available
one-meter resolution satellite imagery, is celebrating the one-year
anniversary in space of it Ikonos satellite. The craft was launched Sept.
24, 1999 from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.

Since Jan. 1, 2000, when Ikonos imagery was first made available for sale to
customers, the Ikonos satellite has logged many milestones. It has:

Collected 24 million square kilometers of imagery.
Created 200,000 images, which are housed in Space Imaging's digital archive.

Flown 232 million kilometers around the Earth.
Collected images over every continent on the Earth's surface.

In celebration of this anniversary, Space Imaging is showcasing 10 of the
year's most visually striking Ikonos photographs on the company's Web site.
These images show the Great Pyramids of Egypt; California's Hollywood sign;
the Olympic Park venue in Sydney, Australia; Hoover Dam; London's Millennium
Wheel; San Francisco Harbor; Hong Kong Harbor; Mecca, Saudi Arabia; and a
before and after of the bombing of Grozny, Chechnya.


Ikonos imagery has affected the lives and livelihoods of people, businesses
and governments around the world. Space Imaging recently worked with Los
Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, N.M., following the destructive
wildfires that blazed through this city early last summer. Los Alamos bought
high-resolution Ikonos satellite imagery to survey vegetation and structural
damage caused by the Cerro Grande fire and to help plan erosion mitigation
for any possible flooding caused by the loss of vegetation cover.

Ikonos imagery has benefited other groups:

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association is using Ikonos imagery to
study the health of coral reef on the Pacific Rim.

In the California wine country, Ikonos imagery is being used to study the
effects of Pierce's Disease on thousands of square miles of crops.
Software companies are using Ikonos imagery to allow real estate buyers to
explore properties over the Internet.

The State of Chihuahua in Mexico is using Ikonos to update its land
registry, helping the State to monitor population growth and maximize
limited physical space.

A wireless telecommunications firm is using Ikonos imagery to create 3D
virtual cities to map and display terrain, buildings and trees, aiding in
the accurate placement of antennas.

"Ikonos was built to provide new information capabilities for business and
government to use for decision making," said John Copple, CEO of Space
Imaging. "The information capabilities of the Ikonos system surpassed both
the industry's and our own expectations."

Copple continued, "I am extremely proud of the accomplishments of our
employees and our suppliers to make this technology available to the
commercial marketplace. What Ikonos has produced in the past year is just
the beginning of what's to come as we move forward into the visual
information age."

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - RE: The Lambs wife; Subatomic Quarks
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 07:20:05 -0800

Dear Charles Baker,

Thank you for your posting on the Lamb's wife. So much of people's
interest seem to be fixed on earthly things, but you are seeking the
truth of heavenly things.

Col. 3:1-4
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. [2] Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. [3] For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. [4] When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

I just speculate on how things will be, yet I sense that we are these individual stones of the New Jerusalem and perhaps a permanent memorial as you mention.

1 Peter 2:3-5
If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. [4] To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, [5] Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

Your last paragraph has many 'twelves' describing the "Bride". I have appreciated your comments to me on my articles to BPR. I wrote in Number Patterns in Scripture, of all the twelves that describe God's Bride. I quote from my article:

"We also see the Bride adorned with 12 stars, the New Jerusalem with 12 gates, 12 angels, 12 tribes, 12,000 of each tribe, 12 foundations, 12 apostles, 12 pearls, 12 stones, 12,000 furlongs on 3 dimensions (this is lost in some translations and found in KJV), 12 fruits of the tree of life, 144 cubits the measure of the wall--12 things in all marking again the female, the Bride. No restraint of a number pattern here--by now we should understand God's number language."

According to the Standard Model of theoretical physics, matter is made of 12 subatomic particles. A New York Times article, April 26, 1994, "Scientist Find Sign of Top Subatomic Quark" states: Scientists have discovered evidence of the top quark, the last of 12 subatomic building blocks thought to constitute all of the material world...

To see a chart of these particles go to choose elemental particles under introduction. Shown are 6 types of leptons and 6 types of quarks. This pictures looks like the breastplate covering the High Priest which symbolizes Christ our High Priest who put on matter (stones dust flesh) to dwell with us. At the Last Supper, the bread representing Christ's Body was broken into perhaps twelve pieces to give to the disciples.

