BPR Mailing List Digest
June 6, 2001

Digest Home | 2001 | June, 2001


  1. Re: missing name in genealogy
  2. Zionism and Nazism: A Discussion on the TV Channel Al-Jazeera
  3. Jibril Rajoub - cease fire only in Area A
  4. Arafat's helicopter not grounded
  5. Sharon, U.S. work out settlement freeze deal
  6. Under fire, IDF digs up weapons tunnels
  7. 'Selling women is like selling football players,' lawyer tells Knesset
  8. Hebrew U. techies invent paper circuits
  9. 41 vs 42
  10. Ha'aretz Editorial: Europe's role
  11. Jordan and Egypt strengthen ties with 22 new bilateral pacts
  12. Bush's 'gay Republican' agenda?
  13. Russia has approved sale of combat jet to Syria
  14. 14 Generations, 13 Names
  15. Wayne man explores undersea city off Egypt
  16. Europe gave Arafat promises for truce - with foreign observers
  17. Arutz-7 News (6/6/01)
  18. Personalised DNA-based diet advice on offer
  19. L-I-G-H-T-S to the Word of God
  20. Tropical Depression 'Wrong-Way ' Allison ?
  21. Palestinians blamed for attack on U.N.official's motorcade in Hebron last year
  22. Weekend News Today items (6/6/01)
    Nice Treaty contains Charter stating unborns do not have the right to life
    Justice Minister: Israel prepared to meet PA at summit
  23. US denies report of agreement with Israel on settlement freeze
  24. Storm blows over as 'Hurricane Israel' is retired
  25. Sharon: Arafat is a murderer and a liar
  26. 'UFO Video' Goes To Hollywood
  27. Fwd: A Time to Act-Michael Freund/A Baby Clings to Life-Harvey Tennebaum

To: <>
Subject: [bprlist] Re: missing name in genealogy
From: "John"
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 08:37:50 +1200
Re: The missing name.
It is significant that the list adds up in total to 41 generations and there
is an implication (or statement) that it should be 42.

Christ is the 41st Generation.
Who then is the 42nd?

Isa 53:10 supplies the answer: "He shall see his offspring". The offspring
of Christ are the church, those born into the family of God through his
death and resurrection. The church is the 42nd generation.

Jewish understanding of how to interpret scripture would suggest that there
is to be a clear link here between the 42nd generation and the 42 months of
the Great Tribulation. This is well worth meditating on.




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Subject: [bprlist] Zionism and Nazism:
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 08:37:17 -0400
Special Dispatch
June 6, 2001
No. 225

Zionism and Nazism:
A Discussion on the TV Channel Al-Jazeera

Dr. Faysal Al-Qasem's weekly talk show of May 15,2001, on
the Qatar TV channel Al-Jazeera, discussed the question,
"Is Zionism worse than Nazism?"(1) Against the background
of this program were on the one hand, the anti-Semitic
remarks made by Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, and on
the other, the manifest signed by 14 Arab intellectuals,
denouncing the planned international conference of
Holocaust deniers in Beirut.

The program hosted Dr. Hayat Al-Hwayek 'Atiya, "researcher
of Zionism" and follower of Holocaust denier Roger Garaudi
and translator of his book into Arabic. Liberal Tunisian
intellectual 'Afif Al-Akhdhar represented the opposition to
Holocaust denial in the Arab world.

At the opening of the program, Al-Qasem, posed the
following question to Dr. 'Atiya: "Is there a difference
between Zionism and Nazism?" 'Atiya responded that the
question should be looked at from two perspectives, the
logical and the textual. Logically, she claimed, "the
question must be asked: 'what is it exactly that we
denounce in Nazism?'" According to her, there are two
elements in Nazism that should be denounced: "The first is
the racism, that is, the belief in the superiority of the
Aryan race over the rest of the races, and the second is
the military expansion at the expense of others, stemming
from this belief."

After establishing these two points, Dr. 'Atiya stated that
these two principles "precisely existed in the Zionist
mentality and ideology... ever since the days of the Jewish
Torah... the belief in being the 'Chosen People' is one of
the foundations of the Zionist project. As for the
expansion, there is nothing left to say, because we are
living through it."

As for the textual perspective, 'Atiya cited "some of the
words of both Jewish and Nazi intellectuals. Nahum Goldman
says that there is a common trait to both German Nazis and
Jews, and that is the selectivity and the belief in a
common destiny as a divine mission. Writer Michel Rashlan
compares sections of Mein Kampf to the Jewish Torah, and
comes to the conclusion that... the ideological roots of
the Nazis can be found in the Book of Joshua... In 1935 a
French newspaper published an interview with the Nazi
theoretician, Alfred Rosenberg, in which he said he
supports Zionism and is enchanted by it, because of its
similarity to Nazism..."

'Afif Al-Akhdhar was asked to respond to the comparison
between Nazism and Zionism, but he began by addressing the
manifest by 14 Arab intellectuals, denouncing the planned
conference of Holocaust deniers in Beirut.

The conference was subsequently cancelled by the Lebanese
government following protests from Arab intellectuals and
Jewish groups: "The only reason for which I did not sign
the manifest was that I was not asked to. Furthermore, if
they had not been in a rush, hundreds of Arab intellectuals
would have signed it," explained 'Afif Al-Akhdhar.

The main reasons given by Al-Akhdhar regarding his stance
against the conference of historical revisionists in Beirut
are as follows: He explained that from a political point
of view, following the collapse of the Soviet Bloc, no
policy can succeed if it is not favorable to international
diplomacy and public opinion. "If we adopt the Nazis'
garbage," he explained, "we will lose on our issue, namely
the liberation of the Arab lands occupied in 1967...
Politically, if we support revisionism and Holocaust
deniers... we will lose international diplomacy."

Al-Akhdhar began by emphasizing that he does not denounce
revisionist historians only for political reasons, but also
on moral grounds. Before he could finish his explanation
'Atiya interrupted him and would not allow him to continue.
"Madame," Al-Akhdhar said to her, "do not be a Nazi and do
not be fascist."

Once Dr. 'Atiya was given the stage, she complained: "He
did not answer the question. He avoided the subject. I was
talking about the 1930s, when there was no revisionism and
no Holocaust. I was talking about the cooperation between
Zionism and Nazism... he evaded history in order to attack
the Beirut conference... He should not be telling us about
appeasing diplomacy and the media. [The Arab intellectuals]
living in the West only want to appease. Those of us who
live here are not interested in appeasing anyone; we are
interested in the truth... The Jews supported the Nuremberg
Laws because they made the Transfer easier..."

Dr. 'Atiya's comments angered Al-Akhdhar, who accused her
of "talking like the Taliban, saying that 'the media
doesn't interest her.'" According to him, "whoever wants to
recover the land and establish a homeland for the
Palestinians must take the international media into
"There is no doubt that there is a commonality between
Nazism and Zionism," Al-Akhdhar said, but he quickly added,
"this commonality exists between Nazism and all nationalist
movements," which are based on one principle, namely the
centrality of ethnic and racial elements. That is why they
use expressions like "the Chosen People" or the phrase
common among Islamists: "We are the greatest nation
delivered to mankind." "The nations that have given up
national narcissism and the centrality of ethnicity," he
added, "are the nations that have risen to a higher level
of civilization."

On the defensive, 'Atiya claimed she is involved in the
media, even in the French language, and denied having said
the media was unimportant. She added that she is a
Maronite Christian and therefore "I cannot be compared to
the Taliban."

Al-Qasem raised the possibility of renewing the UN
resolution equating Zionism to racism, and Al-Akhdhar
claimed this proposal "is un-political": "While there is a
consensus that Israel is not a Nazi state, you get up and
yell that Israel is a Nazi state. Then you get into
trouble, just like one of the leaders did recently [meaning
Bashar Assad]. Then you approach international diplomacy
and waste weeks and months trying to explain and clarify
and claim that your comments were taken out of context,
etc. The main thing for us is the struggle against the
occupation and the settlements. What is the point, then, to
constantly say: Israel is Nazi, Israel is worse than
Nazism, Israel is worse than fascism, etc. We cannot fight
against international diplomacy, because then we will lose
our cause... We must learn from Israel and be realistic."

On the other hand, 'Atiya claimed that dealing with the
Holocaust serves the general interests of the Arabs and
Palestinians. "The media is psychology," she explained,
"the comparison of Zionism to Nazism in the media is a blow
to Western psychology, because the Western conscience is
particularly sensitive to the Nazis."

The discussion was then opened to audience participation.
On the line was Ibrahim Alloush of Jordan, editor of the
anti-Semitic web-site The Free Arab Voice and board member
of the League Against Zionism and Racism. He claimed that
"The Holocaust myth has three aspects. First, there is the
lie about the policy of extermination of the Jews; second,
the lie about the killing of six million Jews in the Second
World War; and third, the lie about the gas chambers. The
most important aspect about the Holocaust myth are the
tales about the gas chambers, because they are where [the
locations] the Jews were supposedly exterminated. If we
prove that the gas chambers did not exist, as the
[revisionist] historians have done, the entire Holocaust
myth will collapse."

Alloush agreed with 'Atiya's assertion that Holocaust
denial serves Arab interests, "because it is not merely a
historical question, but an issue of contemporary politics
and media. The importance of the Holocaust myths for the
Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims, is that they justify the
need for the existence of an occupying Zionist state,
because the Jews need a state of their own for safe refuge.
Secondly, it also justifies the Zionist movement's
violation of UN resolutions, claiming what happened to the
Jews in the so-called Holocaust gives them a excuse for not
following international law..."

Alloush also addressed the intellectuals who signed the
manifest against the Beirut conference and stated they
"betrayed their role as intellectuals because they asked an
Arab government to prevent intellectual activity. They also
betrayed their political role as Arab intellectuals,
because instead of fighting Zionism, they joined it and
adopted its rhetoric... Accepting the Holocaust is the
heart of cultural normalization with the Zionist enemy..."

Al-Akhdhar said that although Dr. 'Atiya's activities could
be described as a media campaign, "it is a media campaign
aimed at Arab public opinion, which is already in her
pocket." He, on the other hand, is trying to win over the
world's public opinion. Al-Akhdhar explained, "she has no
chance of writing in any international newspaper, besides
the revisionist newspapers which are distributed secretly.
She cannot say it on CNN or on any Western TV station.
Instead of dealing with the Nazi's garbage and the lies of
the revisionists and the deniers, we should be translating
the works of the Israeli new-historians. They have truly
exploded the Zionist founding myths, according to which
Palestine was a land without a people... They have proved
that the Palestinian people was exiled and that Arab
villages were turned into Jewish villages."

