BPR Mailing List Digest
January 1, 2001

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To: <>
Subject: [bprlist] Re: Angels, sex and things.
From: "John Brough"
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 11:18:24 +1300

I appreciate your answers and comments. To all on the list I appreciate all
of your feedback. But let us all remember we are in the search for truth and
some of these areas God has only given us partial revelation about so we
must do the best we can with the material we have available. It is good to
get into discussion as the proverb says "Iron sharpens iron" and discussion
does help clarify inconsistencies in ones thoughts.
May I reflect further.

You raise the question as to whether the 5 months will stop the birth of the
offspring. I must admit I hadn't thought of that particular side of the
question but my thinking had been more in line with Enoch's idea that the
offspring of the angel/women union had been the nephilim/giants who
proceeded to afflict mankind and, according to Enoch, were the prime reason
for the groaning of mankind before the flood. Enoch tells us that their
spirits were allowed to remain free after the flood as demons on the earth
(the origin of demons). My thought had been that the 5 month period would
prevent their birth by the appearance of Christ and so such a plague would
not afflict mankind again (shades of the promise of God to Noah after the
flood). But, of course, your point that Christ's coming would not
necessarily prevent the natural continuance of the pregnancies and eventiual
births (4 months later) of the offspring, is correct. I can only specualte
here but I suggest that the redemption of Christ mat well affect these
latter day offspring and so "convert" their demonic nature. But I don't
know - who can. But none the less I do think the general outline I have
presented is the correct one - ultimately it creates less problems of
biblical interpretation than any of the other theories I have encountered. I
personally feel thatthe speculation that there were several races of
"Mankind" other than Adam's line has less going for it than the idea I have

As to whether or not angels are capable of sex we don't know for sure but
the idea was popularly held at the time of Christ. Christ's words in Matt
and Mark (the same event recorded twice) are of course definitive but your
correspondent Lambert was correct - Jesus clearly says this statement about
"angels in Heaven", i.e. those who have retained their hevenly occupation
and position. Jesus says nothing at all in this passage about the activities
of angels who have rebelled against God and left their heavenly habitation.
It would not be wise for other correspondents to be too dogmatic about the
activities of those fallen angels on the basis of this saying of Jesus
alone - not when the combination of Gen 6 and Job 38 "Sons of God" can
suggest otherwise.

Can I dvelop this further for your consideration:

In two passages in the New Testament the idea of some of the fallen angels
being bound in the pit is taught clearly: 2 Peter 2:4 & Jude 6. Those of you
who are familiar with the Book of Enoch will recognise these as clear
references to Enoch - in fact Jude quotes Enoch by name in v14 showing his
familiarity with the book.

The interesting thing about both of these NT references to the sins of the
fallen angels is the immediate context of the argument they references are
found in - both Peter and Jude are talking about immoral, sexual sin and the
sorts of people who indulge in it. One of the basic laws of scriptural
interpretation is the law of interpretaiton in context. If we were to follow
this we would be almost compelled to think that the sin of the angels was
sexual from the positioning of the mention of the angels in the context of
sexual sin and also from the fact that in Enoch their sin is clearly sexual.

However enough of that issue.

Just a comment on the Jewish story writing technique of painting the
broad picture then filling in the details.
My only knowledge of Jewish literature comes from a university course I did
in 1974 in Auckland NZunder a man called Dr F.I.Anderson. Dr Anderson was (I
presume he is dead now as he was in his 50s then) an Anglican (Episcopal to
you I think) scholar and an evangelical and was rated as one of the Anglican
churches top Old Testament scholars in the world. The idea I have just
outlined actually came from him. I have found it a useful way of approaching
the OT stories. Dr Anderson later went to lecture at Ridley College in
Australia, I think. The NZ Anglican church at the time was a bit Liberal and
he really didn't fit in too well here. Happy to say that the NZ Anglican
church is now very healthy and sound and growing in the grace of God. So Dr
Anderson is my source there but I can't give any written documentation for
those on the list who would like to pursue the matter.

Blessings on you all for the New Year.
John in NZ.

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Bible Prophecy Research

Subject: [bprlist] In Philippines, Net is divine
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:23 -0500

Posted at 8:49 p.m. PST Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2000

In Philippines, Net is divine

BY MICHAEL ZIELENZIGER Mercury News Tokyo Bureau

MANILA, Philippines -- ``Church services'' has taken on a whole new
meaning in the Philippines, where the Roman Catholic Church has become
the nation's leading Internet service provider.

The church has long been a political force in the Philippines, Asia's
only predominantly Catholic country. Now, its voice is growing even
stronger as it introduces Internet access across this poor land. Even
villages that don't yet have reliable telephone service are getting
networked to the globe thanks to the church. It is an experiment in how
the latest in communications technology can transform the lives of the
very poor. And, not accidentally, it gives the church one more means to
spread its message.

``We call this `e-vangelization,' '' said Monsignor Pedro C. Quitorio
III, the Internet guru for the Catholic Bishops Conference of the
Philippines (CBCP). ``We believe there is a strong role for information
technology in expanding the reach of the church.''

The church has constructed the nation's most comprehensive Internet
backbone, running the 1,000-mile length of this far-flung archipelago.
Eventually, CBCPNet, as the church-run entity calls itself, intends to
wire every diocese, parish house and parochial school in the country. In
partnership with private companies, it is also setting up Internet cafes
around the country to give the nation's urban poor access to the

Because it operates as a non-profit operation, CBCPNet charges less than
commercial providers. Most users buy prepaid cards that allow them to
surf for up to seven hours for 100 pesos, or $2. That's about one-third
less than commercial services.

It also brings Internet service to places like Borongan, a town in rural
Samar province, where the company just this month set up a satellite
dish and hooked it up to computers in the diocese office that are
available to local residents for surfing the Web and for e-mail.

``We become the very first providers to give those areas Internet
access,'' said Quitorio. ``We are the only ones who will provide
Internet service to the poor, deprived areas of the country.''

Of course, the church is attempting to provide only its version of the
Internet -- free of violence, gambling and pornography. CBCPNet employs
monitors and uses software made in Britain to block access to these
kinds of sites.

It's impossible to filter out all of them, acknowledged Eman Lim, the
chief technical officer for CBCPNet.

``The point isn't that we're 100 percent pure,'' he said. ``The point is
that we're doing something.''

``We are an Internet provider with a mission,'' Lim said. ``We want
children everywhere to be able to access the Internet without the
parents fearing that they will find material that is inappropriate.''

Ronald Paredes, 24, demonstrates how this works at the Internet shop he
runs with 10 computer terminals in a plain storefront between a hardware
store and a massage parlor off a busy street in Quezon City.

Paredes types in the Internet address for a Playboy Web site. Almost
immediately, the computer displays this admonition: ``Thank God you were
not able to enter that bad site. CBCPNet suggests that you access
wholesome sites instead. God Bless You.''

``We are constantly updating the sites to protect against pornography,''
said Paredes. ``We don't really care what people do online, but we do
want to protect against their coming across the really dirty stuff.''

Violent games

CBCP may try to restrict users to wholesome sites, but it tolerates
violent computer games. At most of the church's Internet cafes, paying
customers like 15-year-old Michael Arigusa in Quezon City mostly use
their rented computer keyboards to hunt down and kill bloodthirsty
terrorists in a violent computer game known as ``Counter Strike.''

``I don't really use the Internet here,'' the high school student said
gruffly after watching as his character is gunned down inside a gloomy
warehouse. ``Mostly, I'm a gamer.''

While Quitorio acknowledges that the church frowns on the violent arcade
games, he has chosen to take a pragmatic attitude.

``We were convinced by Eman that we had to adjust to the priorities of
the market, or we wouldn't earn enough money to open new sites,'' he
said. ``Since the terminals in most Internet cafes are used for games,
we had to accept it.''

The church also considers promoting electronic commerce and connecting
families to be parts of its Internet mission. An estimated 6 million
people in this country of 78 million have left to work overseas, mostly
as nurses, maids, technicians and laborers.

Quitorio said he hopes to assure that these overseas workers can conduct
online phone conversations with their families in remote areas. He also
sees opportunities for farmers to improve their agricultural practices
through online training and to fetch better prices for their harvests by
finding the best markets on the Internet.

Of course, building the Internet infrastructure also adds to the
Church's considerable political clout. Two months ago, Jaime Cardinal
Sin, the nation's influential archbishop, was among the first to call
for the resignation of President Joseph Estrada, who is facing an
impeachment trial in the Philippine Senate on corruption charges. Until
recently, the cardinal's dispatch would have been faxed or mailed to the
nation's dioceses. Now it's e-mailed around the country.

``It used to take us weeks to prepare for a prayer rally,'' Lim said.
``We'd have to print handbills, leaflets and letters, and distribute
them by mail. The paper alone would fill a parking lot. Now, when the
cardinal issues an edict, it is distributed globally within minutes.''

CBCP is developing online marriage counseling and catechism, and
Quitorio predicts online Masses may soon become commonplace.

``When the Holy Father delivers his New Year's homily, we want people to
be able to view streaming video on the Web in places where there is no
television station,'' Quitorio said. ``That's the foundation on which
this service is built.''

Bandwidth provider

So strong is the church's commitment to wire every one of the nation's
79 dioceses and 2,900 parochial schools that CBCPNet is one of the
nation's largest suppliers of bandwidth, which is the capacity of an
Internet link to move bits of data. Sometimes CBCPNet acts as a
commercial middleman, providing bandwidth to competing providers for
less than they could acquire it for themselves.

Business leaders in Manila say the church's Internet initiatives are
already boosting its influence.

``The church will be a real force to be reckoned with online. It's
amazing but true,'' said Andy Delos Reyes, chief executive of Asiagate
Networks, a Manila-based Web portal and Internet service provider. Even
though his company competes with the church in providing basic Internet
services, he said, ``I'm happy for them to spread the gospel of the


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Bible Prophecy Research

Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Ha'aretz: DOCUMENT: Clinton minutes of proposal for
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:23 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 00:47:44 -0500
Subject: Ha'aretz: DOCUMENT: Clinton minutes of
           proposal for agreement between Israel and Palestinians

Ha'aretz: DOCUMENT: Clinton minutes of proposal for agreement between
Israel and Palestinians

Published in Ha'aretz on 31 December 2000

Following are the minutes of U.S.President Bill Clinton' comments at a
meeting with Israeli and Palestinian representatives at the White House on
December 23, 2000


Based on what I heard, I believe that the solution should be in the mid-90
percents, between 94-96 percent of the West Bank territory of the
Palestinian State.

The land annexed by Israel should be compensated by a land swap of 1-3
percent in addition to territorial arrangements such as a permanent safe

The parties also should consider the swap of leased land to meet their
respective needs...

The Parties should develop a map consistent with the following criteria:

l 80% of settlers in blocks

l contiguity

l Minimize the annexed areas

l Minimize the number of Palestinian affected


The key lies in an international presence that can only be withdrawn by
mutual consent. This presence will also monitor the implementation of the
agreement between both sides ...

My best judgment is that the Israeli presence would remain in fixed
locations in the Jordan Valley under the authority of the international
force for another 36 months. This period could be reduced in the event of
favorable regional developments that diminish the threat to Israel.

On early warning stations, Israel should maintain three facilities in the
West Bank with a Palestinian liaison presence. The stations will be subject
to review every 10 years with any changes in the status to be mutually

Regarding emergency developments, I understand that you will still have to
develop a map of the relevant areas and routes... I propose the following

Imminent and demonstrable threat to Israel's national security of a military
nature that requires the activation of a national state emergency.

Of course, the international forces will need to be notified of any such

On airspace, I suggest that the state of Palestine will have sovereignty
over its airspace but that the two sides should work out special
arrangements for Israeli training and operational needs.

I understand that the Israeli position is that Palestine should be defined
as a "demilitarized state" while the Palestinian side proposes "a state with
limited arms." As a compromise, I suggest calling it a "non-militarized

This will be consistent with the fact that in addition to a strong
Palestinian security force, Palestine will have an international force for
border security and deterrent purposes...


The general principle is that Arab areas are Palestinian and Jewish ones are
Israeli. This would apply to the Old City as well. I urge the two sides to
work on maps to create maximum contiguity for both sides.

Regarding the Haram\Temple Mount, I believe that the gaps are not related to
practical administration but to symbolic issues of sovereignty and to
finding a way to accord respect to the religious beliefs of both sides.

I know you have been discussing a number of formulations.... I add to these
two additional formulations guaranteeing Palestinian effective control over
the Haram while respecting the conviction of the Jewish People. Regarding
either one of those two formulations will be international monitoring to
provide mutual confidence.

1. Palestinian sovereignty over the Haram and Israeli sovereignty over a)
the Western Wall and the space sacred to Judaism of which it is a part or b)
the Western Wall and the Holy of Holies of which it is a part.

There will be a firm commitment by both not to excavate beneath the Haram or
behind the Wall.

2. Palestinian sovereignty over the Haram and Israeli sovereignty over the
Western Wall and shared functional sovereignty over the issue of excavation
under the Haram and behind the Wall such that mutual consent would be
requested before any excavation can take place.


I sense that the differences are more relating to formulations and less to
what will happen on a practical level.

I believe that Israel is prepared to acknowledge the moral and material
suffering caused to the Palestinian people as a result of the 1948 war and
the need to assist the international community in addressing the problem...

The fundamental gap is on how to handle the concept of the right of return.
I know the history of the issue and how hard it will be for the Palestinian
leadership to appear to be abandoning the principle.

The Israeli side could not accept any reference to a right of return that
would imply a right to immigrate to Israel in defiance of Israel's sovereign
policies and admission or that would threaten the Jewish character of the

Any solution must address both needs.

The solution will have to be consistent with the two-state approach.... the
state of Palestine as the homeland of the Palestinian people and the state
of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people.

Under the two-state solution, the guiding principle should be that the
Palestinian state should be the focal point for the Palestinians who choose
to return to the area without ruling out that Israel will accept some of
these refugees.

I believe that we need to adopt a formulation on the right of return that
will make clear that there is no specific right of return to Israel itself
but that does not negate the aspiration of the Palestinian people to return
to the area.

I propose two alternatives:

1. both sides recognize the right of Palestinian refugees to return to
historic Palestine, or 2. both sides recognize the right of Palestinian
refugees to return to their homeland.

The agreement will define the implementation of this general right in a way
that is consistent with the two-state solution. It would list the five
possible homes for the refugees:

1. the State of Palestine

2. Areas in Israel being transferred to Palestine in the land swap

3. Rehabilitation in host country

4. Resettlement in third country

5. Admission to Israel

In listing these options, the agreement will make clear that the return to
the West Bank, Gaza Strip and area acquired in the land swap would be right
to all Palestinian refugees, while rehabilitation in host countries,
resettlement in third countries and absorption into Israel will depend upon
the policies of those countries.

Israel could indicate in the agreement that it intends to establish a policy
so that some the refugees would be absorbed into Israel consistent with
Israel sovereign decision.

I believe that priority should be given to the refugee population in

The parties would agree that this implements Resolution 194.

The End of Conflict:

I propose that the agreement clearly mark the end of the conflict and its
implementation put and end to all claims. This could be implemented through
a UN Security Council Resolution that notes that resolutions 242 and 338
have been implemented and through the release for Palestinian prisoners..

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Subject: [bprlist] Clone scientists can grow sperm in laboratory
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:23 -0500

December 31 2000 FAR EAST
Clone scientists can grow sperm in laboratory
Cherry Norton and Lois Rogers

SCIENTISTS have succeeded in growing sperm in a laboratory for the first
time, paving the way for infertile men to produce their own genetic

The team, from the Machida district of Tokyo, also believe they will be
able to reprogramme male cells into producing eggs so that men can both
father and "mother" children. This could allow gay men to be parents

At the moment the technique, which clones embryo cells and turns them
into sperm, has been attempted only with mice. But the researchers plan
to test the techniques on adult men. Although cloning humans is banned
under Japanese law, the new technique gets round the restriction because
it uses cloning to produce the seed for a new baby rather than the baby

The development has been condemned by medical ethics groups as a further
step in the "brutalisation" of modern science. They believe it risks
turning human life into a commodity with no limits on the experimental
techniques for which it can be used.

The new technique was disclosed at a recent biologists' conference in
Japan and will be unveiled to the international scientific community in
a publication next year.