The Fermilab mentioned in the 1994 article is currently in the news again concerning subatomic theory.

Leptons and quarks are strange names for particles, but our God knows them all and alludes to them in His Word with His number pattern. This reminds me of a quote about how scientists have been scaling peak after peak of knowledge and when they get there to true understanding, they find theologians sitting there for centuries.

In Christ, Sue

-----Original Message-----
From: (Charlie)
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 6:09 AM
To: BPR Mailing List
Subject: [BPR] - The Lambs wife, the Church and the New Jerusalem

The Lamb´s wife, the Church and the New Jerusalem

Most ‘born again´ Christians, I think, accept the fact that, as part of
the ‘Church´, they will be given incorruptible bodies, at some point in
the future, and will be the Lamb´s wife during His 1,000 year reign on
the earth. At the end of that time Satan will be released from the
bottomless pit and, shortly thereafter, he will be cast into the lake of
fire. There will be the ‘White Throne Judgment´ then, the new heaven
and new earth will appear, complete with the holy city, the New
Jerusalem. Praise the Lord!


Charles Baker September, 2000

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Real World News - 09/25/00
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 11:08:57 -0500

Selected items from...

REAL WORLD NEWS 09/25/2000

Visit Real World News online at

Soldiers in India and Bangladesh joined volunteers Monday to help
evacuate millions forced from their homes by torrential rains and
floods that have killed at least 388 people past week. In some
villages, mobs attacked relief centers and rescue workers scrambled
to reach marooned residents by boat, evacuating them to higher
ground. Health officials reported waterborne disease spreading in
some areas. Monsoon rains sent water rushing over riverbanks and
dams, submerging highways, villages and the homes of more than 10
million people in eastern India and 200,000 in Bangladesh,
authorities said.

President Clinton signed into law Friday a bill designed to restore
strong legal protections for religious freedom when conflicts arise
with cities, zoning boards, prisons and nursing homes. "Religious
liberty is a constitutional value of the highest order, and the
framers of the Constitution included protection for the free exercise
of religion in the very first amendment," Clinton said in a statement
after signing the bill. The law, which requires local officials to
give special treatment to churches, synagogues and religious
assemblies or lose their federal funding, is aimed at protecting
historic cathedrals and storefront churches.

Large-scale Iraqi troop movements have forced the United States into
watch-and-wait mode as it monitors signs of a possible military
showdown on the Persian Gulf. U.S. intelligence agencies have been
closely watching Iraqi military movements around the clock since
early this week, when virtually the entire Iraqi army and its elite
Republican Guard force left their barracks, army bases and airfields
and dispersed throughout the country. U.S. officials, speaking on
condition of anonymity, said the current dispersal of Iraqi forces
was solely 'defensive'.

President Putin will spend £25 million restoring a Tsarist palace
near St Petersburg to be used as a second residence, in what may be
perceived by many as an attempt to set himself up as an imperial
Russian leader. The reconstruction of the 18th-century Constantine
Palace, built near the former imperial capital for Peter the Great,
will have great resonance for Russians longing for a strong, paternal
leader. But it will also stir up anger at the lavish spending habits
of a President ruling a country involved in two regional conflicts
and mired in deep economic problems.

It is one of the deadliest new viruses to have emerged on the planet,
and in the past few months it has begun to terrorise a growing list
of victim nations. West Nile Fever looks set to become a global
threat for the twenty-first century. Last month the disease killed 12
Israelis; France and Jordan reported outbreaks; and US scientists
warned the disease has probably spread across the nation, threatening
new eruptions in areas such as the Gulf coast.,6903,372501,00.html

In one of the most religious countries in the world, more and more
people are seeking spiritual enlightenment in the same manner monks,
rabbis and priests have done for centuries: by reading. Attendance at
religious services in the United States has remained the highest of
any developed country, according to the Gallup Organization and other
surveyors of popular opinion and habits. And the personal-quest side
of that religiosity has pushed a once-niche book category into
best-seller status, boosting the sales of religious books to all-time

Quoting chapter and verse, a conservative leader showed 50 parents
how to teach their children an indelible lesson. ``You spank them
right here on the gluteus maximus, which God made for that purpose,''
said Marvin Munyon as he demonstrated proper corporal punishment on a
teen-age boy at the Eau Claire Gospel Center. Some social workers
and psychologists were alarmed by his message.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Re: Celestial sculpture in space?
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 11:14:37 -0500

"There will be those who will no doubt argue that Satan and his
cohorts are incapable of creating alien ships and masquerading as
extraterrestrials. However, when we look carefully at the
capabilities of angelic beings...we find that angelic beings have
extraordinary ability and power to manipulate matter within our
space-time domain."