Enraged, 'Atiya responded, "It is a shame that an
intellectual should stand on the side of the strong and not
on the side of the truth... President Bashar Assad said
that Zionism is equal to Nazism. This is a courageous
position that must be commended rather than be denounced in
order to appease the West... Why does he (Al-Akhdhar) call
for translating the writings of the Israeli new-historians?
Because they are Jews? At the same time, however, he
denounces the French, the American and the English

At this point, the show's production team brought French
Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson on the line. Faurisson
said, "Historical revisionism is the most dangerous thing
for Zionism. Historical revisionism that proves the hard
and bitter facts about Zionism - this is the nuclear weapon
of the poor. We have proved and are still proving that
there was no massacre or Holocaust of the Jews, and that
there were no gas chambers for the Jews and that the figure
of six million victims is exaggerated... if you want to
protect Palestine, you cannot do so with guns and shells,
but by saying the truth about the biggest lie of the
Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, the lie of the

Al-Akhdhar's response to Faurisson was that it is his right
and the right of all American and European researchers to
research what they want and to say whatever they feel.
However, it is not constructive for the Arabs to use the
following statements: "When 96% of the German people
denounce Nazism, it is strange that we [Arabs] should come
and say to the German people: You are wrong. Nazism was not
a disaster, the Jews simply invented a massacre that never
happened, and invented gas chambers that exist only in
their imagination. This is a kind of stupidity and
insanity. I am not opposed to Garaudi or Faurisson writing,
I am against us adopting this rhetoric..."

At this point, Dr. 'Atiya lost her cool again and yelled at
Al-Akhdhar: "I do not allow you to speak in the name of the
Arab intellectuals... Three days ago we held a conference
at the Jordanian Writers' Association. 150 intellectuals
attended, none of whom were willing to sign. What you say
is shameful."
The show's host, Al-Qasem, joined 'Atiya and said
Al-Akhdhar's statements "are full of contradictions. At
first he calls the revisionists garbage, and now he said
that Faurisson has the freedom to write what he wants but
that it would be a mistake for us to use it.

At this point, the host cited statements of Rabbi Ovadia
Yosef against Arabs and his call for exterminating them.
Al-Akhdhar explained that "Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is a criminal
and insane person, and his is a case for mental doctors. He
was even denounced in Israel. He is like the Taliban."

The host, Al-Qasem, lost his cool and defied his guest:
"Mr. 'Afif Al-Akhdhar, why is it that every time the
Zionists expose their true character, you act just like the
Western media, and begin to call them insane. When
Goldstein killed the people at prayer, they said he was
crazy. These people express Zionism's true belief. They are
the true spokesmen of Zionism. He [Ovadia Yosef] is by no
means insane. He is the official spokesman of the Jewish
people who voted for Sharon."

'Atiya joined in with Dr. Al-Qasem and explained that Rabbi
Ovadia Yosef "is a religious man, and the Book of Joshua
goes even further. This man expresses his religion."

Al-Qasem decided at this point to cite [a caller] Abd
Al-Hamid Thakr's opinion from Al-Jazeera's web site: "Sons
of Zion, whom our God described as the descendants of apes
and pigs, will not be deterred unless there is a true
Holocaust that will exterminate all of them at once, along
with the traitors, the collaborators, the scum of the
[Islamic] nation..."

At this point, Dr. 'Atiya took out a large picture of the
baby, Iman Hiju, who was recently killed in the territories
from Israeli fire. On the picture, written in red, "The
murderers of the prophets are the murders of the innocent".
She cried out: "This is the Holocaust, this is the
Holocaust. There is no Jewish Holocaust, there is only a
Palestinian Holocaust." In addition, 'Atiya claimed that
'Afif Al-Akhdhar "is weaving conspiracies against the
Palestinian Holocaust by repeating what the Western media

The two exchanged insults, Al-Akhdhar calling 'Atiya a
liar, and she referring to him as a "Nazi" and a "fascist".
Al-Akhdhar then summed up his view of 'Atiya's position:
"Faurisson and Garaudi can write what they want, and they
will always write garbage. Garaudi, for example, is
garbage. As a person he is garbage."

Concluding the show, the host, Dr. Faisal Al-Qasem, read
the results of the internet poll held on the Al-Jazeera web
site comparing Zionism and Nazism. 12,374 people
participated in the poll and the results are as follows:
"84.6% of Arabs said that Zionism is worse than Nazism;
11.1% said that Zionism is equal to Nazism; 2.7% said that
Nazism is worse than Zionism. All that is left for me to do
is to congratulate the Zionists for this painful result;
indeed, they have excelled in exceeding the Nazis."


(1) Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar), May 15, 2001.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an
independent, non-profit organization that translates and
analyzes the media of the Middle East. Copies of articles
and documents cited, as well as background information, are
available on request.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
Fax: (202) 955-9077



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Subject: [bprlist] Jibril Rajoub - cease fire only in Area A
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 08:45:37 -0400
Jibril Rajoub - cease fire only in Area A

Aaron Lerner Date: 6 June 2001

Israel Radio Territories Correspondent Avi Yisachar presented a recording
this morning of an interview of West Bank PA Preventive Security head Col.
Jibril Rajoub broadcast today on the PA's radio station.

Rajoub explained that Israel did not have the right to decide what the term
"cease-fire" means. He noted that the PA could only be held responsible for
attacks from Area A.

This is a return to the old Palestinian position that it is not their problem if
Palestinians kill Israelis as long as they do not do it DIRECTLY from Area A.
 For example, they maintained in the past that it was not their concern when
a terrorist cell from Area A took their arms and bombs into Area B or Area C
and then waited a period of time (hours?) before attacking - this even if the
cell ultimately returned to a home base inside Area A.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-5480092
pager 03-6750750 subscriber 4811



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Subject: [bprlist] Arafat's helicopter not grounded
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 08:46:58 -0400
Arafat's helicopter not grounded

Aaron Lerner Date: 6 June 2001

Yesterday Israeli authorities spent considerable efforts to have news that
Arafat was embarrassed that he was stuck in Ramallah because Israeli
authorities were not allowing his helicopter to return him to Gaza until he took
clear steps to enforce a cease-fire.

The focus on the helicopter had several PR advantages since Arafat also
uses the
helicopter to transport illegal weapons. Arafat's practice of going overseas in
order to avoid responsibility has also been the source of criticism in the U.S.
and keeping him in Ramallah puts him that much farther away from an exit

This morning Israel did an about face with the Coordinator of Activities in the
Territories claiming on the radio that reports that Arafat was grounded in
Ramallah were simply not true.

Minister of Defense Binyamin Ben Eliezer took the position that Arafat
should be allowed to return to Gaza so that he can speak with people about
the cease-fire.

A check by IMRA this morning finds that both land-lines and cellular phone
service are functioning in Ramallah and Gaza and that radio and television
broadcast links are also intact so that Arafat does not have to actually be
physically in Gaza in order to speak to people there.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-5480092
pager 03-6750750 subscriber 4811



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Subject: [bprlist] Sharon, U.S. work out settlement freeze deal
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:04:38 -0400
Wednesday, June 6, 2001

Sharon, U.S. work out settlement freeze deal

                  By Aluf Benn
                  Ha'aretz Diplomatic Correspondent

The Americans have managed to work out a settlement freeze formula with
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that they would never have dared dream of under
previous Israeli governments. "Construction beyond current built-up areas will
be frozen," this formula holds.

According to the terms of the understanding, no new settlements will be
constructed, in accordance with the basic guidelines of the government.
Other points include:

l No additional land will be expropriated for the purpose of construction.

l A freeze on settlement construction beyond existing built-up areas.

l The above provisions are contingent upon implementation of all other terms
of the initiative.

l The issue of settlements is being reserved for final status negotiations as
per existing agreements.

The understanding further notes that Israel went a long way in accepting the
report of the Mitchell Commission, as evidenced in the comment delivered by
Foreign Minister Shimon Peres to U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Trying to promote security contacts between the sides, the Bush
administration has decided to send CIA director George Tenet to Israel and
the Palestinian Authority tomorrow. Tenet will report back to Washington
about the status of the cease-fire commitments.

Tenet's trip to Israel reflects intensified American mediation involvement, as
well as a belief that both sides have in recent days taken positive steps
toward reducing violence. "In the past 48 hours we've seen a decrease in
violence, and we're happy that both sides are on the right road," State
Department Spokesman Richard Boucher declared yesterday.

The Palestinians put in a special request for the CIA director's involvement in
security talks, and Israel did not object to Tenet's arrival. Under the Clinton
administration, Tenet played an active role in security contacts between
Israel and the PA.

Special U.S. envoy William Burns, the assistant secretary of state for Near
Eastern Affairs, will also return to the country, in a bid to consolidate cease-
fire arrangements and forestall violence so that the next steps in the
implementation of the Mitchell plan can be implemented.

Cordial daily chats

Daily talks between Sharon and Powell are cordial. "I'm phoning to see how
you're doing," Powell says. He salutes Sharon at the end of these chats,
saying "thank you, general."

"Thank you, from one general to the other," Sharon salutes back.

Yet behind these diplomatic niceties, a war of nerves is being waged.

Sharon continually warns that his ability to exercise restraint is limited, and
that he's only prepared to give Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat
a few more days to deliver his side of the bargain. "I'm not going to surprise
you," Sharon has promised Powell, "but we can't continue this way."

Trying to assuage Sharon's anger, Powell strokes back: "Your restraint gives
us hope!"

The Bush administration has learned that the best way to deal with Sharon is
with tender loving care. For his part, Sharon has come to regard congenial
understandings reached with George W. Bush as a supreme Israeli asset.

The Americans and Sharon are currently playing a dangerous game of
brinksmanship. Warning ominously about what's liable to happen should the
cease-fire agreement collapse, the prime minister is telling Washington "hold
things together for me." But Sharon inwardly believes that Arafat is very
unlikely to uphold the cease-fire truce which he's promised. Apart from two
wanted men, terror suspects haven't been arrested; and anti-Israel incitement
in the Palestinian media continues. So, too, continues gunfire against Israeli

Though this is far from a hermetically-sealed PA cease-fire, Sharon's office
regards the no-shooting order given by Arafat as a diplomatic triumph of
sorts. For the first time in more than eight months of violent confrontation,
Arafat issued such an order; and quiet has been restored to many areas in
the territories.

As is his wont, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres sees the half-filled part of the
glass. He's devoting his energy these days to the effort to fortifying the shaky
bridges leading to a stable cease-fire. As he lobbies in the international
arena for pressure to be put on Arafat, Peres is doing his utmost to stop
Israel from playing into Arafat's hands by giving him an excuse not to honor
his cease-fire pledge.

From the day he took up his post, Sharon warned that if Arafat doesn't take
action to stop terror, as he is obligated to do under existing agreements,
Israel will do the work for him. In recent days, Sharon has toughened his
stance. Issuing warnings about what Israel might be forced to do should
terror continue, the prime minister has deliberately removed the pledge "we'll
refrain from escalation."

The attack at the Tel Aviv Dolphinarium last Friday deferred a large-scale
operation which the IDF has planned for PA territories. Under this plan, Israel
intends to "stamp out terror" by flexing its own muscles. According to Israeli
sources, the plan includes invasion into A areas (under full Palestinian
control), removal of terror suspects and heads of hostile extremist
organizations from their homes and offices, the destruction of some PA
buildings and the forcible confiscation of "illegal firearms." Some sources say
that the intention is to re-establish a military government for some period of

In other words, the Sharon government is holding in store a strong, perhaps
mortal, blow against the Palestinian Authority apparatus.

Yet Sharon doesn't aspire to seize permanent control of A areas in the
territories. He continues to view their transfer to the Palestinians as an
irreversible step.

Sharon is convinced that fear of massive Israeli retaliation is what caused
Arafat to issue his cease-fire declaration on Saturday. Foreign diplomats who
have followed PA-Israel affairs closely corroborate Sharon's interpretation.