Poshiaki Nose, of the Mitsubishi Kasei Institute, described last week
how he had worked out which of the cells in early embryos were destined
to grow into the baby's germ cells - sperm or eggs.

In the early days after fertilisation, the embryo is a mass of so-called
stem cells, each programmed to develop into a different part of the
body. Nose's technique involves using genetic markers to work out which
cells have the genes involved in sperm manufacture "switched on".

He has grown these cells into sperm in the laboratory before they are
implanted back into the testes. They appear genetically normal.

"We have no reason to doubt that these sperm are viable," Nose said.
"The stem cell-derived sperm are exactly the same as those produced by
the testes and we are now seeing if we can make them fertilise normal

Other researchers noted that the Japanese team had yet to produce a
healthy baby, but few doubt they will be successful.



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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Radio Analysis and Excerpts: The Voice of Palestine-D
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:24 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 10:02:44 -0500
Subject: Radio Analysis and Excerpts: The Voice of
           Palestine-Dec. 31/30 2000 - "not a grain", right of return

Radio Analysis and Excerpts: The Voice of Palestine-Dec. 31/30 2000 - "not a
grain", right of return

Prepared by Michael Widlanski. Michael Widlanski lectures at the Rothberg
School of the Hebrew University and is doing doctoral research at Bar Ilan
on Palestinian broadcast media.

Israel Resource News Agency
Beit Agron Int'l Press Center
Jerusalem, Israel
tel. (+972-2) 623-6368 or cellphone (+972-53) 710-737

   Officials of the PA took a hard line during VOP broadcasts Saturday and
Sunday, explicitly toughening negotiating positions publicly while also
promising an intensification of para-military activities against Israelis.

    Prominent hard-liners-e.g. Marwan Barghouti and Farouk Qaddoumi-- were
featured throughout the day on both Saturday and Sunday on different
subjects, but always pushing the continuation of the "intifada" and offering
a skeptical view of prospects for any deal with Israel. Barghouti
specifically called for escalating attacks on Israel (see Barghouti Saturday
interview below, day before Kahane deaths) and threatened reprisals (see
Sunday remarks after Thabit death). Barghouti said the Fatah Movement would
spur its operational activities for two weeks to mark the official founding
of the Fatah (January 1, 1965).

     The thrust of remarks by Qaddoumi and Saeb Erikat was that the
AMERICAN IDEAS and that the PA would work through the upcoming Arab summit
(now projected for Thursday) to achieve an Arab consensus on American ideas.

    *--"In the flurry of diplomatic activity, His Excellency President
Yasser Arafat holds talks in the Tunisian capital today with the President
of Tunisia Zaid Abdeen Ibn Ali, about the latest aggressions committed
against the Palestinian people by Israel and also about the Palestinian view
concerning the American ideas and opinions offered recently by the American
    *--Dr. Saeb Erikat, Local Rule Minister, is in Amman today for talks
with Jordanian Foreign Minister Abdel-Hillal al-Khatib about the latest
developments in the Palestinian lands and about the Palestinian view
concerning American ideas and opinions; And Dr. Erikat told us in a
statement this morning that the American Administration was requiring a
response in principle to its ideas before responding to Palestinian
questions regarding them. And Dr Erikat said that it was impossible to talk
about fateful issues such as the refugees and Jerusalem and security and
water and so forth in a pompous way, and that the Palestinian Authority was
demanding the American administration clear responses on these matters..And
Dr. Erikat denied that the Palestinian Authority had been subjected to
pressures from any Arab parties..;
    *--Mr. Farouk Qaddoumi, the head of the PLO Political Department asserts
that the American ideas do not differ markedly from the ideas offered at
Camp David;
   *--Israeli broadcasts say this morning that one settler was killed not
far from the settlement of Ofra built on our citizens' lands, and one report
from the French news agency.says that the settler was Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane,
son of the extremist rabbi Meir Kahane;
    *--Israeli occupation forces continued their aggression against the sons
of our people in a variety of districts in the homeland, strengthening the
closure on several cities, towns and (refugee) camps, involving 18 citizens
in injuries in Gaza and Rafah.;
   *--A special Papal representative from His Holiness Pope John Paul II
will reach His Excellency President Yasser Arafat tomorrow..;
   *--Iraqi Health Ministry Director Zuheir Sa'id announced the dispatch of
an Iraqi medical team to Amman-the fourth of its kind-- to help wounded from
the Intifada in Jordanian hospitals.sent by direction of Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein to help those hurt in the Intifada;
   *--Saudi Regent Prince Abdullah Ibb Abdel-Aziz said that it was incumbent
execute the dispatch of an international protection force for protecting the
Palestinian people.;

(those additional or changed from morning)

   *--"The Palestinian Authority puts responsibility on Israel for the
assassination Dr. Thabit Thabit, Fatah secretary in Tulkarm
  *--Marwan Barghouti said the people would avenge the act of


   *--"Masses in Gaza will accompany today the exalted martyr Mahmoud Ali
Nseir, 26 years old, who was martyred when the security forces were
subjected to Israeli artillery fire in the Beit Hanoun Crossing Point.;
   *---The Leadership again renewed its demand to implement decisions of
international legitimacy (i.e. resolutions 242, 338 and 194) in connection
with the occupied Palestinian lands, saying we will cling to every grain of
our land and to the right of return for the refugees to their homes. The
Leadership, in a statement issued after its weekly meeting in Gaza last
night, said there could be no solution whatsoever in which our people and
our Leadership retreat under military pressure, forsaking in a humiliating
way even one grain of our holy land, our Jerusalem and our holy
places-Christian and Islamic. The Leadership declared that it clings
completely to the right of return for the refugees to their homes and
residences according to Resolution 194. The Leadership said it was patiently
trying to get out of the present situation--replete with siege and
aggression-in the negotiations...It said the Israeli positions were the same
positions as in Camp David..The Leadership declared its willingness to enter
serious and final talks under international aegis without a fixed and
short timetable based on international legitimacy;
   *--Nabil Abu-Irdeineh, President Yasser Arafat's advisor, said the
Palestinians would not accept any agreement that did not safeguard complete
Palestinian sovereignty over East Jerusalem and the holy Jerusalem Shrine
(Haram al-Sharif);
   *--The National and Islamic forces and units of the PLO expressed their
confidence in President Yasser Arafat and the Leadership's stance of refusal
to the American proposals in their present form.It stressed the necessity of
continuing the Intifada until occupation is defeated and independence

Interview with Fatah Secretary, Marwan Barghouti,
7:45 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 30:
Q: "What is the stance of the Fatah movement regarding the American
A: "It is a clear position which the Fatah movement has enunciated, and that
is that any proposal, unless it is based on the core Palestinian principles,
will not be accepted by the Fatah Movement. .Any proposal and any agreement
must be based on complete Palestinian Arab sovereignty on the city of
Jerusalem and the Right of Return for the Palestinian refugees to their
homes and residences according to Resolution 194, as well as the removal and
termination of the settlements and the return to the June 4, 1967 borders.
(Anything Else) will not be acceptable and refused conmpletely by the
Palestinian people and not just by the Fatah Movement.
    And in this sphere we are completely as one with the President, Yasser
Arafat who expressed his complete refusal to the American proposals which
are nothing but Israeli ideas."

Q: "What do you say about Israeli statements refusing Palestinian
sovereignty over Haram al-Sharif?"

A: "Barak is not serious when he talks about peace and about seeking
agreement. The only thing that moves him is winning the election, and not
(also: rather than) executing the peace process. The other thin is that the
national rights of the Palestinians do not figure in his time frame-neither
for Barak nor for anyone else (i.e. the other Israeli candidate). Therefore,
we believe without Arab sovereignty not only over Al Aqsa but over the city
of Jerusalem in its entirety as being part of the Palestinian Arab lands
captured in '67, there will be no success for any agreement or for any
peace. And it would be wise for the rulers from Tel Aviv (i.e. the Israeli
government) to understand the winds of history and the message of this
Intifada and resign themselves to the firm rights of the Palestinian people.
Without them there will be no peace, no security and no stability in this

Q: "What is the future program of the Fatah Movement (on the occasion of its
36th anniversary)?"
A: "We during these days will commemorate and reinforce the martyrdom of the
heroes of our movement, who struggled and strove in heroism, who fell in
heroic operations, and we send our good health and greetings to the
prisoners and to its Leadership and its commanders, its members, and its
formations and to its wounded and to all its strivers and to all its
institutions.above all to the Brother, the President, the Leader, Abu Amar
(nickname of Arafat). And we are armed with our blessed intifada which will
terminate the Israeli occupation. And the year 2001 will be the year of
independence and the year of Return and the year of sovereignty.."

Q: "Any special programs or celebrations?"
A: "Fatah movement will celebrate in its own special way, in the way of
struggle (i.e. operations), and there will operations that will be unleashed
tomorrow, Sunday, the 31st, and a popular march through the communities of
the Homeland in various towns, villages and cities..
   And on the first of the first (January 1) all the Palestinian lands and
prefectures will see military marches and demonstrations, and the coming two
weeks will be days of escalation and Fatah rage against the Occupation."

    The deaths of two Israelis-Binyamin Kahane and his wife-was covered
quite differently than the death of Fatah Secretary in Tulkarm Thabit
   *--In the former, there was no mention made of the fact that an entire
civilian family was attacked--father and mother killed, five children
wounded, one gravely. VOP did not report the fact that the passengers were
children ranging in age from two months to ten years. There was no
condemnation of the attack. Rather, Kahane was called a settler from Ofra
(incorrect) which VOP stressed was a settlement built on citizens' lands
(also incorrect, since Ofra was built on public state lands, not privately
owned). In addition, VOP emphasized in several of its broadcasts that
Binyamin Kahane was the sone of the "extremist rabbi" Meir Kahane (not
mentioning that he, too, was murdered, by an Arab assassin in New York);

   *--In the latter death, VOP carried PA condemnations of the
"assassination policy" of Israel, not mentioning that Thabit Thabit, as
Fatah secretary of Tulkarm, had had a strong hand in planning and executing
attacks on Israeli settlers and civilian vehicles

Quotes from Interview with Ziad Abu-Ziad, PA Jerusalem Minister Sunday (7:40
   "The Wailing Wall-what is the Burak Wall-is part of the Al Aqsa Mosque..
      The American ideas are nothing but Israeli ideas. The American ideas
are nothing but Israeli ideas in American cloaking.
   We are thinking not only of the Palestinians who are here now, but also
the Palestinians who will be here in the future-the refugees."

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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Ha'aretz: Labor doves to foil unity gov't if Barak
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:24 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 01:04:41 -0500
Subject: Ha'aretz: Labor doves to foil unity gov't if Barak
           loses election-party may dump Barak before elections

Ha'aretz: Labor doves to foil unity gov't if Barak loses election-party may
dump Barak before elections

By Yossi Verter and Gideon Alon Ha'aretz Correspondents Ha'aretz 31
December 2000

Dovish members of Labor plan to prevent the creation of a unity government
headed by Likud chair Ariel Sharon, should Prime Minister Ehud Barak lose in
elections scheduled for February 6, 2001. In talks at the weekend between a
number of senior Labor members, the prevailing opinion was that without a
peace agreement, Barak would have little chance of winning the elections.

If Barak were to lose, sources in Labor say, his opponents in the party
would immediately convene a meeting of the Labor Central Committee and the
party's Knesset faction so as to adopt a decision against joining a unity

The central committee will also be asked to set an early date for primaries
to elect a new leader for Labor so that the party would be ready for general
elections that could take place next year if a narrow government under
Sharon were to collapse. At this stage, the doves are yet to agree on a
possible replacement for Barak - the names of Avraham Burg, Shimon Peres,
Yossi Beilin and Haim Ramon have all been mooted.

At the same time, there is still talk in Labor about the possibility of
replacing Barak even before the elections. Sources in Labor say that if the
gap between Barak and Sharon in the public opinion polls does not shrink
considerably in the next three weeks, Barak will be pressured into stepping
down in favor of an alternative candidate, perhaps Shimon Peres.

Barak was asked about this possibility in an interview with Channel 2 News
on Friday and replied that surveys can change from one day to the next and
that he intended to fight up until election day. Barak also declared that if
he were to be elected, he would appoint a full-time defense minister, naming
MKs Amnon Lipkin-Shahak (Center) and Matan Vilnai (Labor) as potential
candidates for the position.

The prime minister added, however, that he might choose to appoint a
prominent security figure who was not currently a member of the government.
Barak did not give any details, but his associates mentioned Yossi Peled and
Ami Ayalon.

Sources close to the prime minister said that Barak intends to "upgrade" the
status of Shimon Peres in the next government. Barak has also declared that
he would appoint Yaakov Kedmi as interior minister and Yossi Sarid as
education minister. Sources at Barak's campaign headquarters said that
surveys had shown that Sarid was considered a popular choice for the
position among numerous sections of the population, including right wingers
and residents of development towns.
Clean elections
Meanwhile representatives of Barak and Sharon will today sign an inter-party
treaty to maintain a clean election campaign. In a ceremony at the Knesset -
to be attended by the chairman of the Central Election Committee, Justice
Mishael Cheshin, and members of the various Knesset factions -
representatives of the two candidates will undertake to refrain from any
actions that constitute a breach of the election laws, laws relating to
election funding, or any other legal provisions.

Representatives of Barak and Sharon will also express a commitment to avoid
disruption of public order, to refrain from acts of physical or verbal
violence, to avoid damaging public property and the environment and to keep
the country clean.

The parties will also undertake to preserve human dignity, not to publish
offensive slogans, statements or pictures and not to undertake acts of
incitement against the opposing candidate or population groups. The treaty
also establishes that any complaint with regard to a breach of the
undertakings would be passed on to Justice Cheshin whose decision on the
matter would be binding.
First shots fired
The main thrust of Barak's election campaign will be to present Sharon as
someone who is hiding his real views from the public, according to MK Elie
Goldschmidt, who heads the prime minister's campaign headquarters.

"How does Sharon plan to prevent a deterioration in security that could lead
to war? How can Sharon - who only recently bragged that he has never, and
never will, shake the hand 'of that dog Arafat' - sit down with him and make
peace? How does Sharon, who even opposed the peace [agreement] with Jordan,
plan to make peace?" asked Goldschmidt at a press conference together with
Ministers Dalia Itzik and Ra'anan Cohen. "The purpose of this campaign is to
peel the mask off the face of Ariel Sharon. It is our duty to the public."

Itzik, the head of the campaign's response team, said, "This campaign will
focus on the real question: Are we headed for peace or war?

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Subject: [bprlist] Daily World Affairs Report items (12/30/00)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:24 -0500


Europe's oldest currency, the 2,650-year-old Greek drachma, finally met its
match in the euro and was traded on the international market for the last
time Friday. Greece officially joins the euro on Jan. 1, and financial
institutions will begin trading in the euro next Wednesday. (Associated


Dear Mr. Bush: I am writing to you as a citizen of our planet and someone
who beholds the last remaining superpower. Can there be any doubt that
the United States plays a major role in guiding our world? Only a fool could
disregard that fact. To acknowledge this is a given, even though American
spokesmen are perhaps somewhat overly inclined to press the point home
to the rest of the world. For while America's role is acknowledged
throughout the world, her claim to hegemony, not to say domination, is not
similarly recognized.

For this reason, I hope, Mr. Bush, as the new American president, that you
will give up any illusion that the 21st century can, or even should, be the
"American Century." Globalization is a given - but "American globalization"
would be a mistake. In fact, it would be something devoid of meaning and
even dangerous. I would go even further and say it is time for America's
electorate to be told the blunt truth: that the present situation of the United
States, with a part of its population able to enjoy a life of extraordinary
comfort and privilege, is not tenable as long as an enormous portion of the
world lives in abject poverty, degradation and backwardness.

For 10 years, U.S. foreign policy has been formulated as if it were the
policy of a victor in war, the Cold War. But at the highest reaches of U.S.
policy-making no one has grasped the fact that this could not be the basis
for formulating post-Cold War policy. In fact, there has been no
"pacification." On the contrary, there has been a heightening of inequalities,
tension and hostility, with most of the last directed toward the United
States. Instead of seeing an increase in U.S. security, the end of the Cold
War has seen a decline.