(Chuck Missler, "Alien Encounters: The Secret Behind the UFO
Phenomenon", pg. 302)

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Weekend News Today (9/25/00)
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 17:49:33 -0400

September 25, '00

Israeli Hospital says health officials have banned reporting West Nile victims
West Nile virus found in Maryland, too
Almost 7 million acres burned in wildfires so far this year
Deadly floods strike India, leaving about 15 million marooned
Hurricane Isaac is churning up the Atlantic Ocean
Several winter records already broken this fall
T.S./Hurricane Alberto will be remembered as an all-time record breaker!
Vatican trys to remend its relations with other religions
Dallas/Ft. Worth far exceeds all-time record dry spell
NATO armada including 15 British ships in Mediterranean off Yugoslavia
Iraq wants OPEC unity; cites U.S. as colonialist country exerting 'foreign
Saudi report: Iraq chosen as ''the battefield for an undeclared war'' between
U.S., Russia, and France
Israeli air force worried over Syria's successful Scud-D missile test
Ben-Ami, Mubarak meet to discuss Temple Mount plan
Knesset panel clears bill to prevent Barak from Jerusalem concessions
PA-Israeli talks resume amid some signs of progress
Yugoslavia neighbors watch Belgrade with alarm
Russia and Germany discuss Yugoslavia, economic cooperation
Price of oil falls as U.S. taps strategic reserves


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - House report warns of anti-US alliance
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 18:04:54 -0400

September 25, 2000

House report warns of anti-U.S. alliance

By Bill Gertz

The Clinton administration's failed policies toward Russia have created a growing anti-American alliance between Moscow and Beijing based on arms sales and joint efforts to curb U.S. power and influence, according to a congressional report.

"To challenge America's dominance, Russia today cultivates its strategic partnership with the People's Republic of China — a partnership explicitly targeting American policies and interests around the globe and founded on increasing both the PRC's and Russia's military capabilities against the United States," the report said.

The report by a panel of House Republican national security specialists stated that "mismanagement" of U.S. policy toward Russia "has led to a growing military and political relationship between Russian and the [People's Republic of China] that is meant to seriously challenge the United States, our allies and existing security arrangements in the Pacific."

Russia, which at one point in the early 1990s cooperated with the United States on missile defense, no longer looks to any kind of strategic relationship with the United States and has increased military and intelligence sharing with China in a true strategic partnership, the report stated.

Rep. Curt Weldon, Pennsylvania Republican, a member of the panel formed by House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois, said in an interview that the Russians in 1992 declared they wanted a strategic partnership with the United States, but that failed administration policies ended any chance for close ties.

"We drive Russia and China together," Mr. Weldon said. "The level of high-technology weapons transfers has never been higher."

Arms sales from Russia to China were limited in the early 1990s by Moscow's fears of enhancing China's military capabilities and arms export potential. They increased from about $1 billion a year in 1993 to a major weapons-buying program that will be worth about $20 billion between now and 2004, the report said.

"It is not only deeply ironic but tragic that this state of affairs follows $112.2 billion in Western assistance to Russia," the report said. "After eight years of a Clinton administration policy that has yet to place highest priority on the basic steps needed to create a free enterprise economy in Russia, the U.S.-Russia relationship is in ruins, characterized by deep and growing hostility and divergent perceptions of international realities and intentions."

Russian weapons sales have undermined key U.S. strategic assumptions about the emergence of China as a threat, the report says.

"The sale of increasingly sophisticated Russian weaponry and technology to the PRC, and the establishment of close security cooperation between Beijing and Moscow, calls into question the fundamental prediction undergirding much Clinton administration security planning: that the United States will face no peer competitor in the military field during the next two decades," the report said.

"Any truly thoroughgoing combination of Russian and PRC technology and resources would surely produce a peer competitor for the United States more quickly than is otherwise commonly supposed."