Post-Dolphinarium reality

The foreign officials believe that the diplomatic pendulum started to swing in
Israel's favor the moment Sharon made his unilateral cease-fire
announcement, and also embraced the Mitchell report recommendations.
For the first time since the Intifada erupted, the Palestinians were losing
diplomatic ground, these foreign diplomats say - and then came the terror
attack in the heart of Tel Aviv, hurling international opinion directly to
Sharon's side.

Diplomats who have mediated between the sides awakened Saturday
morning to a new, post-Dolphinarium, reality. They learned that Sharon's
cabinet was in session, and feared that a countdown leading toward massive
Israeli retaliation had started.

Prior to the Friday terror attack, Israel had sent hints about its intention to
use force against Arafat. Mossad chief Ephraim Halevy sent reams of
information attesting to Arafat's involvement in terror, and to heavy firearms
stockpiled by the PA, to his intelligence counterparts around the world.
Halevy briefed UN Special Envoy to the Middle East, Terje Larsen.

All international officials agreed that this time Arafat had better do
something, that he simply had to bite the bullet and do what he had failed to
do since late September - it was his last chance to issue a cease-fire
declaration. They knew that if he continued to hold back, this time around
Israel was liable to crush his regime.

Larsen set off Saturday morning to Ramallah, to meet with Arafat. En route,
he drew up a three-part Arafat declaration: a sharp denunciation of the
Dolphinarium attack, an immediate cease-fire, and a full, 100 percent effort to
clamp down on terror featuring practical steps, such as the resumption of
security contacts.

When Larsen entered Arafat's office, he found that he had been beaten to the
punch by German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer - the contents of a
cease-fire declaration were already being formulated. Most officials in the PA
Chairman's office belonged to Fischer's entourage; the sole PA official who
stayed around Nabil Sha'ath, whose task was to translate the declaration
from Arabic to English.

In the middle of the discussion in Arafat's office, Fischer and Larsen received
phone calls from Peres. They told the Israeli foreign minister that a PA cease-
fire declaration was in the works, and also that they hadn't received any
instructions or guidance from the Israeli side. Peres complained that in
Ramallah, Palestinians danced with glee after the terror attack in Tel Aviv.

"You are here," Arafat said to Larsen. "Can you see anyone dancing?"

"Peres saw something on television," the Oslo process-polished Norwegian
diplomat responded.

None of the mediators harbored any illusions concerning Arafat. On Saturday
evening, Peres and Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer told U.S.
Ambassador Martin Indyk that Arafat had 48 hours to act.

For the time being, both the Israeli and Palestinian leaders are acting against
their own inclinations and impulses, trying to maintain a highly anomalous
situation in which two unilateral cease-fires are being upheld. Talking with the
leaders, Powell can hear the strain in their voices. "It's too bad you have to
deal with such a murderer," Sharon tells the U.S. Secretary of State. Arafat
asks the Americans for more time, and more information.

Egypt accepts new Israeli envoy

Egypt sent a positive diplomatic message to Israel yesterday when it
consented formally to accept newly appointed ambassador Gideon Ben-Ami,
who is slated to take up his post in Cairo starting in August. Israel named
Ben-Ami to the post some months ago, but Cairo stalled "before giving the
new ambassador the normal nod yesterday.



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Subject: [bprlist] Under fire, IDF digs up weapons tunnels
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:06:44 -0400
 Wednesday, June 6, 2001

Under fire, IDF digs up weapons tunnels

                  By Ze'ev Schiff
                  Ha'aretz Correspondent

Despite declarations of a cease-fire by both sides, Palestinians are using
heavy firepower to thwart a major engineering mission by the Israel Defense
Forces along the border between Sinai and the Gaza Strip. The Israel
Defense Forces are working to find and block underground tunnels used by
Palestinians to smuggle large quantities of firearms and ammunition - and
also people.

Digging a deep trench, ten meters deep in some parts, along several
kilometers of the southern border, the IDF is trying to detect Palestinian
smuggling operations, and to drive a wedge between the Palestinian and
Egyptian sections of the city of Rafah.

The IDF has sent armored tractors to do the digging. The work is slow-going:
Progressing no more than 60 to 100 meters each day, the IDF has at this
point dug a channel a little over a kilometer in length.

Trudging along, the army has uncovered two Palestinian tunnels, one of
which contained a variety of firearms.

Understanding the objectives of the IDF work, Palestinian gunmen often
shoot at operators of the heavy army equipment, and at foot soldiers
escorting the work crews. In addition to semi-automatic rifle fire, Palestinians
also fire light anti-tank weapons and mortars.

Under the Oslo accords, Israel controls the thin strip which runs between the
southern tip of the Palestinian-held Gaza Strip and the Egyptian Sinai
peninsula. The IDF calls this narrow route the "Philadelphi" road. Although
Oslo agreement maps demarcate an Israeli-controlled strip about 100 meters
in width, Palestinian construction in the Rafah area reduced the dimensions
of this buffer zone. At one stage the strip narrowed to about 15 meters in
width. The IDF responded by destroying some structures and expanding the
strip to around 50 meters in width - and in some areas to the full 100 meters.

The Philadelphi road has always been a violent flash-point, and a number of
IDF soldiers have been wounded or killed in the area. The IDF set up two
manned posts along the strip; both have periodically been the target of
Palestinian attacks and gunfire assaults against them have intensified

Underground Palestinian smuggling efforts precede the current Intifada.

Smugglers start digging on the Egyptian side of Rafah, taking cover between
houses, and emerge between - and even inside - houses on the Palestinian
side. Israeli security experts believe that efforts to smuggle to Gaza are
mainly directed along these underground passages.

Prior to the Intifada, the IDF undertook sporadic drilling operations to hunt for
these tunnels. A special unit in the Southern Command was set up for this
purpose, but its success was limited.

This time around, with fighting intensifying, the IDF has decided on a drastic
solution to the smuggling problem: digging a deep, long counter-channel.



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Subject: [bprlist] 'Selling women is like selling football players,' lawyer tells Knesset
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:08:51 -0400
Wednesday, June 6, 2001

'Selling women is like selling football players,' lawyer tells Knesset
committee on slave trade

                  By Ruth Sinai
                  Ha'aretz Correspondent

A lawyer who specializes in defending pimps yesterday told the
parliamentary inquiry on trade in women that "prostitution is an important
social commodity and anyone who says differently is a hypocrite."

"There's no difference between trading football players, high tech
programmers, or surgeons, and selling women for purposes of prostitution,"
said attorney Yaacov Shklar, appearing before the committee.

Shklar claimed the cost of bringing women into the country illegally forces
owners of the massage parlors and escort services to recoup their expenses
by trading the women with other pimps.

Shklar and a number of other lawyers who represent pimps were called into
the panel chaired by Meretz MK Zehava Gal-On, in the wake of a recent High
Court decision in which Supreme Court President Justice Aharon Barak
called for an end to the practice of pimps' lawyers representing prostitutes
arrested for being illegal aliens.

In Barak's verdict, which dealt with the case of a woman smuggled into Israel
and forced into prostitution, Barak said the pimps use their lawyers to free
women from custody before they are deported, to get the women back into
the brothels - even though the only way out of the clutches of the pimps is

Asked by Gal-On if it's appropriate for pimps' lawyers to represent
prostitutes, Shklar said "it's a constitutional right for a person to pick their
attorney. We serve the law."

But Gal-On said the idea that the same women get their legal defense from
their pimps "is horrifying and outrageous." She said the committee is
considering widening the public defender's law so that it would include
prostitutes. The public defense is only allowed to represent those charged
with criminal behavior, and most of the prostitutes arrested here are illegal
aliens, charged with breaking administrative laws, not criminal ones.

Attorney Walid Z'halka, who represents Arab pimps, told the committee that
"99 percent of the women brought here for prostitution knew that's what they
were coming here for," and that "the police would take action against the
trade in women if the women were Israelis. But because they are Russians,
the police don't take the initiative.



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Subject: [bprlist] Hebrew U. techies invent paper circuits
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:11:50 -0400
Wednesday, June 6, 2001

Hebrew U. techies invent paper circuits

                  By Tamara Taubman

Researchers at The Hebrew University say they have developed a way to
print electronic circuit boards on a simple home printer using regular paper
instead of building them on plastic boards.

"It is a very inexpensive, simple and fast system," says Andy Shipway, one
of the researchers who developed the method. "In practical terms, it means
that there is no need for special equipment." The system is likely to be used
initially by researchers building prototypes for printed circuit boards.

But the developers say eventually the sky's the limit: paper cellular phones,
portable Internet systems, foldaway electronic games. And since the method
can be used to print circuits on clothing, electronics could be embedded in
clothing. So make way for radio T-shirts.



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To: "" <>
Subject: [bprlist] 41 vs 42
From: Pam
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 09:17:42 -0400
Hello to all:
    John Brough has proposed that the church is the 42 generation.
Since each of the 'generations' listed bears the name of an individual
it seems to me the name for the 42 generation should be Jesus but John
thinks Jesus is the 41st generation. I fail to see how that could be
the case. It is more logical, I think, to accept the explanation given
in Moza's email. Praise the Lord!

    God Bless you. Charlie Baker.



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Subject: [bprlist] Ha'aretz Editorial: Europe's role
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:18:06 -0400
Ha'aretz Editorial

Wednesday, June 6, 2001

Europe's role

German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer happened to be in the region when
the Israel Defense Forces was putting the finishing touches on its
preparations for a wide-scale operation.

The murderous attack on a Tel Aviv nightclub last Friday night, in which 20
persons were killed and dozens injured, increased the chances that the
vicious circle of blood would be escalated further. In the absence of a
mechanism for a Palestinian-Israeli diplomatic dialogue and in the face of the
almost total paralysis of security coordination between Israel and the
Palestinian Authority (PA), the German visitor became nearly the sole
channel of communication engaged in pinpointing the location of the

With the assistance of Norwegian diplomat Terje Roed-Larse, special envoy
of the United Nations secretary-general and UN Coordinator for the Middle
East Process, Fischer sought, on the one hand, to persuade Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon to put the planned Israeli retaliatory operation on hold and, on
the other, to convince PA Chairman Yasser Arafat to undertake a series of
measures to bring about an immediate, unconditional cease-fire.

When it became clear that the American administration wanted to keep its
distance from the crisis and was delaying its decision on dispatching its own
special envoy to the Middle East, Fischer canceled all his other plans and
chose instead to extend his stay in the region.

It was reported yesterday that Fischer had decided to postpone his departure
until the arrival of Javier Solana, the European Union's (EU) High
Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy. Until Solana's
arrival, Fischer will monitor at close hand the steps that the PA is taking to
enforce the cease-fire and he will also place his good services at the
disposal of both the Palestinians and the Israelis.

The German foreign minister's initiative and his contribution in transforming
last Friday's terrorist incident into a possible turning-point in the crisis
deserves much praise and esteem. There is nothing amiss in Europe's
involvement in the diplomatic efforts aimed at stopping the situation in the
territories from deteriorating into a full-fledged regional conflict. The EU was
one of the sponsors of the Madrid peace conference in October 1991, which
signaled the start of the peace process in the Middle East. The intervention
of European diplomats in the present crisis should serve as a reminder to the
administration of President George W. Bush that the Arab-Israeli conflict
cannot afford the "luxury" of a diplomatic vacuum.