It is not hard to imagine that, should the United States persist in its policies,
the international situation will continue to deteriorate. It is also difficult to
believe that, under present circumstances, relations between the United
States, on the one hand, and China, India and all the rest of the earth that
lives in abject poverty, on the other, could develop in a positive direction.
Nor is it possible, on the basis of its present posture, for the United States to
establish effective, long-term cooperation with its traditional allies, Europe
first and foremost.

Already we see numerous trade disputes, evidence of the conflicting
interests separating the United States and the European Union. At the
recent conference in The Hague, where the participants were supposed to
come up with a common policy on limiting greenhouse effects, U.S.
positions were far removed from those of all others. As a result, no decision
was taken. This is clearly an example of a failure of "world governance."

From the standpoint of the Old World, the post-Cold War period ushered in
hopes that now are faded. Over the past decade, the United States has
continued to operate along an ideological track identical to the one it
followed during the Cold War. Need an example? The expansion of NATO
eastward, the handling of the Yugoslav crisis, the theory and practice of
U.S. rearmament - including the utterly extravagant national missile defense
system, which, in turn, is based on the bizarre notion of "rogue states."

Isn't it amazing that disarmament moved further during the last phase of the
Cold War than during the period after its end? And isn't that because U.S.
leadership has been unable to adjust to the new European reality? Europe is
now a new, independent and powerful player on the world scene. To
continue to regard it as a junior partner would be a mistake. Europe's
experience must serve as a lesson for future relations, but it can do so only
if America and Europe build a genuine, equal partnership.

Finally, it is hardly a secret that relations between the United States and
Russia have deteriorated over recent years. Responsibility for this must be
shared between Russia and America. The present leadership of Russia
appears ready to cooperate with the United States in framing a new agenda
for relations. But it is unclear what your orientation will be.What we heard
during the electoral campaign did not sound encouraging.

If we truly want to build a new world order and further European unity, we
have to recognize that this will not be possible without an active role for
Russia. This recognition is the necessary basis for setting future Russian-
American relations on the right path. The world is complicated, it contains
and expresses a variety of interests and cultures. Sooner or later,
international policy, including that of the United States, will have to come to
terms with that variety. (Int'l Herald Tribune - Opinion by Mikhail


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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Ha'aretz: Sharon sends card to Arafat
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:24 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 01:01:59 -0500
Subject: Ha'aretz: Sharon sends card to Arafat

Ha'aretz: Sharon sends card to Arafat

ByYossi Verter and Danny Rubinstein Ha'aretz Correspondents Ha'aretz 31
December 2000

Likud chair MK Ariel Sharon sent a greeting card to Palestinian Authority
Chairman Yasser Arafat over the weekend in honor of the Id al-Fitr holiday.
Along with the greeting for a happy holiday to "Arafat and his family," the
note also expressed hope that the holiday would bring with it full peace for
Israel and the Palestinians, enabling all in the region to live in peace and
security and enjoy economic prosperity. Sharon's staff reported that this
was not unusual because Sharon sends similar greetings every year to Arab
leaders, including Arafat.

In response, MK Eli Goldshmidt, who heads Ehud Barak's campaign headquarters
said, "The masquerade orchestrated by Likud's campaign spin doctors

Sharon's holiday greeting was met by surprise by Palestinians. It received
broad coverage in the Palestinian press and in an official report by the
Palestinian news service.

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From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:24 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 09:38:24 -0500
           COMMITMENT TO PEACE - "adheres" to no right of
           return, "intends" not to transfer sovereignty of Temple
           Mount to Palestinians

of return, "intends" not to transfer sovereignty of Temple Mount to

(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

Jerusalem Sunday, December 31, 2000

Prime Minister Ehud Barak, at the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday),
31.12.2000, commented on the sides' response to US President Clinton's
ideas and said that we must prepare for two possibilities:

If the Palestinians accept President Clinton's proposals, it will then
be possible to continue the process while adhering to our principle of
no right of return to Israel and the Prime Minister's intention not to
sign any document that transfers sovereignty over the Temple Mount to
the Palestinians.

If the Palestinians are not ready to move the process forward at this
time, their negative answer is liable to lead to increased violence. In
such a situation, Israel will take a time-out and prepare for a
unilateral separation while leaving the door ajar to a continuation of
the process when the Palestinians are ready for it.

The State of Israel gave a positive answer in principle to President
Clinton that is conditioned on a positive answer by the other side. In
its positive answer in principle to President Clinton, Israel proved
that it is committed to the peace process. "The Israeli government will
continue to act towards achieving this goal while upholding the State of
Israel's vital national and security interests. If it becomes clear
that the other side is unwilling, Israel will have answers and positions
- and will be prepared - for every possibility," Prime Minister Barak

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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Interview: Ziad Abu Zayyad -prohibit shofar blowing
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:24 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:00:44 -0500
Subject: Interview: Ziad Abu Zayyad
           -prohibit shofar blowing at Western Wall

Interview: Ziad Abu Zayyad - prohibit shofar blowing at Western Wall

Aaron Lerner Date: 31 December 2000

IMRA interviewed Jerusalem Palestinian Legislative Council
representative, Ziad Abu Zayyad, in English, on December 31, 2000.

IMRA: You said today in an interview that the "Wailing Wall" or
Western Wall is the Burak Wall and thus part of the Al Aqsa Mosque.
What is the ramification of this position?

Zayyad: I would like to refer you to the case that was discussed in
1929. There was a dispute at that time and it was investigated by an
international committee.

IMRA: As I recall the issue at the time was that the blowing of a
shofar (ram's horn) at the Wall was seen as a problem.

Zayyad: Yes.

IMRA: Do you see the blowing of a shofar to be a problem in the
future as well?

Zayyad: Yes. There was international intervention (to prohibit
shofar blowing). My comment to you was that the committee determined
that the wall was part of the mosque and was thus Wakf property.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-548-0092
pager 03-6750750 subscriber 4811

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Subject: [bprlist] BreakingNews-Israel 4,6,8 (12/31/00)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:25 -0500

31-Dec-00 =96 11:01am

1. Update on shooting victims
(BNI-DEC.31) Five children of Rabbi Binyamin Ze=92ev and Talya Kahane, who
were in the car when their parents were killed by terrorist gunfire early
Sunday morning, remain hospitalized in Hadassah Hospital in Ein Karem,
Jerusalem. All five are girls. One daughter, 4, sustained serious head
injuries and is being monitored in a pediatric intensive care unit and
remains on a respirator. A hospital official told BNI that she sustained
serious skull fractures. Two others are in moderate condition and one

The parents were killed from the gunfire directed at the family vehicle
which was traveling on Route 60 in Samaria, 500 meters south of Ofra, when
shots rang out. The Kahane=92s son, Meir, named after his grandfather Rabbi
Meir Kahane, was let out of the vehicle minutes earlier, saving him from
the attack.

The attack was carried out from the village of Ein Yabrud, under Israeli
security control, Oslo designation =93B=94.

Funeral arrangements for Rabbi Binyamin Ze=92ev and Talya Kahane are to be

2. Fatah official killed in Tul Qarem
(BNI-DEC.31) According to sources within the PA, a senior Fatah official
Shaabat Shaabat was assassinated on Sunday morning in the autonomous
of Tul Qarem by Israeli undercover forces. There has been no response to
the report from official Israeli sources.

3. PA calls Western Wall part of Temple Mount
(BNI-DEC.31) Senior PA official Ziad Abu Ziad on Sunday morning stated
that the Western Wall was an integral part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and
Temple Mount and would have to be turned over to PA control in any peace
deal with Israel.

4. Homeless man found dead on Ben-Yehuda Street in TA
(BNI-DEC.31) A homeless man in his forties was found dead on Ben-Yehuda
Street in Tel Aviv on Sunday morning. No additional details.

5. Shots fired at soldiers at Kfar Darom
(BNI-DEC.31) Shots were fired during the early morning hours at an IDF
patrol near Kfar Darom in southern Gaza. No injuries. Soldiers returned

6. Shots fired at armored IDF vehicle near Nablus
(BNI-DEC.31) Shots were fired at an IDF armored vehicle operating near the
PA autonomous city of Nablus in northern Samaria early Sunday morning. No
injuries. Soldiers returned fire.


7. Border police terror victim to be laid to rest
(BNI-DEC.31) Border Police Sgt.-Maj. Yonatan Vermullen, 29, of Ben-
who was killed in a terrorist attack near Sufa Checkpoint in Gaza on
Thursday, will be laid to rest in Kibbutz Hanita on Sunday afternoon.

31-DEC-00 =96 Weekend recap

8. Stabbing death in Beersheba
(BNI-DEC.31) A man was stabbed early Saturday morning in his Massada
Street home in Beersheba. HE was transported to the trauma unit of
Beersheba=92s Soroka Medical Center. He died of his wounds a short time


9. Lebanese man shot and killed at Fatma Crossing by IDF soldier
(BNI-DEC.31) A Lebanese man was shot and killed by an IDF troop as he
tried to scale the fence at the Fatma Crossing in northern Israel, the
border fence to southern Lebanon. IDF sources report that on Saturday, the
man placed a ladder against the fence and continued efforts to climb over
despite warnings from soldiers.

Foreign news agencies reported the man was shot in the head without
provocation, rejecting reports that he was trying to climb over the border


10. Shots fired at Ofer base on Friday night
 Shots were fired into the IDF base in the Ramallah District on Friday
night. No injuries. Soldiers returned fire.


11. Jew arrested in Betar on suspicion of stone-throwing attacks
(BNI-DEC.31) Police of the Shai District on Saturday arrested a resident
of the Jewish community of Betar Elite, suspected of participation in
stone-throwing attacks on the Hussan bypass road.


12. Shots fired at Dagan neighborhood of Efrat
 (BNI-DEC.31) Shots were fired on Saturday evening at the Givat HaDagan
neighborhood of the community of Efrat, located in the Gush Etzion area of
Judea. No injuries. Soldiers returned fire.


13. Shots fired at vehicular convoy on Karnei/Netzarim road
(BNI-DEC.31) Shots were fired on Saturday night at a civilian vehicular
convoy traveling from the Karnei Checkpoint to the community of Netzarim.
No injuries. A bulletproof civilian passenger bus was hit by gunfire.
Soldiers returned fire.

14. Soldiers prevent another roadside bomb attack in Gaza
(BNI-DEC.31) The alertness of an IDF patrol resulted in spotting
terrorists in Gaza on Saturday placing another roadside explosive device
on the Karnei-Netzarim road in northern Gaza. Soldiers opened fire,
hitting at least one terrorist. No injuries to IDF forces.


15. Shots fired at Har Bracha
(BNI-DEC.31) Shots were fired on Saturday evening at the sentry post of
the community of Har Bracha in northern Samaria. No injuries.


16. Shots fired at armored military vehicle in southern Gaza
(BNI-DEC.31) An armored military vehicle was fired upon on Saturday night
in southern Gaza, near the community of Kfar Darom. No injuries. Soldiers
returned fire.


17. Shooting attack at Ayosh Junction
(BNI-DEC.31) Two IDF vehicles were damaged by gunfire in shooting attack
at Ayosh Junction, north of the PA autonomous city of Ramallah on Friday
afternoon. There were also reports of damages to the nearby IDF District
Coordinating Office. No injuries.


18. Shooting at Erez Crossing Checkpoint
(BNI-DEC.31) Soldiers stationed at the Erez Checkpoint in northern Gaza
were fired upon on Friday afternoon. No injuries. Soldiers returned fire. =


19. Elderly man run over and killed in Holon
(BNI-DEC.31) An elderly man, 86, was run over and killed on Friday
afternoon in Holon. The driver of the hit and run fled the scene of the
incident on Yirmiyahu Street. Police are calling upon eyewitnesses to call
in with information to =91100=92 or 03-512-4613.


20. Shots fired into Dugit in Gaza
(BNI-DEC.31) Shots were fired at the Jewish community of Dugit, in
northern Gaza on Friday evening. No injuries. Soldiers returned fire. =

21. Shots fired into the community of Beit Aryeh
(BNI-DEC.31) Shots were fired into the Jewish community of Beit Aryeh on
Friday evening. A resident of the community returned fire. No injuries.

Beit Aryeh is located east of Petah Tikvah in the Benjamin Regional
Council of Samaria.

22. Explosion in the home of senior Hamas official
(BNI-DEC.31) A large explosion was heard on Friday night in the home of a
senior official of the Izzadin el-Qassim faction of Hamas in a village
near Nablus. The terrorist was not at home and there were no reported

PA officials reported that the blast was the result of an Israel Air Force
helicopter attack. This was not confirmed by official IDF or Israeli


23. Peace activist found alive in well in Hebron following kidnapping
(BNI-DEC.31) Left-wing peace activist Yitzhak Magrafta was found alive and
well on Friday afternoon following his Thursday disappearance. It was
learned that he managed to pass IDF checkpoints and enter the areas of
Hebron under PA control in order to spread wishes of good-will and
distribute food and other items. He was taken into custody and
interrogated, with PA officials fearing he was an Israeli agent. Only
after it was decided that he was not an agent, was he escorted by PA
forces to the area District Coordinating Office where he was turned over
to IDF commanders.


24. IDF soldiers killed in terror attack laid to rest
(BNI-DEC.31) IDF Captain Gadi Marsha, 30, of Kiryat Arba, who was killed
in a terrorist attack near the Sufa Checkpoint in Gaza on Thursday, was
laid to rest on Friday in the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem. =


1. Israeli in serious condition in shooting attack=09
2. No injuries in shooting attack near Beit Choron=09
3. Shooting at Samaria Battalion Command=09

31-DEC-00 =96 9:00pm

1. Israeli in serious condition in shooting attack
(BNI-DEC.31) An Israeli man is in serious condition following a shooting
attack on the road between Givat Ze=92ev and the northern Jerusalem
industrial area of Atarot. He was injured in a shooting attack on his
vehicle. The victim was transported to the trauma unit of Jerusalem=92s
Hadassah Hospital in Ein Kerem.


2. No injuries in shooting attack near Beit Choron
(BNI-DEC.31) There were no injuries in a shooting attack on Sunday night
against an Israeli vehicle near the Arab village of Ras Qarkar, near Beit


3. Shooting at Samaria Battalion Command
(BNI-DEC.31) Shots were fired into the IDF=92s Samaria Battalion Command a
short time ago. A general alert was declared in the military installation.
No reports of injuries.


1. No injuries in shooting attack in Admat Yishai
2. Shooting aimed at IDF position in Tul Qarem=09
3. Swedish photographer injured in knife attack=09
4. Shooting attack at Hebron=92s Jewish community=09

31-DEC-00 =96 10:09pm
1. No injuries in shooting attack in Admat Yishai
(BNI-DEC.31) The Hebron area neighborhood of Admat Yishai was attacked
gunfire a short time ago. No injuries. Soldiers posted in the community
returned fire.


2. Shooting aimed at IDF position in Tul Qarem
(BNI-DEC/31) The IDF position in near the PA autonomous city of Tul Qarem
was attacked by gunfire a short time ago. No injuries. Soldiers returned

3. Swedish photographer injured in knife attack
(BNI-DEC.31) A Swedish photographer was lightly injured in a knife attack
in downtown Jerusalem on Sunday night. The victim told police that he
attacker was a Jew.

4. Shooting attack at Hebron=92s Jewish community
(BNI-DEC.31) Shooting is reported at this time from a mosque in the
PA-controlled area of Hebron aimed at the homes of the Jewish community.
There are no reports of injuries. Soldiers returned fire.



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From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:25 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 15:35:30 -0500

(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
Jerusalem Sunday, December 31, 2000

A special team of experts on Jerusalem affairs that has been appointed
by Prime Minister Ehud Barak has begun intensive discussions in recent
days in order to formulate practical proposals on administering daily
life in Jerusalem should an agreement be achieved on the basis of US
President Bill Clinton's proposals.

The team - most of whose members were active in raising ideas on the
issue of Jerusalem before the Camp David conference - is now
concentrating on formulating recommendations for improving Jerusalem
residents' quality of life and for projects in various areas that will
translate the principles of an agreement - if one is achieved - into
daily life.

The staff held a discussion today (Sunday), 31.12.2000, with the members
of the negotiating team and, after additional discussions that are
expected to be held in the coming days, will submit its recommendations
to Prime Minister Barak.