The anti-U.S. alliance was cemented following NATO's recent expansion, which Russia opposed, and the U.S. bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, during operations in Kosovo. China viewed the bombing as a deliberate attack; the United States insisted the air strike was accidental based on faulty intelligence.

The most visible sign of the new alliance is increasing arms sales. Russia has sold two advanced Sovremenny-class missile destroyers with SSN-22 anti-ship missiles that were designed to sink U.S. aircraft carriers.

Other state-of-the-art Russian weapons sold to Beijing include advanced Kilo-class attack submarines, Su-30 long-range attack jets, MiG-31 fighters, airborne warning and control aircraft, T-80 tanks, advanced air defense missiles and rocket engines.

The report also states that the Russian military has made "far-reaching" commitments to aid Beijing in the event of a war between the mainland and Taiwan.

If the U.S. Seventh Fleet were dispatched to defend Taiwan from a mainland attack, Russia's Pacific Fleet would be ordered to stop them, the report says.

"Today, Russia and the PRC coordinate their policies across the spectrum of sensitive foreign policy and security issues," the report said. "Both vehemently oppose U.S. national and theater missile defense programs, and U.S. efforts to amend the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

"Both oppose NATO expansion, despite the evident lack of a PRC national-security interest in Central Europe. Both bitterly denounce the sanctions and U.S. use of force against Iraq. Both oppose NATO policy in Kosovo. Both reject any outside scrutiny of their human rights abuses in Chechnya, Xinjiang, and Tibet. Moscow supports Beijing's position on Taiwan, and Beijing supports Russia's war in Chechnya," the report continues. "After eight years of Clinton policies designed to woo both Moscow and Beijing, the United States is the odd man out."

The report blamed Clinton administration policies for ignoring Chinese threats and bolstering its economy while prompting Russia to turn toward China's model of development and reject American-sponsored reforms.

"The perceived contrast between America's aggressive economic engagement with the PRC and its virtual disengagement from Russia strengthened those in Russia — and in the PRC — who argued that a harder line against the United States in the foreign policy and security spheres does not hurt in the sphere of economics and trade, and possibly might help," the report said.


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Ballard gets green light to recover Black Sea artifacts
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 18:06:52 -0400


By Staff Reporter
September 19, 2000

Turkey's Minister of Culture, Istemihan Talay, has granted
the National Geographic Black Sea expedition a permit to
recover artifacts from the sea floor, the Society announced
September 19.

The permit was presented to Society Executive Vice
President Terry Garcia at a news conference attended by
Turkish TV and print media in Ankara, on Tuesday. Alpay
Tasinli, director general of the General Directorate of
Monuments and Museums of the Ministry of Culture, Terry
Garcia, and chief archaeologist of the Black Sea project
Fredrik Hiebert also participated.

The announcement by the Turkish government comes on the
heels of Robert Ballard's discovery of what appears to be
remnants of human habitation more than 300 feet (nearly 100
m) below the surface of the Black Sea, approximately 12
miles (18 km) off the Turkish shore. Evidence suggests
these people must have thrived in a coastal setting before
a catastrophic flood inundated the area many thousands of
years ago.

Ballard, famous for discovering the wreck of the Titanic,
startled the world a week ago with the announcement that he
had found the remains of a building with a hewn beam and
wooden branches that formed the walls and roof of a
structure=97most likely a house. His expedition also found
and photographed stone tools, possibly a chisel or an axe,
and ceramic storage vessels.

Evidence of human settlement on the submerged shoreline
gives credence to the theory that a massive flood=97believed
to have been caused about 7,500 years ago when the
Mediterranean broke through what is today the
Bosphorus=97caused the people living around what was then a
fresh-water lake to abandon their homes in a hurry. There
has been conjecture that the rapidly rising water level may
have been the basis for the story of the biblical flood. It
is hoped that the remnants of the abandoned settlements
will shed light on the ancient civilization.

"We are pleased to be working closely with the Turkish
government toward our mutual scientific goals. We are
grateful for their prompt action on this matter," said
National Geographic Society President John Fahey.

Ballard said he was delighted that the permit had been
granted. "We can now move forward to the next phase of the
expedition, which is the dating process to establish the
age of the artifacts we recover. I thank the Minister of
Culture and the Turkish government for their
collaboration," he said.