Due to both its geographic proximity to the Middle East and its moral debt to
the Jewish people, Europe has a special status in the region. In addition,
Europe has a strategic, demographic and economic stake in seeing a stable,
prosperous Middle East.

Unfortunately, the institutions of the EU have so far been unable to formulate
any coherent policy on the Arab-Israeli dispute. Serious disagreements
between senior EU members are undermining its ability to maneuver vis-a-vis
the two sides and is also impairing its capacity for competing with America's
diplomatic hegemony.

Although it has been financing most of the PA's activities since 1993, the
EU's influence on the PA has left much to be desired. The EU's blatant
tendency to display an understanding sympathy, and to at times even turn a
blind eye, toward the behavior of Palestinian leaders has seriously impaired
its credibility in Israeli eyes and has damaged its effectiveness in its dealings
with the Palestinians.

If the EU can make a major effort to clarify to the PA what diplomatic and
practical price will be exacted by a prolongation of the terror and the
violence, such a move would serve to balance the criticism that various
European countries have leveled at Israel over its settlements in the
territories. If it adopts such a realistic and moral approach, Europe will
greatly enhance its status in the region.



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Subject: [bprlist] Jordan and Egypt strengthen ties with 22 new bilateral pacts
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:20:59 -0400
Ha'aretz: Jordan and Egypt strengthen ties with 22 new bilateral pacts

News Agencies Ha'aretz 6 June 2001

AMMAN - During two days of meetings in Amman, Jordan and Egypt
concluded 22
agreements aimed at closer ties in various fields, including industry, energy,
water, transport and telecommunications, agriculture, fishing, education,
tourism, sports, environment and health.

The two countries yesterday signed an agreement to build a pipeline to carry
Egyptian natural gas to Jordan, the first phase of a distribution project that
would cover Lebanon, Syria and Turkey.

Jordanian Prime Minister Ali Abu al-Ragheb, who co-chaired the meeting with
Egyptian Prime Minister Atef Obeid, said the signing of the deal was "proof of
the qualitative bilateral cooperation ties" between the two countries.

On Sunday, the Egyptian cabinet approved a plan to export Egyptian gas via
the pipeline for 30 years starting from 2003, Egypt's Information Minister
Safwat el-Sherif said in Cairo. Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon signed an
agreement in January to transport Egyptian gas from Arish to the Lebanese
port of Tripoli under the Mediterranean, then distribute it to Jordan and
Turkey through Syria. But in March they agreed to slash the cost by
scrapping its main underwater section.

In its first stage, the pipeline will now run from an area near Arish in the
Sinai peninsula to Amman through Jordan's Red Sea port of Aqaba, with a
undersea link taking the gas around a short stretch of Israeli territory.

In addition, Jordan and Egypt may eliminate tariffs one year earlier than
planned and launch a joint free trade area by 2004.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis



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Subject: [bprlist] Bush's 'gay Republican' agenda?
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 10:47:19 -0400
[This was forwarded to me by a list member.]

Bush's 'gay Republican' agenda?
New report blasts president for 'homosexual advocacy'

© 2001

"President Bush risks alienating his pro-family base with his outreach to
Republican homosexual activists," says a new report published by the
Culture & Family Institute. CFI is a division of Concerned Women for
America, founded in 1979, which claims to be the nation´s largest public
policy women´s organization, with over 500,000 members.

Written by CFI's Robert Knight, Peter LaBarbera and Ken Ervin, "The Bush
Administration's Republican Homosexual Agenda: The First 100 Days"
states that during his first 100 days in office, George W. Bush:

a.. appointed a homosexual activist, Scott Evertz, to head the White House
office on AIDS; b.. failed to overturn a single Clinton executive order dealing
with homosexuality; c.. continued the Clinton policy of issuing Department of
Defense regulations to combat "anti-gay harassment" in a military that is
required by law to keep homosexuals out of the armed forces; d.. presided
over the appointment of a homosexual activist, Stephen Herbits, to oversee
the choice of civilian personnel at the Pentagon; e.. did not hinder the
application of a homosexual activist group for consulting status with the
United Nations, despite the group's opposition to the U.S. military's
homosexual ban and other activist goals such as legal "marriage" and
lowering the age of sexual consent for homosexuals. (The group, the
International Lesbian and Gay Association, lost its U.N.-affiliated status in
1994 when it was revealed that it counted NAMBLA, the North American
Man/Boy Love Association, among its members.) Although Herbits has
stepped down, according to the Washington Times, CFI Director Robert
Knight argues that the "gays-in-the-military" advocate shouldn't have been
brought into such a sensitive position in the first place.

"This administration seems unable to understand that homosexual advocacy
is not popular with pro-family Americans," Knight said. "Mr. Bush and his
team are creating a brand of Republican 'gay' activism that threatens to
further 'mainstream' a lifestyle that his Christian faith says is immoral. God
does not approve of Republican homosexuality any more than Democratic



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Subject: [bprlist] Russia has approved sale of combat jet to Syria
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 10:49:11 -0400
Russia has approved the sale of an advanced high-altitude reconnaissance
combat jet to Syria - Russia's MiG-25R "Foxbat-B," will fly reconnaissance
missions over Israel.

June 12, 2001

Western intelligence sources said Moscow has approved a Syrian request
for three MiG-25R jets. Termed the Foxbat-B, the aircraft deploys a
reconnaissance payload that includes cameras and electronic
countermeasures systems. The sources said Syria plans to use the MiG-
25R for reconnaissance missions over Israel that could help in identifying
targets in any war with the Jewish state.

   "We are talking about a clear leap in capability for the Syrians," a
source in Washington who is following the deal said. "It will provide Syria with
its first look inside Israel."

   The sources said Putin approved the deal during the visit by Syrian
Defense Minister Mustafa Tlas to Moscow last month. Tlas was said to have
complained to his Russian counterpart, Sergei Ivanov, that Moscow was
helping Israel's space program, including the launch last year of the
Israeli Eros reconnaissance satellite.

   At that point, Ivanov offered the high-flying MiG-25R. Tlas requested
three such aircraft and Ivanov agreed.

   The Foxbat-B is an advanced variant of the MiG-25 and contains such
systems as a reconnaissance station, and a topographic aerial camera. The
Peteng sighting and navigation system is meant to bomb programmed targets
while electronic countermeasures equipment can jam enemy radar
    The aircraft is meant to overcome Syria's lack of reconnaissance
capability. Syria has more than 1,000 Scud B, Scud C and Scud D missiles,
but Damascus does not have a clear view of targets. The result is that Syria
installed chemical warheads into some of its missiles.

   With the MiG-25R, the sources said, Syria would not require chemical
warheads, particularly in the first round of any missile attack. Syrian
reconnaissance would allow for precise identification and location of
targets inside Israel and avoid the initial use of weapons of mass

Syria has 35 MiG-25A aircraft, which have performed poorly against Israel.
Israel has used its F-15s to shoot down the Syrian MiG-25 during the 1982
Lebanon war while the U.S. Navy used its F-14s to knock out Libya's MiG-
25s in the mid-1980s.

Iraq obtained the first improved MiG-25 in 1982 and the R model is said to
have shot down a U.S. F/A-18C on Jan. 17, 1991 during the first hours of the
Gulf war.

The sources could not estimate the cost of the Syrian request. They said
Damascus issued the request separately from a list of defensive equipment
and upgrades of Syrian tanks and aircraft in a deal believed to total $1.1

   The United States has already raised the MiG-25R issue with Moscow, the
sources said. This includes both the Bush administration and Congress.

+++Syria gets Russia's OK; Now it just needs Saudi cash

    Big week for the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Last month,
Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlas reach agreement with Moscow on a list
of weapons requested by Syria. They included advanced aircraft, tank
modernization and anti-aircraft systems in a deal that is estimated at $1.2

The hard part is how Syria is going to pay for this. Enter Saudi Arabia. Saudi
Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz arrives in Damascus on Tuesday for
talks with Assad and his aides. Arab diplomatic sources describe the talks
as crucial to Syria's efforts to pay for a major Russian arms deal.

Syria, the home to the largest array of terrorist groups in the Middle East,
sends shivers down the back of the Saudi leadership. The Saudi leadership,
however, felt comfortable in dealing with Assad's late father, Hafez. The new
Syrian president is considered inexperienced and desperate - a dangerous
combination that might just get Riyad to cough up enough money to get
Assad off its back.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis



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To: "" <>
Subject: [bprlist] 14 Generations, 13 Names
From: Pam
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2001 10:59:22 -0400
Hello again:
    I submit the following for consideration
    Luke 3:38 "Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth,
which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God."

    This tells us, Adam was the son of God, His first human son.

    Luke 3:21-22 "Now when all the people were baptized, it came to
pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was
opened, and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon
him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son;
in thee I am well pleased."

    This tells us Jesus, upon being baptized was declared, by God, to be
His Son, His last human son.
    Is it not probable that Jesus, who is both man and God, is both the
13th and 14th generations of Matthew 1:17?

    The error Moza's message spoke of could have been an error in
transcription, in that copy, not an error in the Bible. As one who
believes the Bible is the literal word of God, this makes sense to me.
Praise the Lord!

God Bless you. Charlie Baker.



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To: bprlist bprlist <>
Subject: [bprlist] Wayne man explores undersea city off Egypt
From: Shophar_Sho_Good
Date: 6 Jun 2001 13:00:39 EDT
Wayne man explores undersea city off Egypt
Wednesday, June 6, 2001

Staff Writer

The gold coin a diver brought up to the deck of the Princess Duda had a
pharaoh on one side and an elephant pulling a chariot on the other.

The coin was found 40 feet beneath the sea on a street of Herakleion, an
ancient Egyptian city not of the dead, but of the quickly departed.

"There were so many coins, bracelets, hairpins, jewelry lying around down
there, that the people must have left rapidly," said Kenneth Hayes, a marine
biologist from Wayne, who was aboard the Duda on the Mediterranean Sea. "So it
wasn't something that happened slowly. Whatever happened there, happened

Hayes was searching the layers of ocean sediment for clues to what suddenly
submerged Herakleion -- the lost "city of sin," as explorers dubbed it -- and
two neighboring towns of Rhakotis and Menouthis.

An earthquake, a tsunami, a swollen Nile River -- or a combination -- are the
prime suspects, he said. Hayes, 49, is president of Aqua Survey Inc., a
Flemington-based "ecotoxicology" consulting firm.

Hayes spent two weeks in April working with an Egyptian expedition headed by
Franck Goddio, the French underwater archaeologist who found Cleopatra's
palace in Alexandria in 1996 and discovered the three mysteriously sunken
cities last year in the Bay of Abu Qir.

Goddio is scheduled to reveal some of the monuments and other treasures his
team brought up from Herakleion -- pronounced "her-AH-klee-on" -- at a news
conference in Egypt on Thursday, Hayes said.

What happened to this ancient city and several miles of Egyptian shoreline a
thousand years ago should be a lesson to people living on the edges of any
continent today, Hayes warned.

"Most populations are concentrated in coastal areas," he said. "We don't know
what collapsed Herakleion. But it's important to all coastal people to
understand these things, because the same fate could befall us.

"New York is on solid rock. But to people living, say, on Long Beach Island,
it could be a real issue. Imagine miles of New Jersey coastline" disappearing,
said Hayes, who has probed the muck of New York Harbor, Newark Bay, and
waterways around the world for the past 26 years.