The team is composed of top experts on Jerusalem affairs including
academics and urban planners. Dr. Moshe Amirav - former member of the
Jerusalem City Council with responsibility for planning, engineering
services and transportation - is coordinating the team's work. (Dr.
Amirav may be reached at 02-6420877 or 052-989299.)

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Bible Prophecy Research

Subject: [bprlist] Clothes are getting smarter
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:25 -0500

Clothes are getting smarter

Scientists in Belgium are developing clothes that can think.

Each "i-Wear", or "Intelligent Wear", garment is an all-in-one mobile phone,
computer and hospital monitor.

Sensors in jackets know when a room is noisy and can increase the ringing
volume on your phone to a level you can hear it at.

A shirt with a simple memory has already been developed and can tell if the
wearer has their keys with them according to the BBC.

Katrien van Gerven, of artificial intelligence research institute Starlab,
said: "The layer which is closest to your body will be the layer that is
monitoring your body functions such as heartbeat, blood pressure,

"Other layers include sensors, and these sensors can measure what is
happening in the environment, they can measure the light so they know when
it's dark."

Last updated: 14:36 Saturday 30th December 2000


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Subject: [bprlist] Arutz-7 News (12/31/00)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:53:25 -0500

Arutz Sheva News Service
Sunday, Dec. 31, 2000 / Tevet 5, 5761


Thousands of people are taking part in the double funeral of Binyamin Ze'ev=

Kahane - son of Rabbi Meir Kahane and leader of Israel's Kahane Chai
movement - and his wife Talia this evening. The two were murdered early
this morning by Palestinian terrorists as they and five of their six
children were on their way home from Jerusalem to Tapuach in the Shomron.

After dropping off nine-year-old Meir David at a bus stop from where he
went to his Talmud Torah in Beit El, the parents and their five daughters
set off northwards. Shortly before reaching Ofrah, they were attacked with=

gunfire by Kalachnikov-armed terrorists who lay in wait near the Arab
village of Ein Yabrud. The terrorists fired over 50 bullets at the car;
only 8 hit their target. The parents were killed by the bullets, but the
children were injured when the car continued wildly on its way and crashed=

into an embankment. One of the five children is in moderate-to-serious
condition, and the other girls - ranging in age from 10 years to 2 months -=

are also hospitalized.

The funeral departed from the Yeshivah of the Jewish Idea in the Shmuel
HaNavi neighborhood of Jerusalem, and from there is scheduled to pass by
Prime Minister Barak's home on its way to the Har HaMenuchot cemetery.
funeral of Rabbi Meir Kahane departed from the same site ten years ago last=

month, following his assassination by an Arab in New York. Among those
eulogized the couple were Rabbi Nachman Kahane (Binyamin's uncle),
Baruch Kahane (Binyamin's brother), and Rabbi Yosef Ginzburg. The
noted the writings of the Warsaw Ghetto's saintly Rabbi Menachem Zemba,
called upon Jews during the Holocaust to stop sitting passively and to take=

their fate into their own hands.

At one point, Kabbalist Rabbi David Batzri asked the crowd to sit on the
floor and recite the Psalm, "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat and
wept as we remembered Zion." Thousands of people sat on the floor and
with him as they recited the verses. The crowd was almost totally quiet
during the eulogies, but the procession was then held up for about a
half-hour when some participants vented their rage at the media vans
nearby, causing significant damage to Army Radio equipment.

It was announced at the funeral that the family will sit shiva - the
traditional week-long mourning period - in a tent outside the Prime
Minister's home in the Rechavia section of Jerusalem.

The Yesha Council lays direct blame for the double murder on Prime Minister=

Barak and Foreign Minister Ben-Ami. A Council statement of today reads,
        "Ehud Barak and Shlomo Ben-Ami are personally responsible for the
blood that was spilled this morning. Every minute that these two chase
after Arafat and conduct negotiations with the murderer Dahlan, they give a=

green light to terrorism and encourage the murder of Jews. Our blood has
become free for the taking, and we are paying the price of Barak's campaign=

for Prime Minister."

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner of Beit El, normally a voice of moderation in Yesha,
demands that the government respond strongly to the murder, "for if not,
personal acts of vengeance will be the result." He called upon the public
not to carry out such acts.

Pinchas Wallerstein, Binyamin Regional Council head: "This is a government=

that collaborates with murderers. I have no expectations from this

Former GSS head Ami Ayalon, who himself met with Yasser Arafat five
ago, said today that the government must not conduct negotiations with the=

Palestinians while terrorism runs wild. "This transmits a message that
Israel can live with the terrorism," he said. Moledet party head MK
Rehavam Ze'evi agreed.

Rabbi Zalman Melamed, head of the Yesha Rabbis Council, called upon the
public to beware of provocateurs a-la Avishai Raviv: "In the present
situation, when the reign of the left is collapsing, we must suspect that
the Shabak [General Security Service] will initiate violent activities -
such as an attempt on left-wing personalities - in order to save its
reign. The public is called upon not to fall prey to these provocateurs."

Students and friends of Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane held a memorial vigil outside=

the Israeli Consulate in New York City this afternoon.

Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane immigrated to Israel with his family at the age of 4,=

in 1971. He studied at the Merkaz HaRav Kook Yeshiva, and co-founded the
Yeshivat HaRa'yon HaYehudi [Yeshiva of the Jewish Idea] with his late
father in 1987. He and his wife Talia, nee Hertzlich, had six children,
and lived in the Shomron town of Tapuach. He wrote several books on the
halakhic [Jewish legal] status of the non-Jew in Israel and on other topics=

of Jewish law, including a commentary on the Passover Hagadah. He
Yeshivat HaRav Meir in Tapuach, and headed the Kahane Chai organization,
known as Israel's Jewish Defense League, until it was banned by the Israeli=

government in 1993. He edited and published a weekly commentary on the
Torah portion of the week and on current events; in the last issue,
published for Chanukah, he wrote,
        "What was miraculous about the victory of Chanukah?=85 When the
went out to battle, they had no feasible chance of winning=85 To enable suc=
an inconceivable victory to occur, there had to be, first of all, a few
"crazies" who dared to rise up in arms against this invincible
empire! Rabbi [Meir] Kahane would say, then, that the essential miracle of=

Chanukah was not the war victory, but rather the very fact that a few Jews=

realized that "things just cannot go on this way", arose, and with immense=

faith in the Almighty, declared war on the superpower of their day=85
Chanukah is the holiday for today, when masses of Arabs arise against us,
and G-d stands at our side. But what happens when the official Jewish
leadership from left to right is overcome with fear, crippled by lack of
faith and thereby incapable of action? Then the torch is passed on to the=

few - unto those who are ready to cling onto Eretz Yisrael at any price.
And then the day comes in which they are told by the non-believers: "If you=

are not ready to pull out, that's your choice. But deal with the enemy by
yourselves. Because we are afraid, we have no faith. You claim that you
have faith?! Fine - let's see what you can do." And those precious few,
inspired by a pristine faith in the Almighty, will arise to repel the enemy=

Lenny Goldberg, a close friend and colleague of Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane, and=

who translated many of his writings from Hebrew into English, spent a week=

with him in the U.S. earlier this month on a fund-raising trip. He Israel=

told Arutz-7 today about his impressions of the man:
        "He was just like his father - totally dedicated to the =01'idea' and to
spreading it, and totally dedicated to saving Israel from catastrophe. He=

knew of, but ignored, the many personal sacrifices involved - jail terms,
being unpopular, being convicted of sedition, etc. It is hard to think of=

him without thinking of the idea he tried to disseminate - he and the idea=

were one and the same... He understood, as did his family, that people who=

have the truth often have to suffer for it. This is a common truth from
history - those who are considered 'moderate' and 'nice' are forgotten by
history, while those who were considered terrorists, such as Judah
and Ya'ir Stern - they are the ones who will be remembered=85 Only a few
individuals have the power to lead things... I believe that there are
many many people who agree with what we say, but are simply afraid to say
so. We therefore want to break this fear, and to save Am Yisrael. If we
don't do what the father and the son said - namely, that which the Torah
and logic dictate, which is to expel the Arabs from the Land - we will all=

die here=85 I became observant after hearing Rabbi Meir Kahane, and when I=

met his son, I saw that he was the same mold - the same ideals, the same
analysis=85 We went through some difficult times: [after Rabbi Meir Kahane=

was a Knesset Member from 1984 to 1988,] they disqualified him from
for Knesset again in 1988, and then in 1990 he was assassinated; his son
Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane was disqualified from running in 1992, and in 1994
his organization Kahane Chai was outlawed as a terrorist
organization. Despite these hardships, we continued because this was the
truth - and because it was the truth, that's why they tried to get
us... It's true that he was in danger a lot, because he drove on the roads=

very often, but when I said that maybe he should travel less, he said to
me, "And then? Would it be better if someone else got shot?" - but this is=

the way of a Jewish leader: Thinking about the nation, and not so much
about his own personal security."

Goldberg said Binyamin Kahane was "a prolific writer - in my opinion, one
of the great political writers of these times. His last plan was that in
order for Jews not to be killed on the roads here, we should simply call
upon the government - which anyway does not believe in its right to be here=

- and on the army, which anyway sees its presence here as temporary, to go=

home, leave us alone, and let us do the job of protecting ourselves. The
Arabs are afraid of us, because they know that we don't shoot rubber
bullets and we don't just let ourselves be firebombed=85 The army no longe=
has deterrent power, while the settlers do; If we are not for ourselves,
then who will be for us?"

Palestinian Authority communications minister Imad Falouji has a unique
view of the "peace" that is currently being negotiated by Clinton, Arafat,=

and Barak. "Killing settlers is a Palestinian prerogative," he said today,=

adding, "They had better leave now safely, before they have to leave in

In this spirit, today's double murder was not the only Palestinian violence=

since last night. A convoy on its way to Netzarim was shot at; a bus was
hit but no one was hurt. Palestinians fired shots in at least three other=

incidents in Gaza, as well as towards Efrat and four locations in Shomron,=

including the guard of the town of Brachah; no one was hurt. An IDF force=

shot and wounded at least one of a group of Palestinian terrorists engaged=

in preparing a roadside bomb on the Karni-Netzarim road in Gaza.

At Ayosh Junction, only a few kilometers from the scene of today's double
murder, Palestinians fired bullets and threw large rocks at IDF soldiers
for the first time in several weeks. The soldiers responded with rubber
bullets and tear gas. Beit El residents blocked off Palestinian traffic
from the intersection - which has been closed to Jewish traffic for three
months - for over an hour this afternoon. Later today, Palestinians shot
at Israeli targets in Hevron and Gaza; no one was hurt.

Terrorist leader Tabet Tabet, Secretary of the Ramallah chapter of Fatah,
was shot to death this morning in Tulkarm. Palestinian witnesses said he
was standing by his car when he was shot by "Israeli snipers." The IDF,
however, stated that fire was opened at an IDF vehicle in the area, and in=

the ensuing exchange of fire, Tabet was killed. The Islamic Jihad promises=

to avenge the death of Tabet, and Palestinian Authority leaders such as
Marwan Bargouti made similar threats. A Tanzim leader said that the
settlers of Yesha would go through "two weeks of hell."

Prime Minister Barak said today that the government continues to await the=

Palestinians' reply to Clinton's proposals. It will be recalled that the
government approved Clinton's idea last week, thus paving the way - if the=

Palestinians agree - to give away 95% of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza; expel
over 50,000 Jews in over 100 communities from their homes; yield control of=

the Temple Mount and many Jerusalem neighborhoods; leave the Jordan
and allow 150,000 Arab refugees to "reunite with their families in Israel"=

- 8,000 in Haifa, 4,000 in Acre, 4,000 in Lod, etc.

Despite the above, Barak said today that if the Palestinians accept
President Clinton's proposals, "it will then be possible to continue the
process while adhering to our principle of no right of return to Israel and=

the Prime Minister's intention not to sign any document that transfers
sovereignty over the Temple Mount to the Palestinians. If the Palestinians=

[say no], their negative answer is liable to lead to increased
violence. In such a situation, Israel will take a time-out and prepare for=

a unilateral separation while leaving the door ajar to a continuation of
the process when the Palestinians are ready for it." PA negotiator Saeb
Erekat said today that the Palestinians are continuing to study Clinton's
proposals, but that they will not give a final answer until after Clinton
sends clarifications to the questions they raised.

The Prime Minister also said today that the rush for an agreement is not
dictated by the Israeli election timetable, but rather by that of Clinton
who will end his term of office on Jan. 20. He sent his condolences to the=

Kahane family, and said that the residents of Yesha are going through hard=

times. He called upon them not to be dragged into individual acts of
violence and to act with restraint.

A protest tent has been erected outside Jerusalem's City Hall in Safra
Square, and several public figures there have begun a hunger strike until
"the plan to give away the Temple Mount" is cancelled. Israeli Rabbis have=

called upon the public to recite the following Psalms, in light of the
difficult situation Israel is facing: 20, 83, 108, 110, 120, 121, 140.

HaModia reported on Friday that IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Sha'ul Mofaz
was not originally invited to Wednesday's crucial Cabinet meeting in which=

the government accepted the Clinton proposals to give away the Temple
and 95% of Judea and Samaria. After Mofaz questioned the "oversight", he
arrived at the second half of the meeting - held later that night - and
made several critical comments. He noted the dangers of giving away the
Jordan Valley, and those that would face many Jerusalem neighborhoods if
territory would border them from several sides. Among other dangers, the
Chief of Staff noted that the agreement - proposed by Clinton and
recommended by Ben-Ami - would leave most of the country's strategic
targets, such as its international airport and most of its population,
within Palestinian range.

Wt. Officer Jonathan Vermullen, one of two IDF soldiers who were killed on=

Thursday while dismantling a terrorist bomb, was buried in Kibbutz Hanita
at 3 PM today. Ami Gancharsky of Hanita recounted today that Jonathan,
was not Jewish, came to live in Israel with his parents at the age of 4,
and decided to remain in Israel at age 18 even when they returned to
Holland. "We would ask him why he wanted to stay in Israel, with its wars=

and dangers," Gancharsky told Arutz-7, "and he said that he loved Israel,
saw himself as part of the country, and wanted to stay. Even though his
parents asked him to return, saying that he had given enough, he said, no,=

he wanted to stay here and contribute as a volunteer in the Yamam Special

Arutz-7 correspondent Haggai Huberman noted today that evidence of
ability to control the Palestinian violence continues to pile up: "Have
you noticed that the shooting from Beit Jalla towards Gilo has stopped
lately? It's because the PA realized, a bit late, that it was ruining
their Christmas celebrations, and that tourists were staying away. The PA=

forces went into Beit Jalla and forcibly stopped the shooting, because it
was in their interest to do so. Now that Christmas has passed, we can
unfortunately expect the shooting on Gilo to resume. When Arafat wants the=

shooting to intensify, that's what happens; the PA sees that the shooting
does not stop the talks, and does not even stop the Israeli concessions -
on the contrary - so why should they stop?" Huberman emphasized that
shooting attacks have been on a steady upward climb over the past
days: "Today's attack had very tragic results - but essentially it was no=

different than Thursday. On that day, there were also very serious
attacks, which miraculously ended differently - a driver of a van outside
Elon Moreh was shot and wounded, and a children's school bus from N'vei
Tzuf was shot at - the children were told to lie on the floor until the
shooting ended."

Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert has settled into his new offices across from
the Western Wall, and several delegations will come to visit him and show
their support tomorrow. Scheduled to visit him at the Idra Building are
MKs Avigdor Lieberman and Michael Kleiner, followed by students from
University and Yisrael Beiteinu leader MK Natan Sharansky.

Hebrew News Editor: Ariel Kahane
English News Editor: Hillel Fendel

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Subject: [bprlist] Weekend News Today items (12/30,31/00)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 20:00:20 -0500

Israeli security services suspect Jewish zealots may have plans to blow up=

Temple Mount

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: London Times

Sun Dec 31,2000 -- Amid eleventh-hour attempts to rescue a Middle East
peace deal, the Israeli security services have launched an undercover
operation to infiltrate groups of Jewish zealots feared to be planning to b=
up the contested Haram al-Sharif, or Temple Mount, in Jerusalem's Old City.=

Shin Bet, Israel's domestic intelligence service, has warned the government=

of fears that extremists are trying to derail the peace efforts spearheaded=
Bill Clinton.