The schedule for the recovery of any artifacts has not yet
been set. The expedition is due to conclude at the end of

(c) 2000 National Geographic Society.

From National, 19 September 2000


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Unleashing `Mini-Nukes' Will Bring Dire Consequences
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 18:10:16 -0400

                 Unleashing `Mini-Nukes' Will Bring
                 Dire Consequences

                 Martin Butcher, Theresa Hitchens
                                                         Thursday, September 21, 2000

                 SOME U.S. LEADERS are toying with an idea for
                 a new nuclear bomb that could have turned
                 NATO's campaign in Kosovo into a nuclear war.
                 For more than 50 years, there has been a taboo
                 against unleashing the terrible power of the atom in
                 war, but some in the U.S. nuclear weapons
                 establishment and their political allies now envision a
                 world where nuclear combat could become almost
                 a commonplace event.

                 Sound crazy? Unfortunately, it's true.

                 Top Senate Republicans already have pushed
                 through a measure that will allow U.S. weapons
                 labs to begin studies on a so-called ``mini-nuke,''
                 intended not to deter a potential enemy but for use
                 in small, regional wars. The measure is expected to
                 pass when Congress debates the defense budget bill
                 later this month. And even though the Pentagon says
                 it ``has no requirement'' for such a new weapon, no
                 one in President Clinton's lame-duck administration
                 is expected to take on the issue.

                 Sens. John Warner, R-Va., and Wayne Allard,
                 R-Colo., ensured that the Senate version of the
                 Defense Authorization Bill for fiscal year 2001
                 contains a provision to allow initial development
                 studies on a nuclear weapon with an explosive yield
                 of less than five kilotons. The senators acted in
                 answer to an Air Force request for permis sion to
                 explore creation of an earth-burrowing nuclear
                 warhead that could be used in regional wars, such
                 as the Gulf War or Kosovo, to destroy
                 underground bunkers.

                 The aim would be to kill national leaders such as
                 Saddam Hussein or Slobodan Milosevic, or to
                 destroy stocks of biological/chemical weapons held
                 by so-called ``rogue'' states. The thinking --
                 detailed in a recent paper, ``Nuclear Weapons in
                 the 21st Century'' by Stephen Younger, associate
                 director for nuclear weapons at Los Alamos
                 National Laboratory -- is that such bunkers are
                 often in urban areas, where use of a ``normal''
                 nuclear weapon would cause unacceptable damage
                 and casualties to the civilian population. A
                 ``mini-nuke,'' proponents argue, would be a sure
                 way of killing a dictator, or wiping out stockpiles of
                 chemical and biological weapons, with little or no
                 release of those agents into the environment.

                 Obviously, the development and deployment of a
                 weapon with a relatively small explosive yield -- the
                 Hiroshima bomb, regarded today as tiny, was a 15
                 kiloton weapon -- would be extremely dangerous,
                 precisely because the military would regard it as
                 ``usable.'' The negative political ramifications of
                 launching a nuclear war apparently go unheeded by
                 Younger and others promoting such a new weapon.

                 It is also absurd to assert that such a weapon could
                 be employed without en dangering civilians. A
                 mini-nuke dropped on San Francisco might only
                 destroy Twin Peaks, not the entire city. But, even a
                 small nuclear weapon would kill thousands of
                 people and bring appalling suffering to thousands
                 more victims of burns, radiation sickness, blindness
                 and other injuries. Eventually, thousands more
                 would suffer as the result of genetic deformities --
                 exactly as has happened in Hiroshima and

                 And even with today's precision weapons, accurate
                 delivery cannot be ensured. The accidental bombing
                 of the Chinese embassy during NATO's Kosovo air
                 war is a case in point.

                 War aside, a number of immediate negative
                 consequences can be expected if the United States
                 pursues ``mini-nukes.''