The Herakleion mission was sponsored by the Egyptian government, the Hilti
Foundation of Liechtenstein, and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. It
was filmed for cable television by the Discovery Channel.

The Smithsonian hired Hayes for his expertise with a vibracore -- a vibrating
device, lowered from a ship, that drives a tube into sediment to collect core
samples. Every few inches of silt and sand represent hundreds of years in
archaeological layers.

"It's like adding a time dimension to a 3-D map," Hayes said. "This fills in
gaps and gives Egyptians a fuller understanding of their history." The samples
will help guide Goddio's diving team to the right depths and perhaps shed some
light on what sank the cities.

"The secrets lie in the sediments. That's why we were the guys helping to
unlock the mystery of what happened to this city," said Hayes.

Hayes took 40 core samples in Alexandria harbor. The Smithsonian will use
carbon-14 dating and X-rays to analyze the samples.

Hayes supervised most of the vibracoring from above the water aboard the
125-foot Princess Duda. One day, Goddio invited Hayes to suit up and dive on
Herakleion, eight miles east of Alexandria.

More than 2,000 years ago, Herakleion was the Las Vegas of ancient Egypt, and
it was celebrated by Homer in "The Iliad." Its citizens made so much money
charging tolls to the nearby Nile that they could gamble and party full time.
They erected statues of the Greek mythological hero Hercules and the Egyptian
gods Isis and Osiris, and built pleasure domes for themselves.

Then they fled town, two steps ahead of catastrophe, and too fast to take
their worldly belongings. The city had survived a procession of Egyptian,
Roman, Greek, and Macedonian rulers, but not unruly nature.

Hayes spent an hour touring the underwater ghost town. Pollutants from
Alexandria reduced visibility in the greenish-brown, 60-degree ocean to 10
feet, and there was a very real danger of divers becoming ensnared in
ubiquitous fishing nets. The scene, though dark and eerie, was thrilling.

"We swam over the city," he said. "The most amazing thing we saw was the
collapsed buildings, the rows of foundations. The cobblestone streets were
swept clean. You feel you could kick off your swim fins and walk down them.

"The foundations of homes were in nice straight lines of blocks stacked a
couple feet high. It was obvious these are man-made structures put together by
masons," Hayes said.

"I never had much respect for the concept of Atlantis. But who knows now? I
realized, maybe there is" something to the mythical, submerged lost continent,
he said.

Hayes was also impressed by Goddio's team. "I realized how much of an amateur
I am. I'm a certified diver. I thought I could dive, until I met these guys.
They're hardy, smart, and professional."

Last year, Goddio found wreckage of Napoleon's fleet, sunk by Horatio Nelson
and the English during the Battle of the Nile in 1798. Goddio suspected there
was too much debris for just that event, which led him to the discovery of the
sunken cities, Hayes said. Herakleion apparently sank long before Napoleon
invaded Egypt, he said.

"Statues in Herakleion still had their noses. A lot of monuments weren't
defaced. They found two sphinxes intact. That means the city went down around
the year 1000, and other conquerors never had a chance to deface them.

"Napoleon knocked the heads off statues and took the nose off the great Sphinx
of Giza. It showed: 'We're in town now,' " Hayes said.

The Egyptians gave Goddio free rein, but they jealously guard these newly
found artifacts, which will either go to their museum "or back to the bottom
of the sea," he said. The expedition went according to an Egyptian time

"In Egypt, they stop for prayers. In New York Harbor, we never stop for
prayers," Hayes said aboard the 30-foot Point Breeze, one of his company's
eight small vessels, as it headed up the Hudson River past the Statue of
Liberty. Hayes and his crew, Leroy Brown and Steve Brodman, were scouting a
construction site on the New Jersey side of the river where they would return
to take environmental toxicology samples of the sediment.

Hayes grew up in Wayne next to a swamp. "It was idyllic. I was a typical kid
with a fish tank," he said. Fairleigh Dickinson University "prepared me to go
out in the real world." His wife, Jacalyn, is from North Haledon.

Although he has traveled to dozens of countries, Egypt was an eye-opener.
There in the land of sandstorms and the ancient sphinx, "everybody has a
cellphone. Everywhere you hear people's pockets playing classical music" to
tell them of incoming calls, he said.

So far, Goddio's expedition has found no human remains in the sunken cities,
only the jawbone of an animal, maybe a camel, Hayes said. He has no fear that
raiding the underwater tomb will incur the "mummy's curse" or the wrath of the

"When I came up from Herakleion, I realized it was caused by a single
cataclysmic event," he said. "It's a mystery why the whole thing submerged.
This happened 1,000 years ago. But there's absolutely nothing that says this
won't happen again next week."

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Subject: [bprlist] Europe gave Arafat promises for truce - with foreign observers
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 13:43:01 -0400
Ha'aretz: Europe gave Arafat promises for truce - with foreign observers

By Zvi Bar'el Ha'aretz Correspondent Ha'aretz 6 June 2001

[IMRA: MK Yossi Sarid and others welcome the presence of international
observers and many Oslo supporters are also keen to see heavy European
involvement. Their hopes are that they can use international pressure to
overcome the failure of the Israeli democratic process to meet their
expectations. Under the democratic process, there is not a majority
favoring withdrawal to the Green Line and the division of Jerusalem (last
week only 29% of Israeli Jews supported it in a poll by the Steinmetz
Center). And when one considers the opposition to "creative" solutions to
the right of return of refugees that would permit every refugee the right to
return to Haifa based on the assumption that only a few would prefer to live
in a country where the income per capita may be ten times or more where
currently reside, the democratic process is clearly not the route.

The beauty of foreign observers is the dual role they can play: following
the American tradition, they can praise Arafat for compliance REGARDLESS
what is really happening. They also can serve as human shields for the
Palestinian forces, making it difficult for Israel to respond.]

Yasser Arafat decided to declare a cease-fire only after he received a
pledge that European representatives would be involved in supervision of the
cease-fire. Palestinian sources said that at the meetings with German
Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, Javier Solana and Egyptian President
Mubarak "Arafat mitigated his demand for full international supervision, but
set the condition that supervision of the cease-fire would not be
exclusively American."

The sources did not say who gave him this commitment or who is supposed
participate in supervision, if it takes place.

Arafat would like to return to the pattern of understandings, including
external supervision, reached at Sharm A-Sheikh in October 2000. He sought
last month to convene a meeting with participants of the Sharm A-Sheikh
conference to discuss the recommendations of the Mitchell Committee. Israel
objected to convening such a conference, but according to Palestinian
sources, "Arafat held a telephone conference at the weekend. He spoke with
President George Bush, Mubarak, King Abdullah of Jordan and Solana."

According to the conclusions reached at Sharm A-Sheikh, the U. S. would
supervise implementation of under- standings reached, although technical
arrangements were not stipulated. Now, according to Palestinian sources,
Arafat will ask "to broaden the circle of those responsible for supervision
and with the European promise, he can present it as an achievement.

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Subject: [bprlist] Arutz-7 News (6/6/01)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 13:46:14 -0400
Arutz Sheva News Service
Wednesday, June 6, 2001 / Sivan 15, 5761

Up-To-The-Minute News From Israel, New on Arutz Sheva's Homepage
<a href =""> </a>


if to enforce the growing feeling that the Sharon government is really a Peres
government, Deputy Defense Minister Dalia Rabin-Philosof informed the
today of the latest government decree: the new outposts established by the
residents of Yesha at recent murder sites are slated to be removed. She said
that the government hopes to "reach agreement" with the residents on this

Earlier last night, a familiar pattern began to emerge when Defense
Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer announced several "relaxations" of the
closure and other measures taken against the Palestinians. Following the
Dolphinarium slaughter in Tel Aviv on Friday night, in which a brainwashed
Arab blew himself up in order to kill 19 young Israelis and a tourist, Israel
forbade the entry of Palestinian workers and banned the deliver of gas and
supplies into Gaza. Last night, only four nights later, these and other
restrictions were partially or fully removed.

The Yesha Council demands that the Defense Minister show that his "heart
is not
hardened in light of the baby's plight [see below]" and immediately rescind
relaxations. "The so-called cease-fire is fictitious," stated one Council
member, asking if there is any difference between fatal attacks perpetrated
rocks and those perpetrated with guns or by suicide bombers. The Hevron
Community called on Prime Minister Sharon to
 "immediately dismantle the national unity government, and fire the Defense
Foreign Ministers who are leading the State of Israel to the brink of disaster.
Shimon Peres has wrapped Ariel Sharon around his little finger, and is
the country. He prevented any Israeli reaction to Friday's massacre in Tel
 As long as he is a minister in the Sharon government, Oslo will continue and
the State of Israel is in jeopardy."

As if the above wasn't enough, Prime Minister Sharon has essentially agreed
to a
settlement freeze in Yesha. This was the conclusion of some Yesha Council
members who met with him last night. Sharon refused to approve a series of
requests they submitted to him regarding construction, bypass road pavings,
security aid to the towns. The Council members told Sharon that the
Minister has not approved even one building plan since he assumed his
two months ago. After the meeting, some of the Council members said that
was toying with them, while others said that he is under great stress.

Yesha Council head Benny Kashriel, one of the four members who met with
Sharon last night, refused to divulge any details of the meeting, and took a
more moderate approach to the situation: "I don't think that Sharon is turning
his back on Yesha, as some others might have said. I rather think that his
policy of trying to score points with the Americans and the Europeans is
mistaken. These points will not help us; what he needs to do now is to save
lives." He said that despite the government intentions, "We have always built
in Yesha, we continue to build, and we will build - period. Almost all of Judea
and Samaria was built out of struggles with the government, unfortunately; it
strange that our own government, and especially this one, should fight
settling the Land of Israel, but if that's how it is then that's how we'll do

Doctors are fighting to save the life of five-month-old Yehuda Chaim (ben
Bat-Sheva) Shoham, who was very critically wounded last night in a
Palestinian rock-throwing attack. Arabs threw rocks at his family's car as it
drove north of Shilo, in the Shomron. The baby, hit by the rock while seated in
a back-seat baby chair, has not regained consciousness, and is being
treated at
Hadassah Hospital in southern Jerusalem. The baby's father, Benny
speaking on Voice of Israel Radio this morning, asked the entire public to
and recite Psalms on behalf of his son. He later publicly called on Prime
Minister Sharon to "come here to the hospital and see for yourself the results
of your peace process and diplomatic achievements."

At the site of the attack, close to 300 residents of Shilo, Eli, and
neighboring towns blocked the road this morning to Arab traffic and then
attempted to enter the nearby village of Luban Sharkiye. Palestinian
residents gathered as well, and Border Guard policemen arrived on the scene
separate between the sides. One policeman was hit in the face with a rock.
Jews set fire to an Arab building and fields, explaining that if the government
would not maintain order, they have no choice but to do it themselves.

National Religious Party MK Sha'ul Yahalom told Arutz-7 today that the
mortal wounding of the 5-month-old baby from Shilo last night could be
attributed to the government's policies:
 "Sharon is at fault for giving in to Peres and for implementing a policy
of restraint. Not only that, but he is agreeing to a ceasefire on the
pre-1967 side of the Green Line, while allowing the attacks to continue
within Judea and Samaria. He is dividing the country into 1st-class and
2nd-class citizens... In addition, the old "separation" plan is beginning to be
revived - millions of shekels to be paid out for barriers along the Green Line
in order to keep the terrorists away from one side of the line, where the
"first-class" citizens live, while endangering the "second-class" citizens on
the other side."