The infiltration of fanatical Jewish groups has been ordered by Avraham
Dichter, the head of Shin Bet. "If the mosque is attacked, then God help us=

all," said one Shin Bet source. "Millions of Muslims from Indonesia to Iran=

will march on Jerusalem to fight their jihad and nobody will be able to ret=
the genie back to the bottle." There are ominous portents. Israeli security=

sources said several messianic Jewish groups have been carrying out the
sacrificial slaughter of animals and other specific rituals in advance of w=
they proclaim will be the "re-establishment of the Third Holy Temple".

Two months ago police turned back members of the Land of Israel Faithful
Movement as they attempted to enter the Dome of the Rock to anoint the
cornerstone of a Third Temple. Security forces say there are probably only=

about 1,000 messianic zealots bent on wrecking the chances of peace, with
a hard core of just 50. The extremists are said to believe a religious worl=
war would lead to the final redemption of the Jews and of the Land of Israe=

Kahane's killing raises fears of extremist violence aimed at Arabs - or may=
even the Temple Mount

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Ha'aretz

Sun Dec 31,2000 -- The growing fear in recent days that Jewish extremists
might commit violent acts - in a desperate bid to head off a possible Israe=
Palestinian peace deal - moved up several notches Sunday with the killing o=
Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane. Kahane, the son of assassinated extreme right-wing
leader Meir Kahane, and his wife, Talya, were shot by Palestinian gunmen
while driving south of the West Bank settlement of Ofrah. Five of the coupl=
children who were traveling in their white van were injured, one of them
seriously. Shortly after the attack, associates of Binyamin Kahane - who
established the "Kahane Chai" (Kahane Lives) movement with the aim of
perpetuating his father's legacy after his 1990 assassination by a Muslim i=
New York - threatened to take revenge on Arabs.

Anger among those on the far right has been rising ever since President Bil=
Clinton put his plan for a framework peace agreement on the table a week
ago. For many on the religious right, the proposal for Israel to cede East=

Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is tantamount to betrayal. Thus, the
"ultimate" act in the eyes of the far-right would be an attack on the mosqu=
located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City =96 an event that would=

have a disastrous regional impact, possibly even bringing Israel and the Ar=
countries to the brink of war.

Ha'aretz correspondent Nadav Shragai writes in Sunday's paper that
"something dangerous" is percolating among Temple Mount activists who, in
recent days, have been infused with the feeling that they "have nothing lef=
t to
lose. Never," writes Shragai, "have so many of them spoken in the streets o=
Jerusalem, and almost openly, about their desire to see the destruction of=

the mosques on the Mount."

Israel again seeks Lebanese border patrols

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: BBC

Sat Dec 30,2000 -- Israel has again called on the Lebanese government to
deploy troops in southern Lebanon to protect the border with Israel. The ca=
followed the death of a Lebanese man who was shot by Israeli troops during=

a confrontation at a border post at the Fatima gate crossing. The man -- in=

his early twenties -- was near a crowd of Lebanese throwing stones across
the border. He was hit in the head by a bullet and pronounced dead at a
nearby hospital in Nabnatiyeh. The Israeli army said the man was trying to=

cross the border. Lebanon refuses to commit its troops to the area before i=
concludes a peace agreement with Israel.

Israeli settlers say evacuation means war

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Jerusalem Post

Sat Dec 30,2000 -- Settlers warned yesterday that if Prime Minister Ehud
Barak signs an agreement with Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser
Arafat leading to mass evacuation of settlements, the inevitable
consequence will be civil war, a new war with the Arabs, or both. A peace
treaty is expected to lead to the dismantlement of up to 100 settlements in=

Judea, Samaria and Gaza and the Jordan Valley.

Sharansky plans massive demonstration for Jerusalem

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Jerusalem Post

Sat Dec 30,2000 -- A massive demonstration in support of the unity of
Jerusalem involving a 250,000-strong march around the capital's Old City
walls will take place in 10 days' time, according to the rally's organizer,=

Yisrael Ba'aliya leader Natan Sharansky. Under the slogan, "Yerushalayim -=

Ani Nishba" ("Jerusalem - I swear unto you"), the rally is designed to
"weaken the impression that is given to the entire world and the Jewish
people that it is [Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser] Arafat and not we=

who are connected to Jerusalem, and who will decide about Jerusalem,"
Sharansky said. "That's the feeling that the Israeli government and its
leaders are giving today."

Sharansky said the Temple Mount has a connection "for all the Jews of the
world, and that's why it is they and we who will be deciding the future of =
city, and not a government which is looking for more percentage points in t=
election." Sharansky said he broached the idea Wednesday morning with
Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert, who agreed forthwith, and the organizing
plans were immediately set in motion.

US alarm at Russian arms sale to Iran

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: London Times

Sat Dec 30,2000 -- Russia's plan to resume arms sales to Iran has triggered=

a diplomatic scramble to stop the collapse of an arms embargo that
Washington considers to be a mainstay of Middle Eastern security.
Submarines, minesweepers, missiles and spare parts for Iran=92s Soviet-era=

arsenal could all be made available to Tehran after a three-day visit by th=
Russian Defence Minister. Both sides have hailed the trip as historic,
although the US has given warning that it could lead to sanctions being
imposed on Moscow.

No landmark arms deals were announced as Marshal Igor Sergeyev
concluded his visit =97 the first of its kind since the Iranian revolution =
in 1979
=97 but Russian sources told the Interfax agency that behind the scenes,
concrete proposals for the sale of missiles, patrol boats and diesel
submarines were discussed. Iran had also expressed interest in portable
rocket launchers, military helicopters and Sukhoi-25 fighters, the sources=

said. The reports leave little doubt that a long-term American effort to st=
Russian military aid to Iran, which Washington accuses of sponsoring
terrorism throughout the region, is in tatters.

U.S. warns of possible New Year's computer blitzes

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Reuters

Sat Dec 30,2000 -- Computer users should take extra precautions to avoid
possible cyberattacks over New Year's weekend, U.S. law enforcement
authorities have warned. Citing FBI investigations and other information, t=
National Infrastructure Protection Center said Thursday in an advisory note=

on its Web site that distributed denial-of-service attacks "could occur ove=
the holiday."

In such an event, one or more hackers break into unprotected computers,
which are then commandeered to join in sending huge amounts of data to
swamp a target Web site and render it inoperable. Several security
companies have cited the threat of such assaults, "and some have taken
place already," said the infrastructure protection centre, headquartered at=

Gulf council states discuss rapid deployment force

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Reuters

Sat Dec 30,2000 -- Leaders of six oil-rich Gulf Arab states on Saturday
discussed a plan to set up a rapid deployment force at a summit
overshadowed by their tensions with big neighbours Iran and Iraq. Delegates=

at the annual Gulf Cooperation Council summit said the long-delayed
defence plan might be gaining support among the six member-states, who
failed to defend fellow member Kuwait when it was invaded by Iraq a decade=


The delegates said Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Abdullah and Bahraini Emir
Sheikh Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa spoke in favour of boosting joint defence i=
separate speeches at the summit. "Developing a defence capability that can=

effectively deter any possible attack on our countries is of vital importan=
which we must not belittle," Crown Prince Abdullah said. The United Arab
Emirates, Qatar and Oman are also in the GCC, which sits on on more than
half the world's oil reserves, and their output policies are seen as crucia=
l to
energy prices.

Iran threatens `astounding' retaliation if Israel attacks Syria or Lebanon =

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: AP

Sat Dec 30,2000 -- If Israel were to attack Syria or Lebanon, Iran would
retaliate in an "astounding and unexpected" way, Iran's defense minister wa=
quoted as saying in remarks published Saturday. Rear Adm. Ali Shamkhani
was quoted in an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Watan as saying
Iran would not leave its "strategic ally Syria" or Lebanon to face Israeli=

attacks alone.

According to the report, Shamkhani did not say what form the retaliation
might take, but added that "not all what is known could be said, and not al=
what is said is reported." Israel has threatened to take action against Syr=
ia if
the violence along the Lebanese-Israeli border continues. Syria is the main=

power broker in Lebanon, where it stations up to 30,000 troops, and Iran is=

the principal backer of Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas.

Barak tells Israeli's it's me or war

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Reuters

Sat Dec 30,2000 -- Prime minister Ehud Barak warned Israelis on Saturday
they would face war if his hawkish rival Ariel Sharon won looming elections=
while Palestinian groups urged an intensified uprising against Israeli
occupation. A combative Barak said he would triumph over Sharon despite
polls that suggest the conservative Likud party leader would trounce him in=
special February 6 prime ministerial ballot. "I will win this election," he=
Russian state television in a pre-recorded interview.

"The real choice is Barak and war. I don't want to put Sharon off peace, bu=
(it's) Barak or war." Sharon has said that if elected he would seek a long-
term peace deal with the Palestinians to be implemented over several years,=

rather than try to resolve the conflict's most sensitive issues now such as=

Jerusalem's status, as Barak has tried to do.

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Subject: [bprlist] Fatah: Barak has opened the gates of hell
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 20:03:03 -0500

Sunday, December 31 2000 20:35 6 Tevet 5761

               (14:45) Fatah: Barak has opened the
               gates of hell

               "Barak has opened the gates of hellish revenge," said
               Fatah head Marwan Barghouti earlier today.

               Barghouti made the statement in response to today's
               death of Fatah leader Thabet Thabet.

               Thabet, head of the Fatah in Tulkarm died this morning
               from a bullet wound to the chest as he was entering his
               home in the Palestinian Authority controlled town.

               The Palestinian Authority said it held Prime Minister
               Ehud Barak personally responsible for Thabet's death,
               calling it a political assassination.

               The PA said an Israeli undercover unit killed Thabet and
               that there was a gunfight.

               IDF sources said they were unaware of any army activity
               in the area.

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Subject: [bprlist] News items (12/31/00)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 20:06:08 -0500

[Note: full stories may be accessed by going to the url at the bottom of this
post and clicking on any news story.]

Barak: We'll Wait 2 Weeks

Israel will wait another two weeks for the Palestinians to decide on their
steps, Prime Minister Ehud Barak told the cabinet today. If they situation
does not change, Israel will make public the facts showing that the
Palestinians are not ready to take decisions, he said. He said that it was not
the Israeli election schedule but rather the US presidential schedule that
would determine the timing. "We are not rushing to an agreement. We are
studying President Clinton's proposals," Barak said. Jerusalem Post

Jordan Building Nuclear Reactor

Jordan is constructing a small nuclear reactor, Israel Radio said. Energy and
Mineral Resources Minister Waiel Sabri said the reactor is for peaceful
research purposes only. Sabri said the reactor is located in the northern
suburbs of Amman. According to Sabri, the 27,000 watt reactor is being
constructed under the auspices and with the aid of the International Energy
Commission The reactor will go on-line in 2002. The minister added that
Jordan is a signatory to the ban on nuclear weaponry. Jerusalem Post

Syria's Assad Eases Up On Freedoms, Tries To Fix Economy in 5 Months
In Power

In his five months in power, Assad has been turning up in the unlikeliest
settings and has issued a flurry of reform-minded orders that would have
been unthinkable under his late father, Hafez Assad. In so doing, the 35-year-
old leader whose succession was a rubber-stamping exercise stage-
managed by a dictatorship has won a reputation as a people's president.

The style is very different from his aloof, steel-willed father, who tolerated no
dissent in 30 years of leading Syria. But there is no indication the
dictatorship is truly nearing its end. And when it comes to the Arab-Israeli
conflict, in which Syria is a critical player, Bashar Assad has made clear he
will abide by his father's refusal to compromise with Israel.

Still, the atmosphere is markedly changed, as intellectuals test the tolerance
of the old guard by openly calling for democratic reform.

The new regime, says author Hanna Abboud, embodies two streams of
thought: one "ancient" and one willing to change. "We know that we want
freedom. We want to open the door for thinking and writing," Abboud said,
sitting in his book-lined study in Homs, north of Damascus. "We have the
Internet, we have everything in our hands, but we have no tongue. We want a
tongue." The mere fact that he can speak openly to a Western reporter is an
indication of the more relaxed atmosphere in a country that has been under
martial law since 1963. CNN

France Ends EU Presidency

France's presidency of the European Union expires on Sunday, ready for
Sweden to take over. Its six months at the helm culminated in the heads of
government conference in Nice, in December, a marathon summit that
proved one of the most difficult ever. However, it did broker a treaty which will
pave the way for European expansion and dealt with the thorny issue of
sharing power between large and small countries. Diplomats agree that
steering the summit would have been difficult for any country. But the French
presidency managed in turn to annoy its key EU ally, Germany, the union's
smaller states and finally the candidate countries too. BBC

Mexico's Volcano Spews Ash On Nearby Towns

The Popocatepetl volcano outside Mexico City showered ash on nearby
communities Saturday, the government news agency Notimex reported. The
volcano rumbled for four minutes before spewing ash on communities on its
slopes and on the nearby city of Puebla, 42 kilometers (25 miles) southeast
of it, Notimex reported. Residents from about two dozen villages returned to
their homes Wednesday after being evacuated December 18 when showers
of red-hot rock began spouting from the peak. Since then, the volcano has
issued occasional bursts of incandescent rock and ash, but nothing
comparable to that spectacular showing -- its most violent eruption in 1,200
years. Experts say the 17,886-foot mountain, 40 miles southeast of Mexico
City, will likely continue erupting over the coming weeks as the volcano
destroys a dome of lava in its crater. But officials have said there has been a
"notable reduction in the still barred from coming within 12 kilometers (7
miles) of the crater. CNN

Rare Winter Fire Scorches Alaska Tundra

Firefighters are monitoring a rare 20,000-acre blaze on frozen tundra near the
village of Kotlik on the southern coast of Norton Sound. Alaska's wildfire
season is usually over by December. "I haven't heard of anything like it," said
Andy Williams, spokesman for the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center.

Wanted: More Russian Babies To Rescue A Fast Dying Nation

Amelia Gentleman in Moscow reports on a critical decline in population from
harsh living standards and poor medical services - prompting extreme
nationalists to advocate polygamy observer

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Subject: [bprlist] Mubarak formulating peace plan with solution for refugees, Jerusalem
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 20:08:41 -0500

December 31, 2000 20:00 (Israel time)

Mubarak formulating peace plan with solution for refugees, Jerusalem

                 By Aluf Benn, Nitzan Horowitz, and Dalia Shehori, Ha'aretz

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his government are formulating a new
peace plan for Israel and the Palestinians, news agencies reported Sunday.=

The revelation was made by Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa in an
interview to the daily Al Ahram.

The plan, which would be implemented gradually, will include proposals to
solve the difficult issues of Palestinian refugees and the status of East
Jerusalem. Moussa added that President Mubarak is constantly in contact
with Israel, the Palestinians, and the Americans on the topic.

Moussa claimed there is a strong feeling among Palestinians and Arab
leaders to wait until American President-elect George W. Bush takes office=

before signing a peace agreement.

=A9 copyright 2000 Ha'aretz. All Rights Reserved

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Subject: [bprlist] Mag: Arafat says Clinton 'threatened' him
From: "Moza"
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 20:17:02 -0500

SUN DEC 31, 2000 11:01 ET


Clinton tells him that coming generations of Palestinians will 'curse you'.

When Yasser Arafat refused to negotiate with Israel last week on points
laid out by the United States, President Bill Clinton called the
Palestinian leader.

"If you don't take this golden opportunity," the President told Arafat,
"you will have no mention in history and coming generations of Palestinians
will curse you."

TIME magazine is planning to report that Arafat hung up the receiver and
turned to an aide and said, "He's threatening me."


Other Arab leaders Clinton phoned voiced support for his proposal. But
senior Arafat advisers tell TIME that many of these same leaders have been
privately urging Arafat not to negotiate with Barak on the U.S. peace plan,
fearing street protests in their countries.

While Ehud Barak managed to get the Israeli Cabinet to accept Clinton's
proposal in principal, he says that Israel could not go along with all of
Clinton's ideas.

"I will not sign an agreement that transfers sovereignty on the [Temple]
Mount to the Palestinians," the Prime Minister said. Arafat, in the
meantime, is suspicious that Israel will actually deliver on any agreement.

If Ariel Sharon were to win the February 6th election he would be sure to
block the implementation of a Barak agreement.

"Israel would be free to back out of the deal," says a Palestinian
official, "where as Arafat would be stuck."