                 In the near term, nuclear weapons design and
                 development activity at Department of Energy labs
                 would be intensified. Eventually, there would be
                 strong pressure to resume nuclear testing, as the
                 weapon scientists seek to prove to the military that
                 their new designs work. This would wreck the
                 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, already weakened
                 by its rejection by the Senate last year. In fact, there
                 already is strong pressure from the U.S. nuclear
                 labs, and members of Congress such as Sen.
                 Allard, to abandon the test ban treaty and the U.S.
                 moratorium on nuclear testing. The United States'
                 move to develop mini-nukes has the potential to
                 spur proliferation. The refusal of the
                 ``nuclear-haves'' to live up to obligations under the
                 Non- Proliferation Treaty to pursue nuclear
                 disarmament already has piqued India and Pakistan
                 to acquire nuclear capability.

                 How can the world take seriously Washington's
                 pledge, made during the May Non-Proliferation
                 Treaty 2000 Review Conference, to make an
                 ``unequivocal undertaking'' to work toward
                 eliminating nuclear weapons, when at the same time
                 U.S. officials are promoting new, more usable

                 Moreover, the United States has signed so-called
                 negative security assurances -- promising not to
                 launch a nuclear attack on non-nuclear countries.
                 Doesn't the development of a ``mini-nuke'' make a
                 mockery of those promises?

                 Is the U.S. government really ready to overthrow
                 the international consensus that nuclear war would
                 be the ultimate disaster, just for the chance to drop
                 a bomb on Saddam Hussein? Does such a policy
                 make strategic sense for a peaceful 21st century?

                 Those touting the use of battlefield nuclear weapons
                 need to look up from their blueprints and recognize
                 the potentially frightening results of their laboratory

                 Martin Butcher is director of security programs
                 at Physicians for Social Responsibility. Theresa
                 Hitchens is research director at the British
                 American Security Information Council.


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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Atmospheric Blimps on Russia's Horizon
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 18:28:48 -0400

Atmospheric Blimps on Russia's Horizon

By Yuri Karash
Special to
posted: 07:39 am ET
21 September 2000

The glory days of airships -- when the Hindenburg and other huge Zeppelins and dirigibles plied gloriously through our skies -- are long past, but their smaller descendents still fly, carrying passengers and providing cheap and reliable communication.

A variation on these airships is currently being developed by the Russian scientific-technical Alternativa Center. When built, it will look like the Fuji Film or Goodyear blimps, but unlike those ships, it will be pilotless and operate instead as a type of atmospheric communication "satellite" (AS).

Once aloft, an Alternativa blimp could support up to a million TV receivers and up to half a million cellular phones within a 500-mile (800-kilometer) radius of the center of the satellite´s location, said Alternativa General Director Oleg Chembrovsky. Twenty such blimps could easily provide TV transmissions and cell phone communications for the entire Russian Federation.

"Other than being a high-flying antenna, an AS could also perform a number of scientific functions, particularly Earth and atmosphere monitoring," said Chembrovsky.

The blimps will measure 197 feet (60 meters) long by 65 feet (20 meters) in diameter, with a takeoff weight of 7 tons. They will climb quickly to 31 miles (50 kilometers) where they will hover in a position within 230 feet (70 meters) of a required location.

The blimps will be powered by solar energy collected by a film-like solar array covering the upper part of the blimp which will convert sunlight into electricity, said Vitaly Kulyasov, deputy general director of Alternativa Center.

"Later, this solar-electric engine will be replaced by a gravitational-inertial engine," Kulyasov said. "The principle of the latter´s operation is a Russian commercial secret. I can only say that this principle is similar to the one which generates tornadoes and hurricanes."

A prototype of the new engine will be tested at the end of September.

The blimp itself eventually will be released from a mast. It could then fly to a location as far as 1,550 miles (2,500 kilometers) from its takeoff site. The blimp's solar-electric engine then should push it forward at speeds reaching up to 93 miles (150 kilometers) per hour.

Each test satellite costs $16.5 million -- $4.2 million for the blimp and $12.3 million for related equipment, said Chembrovsky. "The mass-production satellites will be two to three times cheaper," he said.

Alternativa, a private company, plans to build two test satellites first. They will hover in alternating three-month shifts before returning to Earth for checkup and maintenance. Mass-production satellites are expected to be serviced once every two or three years. Each blimp is expected to operate for 10 years.

Western companies have expressed their considerable interest in AS. A Norwegian company has already signed a preliminary agreement with Alternativa regarding AS development and construction.

"Providing that Alternativa will have enough money to finance the AS´ development," said Chembrovsky, "the first satellite may take off in three years."


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