PA Preventive Security head Jibril Rajoub provided Palestinian radio today
his view of the ceasefire. Saying that Israel does not have the right to decide
if the cease-fire is being implemented or not, and that international observers
are required for this task, he noted that the PA could be held responsible only
for attacks from area fully under its control. Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA
explained, "This is a return to the old Palestinian position that it is not
their problem if Palestinians kill Israelis - as long as they do not do it
directly from Area A. They maintained in the past that it was not their
if a terrorist cell from Area A took their arms and bombs into Area C (full
Israeli control) or Area B (joint control) and then perpetrated the attack after
a certain unfixed period of time..."

Former Chief Rabbis Avraham Shapira and Mordechai Eliyahu have issued a
call for the public to arrive at the Western Wall "to beseech the Heavens
at this time of crisis for the Jewish People." The prayers are scheduled
to begin at 5:30 PM. Two hours later, many thousands from all over the
country are expected to participate in a giant rally in downtown Jerusalem
entitled, "We Must Defeat Arafat!"

the Labor party's Dalia Rabin-Philosoph, serving as Deputy Defense Minister,
said today that the ceasefire is "not yet serious. Over the past day alone, 21
violent incidents were recorded." She said, however, that there have been
encouraging signs, and "we have to give Arafat a chance."

The violent incidents of the past 24 hours include the
following: Palestinian gunfire at a car traveling west of Shechem last
night hit and moderately wounded an Israeli-Arab, who was taken to Meir
Hospital in Kfar Saba… Yet another bomb was found and safely dismantled
this morning along the road to Bruchim in the Shomron. Kol Rina News
Agency reports that the bomb was hidden in a barricade of rocks… An IDF
convoy near Tarkumiye, northwest of Hevron, was shot at last night; no one
hurt… An Israeli civilian car was also the target of Palestinian fire last
night; no one was hurt… Two Israeli cars were damaged in rock throwing
in the Negev…

Foreign Minister Shimon Peres contradicted today a government decision of
a few
days ago. Peres said that the government had not forbidden Arafat from
from Ramallah to Gaza, and that if he submits a request to leave, it would be
granted. Prime Minister Sharon's Bureau said yesterday that Arafat would
not be
allowed to leave, but Peres' announcement may render that decision moot.

The Knesset voted today to approve the preliminary reading of a bill that
will outlaw MKs - not the government - from meeting with representatives of
terrorist organizations. In addition, the bill allows the stripping of
Parliamentary immunity from MKs who express support for terrorist
 Responding to the outcry of Knesset Member Ahmed Tibi and other Arab
MKs, the
bill's sponsor Eliezer Cohen (Yisrael Beiteinu) said, "I understand why you're
upset. You never expected that we would get up here and openly say that
we will
no longer tolerate these daily outrages in which Arab MKs express their
cooperation with the enemy. But that is what we are saying: It will simply no
longer be allowed to continue…"

Denmark's Foreign Minister said again today that despite the slaughter of
20 Israelis last Friday, he continues to adhere to his position that Israel is
responsible for the violence in the region. The Danish Ambassador was
to the Israeli Foreign Ministry today, where he was told that as long as
and the rest of Europe continue to treat Arafat as a hero, the violence would
not end.

The IDF is working today to dig a very large and deep ditch in the Rafiach
as a way of stopping the massive arms smuggling from Egypt into the
Authority. Large army bulldozers digging the trench are simultaneously
over underground smuggling tunnels dug by the Palestinians during the past
months and years. The Palestinians are slowing down the work with heavy
shooting onto the IDF forces and with explosives.

The Yeshivot Bnei Akiva movement announced this week that it will open a
new Ulpana (girls' yeshiva high school) next year in the community of
Neriah, west of Ramallah. Director Elchanan Glatt announced that the
Ministry of Education has approved the new school - this, in order to spare
girls of the 400 families of the Dolev-Talmonim block from having to travel long
hours and dangerous roads to other schools around the country. The
community of
Neriah is named after the late Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Neriah, who founded the
Akiva Yeshiva movement 60 years ago. This will be the 19th Ulpana of the
movement, where some 5,000 students study.

The level of the Kinneret is already 213.42 meters below sea level, or 42
centimeters below the government-mandated red line - and the summer has
not even
officially begun. The red line was set as the level below which water must not
be pumped from the Kinneret, for fear that salt will contaminate the remaining
water. Meir Ben-Meir, who served as Water Commissioner twice in the past,
Arutz-7 yesterday that despite the impending water crisis, there is no need to
reduce water quotas to Israel's farmers: "Contrary to what others may
there is water to be pumped from the coastal aquifer. I agree that there must
be no more pumping from the mountain aquifer, nor from the Kinneret, but the
coastal aquifer is a different story. This is because in general, the danger of
over-pumping is salination - but in the coastal aquifer, most of the salt comes
not from the intensively salty sea, but from the much less-salty strata above.
Every hydrologist knows this. If we over-pump from the mountain aquifer, a
level of salinity will result. But even if we don't over-pump there, then
within two decades, or even less, the water will still require treatment and
desalination. So why do we have to decree thirst upon Israel, if in any event
the water there will have to be treated, just like the water of the Thames, and
the Rhein, and even the Kinneret, is treated before drinking?
 "...There is therefore no reason to make it impossible for farmers to make a
living. What, the same farmers to whom all our hearts went out because they
were living in the shadow of Hizbullah attacks should now be forced out by
quotas? There is no need even to dry out our public gardens; why must we
back the desert?... It is scandalous, but we have the ability to pump twice as
much from the coastal aquifer as we are presently pumping."

Hebrew News Editor: Ariel Kahane
English News Editor: Hillel Fendel



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Subject: [bprlist] Personalised DNA-based diet advice on offer
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 13:50:24 -0400
Personalised DNA-based diet advice on offer

A genetic health programme that tailors people's lifestyles to their DNA is
being launched in the UK.

The service, which costs £120 a year, uses an individual's genetic profile to
inform them about their metabolism and offer health advice.

DNA test results are combined with the answers given to a lifestyle
questionnaire to provide a unique health "action plan" for each person.

Recommendations include changes to lifestyle and advice on chemical and
nutrient consumption. People are advised about how their bodies react to
different foods, and told what to eat more or less off, or avoid altogether.

Sciona Ltd, based in Havant, Hampshire, claims its service - soon to be
made available at health clubs, clinics, chemists and health food shops - is
the first of its kind in the world.

Sciona's chief executive Dr Chris Martin said: "There is already a lot of
information out there recommending, for instance, a diet high in fresh fruit,
broccoli and grains and low in chargrilled red meat, smoked and preserved
foods and alcohol.

"Consumers find this advice daunting, as they are not sure to what extent it
pertains to them as individuals.

"Sciona's screen informs the subscriber which elements of advice are
particular to them and provides individually tailored recommendations. "

The screening test makes use of known relationships between genetic
differences and health risks.

However it does not identify single gene diseases, tell individuals they are ill
or have a high risk of suffering a fatal condition, or provide information to
insurance companies.




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To: bprlist bprlist <>
Subject: [bprlist] L-I-G-H-T-S to the Word of God
From: Shophar_Sho_Good
Date: 6 Jun 2001 14:02:14 EDT

L-I-G-H-T-S to the Word of God

by Hank Hanegraaff


Here are the L-I-G-H-T-S to the Word of God:

Literal Interpretation, Illumination by the Holy Spirit, Grammatical
Principles, Historical Context, Teaching Ministry, Scriptural Harmony.

Principles of biblical interpretation ought to be determined before developing
one´s theology, but in practice the reverse is often true. Cultists in
particular consistently read their deviant theologies into the biblical text
instead of allowing the text to speak for itself. Faith teachers are also
guilty of this practice, as I document in my book “Christianity in Crisis”.

In view of this growing problem, it would be productive to consider some of
the primary principles of hermeneutics. Before you run off because of the
formidable sound of this term, however, let me quickly point out that
hermeneutics is simply a “fifty-cent” word that describes the science of
biblical interpretation. The purpose of hermeneutics is to provide the student
of Scripture with basic guidelines and rules for “rightly dividing the word of
truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). To help ensure that you will remember these principles,
I´ve developed the acronym L-I-G-H-T-S. Just remember that the science of
biblical interpretation “LIGHTS” your path as you walk through the Word.

Literal Interpretation

The L in LIGHTS will remind you of the literal principle of biblical
interpretation. In simple terms, this means that we are to interpret the Word
of God just as we interpret other forms of communication — in its most obvious
and literal sense. Most often, the biblical authors employed literal
statements to communicate their ideas (such as when the apostle Paul said of
Jesus, “By Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth” —
Col. 1:16). And where the biblical writers express their ideas in literal
statements, the interpreter must take those statements in a literal sense. In
this way, the interpreter will grasp the intended meaning of the writer.

Of course, this is not to deny that Scripture employs figures of speech.
Indeed, the biblical writers often used figurative language to communicate
truth in a graphic way. And, in most cases, the meaning of such language is
clear from the context. When Jesus says He is “the door” (John 10:7), for
example, it is obvious He is not saying He is composed of wood and hinges.
Rather, He is the “way” to salvation.

Illumination by the Holy Spirit

The I in LIGHTS will remind you of the illumination of Scripture that can only
come from the Spirit of God. First Corinthians 2:12 says: “We have not
received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may
understand what God has freely given us.” Because the author of Scripture —
the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21). — resides within the child of God (1 Cor.
3:16), he or she is in a position to receive God´s illumination (1 Cor.
2:9-11). And, indeed, the Spirit of truth not only provides insights that
permeate the mind, but also provides illumination that can penetrate the

Grammatical Principles

The G in LIGHTS will remind you that Scripture is to be interpreted in
accordance with typical rules of grammar — including syntax and style. For
this reason, it is important for the student of Scripture to have a basic
understanding of grammatical principles. It is also helpful to have a basic
grasp of the Greek and Hebrew languages. If you do not know Greek or Hebrew,
however, don´t panic. Today there are a host of eminently usable tools to aid
you in gaining insights from the original languages of Scripture. Besides
commentaries, there are “interlinear” translations that provide the Hebrew and
Greek text of the Bible in parallel with the English text. As well, Strong´s
concordance has a number-coding system by which you can look up the Greek or
Hebrew word (along with a full definition) behind each word in the English
Bible. Moreover, there are dictionaries of Old and New Testament words that
are keyed to Strong´s concordance. Tools such as these make it easy for the
layperson to obtain insights on the original Hebrew or Greek of the Bible
without being fluent in these languages.

Historical Context

The H in LIGHTS will remind you that the Christian faith is historical and
evidential (Luke 1:1-4). The biblical text is best understood when one is
familiar with the customs, culture, and historical context of biblical times.
Thankfully, there are a host of excellent Bible handbooks and commentaries to
aid us in the process of understanding the people and places of the Bible.

Teaching Ministry

The T in LIGHTS will remind you that even though the illumination of Scripture
ultimately comes through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, God has also
provided the church with uniquely gifted human teachers (Eph. 4:11).
Therefore, as we seek to rightly interpret God´s Word (2 Tim. 2:15), we would
do well to consult those whom God has uniquely gifted as teachers in the
church (cf. Tit. 2:1-15). Of course, following the example of the Bereans
(Acts 17:11), we should always make sure that what human teachers say is in
line with Scripture (cf. 1 Thess. 5:21).