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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Ha'aretz: Cabinet to decide on Int'l Court treaty th
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 20:20:33 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 01:07:52 -0500
Subject: Ha'aretz: Cabinet to decide on Int'l Court treaty
           that makes settlements a war crime

Ha'aretz: Cabinet to decide on Int'l Court treaty that makes settlements a
war crime

By Aluf Benn Ha'aretz Diplomatic Correspondent Ha'aretz 31 December 2000

The cabinet will today discuss Israel's signing of the convention of the
International Criminal Court (ICC) to judge war crimes. Foreign Minister
Shlomo Ben-Ami and Justice Minister Yossi Beilin will try to convince the
ministers to endorse the signing. Prime Minister Ehud Barak stated last week
that Israel would not sign the treaty after being swayed by arguments
presented by the security establishment and by Attorney General Elyakim

Today is the last day countries can sign the treaty without ratifying it.
Countries seeking to sign at a later date will have to first undergo a
ratification process involving internal legislative changes. Signing of the
treaty today is a declarative step having no practical implications. To
date, 136 countries have signed the treaty, with the exception of the United
States, Syria, Egypt and Jordan.

Opposition to signing is based on the introduction of the settlements in
Judea, Samaria and Gaza into the list of war crimes to be judged by the
international court, which was done to embarrass Israel.

The Foreign Ministry has received numerous appeals in recent weeks from many
countries, especially in Europe, and from Jewish organizations to sign the
treaty. A senior government source said, "For Israel, as the country of the
Jewish people, to refrain from signing a treaty against war crimes, cannot
be understood in the world and is even perceived as a moral deficiency."

The Israel Defense Forces and Rubinstein maintain that as long as Israel is
involved in a conflict, it cannot support an institution that could be used
against it at the initiative of the Arab countries.

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Subject: [bprlist] U.S. to sign war crimes treaty
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 20:22:28 -0500

U.S. to sign war crimes treaty

                  December 31, 2000
                  Web posted at: 4:09 p.m. EST (2109 GMT)

                  In this story:

                  No permanent tribunal ever created

                  Helms vows to fight pact

                  RELATED STORIES, SITES

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Clinton authorized the United States on
Sunday to sign a treaty creating a permanent international criminal court to
try war criminals.

In a statement, Clinton said the United States affirmed its "strong support for
international accountability and for bringing to justice perpetrators of
genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity."

"The United States has a long history of commitment to the principle of
accountability, from our involvement in the Nuremberg tribunals that brought
Nazi war criminals to justice, to our leadership in the effort to establish the
International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda," the
president said. "Our action today sustains that tradition of moral leadership."

No permanent tribunal ever created

The courts covering Bosnia and Rwanda are the only war-crimes tribunals
currently functioning. There has never been a permanent international court
to deal with war crimes.

In 1998, the Rome Treaty created the International Criminal Court. It allowed
nations to sign on to the treaty until December 31, 2000.

More than 130 nations have signed the treaty, including most U.S. allies.
Iran signed the treaty Sunday.

The parliaments of 27 nations have ratified the Rome Treaty; 60 governments
are needed for the treaty to go into effect.

Israel has an appointment with the United Nations to discuss the matter.
North Korea, Libya, China and Iraq have not joined the treaty.

Clinton's decision comes in the wake of heavy criticism from conservative
members of Congress and concerns from within the administration itself that
the court would infringe on U.S. sovereignty and could lead to politically
motivated prosecutions of U.S. military men and women.

"This institution could well put America in a position to be held hostage to
blackmail, to threats based on our military presence around the world, our
diplomatic efforts, our geopolitical economic interests," said Sen. Chuck
Hagel, R-Nebraska, on Sunday. "I don't believe in any way it is in the interest
of this country."

A senior Clinton administration official said the White House still has
concerns, but decided to sign the treaty to "have a seat at the table" in
negotiations about the court's structure and rules.

Helms vows to fight pact

Sen. Jesse Helms, R-North Carolina, has been a vocal critic of the treaty. A
spokesman for Helms said he will "declare war" on the International Criminal
Court and make it a priority in the next Congress to defeat ratification of the
treaty in the Senate.

The issue is expected to come up during confirmation hearings for President-
elect George W. Bush's Cabinet.

CNN Correspondent Kate Snow and Producer Beth Lewandowski contributed
to this report.

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Subject: [bprlist] Jan 1, 2001 TV Programs
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 20:28:55 -0500

HIST Prophecies
Monday , January 01 8:00 PM-9:00 PM

From the ancient Greek's ominous Oracle at Delphi to the Renaissance's
revered Nostradamus, civilizations have sought their future through the
mouths of prophets. Decide if the uncanny and often accurate predictions
from the past are really foretelling our future, or if it is all hocus-pocus. TV G

HIST Who Wrote the Bible?
Monday , January 01 9:00 PM-12:00 AM

What are the origins of the Bible? Who actually wrote it? We'll explore
possible answers with visits to Egypt, the Galilee, the Israel Museum in
Jerusalem, and the caves of Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were
 discovered. A 3-hour special presentation. TV G

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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Ha'aretz: Saddam gives Israeli Arab families $130,000
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:42:07 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 00:43:02 -0500
Subject: Ha'aretz: Saddam gives Israeli Arab families $130,000

Ha'aretz: Saddam gives Israeli Arab families $130,000

By Jalal Bana Ha'aretz Correspondent Ha'aretz 1 January 2001

Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein has given $10,000 per family to the families of
13 Israeli Arabs killed by Israeli forces in October riots. The money was
funneled from the Iraqi Liberation Front and the Palestinian Baath Party,
which is represented within the Palestine Liberation Organization and is
closely linked to Iraq.

Two weeks ago Friday, the representatives of the two Palestinian parties met
with the bereaved families in Ramallah, said Azzam Al Ahmaed, former PLO
ambassador in Iraq and currently Palestinian Authority public works
minister, who took part in the meeting, which he said was initiated by the
political parties.

When the Intifada broke out, Saddam asked to be given a list of the
"essential needs" of the Palestinians affected by the fighting. The list he
was given included the names of the 13 Israeli Arabs.

The 13, who were killed in melees with police in the Galilee, have been
given special honor, because the Palestinians are eager to show that the
Intifada is not occurring only in the territories, but also in what they
term "all of historic Palestine." They want to show the world that "all the
Palestinian people are ready to sacrifice their lives to defend Al-Aqsa
Mosque," al-Ahmad said.

The financial aid from Iraq is not the only money the bereaved families have
received. Six weeks ago, each of the families received NIS 20,000 from the
Islamic Movement, headed by the mayor of Umm al Fahm, Sheikh Rayid Salah.

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Subject: [bprlist] Russia Today items (1/1/01)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:42:07 -0500

Russian Soldiers Killed 160 Chechen Rebels This Week (30Dec.00)

Nearly 250 Russian Soldiers Convicted of Crimes in Chechnya (29Dec.00)

Russia Completes Tests on New Nuclear Submarine (30Dec.00)

Putin's Wife Says Russians Have Rediscovered Their Pride (30Dec.00)

Russia Wants "Serious Dialogue" With Bush Administration (30Dec.00)

U.S. Funding Allows Russia to Step up Nuclear Security (30Dec.00)

Emergency Crew to Go to Mir after New Energy Failures (30Dec.00)

Computer Caused Russia Rocket Crash (30Dec.00)

Turkmenistan's President Calls for a Flag on Every House (31Dec.00)

Islamic Rebels Thrive in Central Asia
 Boston Globe (31Dec.00)

Russians to Sing of God, not of Lenin
 Washington Post (31Dec.00)

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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Ha'aretz: Israel to sign international war crimes co
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:42:07 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 00:46:17 -0500
Subject: Ha'aretz: Israel to sign international war crimes
           court treaty that designates Israel's settlements in the
           territories as a crime against humanity

Ha'aretz: Israel to sign international war crimes court treaty that
designates Israel's settlements in the territories as a crime against

By Aluf Benn Ha'aretz Diplomatic Correspondent Ha'aretz 1 January 2001


At the eleventh hour Israel yesterday reversed its previous stand and
announced it would sign the treaty establishing the International War Crimes
Court (ICC).

The decision came despite Prime Minister Ehud Barak's formerly being opposed
to joining the court, and after U.S. President Bill Clinton decided to sign
it before leaving office.

Yesterday was the deadline for countries to sign on to the ICC treaty, but
it does not bind the country legally or practically. From now a complex
process of ratification involving internal legislative changes is the only
way a government can support the treaty or associate itself with it.

The ICC will be a permanent international tribunal to try war crimes. The
Rome Treaty establishing the court was signed in 1998 after discussions
lasting many years that had been initiated by jurists and Jewish figures
after the Holocaust.

Before deciding to sign, Israel coordinated its position with Washington. A
government press release said the decision was based on the assessment by
the Foreign Ministry legal consultant, Alan Baker, and ministry officials
that maintained Israel's interests would not be harmed by signing the

To its signature, Israel will append a general reservation about the
authority of the court, and a specific reservation on the article that
designates Israel's settlements in the territories as a crime against

The "settlement clause" was introduced into the treaty at the behest of Arab
states to embarrass Israel and was the reason Israel formerly refused to

The United States also said it would not sign, for fear the court would be
exploited politically against American leaders and soldiers because of U.S.
military involvement around the world.

The prime minister inclined against signing the treaty last week after the
IDF and Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein argued it could be used against

Barak said yesterday at the cabinet session "I cannot accept that some
people are trying to draw a parallel between Nuremberg and Ramot and Gilo.
We have a responsibility to our citizens and we cannot in these difficult
times support something that could be interpreted against us, even if that
was not the original intention."

Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami and Justice Minister Yossi Beilin presented
their position in favor of signing immediately. Ministers Haim Ramon and
Shimon Peres suggested Israel follow the United States, and Barak accepted
their view.

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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Ha'aretz: Israel prepares campaign to point out who
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:42:07 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 00:38:57 -0500
Subject: Ha'aretz: Israel prepares campaign to point out who
           said 'no' - Barak to prepare unilateral withdrawal

Ha'aretz: Israel prepares campaign to point out who said 'no' - Barak to
prepare unilateral withdrawal

Ha'aretz Staff Ha'aretz 1 January 2001

Israel is embarking on an international public relations campaign in an
effort to present Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat as being
responsible for delays in the peace process due to his refusal to agree to
U.S. President Bill Clinton's bridging proposals.

Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami and senior adviser to Ehud Barak, Danny
Yatom, will spearhead the international campaign.

A senior diplomatic source in Jerusalem said that the public relations
campaign will reveal "who said yes and who said no," and is meant to bolster
Israel's diplomatic position in case there is an escalation of the violence
in the territories. "Everyone will know who is responsible for the
violence," the source added.

The public relations campaign will begin while Jerusalem waits for an
official response from Arafat to Clinton's proposals. A Palestinian response
is expected in Washington following a meeting between Arafat and
representatives of the Arab League on Thursday.

Prime Minister Ehud Barak warned yesterday that if the Palestinians gave the
Americans a negative response, and violence in the territories escalated,
"Israel will take a time-out and prepare for unilateral separation."

In Washington there is increasing pessimism concerning a response from the
Palestinian leader. "We received a yes, in principle, with reservations
attached, from the Israelis," said a senior U.S. official. "The Palestinians
are now going through their own internal process, which is always long."

Palestinian sources, including the Voice of Palestine, which is an official
organ of the Palestinian Authority, reported yesterday that Arafat rejects
the bridging proposals put forth by Clinton, "in their current format."

The radio reports that in a spokesman for Arafat said that the current
format of Clinton's proposals do not correspond to United Nations decisions.

According to the U.S. weekly Time, senior associates of the Palestinian
leader allege that while Arab leaders claim to support a positive
Palestinian response to the Clinton proposals, in private talks they are
urging Arafat to turn the offer down. The journal report adds that Arab
leaders are wary of an outbreak of anti-American demonstrations in their

In Washington, the U.S. administration is aware that Arafat is under immense
pressure, throughout the spectrum of Palestinian politics, to reject the

The special European Union coordinator on foreign affairs, Javier Solana, is
expected today in Israel for talks with Barak, Shlomo Ben-Ami, and Yasser

Barak is planning to ask Solana to help pressure Arafat into accepting the
Clinton proposals.

An Israeli diplomatic source said that "this is the last real proposal. No
Israeli politician will agree to the right of return. Either Arafat takes
this package as a basis for the negotiations, with reservations, or there
will be a missed opportunity which will last a long time."

The Palestinians also presented yesterday a document to the Mitchell
fact-finding committee into the causes of the Al Aqsa Intifada. The 61-page
document includes video recordings and other appendices and eight
recommendations. The recommendations, say the Palestinians, will serve to
calm the situation in the territories and further the peace process. Among
them are calls for the implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, an
end to the violence against the Palestinian population, a lifting of the
closure on the territories, and an end to the building in the settlements.

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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) JAN/1/01 [5] Netanya blast update
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:42:08 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: 1 Jan 2001 17:40:17 -0000
From: BreakingNews-Israel <>
Subject: JAN/1/01 [5] Netanya blast update


1-JAN-00 =96 7:27pm

1. More on terror attack in Netanya
(BNI-JAN.1) It appears that there has been a terror attack in the coastal
city of Netanya in front of or near 17 Herzl Street, near the intersection
of Dizengoff Street.

Police are moving quickly to shutdown the entire area and clear out
curiosity seekers from the blast location -- a major city street close to
the central bus station. The location of the blast is one that on weekends
converts to a pedestrian mall. The location of the blasts is truly the
heart of the city. The Laniado Hospital in the city has been moved to full
alert in anticipation of many victims from the blast which occurred during
the busy evening hours. Many persons were caught returning from work to
their homes.

Eyewitnesses report hearing three blasts, describing them as =91very
powerful=94. There appears to be significant damage from the blasts which
were detonated in close succession to one-another.

Bomb demolition experts are combing the area =96 fearing there are
additional explosive devices in the area.

There are reports of injured persons but there is no additional detailed
information at this time. There is significant damage to area stores,
attesting to the magnitude of the blasts.

BNI will continue providing coverage of this breaking news event in the
=93BNI.PriorityNews=94 report.


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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Document: Palestine (Western or Wailing Wall) Order
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:42:08 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 01:28:52 -0500
Subject: Document: Palestine (Western or Wailing Wall)
           Order in Council, 1931

Document: Palestine (Western or Wailing Wall) Order in Council, 1931

[IMRA: The following document is the model plan that Palestinian officials,
among them Ziad Abu Zayyad, refer to when they speak of Jewish access to the
Western Wall]

The 19th day of May, 1931.

WHEREAS by treaty capitulation grant usage sufferance and other lawful
means His Majesty has power and jurisdiction within Palestine:

AND WHEREAS the Council of the League of Nations on the 14th day of
January, 1930, passed a resolution in the following terms:--

"The Council

"Being anxious to place the mandatory Power, in accordance with its
request, in a position to carry out the responsibilities laid upon it by
Article 13 of the Mandate for Palestine under the most favourable
conditions for safeguarding the material and moral interests of the
population placed under its mandate;

"Wishing not to prejudge, in any way, the solution of the problems
relating to the question of the holy places of Palestine, which may
have to be settled in the future;

"Considering, however, that the question of the rights and claims of
the Jews and Moslems with regard to the Wailing Wall urgently calls
for final settlement;

"Decides that,

"(1) A Commission shall be entrusted with this settlement;

"(2) This Commission shall consist of three members who shall not
be of British nationality and at least one of whom shall be a person
eminently qualified for the purpose by the judicial functions he has

"(3) The names of the persons whom the mandatory Power intends
to appoint as members of the Commission shall be submitted for
approval to the Council whose members shall be consulted by the
President if the Council is no longer in session;

"(4) The duties of the Commission shall cease as soon as it has
pronounced on the rights and claims mentioned above."

AND WHEREAS the said Commission was duly appointed and after having
held an inquiry in Palestine submitted a report to His Majesty's Principal
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs:

AND WHEREAS the conclusions contained in the said Report are set out in
Schedule I to this Order and the temporary instructions referred to in Part
B, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the said conclusions are contained in Schedule II
to this Order:

AND WHEREAS in order that His Majesty may be in a position to discharge
the responsibilities in regard to the Western or Wailing Wall created by
Article 13 of the Mandate for Palestine it is necessary that all persons in
Palestine should be required to observe and abide by the provisions
in Schedule I and in Schedule II to this Order (so far as the latter provi-
sions are not amended by the provisions contained in Schedule I) and that
the High Commissioner for Palestine should be vested with all powers
necessary to give effect to the said provisions:

NOW, THEREFORE, His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers
in this behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, or otherwise in His
Majesty vested is pleased by and with the advice of His Privy Council to
order and it is hereby ordered as follows:--

1. All persons in Palestine shall observe and abide by the provisions
regarding the Western or Wailing Wall which are contained (a) in Schedule
I and in Schedule II to this Order (so far as the latter provisions are not
amended by the provisions contained in Schedule I) and (b) in any regula-
tions made by the High Commissioner for Palestine under Article 2 of this

2. The High Commissioner for Palestine with the approval of a Secretary
of State shall have power to make such regulations as may be necessary to
give effect to the provisions contained in Schedules I and II to this Order.

3. Any person who fails to comply with any of the provisions contained
in Schedules I or II to this Order or acts contrary thereto or fails to
with any regulations made by the High Commissioner for Palestine under
Article 2 of this Order or acts contrary thereto shall be guilty of an
and shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months
or to fine not exceeding P.50 or to both such imprisonment and fine.

4. Notwithstanding anything in the Palestine (Holy Places) Order in
Council 1924:--

(1) Offences under Article 3 of this Order shall not be triable by a
Magistrate but shall be within the jurisdiction of a District Court.
Such offences shall be tried summarily in accordance with the procedure
applicable in Magistrates' Courts and the provisions of the Trial upon
Information Ordinances 1924-1929 shall not be applicable thereto.

(2) The Supreme Court sitting as a High Court of Justice shall
have exclusive jurisdiction to make such mandatory orders or orders
by way of injunction or otherwise as may be necessary to secure the
observance of the provisions contained in Schedules I and II of this
Order and in any regulations made under Article 2 provided that no
such order shall be made except upon the application of the Attorney-
General on behalf of the Government of Palestine.

5. His Majesty His Heirs and Successors in Council may at any time
revoke alter or amend this Order.

6. This Order shall come into operation on a day to be fixed by the
High Commissioner by Proclamation in the Gazette.

7. This Order may be cited as "The Palestine (Western or Wailing Wall)
Order in Council, 1931.



A. To the Moslems belong the sole ownership of, and the sole proprietary
right to, the Western Wall, seeing that it forms an integral part of the
Haram-esh-Sherif area, which is a Waqf property.

To the Moslems there also belongs the ownership of the Pavement in front
of the Wall and of the adjacent so-called Moghrabi (Moroccan) Quarter
opposite the Wall, inasmuch as the last-mentioned property was made Waqf
under Moslem Sharia Law, it being dedicated to charitable purposes.

Such appurtenances of worship and/or such other objects as the Jews may
be entitled to place near the Wall either in conformity with the provisions
of this present Verdict or by agreement come to between the Parties, shall
under no circumstances be considered as, or have the effect of, establishing
for them any sort of proprietary right to the Wall or to the adjacent

On the other hand, the Moslems shall be under the obligation not to
construct or build any edifice or to demolish or repair any building within
the Waqf property (Haram area and Moghrabi Quarter) adjacent to the
Wall, in such a manner that the said work would encroach on the Pavement
or impair the access of the Jews to the Wall or involve any disturbance to,
or interference with, the Jews during the times of their devotional visits
to the Wall, if it can in any way be avoided.

B. The Jews shall have free access to the Western Wall for the purpose
of devotions at all times--subject to the explicit stipulations hereinafter
be mentioned, viz.:--

(1) The temporary instructions issued by the Palestine Administration
at the end of September, 1929, relative to "appurtenances of worship"
(See section 2, a, b, c) are-to be made permanent, subject however to
the one modification that it shall be permissible to place near the Wall
the Cabinet or Ark containing the Scroll or Scrolls of the Law and the
Table on which the Ark stands and the table on which the Scroll is
laid when being read from, but only on the following occasions, viz.:--

(a) At any special fast and assembly for public prayer that the
Chief Rabbis of Jerusalem may order to be held in the consequence
of some public distress or calamity, provided due notice shall have
been given by them to the Administration;

(b) on New Year's Day and on the Day of Atonement, and also
on any other special "holy days" that are recognised by the Government
as such days on which it has been customary for the Ark containing
the Scrolls of the Law to be brought to the Wall.

Save as provided in the articles of this Verdict it shall not be
permissible to have any appurtenances of worship in the vicinity
of the Wall.

(2) No objection or obstacle shall be raised to the Jews, in their
individual capacity, carrying with them to the Wall hand-books or other
articles customarily used at their devotions either as a general thing
or upon special occasions, nor to their wearing such garments as were
of old used at their devotions.

(3) The temporarily enacted prohibitions against the bringing to the
Wall of benches, carpets or mattings, chairs, curtains and screens,
etc., and against the driving of animals at certain hours along the
Pavement are to be made absolute, as is also the injunction as to
keeping the door at the southern end of the Wall locked during certain
hours. The right, however, for Moslems to go to and fro in an ordinary
way along the Pavement shall be respected and remain inviolable as

(4) It shall be prohibited to bring to the Wall any tent or a curtain
or any similar object with a view to placing it there--even though for
a limited space of time.

(5) The Jews shall not be permitted to blow the ram's horn (Shofar)
near the Wall nor cause any other disturbance to the Moslems that
is avoidable; the Moslems on the other hand shall not be permitted
to carry out the Zikr ceremony close to the Pavement during the
progress of the Jewish devotions or to cause annoyance to the Jews
in any other way.

(6) It is to be understood that the Administration shall be entitled
to give such instructions as they may think fit respecting the dimensions
of each of the objects that it is permissible for the Jews to bring to
the Wall, respecting the particular days and hours above referred to,
and also respecting other details that may be necessary for the adequate
and complete carrying out of this present Verdict of the Commission.

(7) It shall be prohibited for any person or persons to make use of
the place in front of the Wall or its surroundings for all political
speeches or utterances or demonstrations of any kind whatever.

(8) It shall be held to be a matter of common interest to Moslems
and Jews alike that the Western Wall should not be disfigured by having
any engravings or inscriptions placed upon it or by having nails or
similar objects driven into it, and also that the Pavement in front of
the Wall should be kept clean and be properly respected by Moslems and
Jews alike; it is herewith declared to be the Moslems' right and duty to
have the Pavement cleaned and repaired, if and when that is necessary,
upon due notice being given to the Administration.

(9) Owing to the Wall's character as an historical monument its
fitting maintenance shall be entrusted to the Palestine Administration,
so that any repairs to it that may be necessary shall be carried out by
them and under their supervision though only after consultation with
the Supreme Moslem Council and the Rabbinical Council for Palestine.

(10) If any repairs to the Pavement that are necessary are not
attended to by the Moslems in due time, the Palestine Administration
shall take the necessary steps to have the work done.

(11) The Chief Rabbis of Jerusalem shall be required to nominate one
or more officials to be their authorised representative or representatives
for receiving the instructions and other communications that will be issued
from time to time by the Palestine Administration regarding the Western
Wall, the Pavement in front of it and the formalities to be observed with
regard to the Jewish devotions near the Wall.


2.--(a) The Jews may bring daily to the Pavement before the Wall a stand
containing ritual lamps, and may place on the stand a zinc case with glass
in which such lamps are lighted. They may bring also a portable wash-basin
a water container on a stand. None of the objects above mentioned shall be
affixed to the Wall or to any wall of the adjoining Waqf buildings.

(b) From sunset on Friday evening to sunset on Saturday, and from sunset
on the eve of any Jewish holy day recognised by the Government to sunset of
holy day the Jews may place at the Northern end of the Wall a stand
prayer books, and at the Southern end of the Wall a table on which to stand
cabinet or ark containing Scrolls of the Law and another table on which the
Scrolls are laid for reading. The tables and cabinet or ark and the stand
be removed at the end of the Sabbath or holy day as the case may be.

(c) On the two holy days of the New Year Festival and on the Day of
Atonement each Jewish worshipper may bring a prayer-mat which may be placed
on the Pavement before the Wall but so as not to obstruct the right of
along the Pavement.

3. No benches, chairs or stools shall be brought to or placed on the
before the Wailing Wall. No screen or curtain shall be placed on the Wall or
the Pavement, for the purpose of separating men and women or for any other

4. Between the hours of 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Sabbath days and Jewish holy
days recognised by the Government, and between the hours of 5 and 8 p.m. on
eve of such days, and throughout the eve and Day of Atonement, save between
hours of dawn and 7 a.m., no animal shall be driven along the Pavement
before the

5. The wooden door giving access from the Pavement to the Zawieh at the
Southern end of the Wall shall remain locked on the eve of the Sabbath and
holy days recognised by the Government from 5 p.m. and throughout such days
after sunset.

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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Ha'aretz: World Jewry thinks Jerusalem and Temple Mo
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:42:08 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 00:54:35 -0500
Subject: Ha'aretz: World Jewry thinks Jerusalem and
           Temple Mount is an issue for all Jews - not just Barak
           - to decide

Ha'aretz: World Jewry thinks Jerusalem and Temple Mount is an issue for all
Jews - not just Barak - to decide

By Yair Sheleg Ha'aretz 1 January 2001

The possible concessions in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are stirring not
only Israeli public opinion, but that of world Jewry as well. On Friday, a
full page advertisement was published in Israel's leading newspapers, in The
New York Times and in major Jewish-American publications. Signed by 32
prominent American Jewish leaders, the ad declares that "Israel must not
surrender Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount." It quotes Malcolm
Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major
American Jewish Organizations, who was moved by the issue to deviate from
the organization's traditional support for the positions of any Israeli
government."In future years, all of us will have to answer to all our
children and grandchildren when they ask us why we did not do more to
protect their heritage and safeguard Har Habayit [the Temple Mount],"
Hoenlein is quoted as saying in a recent address. "Our essence as a people
is embedded in the bedrock of this mountain... The solemn pledge by Jews
throughout the ages, 'If I forget thee, O Jerusalem...' must not be allowed
to ring hollow now."

Among the signatories to the advertisement are six former chairmen of the
Conference of Presidents (including Kenneth Bialkin, in whose law firm Prime
Minister Ehud Barak's daughter currently works), and Hadassah President
Bonnie Lipton. The signatories include figures not identified with the
Orthodox right wing, such as Prof. Marshal Berger, an advisor to the Israel
Policy Forum group, affiliated with Peace Now; Rabbi Jerome Epstein, CEO of
the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism; and Rabbi Joel Meyers,
Executive Director of the (Conservative) Rabbinical Assembly. The debate
over the Temple Mount has sparked arguments in the Reform movement as well,
but no Reform representatives signed the advertisement. Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch,
executive director of the Association of Reform Zionists of America,
explained that he had declined to sign the ad because he could foresee
circumstances under which he would be willing to accept certain concessions
in Jerusalem and on the Temple Mount.

Statements made in the Jewish press by several of the signatories indicate
that they do not view Jerusalem and the Temple Mount as issues to be decided
solely by the Israeli public, but as matters up to the entire Jewish people.
Here they explicitly base themselves, among other things, on Palestinian
Authority chairman Yasser Arafat's declaration that the question of the
Temple Mount is not in his hands, but rather a matter for the entire Arab
and Muslim world. Similar sentiments were expressed by Hoenlein, who said in
an interview last week with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, that "Israel has
a right to make decisions that effect its security. All Jews have a right to
discuss it, but it's up to the government of Israel. The Temple Mount is a
different issue. It belongs to all Jews, it is the inheritance of all Jews,
and all Jews have a vested interest in it."

Rabbi Marvin Hier, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, made similar
remarks to Ha'aretz: "Usually, we do not interfere in Israel's affairs,
because the responsibility for the consequences is not ours. However, the
Temple Mount is different, because it does not belong solely to the state of
Israel. The Temple Mount is the main reason that every Jew faces Jerusalem
when praying. It is a pity that Barak failed to learn from Arafat, who made
clear that for him this is an issue pertaining to every Arab and Muslim."

Meanwhile, some 100 American rabbis signed a declaration three weeks ago
supporting a solution of shared Jewish-Muslim sovereignty on the Mount.
Among the signatories: Rabbi Arthur Green, leader of the reconstructionist
movement, and Rabbi Roland Matalon of the renowned Bnei Yeshurun synagogue
in New York.

Reports from Israeli delegates abroad, and especially in the United States,
note that the agreement-in-the-making has greatly shaken up the official
Jewish leadership, although - mainly due to the end of the year holidays -
not yet the general public. One of the reports notes that in contrast to the
past, opposition to the agreement no longer characterizes only the
right-wing Orthodox leadership, but non-Orthodox communities as well, mainly
among their older members. The report further notes that much of the
skepticism is due to deep suspicion regarding Arafat's real intentions.
Another report states that the criticism will increase when the possibility
of conceding the Mount of Olives as well becomes clear, "because many
American Jews have relatives buried on the Mount of Olives."

Similar reports have also come from Israeli delegates in Britain, who report
skepticism even among "Meretz supporters." A government source told Ha'aretz
that "the Jewish leadership in Russia, France and South America is taking a
clear stand against the agreement, and there is also strong opposition in
the United States, although there it is in a dispute with the supporters."

Among the critics there are also those who do not attack the content of the
agreement, but rather the leadership exhibited by Prime Minister Barak in
trying to achieve it. The most prominent of these critics is Abraham Foxman,
the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, who told Ha'aretz that
"I believe Barak is greatly stretching his mandate, definitely on the issues
fateful to Jewish history. He has the right to negotiate, but not to sign
anything, until Israeli public opinion comes to a decision." However, Foxman
stressed that in his view, "all the issues, including Jerusalem and the
Temple Mount, are entirely in the authority of the State of Israel and its

The prevalent belief is that even those demanding that world Jewry have its
say on the issue, will in the event of an agreement accept any decision made
by the Israeli public. A government official commented cynically that "there
might continue to be a problem with the religious organizations, but the
political organizations will have to accept any Israeli decision, because
without their connection to the Israeli government their existence is

Foxman also speculated that "any Israeli decision will be respected by the
Diaspora." Hoenlein evaded the question of whether an Israeli decision to
cede the Temple Mount would cause the Council of Presidents to come out
publicly, for the first time in its history, against an Israeli government.
"Why deal in hypothetical questions? Barak himself stated in recent days
that he is against giving up sovereignty of the Temple Mount," Hoenlein told

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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Document: Letter from Attorney General to Barak - st
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:46:16 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 11:04:16 -0500
Subject: Document: Letter from Attorney General to Barak
           - stop the talks

Document: Letter from Attorney General to Barak - stop the talks

Aaron Lerner Date: 1 January 2001

The following is IMRA's translation of the private letter sent by
Attorney General Elyakim Rubenstein to Prime Minister Ehud Barak five
days ago as read on Israel Radio on the 5 PM news by correspondent
Michael Tuchfeld:

Prime Minister Ehud Barak

While there is no legal limitation on a government during an election
period the legal consideration is not the central consideration. The
instructions of the law are designed only to prevent the creation of
a vacuum in authority and not for the setting of dramatic, fateful,
all encompassing, changes like an agreement with the Palestinians.

There is a great distance between the paralysis of the government
that the promulgators of the law wished to avoid and dramatic moves.

An election eve agreement with the Palestinians should be such that
it does not raise the suspicion, even for appearance sake, that it
was subject to time-related considerations - namely election
considerations - and thus great care and constant awareness is
required of these suspicions, and even more so in the case of a
minority government whose prime minister has resigned.

The agreement being negotiated is different from all its
predecessors. This is dealing with the setting of the borders of the
nation, the extent of its capital, including concessions in
territory, including, to my great sorrow, the tearing apart of the
nation both by the decision and its implementation. Decisions that
will be difficult to withdraw from. All of these are great reasons
for much care to be taken.

I raise doubt as to the moral authority of the government as the
resigned prime minister awaits re-election and when the president of
the United States, who is acting as midwife for the agreement, will
no longer bear any responsibility for the implementation of the
agreement since his days at the White House are over and the
operative meaning of the agreement will be the removal of
settlements, dramatic changes in Jerusalem cutting into the very bone
of the city, etc.

The government is the representative of the entire public and thus
should carefully weigh heavy nation-dividing decisions made during
its waning hours.