Scriptural Harmony

The S in LIGHTS will remind you of the principle of Scriptural harmony.
Individual passages of Scripture must always be in harmony with Scripture as a
whole. The biblical interpreter must keep in mind that all of Scripture —
though communicated through various human instruments — has a single Author
(God). And, of course, God does not contradict Himself.

Studying the Bible is the noblest of all pursuits, and rightly understanding
it, the highest of all goals. The six principles listed above can help you
attain this goal. And as the science of biblical interpretation continually
LIGHTS your path through Scripture, you will find yourself growing in your
understanding of Him who is the Light of the world — Jesus Christ (John 8:12).


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To: bprlist bprlist <>
Subject: [bprlist] Tropical Depression 'Wrong-Way ' Allison ?
From: Shophar_Sho_Good
Date: 6 Jun 2001 15:53:14 EDT
Can anybody verify that tropical storm 'Allison' is the only tropical storm
named that has ever rotated clockwise??? What is that all about?

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Subject: [bprlist] Palestinians blamed for attack on U.N.official's motorcade in Hebron last year
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 18:06:44 -0400
Palestinians blamed for attack on U.N.official's motorcade in Hebron last
Wednesday, 6 June 2001 16:22 (ET)

 JERUSALEM, June 6 (UPI) -- The Danish police recently determined that an
attack in Hebron last year on a U.N. official's motorcade may have come
from the
Palestinian side, a senior source at an international monitoring force said

 On Nov. 12, the motorcade of Mary Robinson, U.N. high commissioner for
human rights, was shot at while she was in the Israeli-controlled area of
Hebron. The fire hit a vehicle belonging to the Temporary International
Presence in Hebron, or TIPH, that took her around, but no one was injured.

 The Palestinians and the Israelis accused each other of responsibility for the

 The Danish police found that the fire came from a Kalashnikov assault
rifle -- a weapon the Palestinians use -- and was fired from the Palestinian
area in Hebron, the TIPH source confirmed. He spoke to United Press
International on condition of anonymity.

 The TIPH is a force of observers in Hebron whose members come from
Denmark, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

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Subject: [bprlist] Weekend News Today items (6/6/01)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 18:17:35 -0400
Nice Treaty contains Charter stating unborns do not have the right to life

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: EU Observer/Irish Times

Wed Jun 6,2001 -- The No to Nice campaign in Ireland was yesterday joined
by two Catholic Bishops, Bishop Thomas Finnegan of Killala and Bishop
Philip Boyce of Raphoe. They supported independent Irish MEP, Dana
Rosemary Scallon´s stance on the rights of the unborn child. “I cannot vote
Yes to Nice because I consider the right to life of the unborn to be the
fundamental human rights issue of today,” Bishop Finnegan told the Irish
Examiner. The right to life has come into the final stages of the Irish Nice
Treaty debate, because of the Charter of Fundamental Right, which was
adopted at the Nice summit in December as a political declaration and
signed by the 15 EU member states.

According to the Ms Scallon, an independent Irish member of the European
Parliament in the group of PPE (Christian Democrats), the EU Charter is
linked with the Treaty and Article 2 states that “everyone has the right to life”
but that does not include the unborn child. The Charter has legally the status
of a political declaration, but several countries push to include the Charter
into the EU treaties and make it legally binding. Already the EU's Charter of
Fundamental Rights has been taken into account once by the European
Court of Justice in February in a ground-breaking case expected to give
workers on short-term contracts the right to paid holidays.

Justice Minister: Israel prepared to meet PA at summit

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Jerusalem Post

Wed Jun 6,2001 -- The government of Israel is prepared to convene a summit
between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in order to sign on an official
cease-fire agreement, according to security and foreign affairs cabinet
member and Minister of Justice Meir Sheetrit. If Israel and the Palestinians
are able to achieve a cease-fire, [Israel] will be willing and able to consider
carrying out the Mitchell Report's guidelines, Sheetrit said during the course
of an interview with Army Radio this morning.

"If [Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser] Arafat shows the responsibility
that's being demanded of him, absolutely putting a stop to the shooting,
[then] there is no reason there shouldn't be a summit," Sheetrit said. In a
marked policy reversal, the Bush administration is sending CIA head George
Tenet to meet with Israeli and Palestinian security officials and possibly with
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser
Arafat as well, officials in Washington said yesterday.



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Subject: [bprlist] US denies report of agreement with Israel on settlement freeze
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 18:30:40 -0400
US denies report of agreement with Israel on settlement freeze

JERUSALEM, June 6 (AFP) - The United States denied Wednesday an
Israeli newspaper report that there was a US-Israel deal on freezing Jewish
settlement-building in the occupied Palestinian territories.

"It's completely incorrect," a US embassy spokesman told AFP.

The Haaretz newspaper had said the United States had worked out with
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon a formula for a freeze on settlements,
which is one of the most divisive issues between Israel and the Palestinians.

It said that, under the terms of the plan, no new settlements would be
constructed, no additional land expropriated for building and there would be a
freeze on building beyond existing built-up areas.

The fate of the settlements themselves would be reserved for final status

The report of the US-led Mitchell commission called last month for a halt to
settlement activity in the Palestinian territories as part of a series of
confidence-building measures aimed at halting the eight-month tide of Israeli-
Palestinian violence.

Currently, around 200,000 Jewish settlers live in the West Bank and Gaza
Strip, occupied by Israel since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher recently called Israel's
settlement policy "provocative."

Copyright 2001 by Agence France-Presse



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Subject: [bprlist] Storm blows over as 'Hurricane Israel' is retired
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 20:54:36 -0400
Wednesday, June 6 2001 17:27 15 Sivan 5761

               Storm blows over as 'Hurricane Israel'
               is retired
               By Jerusalem Post Staff

               JERUSALEM (June 6) - Prompted by an overwhelming
               response from Jerusalem Post readers, the World
               Meteorological Organization has changed the name of
               Hurricane Israel to Hurricane Ivo.

               The Geneva-based UN agency acted immediately
               following the Post's disclosure of the name on May 25,
               polling all 25 members of its Regional Association IV
               Hurricane Committee to get the name changed.

               "History has been made here," Max Mayfield, chairman
               of the committee, told the Post from his National
               Hurricane Center office in Miami. "This is the only time a
               hurricane name has been changed. You were the first
               person that I had ever gotten a complaint from, and, after
               we thought about it, it was the right thing to do to change

               Mayfield said his office received over 50 e-mails and a
               dozen phone calls - from California to New Jersey to
               Israel - the day the story appeared in the Post. He and
               Arthur Dania, head of Regional Association IV, moved
               directly to get the name changed, although, Mayfield said,
               "I didn't think it could be done."

               The committee was responding to the outrage expressed
               by Jewish leaders over the insensitivity of using a
               country's name, and the consequence of a devastating
               storm named Israel causing massive destruction and
               death accompanied by parallel headlines blaming Israel.

               "It shows that even a bureaucratic agency such as WMO
               can be sensible and sensitive when it wants to be," said
               Abraham Foxman, national director of the
               Anti-Defamation League, "and that there is always an
               opportunity to correct a mistake if you are so inclined.

               And they did so, and I think we should appreciate it,
               welcome it, and move ahead."

               Foxman was subsequently criticized in an editorial in The
               New York Post and in an op-ed in The Washington
               Times for taking a stand on the issue. The Post said he
               was making a big deal about a name at a time when
               "Palestinians are lobbing mortars into Israeli settlements
               on almost a daily basis and nary a day goes by when
               someone isn't killed."

               Jonah Goldberg, editor of the National Review Online,
               said, "If the national director of the ADL can't find an
               injustice greater than a misnamed hurricane, he's not
               looking hard enough."

               But Foxman rebuffed their condemnation. "They're
               entitled to have their opinion," he said. "I think,
               unfortunately, that these insensitivities are cumulative. The
               World Meteorological Organization may not be as
               important as the World Health Organization, or
               UNESCO, or UNICEF, but if one permits an
               international agency to act insensitively against Israel and
               the Jewish people, the end result is 'Zionism is racism.'
               And we know that that's on the agenda for the Durban
               Conference Against Racism [taking place at the end of
               the summer].

               "So I think it's very important that we not decide what is
               miniscule and what is not, but stand up with dignity and
               with credibility against what we consider insensitive
               expressions against the Jewish people and the State of

               Ephraim Zuroff, head of the Israel office of the Simon
               Wiesenthal Center, said, "That is one less annoying
               headache that the Jewish people will have to deal with
               during this year. In that regard, we owe a debt of
               gratitude to [reporter] Elli Wohlgelernter and The
               Jerusalem Post for alerting us in time to be able to take

               Mayfield - who has been head of the committee for only
               a year, and was not involved when the name "Israel" was
               added to the list of storms in 1995 to replace Ishmael -
               said of the committee members that "nobody, believe me,
               nobody intended that anything be done with any malice at
               all. They did not mean to insult anybody.

               "It's amazing that it could be changed this fast. It's a very
               formal organization, as most things are at the United
               Nations, and things normally do take a long time. But I
               am real proud of the members here that they rallied.
               Once everyone [on the committee] understood what was
               going on here, they couldn't wait to change it."



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Subject: [bprlist] Sharon: Arafat is a murderer and a liar
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 20:56:03 -0400
Wednesday, June 6 2001 17:26 15 Sivan 5761

               Sharon: Arafat is a murderer and a liar
               By Herb Keinon and Arieh O'Sullivan

               JERUSALEM (June 6) - In his harshest public comments
               about Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat since
               taking office in February, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
               yesterday called him a "murderer" and "pathological liar"
               on a Russian television channel.

               "He is a murderer," Sharon said on NTV. "A pathological
               liar. It cannot be that he will go all around the world with
               a red carpet... He is not a head of state. There were
               some people who expected that he would behave like a
               head of state, but he behaves as the head of terrorists
               and murderers."

               Sharon's comments come just three days after the
               security cabinet issued a statement saying that "the
               Palestinian Authority and Arafat are involved in terror,
               encourage terror, and incite to hatred and violence."

               A senior official in the Prime Minister's Office attributed
               the remarks to a campaign to get the international
               community, especially the Europeans, to apply pressure
               on Arafat. Washington has withdrawn its welcome since
               President George W. Bush came into office in January.
               The pressure on the European community to keep the
               heat on Arafat comes as a result, he said, of the feeling
               that, although there has been a decrease since Saturday
               in the number of violent incidents, "We are not there [at a
               cease-fire] yet."

               However, in light of the reduction in Palestinian attacks
               since Arafat's cease-fire declaration, Israel has decided
               to ease up on the Palestinians and Defense Minister
               Binyamin Ben-Eliezer has ordered that a lot of
               restrictions be lifted.

               As a first step, this morning food, agriculture products,
               vehicle fuel, and cooking gas will be allowed to cross
               from Israel into the Palestinian-controlled areas and vice
               versa. Palestinian laborers will also be allowed to return
               to their jobs in Gaza's Erez industrial zone and
               Palestinians who are currently in Egypt and Jordan will be
               allowed to return home, the Defense Ministry said.