I bring to your attention the laws enacted in the Knesset protecting
Jerusalem and the law requiring a majority of 61 for changes in the
borders of the sovereign territory of Israel. Such diplomatic
agreements must be presented to the Knesset for approval and
considering the current parliamentary situation it can be assumed
that this would not be done before the elections but rather upon the
establishment of a new government.

I also raise doubt as to the ability of the Palestinians to honor the
agreement, both from a security standpoint and in terms of their
willingness to maintain true legal relations with Israel.

I oppose the agreement regarding the Temple Mount. I doubt that
there is room for expecting generosity from the Palestinians in their
recognizing our connection to the Temple Mount.

I do not want to put barriers against the efforts for peace, but it
is my obligation to say what I have said.

Elyakim Rubenstein,
Attorney General

[Minister of Justice Beilin appeared on the program a few minutes
later, explaining that the public would have the option to reject the
agreement in a referendum. Yesterday Prime Minister Barak explained
that if there is an agreement when it is brought to referendum that
the public would have the option to choose between the agreement and
a devastating war.]

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-548-0092
pager 03-6750750 subscriber 4811

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Subject: [bprlist] Arutz-7 News (1/1/01)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 15:50:46 -0500

Arutz Sheva News Service
Monday, Jan. 1, 2001 / Tevet 6, 5761

   8. IN BRIEF

A new popular protest movement, encompassing the entire country, may
have been sparked by yesterday's murder of Binyamin Ze'ev and Talia
Kahane. Close to 1,500 residents of Ofrah took over a hill this morning,
adjacent to the spot where the two parents of six children were murdered
yesterday. The new inhabitants plan to remain there until they "become
convinced that the army is acting to restore security to the area." In
addition, all of Ofrah was on strike today, and close to 1,000 people set
off on a march towards Jerusalem in the first of a series of such marches
from intersections throughout the country. Ofrah's Rabbi Avi Gisser, who
has been appointed to head the program, called upon others in Yesha (Judea=

and Samaria) and throughout Israel to "disrupt their daily routines" and
actively protest until the government takes action to stop the terrorism on=

the roads.

Rabbi Gisser said today that the public should "protest, march, strike, and=

settle... This is a call to the entire Israeli public to take a stand for=

our very existence, for Jerusalem, for our independence, for democracy, and=

for the fundamentals of suitable leadership..." Starting tomorrow at 3 PM,=

marchers will set out from almost every intersection in the country that
leads to Jerusalem, such as Sha'ar HaGai, Shilat-Modiin, Ma'aleh Adumim,
Gush Etzion, and others. Today's march progressed only as far as the
T-intersection to Beit El, some five kilometers south of Ofrah, and
tomorrow they will continue for another several kilometers towards
Jerusalem from there. "We will march towards Jerusalem from every
direction," said Rabbi Gisser, "until the desired change is brought
about." In addition, a Kollel - a Talmudic and Jewish-legal studies
program - concentrating on the relationship between Jewish law and
present-day Israeli law has been transferred from Ofrah to the new
settlement point.

Inhabitants of Ma'aleh Hever, south of Hevron, blocked off the road to the=

Arab village of Bani Na'im, home to last month's murderers of Rina Didovsky=

and Eliyahu Ben-Ami. The police arrested one demonstrator.

Atty. Yoram Sheftel, acting in a private capacity, petitioned the Supreme
Court today against the negotiations with the Palestinians. He asks that
the Court issue a ruling forbidding the current transition-government from=

furthering the diplomatic process with the Palestinians. Sheftel claims
that in light of the prohibition on the current caretaker government from
appointing a new Ambassador to South Korea, it may certainly not wage
negotiations on the transfer of sovereign Israeli territory to a foreign
entity. Atty.-Gen'l Rubenstein apparently agrees strongly with Sheftel;
see Special Insert below.

The male relatives of Binyamin Ze'ev and Talia Kahane, who left six
children of age 10 and under, are sitting shiva (the ritual mourning
period) in a tent outside the Prime Minister's residence in Jerusalem. The=

women are in the family's home in Tapuach.

Across from the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, the family of Sarah
Lisha - the mother of five from N'vei Tzuf who was murdered by Palestinian=

terrorists in November - protested with a sit-in this morning, holding
signs reading, "No more orphans!"

Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami said this morning that even if no
is reached with the Palestinians, some Jewish towns in Yesha will have to
be uprooted. "There will be no other way to implement the unilateral
separation," he explained. Ben-Ami emphasized, however, that this is only=

his personal opinion. Yesha Council head Benny Kashriel said the opposite=

yesterday: "Arafat will never agree to forego the entry of Arab refugees
into Israel, such that there will be no agreement - which means that no
Yesha communities need be uprooted."

Prime Minister Ehud Barak, praising the courageous stand of the residents
of Yesha today, called upon them to maintain "restraint and
self-control." He said, "Within a short time we will know if we are on the=

way to an arrangement, or to a Palestinian answer whose implication is that=

there will be no meeting [of the minds]=85 In any event, we will have to
separate from the Palestinians."

Palestinian terrorists shot at five Israeli vehicles last night, but
succeeded in wounding only one person - a resident of Ramot travelling
along the new Givat Ze'ev-Atarot highway. This morning, fire was opened at=

an Israeli bus near Shavei Shomron; the bus was damaged, but no one was
hurt. Terrorists also shot at an IDF position south of Shechem. Intensive=

shooting was directed for several hours at Psagot last night, and Israeli
tanks responded with four pin-pointed mortar shells towards the source of
the fire in nearby El Bireh.

Heavy fire this afternoon near Tulkarm, and the army is bringing in
tanks. Residents of Bat Hefer, just west of Tulkarm, say that this is the=

heaviest fighting seen there. To the east, the road to Avnei Hefetz and
other western-Shomron communities was closed for most of the day
because of
roadside bombs placed there by Palestinian terrorists. IDF sappers safely=

detonated the bombs.

Arabs shot at an Israeli car this afternoon along the Anatot-Adumim road;
no one was hurt. An Israeli woman was hurt when large rocks were thrown
her car near the Gitai junction in the Shomron.

The security forces now feel that the murderers of the Kahane couple were
three Palestinian para-military policemen. Evidence of some 60 bullets shot=

by Kalachnikov rifles - the guns carried by Palestinian police - was found=

on the scene. The army is now checking whether the specific rifles used
were among those distributed to the PA by Israel several years
ago. Several suspects from the nearby village have been arrested. The
three policemen - who are rumored to have been caught by Israeli forces -
were agents of the PA's Marwan Bargouti, who "does nothing without
from Arafat," according to a senior army officer.

Ariel Sharon, candidate for Prime Minister in the election to be held five=

weeks from tomorrow, has received the endorsement of the Yesha Council. =

met with Council leaders last night, praised the "residents' determined
stand," and promised not to carry out negotiations under fire or to divide=


Sharon further said that if elected, he would preserve Jerusalem, the
Jordan Valley, and the security areas of Yesha. The Council leaders
understood this as a repeat of a pledge he recently sounded on Arutz-7 that=

he would not evacuate or uproot a single Yesha town. Speaking on
television last night, however, he avoided making such a
declaration. Pinchas Wallerstein said, "Let us not fall into the trap of
trying to make inferences from every single word he says... There are
times when he will try to sound more moderate, etc. - our main goal is to
topple Barak, and we must not lose sight of this." Noam Arnon, spokesman
for the Hevron Jewish Community, explained from a different angle, "I
believe that Sharon will go the way his advisors tell him the public wants=

to go. Right now, it appears to his advisors that the public is interested=

in =01'moderation,' in the continuation of talks with Arafat. It's up to u=
to mold public opinion so that it will be cognizant of the dangers of such=

a path, so that Sharon's advisors tell him that it is politically expedient=

for him [to be more critical of the diplomatic process]."

Some statements and actions by Sharon, however, have left room for
concern within the nationalist camp. In addition to his sending holiday
greetings Yasser Arafat last week, he said today that he does not rule out=

the possibility of a meeting between himself and Arafat. "My opinion of
Arafat has not changed," Sharon said, "but we do not choose our neighbors'=

leaders." Sharon did say, though, that he would shake Arafat's hand only
in the event that he reaches an agreement with him on an "end to the

After criticizing Barak last week for calling a halt to the policy of
killing specific terrorist leaders, Sharon praised him today for apparently=

resuming this policy over the past few days. "Higher-level terrorists
should also be killed," Sharon urged.

The many laws scheduled to be voted on today in the Knesset include:
* a four-month extension of the status quo regarding the exemption of
yeshiva students' from military induction. Rabbi Michael Melchior,
representative of Meimad in the government and Knesset, voted against the
Labor party line and in favor of the extension. "We must not allow such a=

critical issue, that has not been solved for 52 years, to be determined by=

election considerations," he said. The bill passed its first reading today,=

and is expected to pass its final readings later today.
* a requirement that permission for Arab refugees from 1948 to enter Israel=

be approved by a special majority of 61 MKs.
* the bill to cancel the direct election of the Prime Minister and return
to the system in which elections are held for a party list only; likely to=

be approved tonight.
* a proposal to declare a pre-election recess beginning tomorrow. The
Likud is against.
* the establishment of an outside committee to determine the salaries of
Knesset Members.
* a bill, dubbed the "Deri Law," under which prisoners would be freed for
"good behavior" after serving only half their terms, instead of the
present-day 2/3.
* a proposal to appropriately mark television broadcasts that are
unsuitable for children - approved.
Several nationalist grass-roots organizations, headed by Moshe Feiglin's Zo=

Artzeinu, will hold an emergency meeting tomorrow night in Tel Aviv (4
Kablan St., 7:30 PM) to announce a "plan of protest action" - likely to
include civil disobedience - for the coming days. Publicity for the
meeting includes a call to those who are "willing to pay a personal price
for Jerusalem and the Temple Mount." Feiglin would not divulge information=

about the planned activities, but said that they would last for several day=

MK Benny Elon (National Union) is not enthusiastic about the use of civil
disobedience at this time. "In principle, I do not oppose civil
disobedience," he told IMRA. "I was an activist and a 'soldier' of Moshe
Feiglin. But with important reservations: ...During Rabin's administration=

[we did it] because we wanted to have elections. But now there are going
to be elections... We should be projecting strength. We should show now
that the fight is over if Arik Sharon will win with [a large majority] so
that no one will be able to claim that there are any moral grounds for any=

agreement that Arik Sharon says he rejects. We have a democratic device -=

elections. And we should focus on that... I would also say that such
activity may have a negative impact on some mainline support for Sharon."

Feiglin, in response, told Arutz-7's Yosef Zalmanson today, "First of all,=

during Rabin's time, there were also going to be elections several months
later, such that there is no basic difference between then and now... I
think that it is important for Sharon to win the election, and I think he
will win the election. But this is not the end-goal - because his victory=

could either be the beginning of a positive revolution, or it could mean
the continuation of the Oslo conception... We think that the very notion
of giving away the Temple Mount must be an issue of wide-spread opposition=

and protest, without regard to elections..."

        Israel agreed at the last minute yesterday to sign the Rome Statute for
the establishment of an International Criminal Court. The signature came
with a qualification designed to protect Israel from world sanctions
against its towns in Judea and Samaria, including Jerusalem neighborhoods
such as Gilo and Ramat Eshkol...
        One person was killed and 30 were injured in an accident this morning on
the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway when the driver of a semi-trailer lost
control and crashed into several vehicles, including a bus. Traffic in
both directions was severely disrupted for hours afterwards...
        A gas shortage is already beginning to be felt in several gas stations
across the country, because of the gas workers' strike that began early
Sunday morning. There were no real contacts between the Finance Ministry
and the strikers today, but a signal that the end of the strike might be
near was a calming announcement this afternoon by Ministry officials that
privatization of the companies is currently not on the agenda...

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Subject: [bprlist] Clintons: Are they ever leaving Washington? (2 stories)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 16:21:54 -0500

Clinton Plans To Stay At White House Complex During Bush Presidency
From Judicial Watch From Michael Spitzer <>
Press Office 202 646-5172 12-29-00

Judicial Watch Sources: Clinton To Use White House Complex Townhouse
After He Leaves Presidency - Set to Use Jackson Place Townhouse Teddy
Roosevelt Used

Seeks to Improperly Use White House Resources to Fund Post-Presidency

WASHINGTON, DC - Judicial Watch has learned through sources that Bill
Clinton is seeking improperly to use White House funds to help pay to set u=
office space in government townhouses across the street from the White
House. Clinton plans, according to sources, to use the space for his post-=

presidency offices. The space, part of the White House complex, is in a
Jackson Place townhouse once used by Teddy Roosevelt after he left the
presidency. Normally, such offices are for the use of the current
administration, and not for the use of a past administration. In other word=
according to Judicial Watch's sources, Clinton is trying to ensconce himsel=
in White House complex offices that normally would be used by the
incoming Bush Administration.

According to these sources, Clinton is trying to use White House funds,
rather than lawful funds designated for his post-presidency, to pay for key=

aspects of his White House complex offices. (Normally, an ex- president
uses private office space after he leaves the White House.)

Judicial Watch's sources on this story are well-placed and have proved
reliable in the past.

"In essence, Bill Clinton has no intention of leaving the White House after=
term ends. He seems intent to set up a shadow presidency within the White
House complex itself. His improper plan to use White House resources to
further his scheme is outright theft of government property. Even in the
waning days of his regime, Clinton's lawlessness continues," stated Judicia=
Watch President Tom Fitton.


Saturday 30 December 2000

Hillary snubs New York to buy home in Washington
By Philip Delves, Broughton, in New York

FLUSH with the funds from her lucrative book deal, Hillary Clinton was due =
buy a =A32 million house in Washington yesterday.

The senator-elect, who will be sworn in next Wednesday, was buying a six-
bedroom, seven-bathroom Georgian-style house near Embassy Row. The
house will enable her to entertain in grand style and to provide the Clinto=
main family home. The purchase should leave plenty of change from the
estimated =A35.3 million book deal. Even so, the couple's friends are rally=
round to buy them fancy dinner services, which up to now they have had
gratis in their government housing.

But while Mrs Clinton unpacks the porcelain, those New Yorkers who argued
that she was using their state merely as a platform for a return to
Washington are now saying: "Told you so." The Clintons' new house
purchase breaks with the tradition by which Presidents and First Ladies,
when they leave the White House, return home. The Reagans went back to
California, the Bushes to Texas, the Carters to Georgia. No First Couple ha=
wanted to hang around looming over their successors.

But Mrs Clinton wants nothing more to do with Arkansas, her husband's
home state. Her ascent to the Senate and a possible presidential run in 200=
have put the Clintons on yet another upward trajectory rather than into a s=
fade. Like it or not, the Clintons are neither leaving Washington nor natio=
life for a good many years yet.

But Mrs Clinton is suddenly realising that if she wants to be a grande dame=

she is going to have to pay for it. This is going down badly with her new
constituents, to whom her behaviour since she won election in November has=

seemed hubristic. First she went out and signed the deal to write her
memoirs, incurring the condemnation of newspapers across New York state.

The New York Times, for example, said in an editorial: "She above all shoul=
know not every deal that is legally permissible is smart for a politician w=
wants and needs to inspire public trust." When pressed by her new Senate
colleagues to present the details of her book deal to the Senate Ethics
Committee, she flatly refused, saying her lawyers told her it was

Even after all the unpleasant lawyering of the Clinton presidency, it appea=
Mrs Clinton still preferred to proclaim her virtue behind the protection of=

lawyers rather than through openness. Rival executives who tried to woo her=

say she was asking for the entire =A35.3 million by Jan 31. They also say t=
at no point did anyone ask if she would be writing about Monica Lewinsky.
The publishers' delicacy may haunt them if Mrs Clinton delivers a turgid,
scandal-free script.

For now, however, she has her money to cover both her big needs and big
debts. According to the most recent accounts of the Clinton Legal Expense
Trust, set up to pay lawyers in the Clintons' numerous legal battles, it st=
owed =A32.5 million. Then there is the mortgage on the house in Chappaqua,=

the New York suburb where the Clintons bought a white elephant of a home
to establish Mrs Clinton's residency before she stood for the Senate. After=

having to turn down a friend's loan because of a political outcry, the Clin=
went to the bank to fund the =A31.1 million mortgage.

The couple claim they will hang on to the house and commute from there to
offices in Manhattan. Few believe, however, that suburban life will suit th=
A flat in New York city would be more their style.

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