               "The Palestinian Authority is obligated to take significant
               steps to halt the violence and the incitement. The
               reduction in violence in the past few days is a step in the
               right direction," Ben-Eliezer said in a statement. The
               ministry said that over the next few days Ben-Eliezer
               would consider further steps to ease restrictions on the

               Likewise, the official said, there has been a decrease in
               the level of incitement on Palestinian radio and television,
               but nowhere near what Israel expects.

               The other PA action that Israel expects to see as part of
               the implementation of a cease-fire is the re-arrest of
               Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists, something the official
               said has not even begun.

               "Arafat knows who the people are, he let them out of jail
               eight months ago," the source said. "They must be
               rearrested." According to this official, Israel and the US
               administration see eye-to-eye on what needs to be done.
               The question is likely to arise, however, over
               interpretation of whether or not Arafat is doing it.

               Officials in Washington said that CIA chief George Tenet
               is expected to come to the region "within the next few
               days." Israeli diplomatic sources said that the trip will be
               to try and probe the willingness of the Palestinians for
               security cooperation that could lead to full implementation
               of a cease-fire.

               When Tenet visits, the source said, it will be an indication
               that the US administration believes Arafat is doing
               something to stop the violence, because the
               administration would not send him at this time if the
               feeling was that nothing was being done to halt the

               "He is like the dove from Noah's ark," the source said.
               "He is being sent to see if there is any dry land, any place
               to start." Only if Tenet finds "dry land," the source added,
               will higher level US diplomatic officials, like US
               Undersecretary of State for Near East Affairs William
               Burns, become re-engaged.

               "If it is true that last weekend's [Tel Aviv bombing]
               caused Arafat to do some rethinking, then it would be
               wise to take advantage of this relative calm as an
               opportunity to reestablish security cooperation and reel
               something in," one diplomatic official said. "But there is
               still a deep sense among the Americans that this might all
               be smoke."

               The official said that every time there has been an attempt
               to hold security discussions the past, they have fallen
               apart because the Palestinians have raised political
               conditions, such as stopping settlement construction,
               which the Israel has not wished to get into.

               According to the Prime Minister's Office, issues such as
               the settlements will only be dealt with after a complete
               cessation of violence and a cooling-off period. Although
               Foreign Minister Shimon Peres told Army Radio
               yesterday that Israel wants an eight-week pause before
               discussing confidence-building measures, one senior
               official in the Prime Minister's Office said that six weeks
               would be acceptable. The Palestinians have been calling
               for a four-week cooling-off period.

               Swedish Prime Minister Goeran Persson said yesterday
               he plans to visit Israel at the weekend to discuss with
               Sharon ways to find peace in the Middle East.

               Persson spoke after meeting French President Jacques
               Chirac during a tour of European capitals in preparation
               for the EU summit on June 15-16 in Gothenburg.

               "It is planned that I see him [Sharon] at the weekend in
               Jerusalem," Persson, whose country currently holds the
               EU presidency, told journalists.

               Diplomatic sources said EU foreign policy chief Javier
               Solana was due to travel with Persson for the meeting,
               which would probably take place on Sunday.

               Persson said last week the EU is ready to play a
               constructive role in rebuilding peace between Israel and
               the Palestinians, but only after the violence stops.

               (News agencies contributed to this report.)



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To: bprlist <>
Subject: [bprlist] 'UFO Video' Goes To Hollywood
From: "Patt A."
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 19:05:18 -0700 (PDT)

'UFO Video' Goes To Hollywood
June 5, 2001 8:00 CDT

A Derbyshire, UK housewife has sold the video she took of a flying saucer to a Hollywood producer. Sharon Rowlands, 44, from the village of Bonsall, in the Peak District, was reportedly paid £20,000 for the footage. Officials at NASA are said to have asked to examine the tape, because they believe it shows the same type of craft that was once spotted by the space agency's own cameras during a space shuttle mission.

Rowlands said she took the footage with her camcorder after hearing an eerie noise outside her home on a late October evening last fall. She says she filmed the object while it hovered in the sky about two miles away. "It resembled a giant disc with a bite taken out of the bottom," she told reporters. "As it hovered over the woods, it seemed to expand and then get smaller again. "We could see it pulsing as if it started up and then it just went it came really close at one stage and I thought it was going to land in the field.

"You can hear me on the video say "Wow!"

The video shows what looks like a large craft that emits red, yellow, orange and blue lights and has a dark circle in its center. The craft hovers in the sky before moving to the right and emitting pulses of light from its left-hand side. It then flips over; showing two deep scarlet lights, and disappears in a red flash. Rowlands was so certain of the film's value that she had locked it in a Nottingham bank vault before sending it to America.

Rowlands' is one of many alleged sightings of strange objects in the sky over Bonsall in the last few months. One woman reported that she saw a "ball of fire" in the skies, another "two big, bright lights." A man walking his dog saw a "pink glow, vertically shaped like a shoe box". The Meteorological Office said there were no unusual weather conditions that might have explained Ms Rowland's sighting, but others believe military aircraft could explain some of the sightings.

Source: BBC

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To: bprlist <>
Subject: [bprlist] Fwd: A Time to Act-Michael Freund/A Baby Clings to Life-Harvey Tennebaum
From: "Patt A."
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 21:00:25 -0700 (PDT)

  Please pray for Yehuda Chaim ben Bat Sheva

From: The Jerusalem Post, June 6, 2001
Time to Act
by Michael Freund

Sitting on the couch in front of the television, full of anger and
frustration, I clench my fists and consider whether pounding on the screen
will somehow bring this madness to an end. I am sick and tired of watching
Jews die nearly every evening on the news.
The events of recent weeks have left us all breathless and bewildered. One
shocking terror attack is followed abruptly by another, which is then
quickly forgotten as the next incident flashes on our screens a few hours
later. Despite occasional respites, such as the present cease-fire, the
macabre dance of death continues to haunt us, threatening to reignite at
any moment.
For over eight months, the Palestinian Authority has been committing
atrocity after atrocity, lynching our soldiers, burning down our holy
sites, and blowing up Jewish children. We know who the perpetrators are, we
know where they live, and yet we seem powerless to stop them.
According to the IDF, there have been a total of 4,823 shooting attacks
against Israeli soldiers and civilians since the start of the intifada last
September, an average of nearly one attack every hour over an eight-month

If this is not a war, then why are we calling the current hiatus a
"cease-fire"? And if it is a war, then why aren't we fighting it?

It is hard to believe this is the same country that vanquished its enemies
in just six days back in 1967, or rescued Jewish hostages at an isolated
Ugandan airport called Entebbe in 1976. Where have all our heroes gone?
What has happened to the Jewish pride and the Zionist values that enabled
Israel to withstand the most difficult of challenges?
It is as if we have learned nothing from history, not one thing. After two
thousand years of exile and persecution, the Jewish people did not hang on
just to create another Diaspora-like outpost of fear on the shores of the
Mediterranean. Through our passivity, we have tragically begun to turn the
State of Israel into the Shtetl of Israel, as we hide under our beds
waiting helplessly for the next Palestinian pogrom.

The cold, hard truth is staring us all in the face. Everyone knows we are
at war, everyone feels we are in a battle for the country's survival, yet
we continue to delude ourselves, refusing to acknowledge what we know to be
the truth: Yasser Arafat has declared war on the Jewish people. It is time
that he be treated accordingly.
No other country would tolerate ongoing terrorist incursions into the heart
of its territory. The Palestinian Authority has become a threat to the
safety and well-being of Israel's citizens, and it is a threat that must be
overcome. The United States spares no effort to track down and punish Osama
bin Laden, going to the ends of the earth if necessary to protect its
citizens. There is no reason why Israel should refrain from doing the same.

The Oslo process is dead because Arafat killed it. Former Prime Minister
Ehud Barak offered the Palestinian leader far more than he could ever have
hoped to receive from an Israeli premier. Rather than responding with a
counter-offer, Arafat reached for his pistol. He drew first blood, and now
it is time for him to pay.

The Jewish people must regain their composure and raise their heads up with
pride and determination. This is a people that survived the ovens of Europe
and the prisons of Siberia. We overcame Nasser's armies, Assad's airforce
and King Hussein's artillery. The Jewish people do not have to apologize
for winning nor must we excuse ourselves for surviving.
At this difficult hour, Israel needs a "fireside chat". Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon is a man of integrity, and the country needs to hear from him,
to be reassured by him, just as President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's
candid addresses bolstered the morale of the American people during World
War Two. Sharon's message should be straight and to the point: This is a
war. We didn't ask for it, and we didn't start it. But we will end it.
No one knows better than Prime Minister Sharon what needs to be done. That
is why he was chosen by an overwhelming majority of the electorate. If
there is a war to be won, he is the man to do the job.

Yes, the Security Council will convene, the Europeans will be hopping mad
and the Syrians will make threatening gestures. Israel will pay a heavy
diplomatic price for defending itself, but it is a price that pales in
comparison with the innocent lives that are being lost to terror every day.

It is not a pretty picture, nor even a particularly desirable one. But we
have no choice. This cannot continue. Your time is up, Arafat. The Jewish
people have had enough.
The writer served as Deputy Director of Communications & Policy Planning in
the Prime Minister's Office from 1996 to 1999.

A Baby Clings to Life
by Harvey Tannenbaum

Once upon a time in my prior communal life in LA, I was honored to be an
active member of a synagogue in its founding stages. The Young Israel of
Century City was one of many institutions for involvement by the Harow
family in their undertakings and sponsorships in LA. Dr. Ed Harow was a
founding president of the synagogue and I was his successor as its president
for 5years. The shul began with the support and activism of the entire
Harow family,including Ed's father, Dr. Ira Harow. The Harows all made
aliyah and began their continued lives of involvement in Karnei
Shomron,Efrat, and Petach Tikva, where Elaine Harow Solomon began her family
roots,preceding the rest of the family's collective aliyah from LA to

Today,Elaine's grandson,5 1/2 months old, a bchor (first-born),Yehuda Chaim
ben Batsheva,
is another unilateral cease fire patient fighting for his life at Hadassah
Hospital's ICU. You see,friends, the Harows gave it all up in their
comfortable life in Beverly Hills and LA to come to the Holy Land over a
decade ago so that their children and grandchildren would benefit from the
wonders of Israel.

As the Jews of Israel have some respite from suicidal bombers and as
civilians in Gilo do not have any bullets during the last days since the
Disco in Tel Aviv, as Arafat continues to 'weasel' out of death again,this
normal 5 1/2 month old boy now has brain damage, a fractured skull, and is
living minute to minute from the tubes and breathing devices attached to
him. It was only yesterday that he was being weaned by his mother's
milk,beginning to learn to smile and look up at Abba and Eema. Today he is
looking up to G-d with his eyes closed and his body damaged and we all are
in our synagogues and homes and offices,holding tehilim books to pray for
his life.

We can only wish that G-d allow Sharon to wake up, to destroy the enemy, to
send Peres and Ben Eliezer to their respective nursing homes, and remind all
of you that the blood of a Russian immigrant from the Disco and now the
blood of a baby whose roots started in Beverly Hills, are cheap as the old
time Israeli leadership does nothing on a daily basis.

At this writing, we urge you to add your prayers, shed your tears, and look
at your children and say to yourselves what can we do in our screams and
shouts for an end to this day of tragedy.

Harvey Tannenbaum - Too Close to the Family to Add anything else

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