BPR Mailing List Digest
June 25, 2001

Digest Home | 2001 | June, 2001


  1. Meltdown
  2. The Joy of the Mothers of Palestinian 'Martyrs'
  3. Moshiach and the World Today
  4. PA holding 32 Israeli Arabs
  5. Ben-Eliezer: IDF to evacuate 12 settlement outposts
  6. Arafat wants Powell to shift focus to diplomatic, not security, talks
  7. Belgian Vice Consul: No EU observers operating in territories
  8. NEW BOOK! Ancient History: Adam to Messiah
  10. Mysterious Geological Phenomenon Strikes Indian State
  11. Infobeat News items
    Yugoslavia wants Milosevic extradited
    7 Israelis hurt in shootings
    Russian troops kill Chechen warlord
    Taliban orders UN mission closed
    Pope visits Jewish symbol Babi Yar
    Philippines fear volcano explosions
    Riots flare again in N. Britain
    Contaminated uranium threat widens
  12. Weekend News Today items
    Deadly typhoon rakes China
    Iraqi troops in position to invade Kurdistan
    Defence minister says Bin Laden seeking terror network in Israel
    On eve of Bush-Sharon talks, Israel turns up the volume on demands for ''absolute quiet''
    Lebanon discusses military cooperation with Russia
    U.S. urged to expand presence in Middle East
    IDF intelligence source: There is no cease-fire
    Palestinians in Hebron brace for IDF attack
    Bin Laden recruiting local Palestinians
    Grenades thrown at soldiers near Egyptian border
    Peres: Settlements to be frozen
    An alternative to the G-8 summit protests
    3000 militants ready to enter Kashmir
  13. news items
    Bin Laden 'Plans New Attacks In Two Weeks'
    Hamas Vows Revenge Attacks Against Israel
    Bush May Press Sharon To Accept U.S. Observers in Territories
    Amid Gulf Alerts, U.S. Oman Discuss Defenses Ties
    Leading Shi'ite Cleric Assassinated in Iraq
    US May Already Have Entered Recession
    Pentagon Deploys Elite Fighting Force to Oversees Movie Shot
  14. Powell to push both sides to accept full Mitchell timetable
  15. German TV: Arafat praised suicide bomber

Subject: [bprlist] Meltdown
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 08:29:21 -0400
 Meltdown -- by Jack Kinsella
This week, the overall meltdown seems more apparent than usual. President
Bush just returned from a trip to Europe that left little doubt that our
friends from the last century are all dead or senile. Those Frenchmen who
kissed their liberators never told their children what happened,
evidently. And the Germany we rebuilt after WWII, nurtured back to health
and protected like an adopted child during the Cold War is gone. In their
places are national attitudes more suited to those of pre-war Europe.
After sixty years of money, protection and aid, the Europeans made it
clear that America's 'hegemony' is over. The dictionary defines hegemony
as 'the predominant influence of one state over others.' That's what
friendship and aid are when you don't need them anymore. 'Hegemony.'

Although Bush went to discuss his missile defense plan, he was criticized
at every stop for his rejection of the Kyoto Protocols. Kyoto demands
compliance, complete with penalties, to be applied to any signatory state
that fails to live up to standards set by the majority. Since Article 22
provides for economic unions to allow each member state a vote, the EU
would have fifteen votes. The United States would have one. Should the US
accept Kyoto, that is. The fact is, its such a bad deal that nobody
accepted it. Not a single member state of the EU has signed on. So why are
the Europeans castigating us for a deal they don't like either?

The EU is willing to accept the costs and limitations that are endemic in
the Kyoto Protocols if America becomes part of it because of the power its
fifteen votes would have over the American 'hegemony'. Europe could tie
the US economy in knots, using its voting advantage, not to mention the
punitive measures it could impose on Washington.

All the EU would need is a simple majority of nations who would be willing
to vote against America's single vote. In a sense, Kyoto would give
Europe almost ruling status. But if America doesn't sign on, what fun is
it ruling countries like Afghanistan that won't listen anyway? When the
Senate unanimously refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocols, the Europeans
followed suit. Bush's rejection of the deal two years later simply put it
back on the front page. Once CNN picked it up, the globalists and
environmentalists kept it there, while CNN's propaganda machine went to

Europe lusts for global power with a drive so intense it is almost
embarrassing to watch. Even for many Europeans who think the EU has
plenty to do at home. The so far unsuccessful euro was created to compete
directly with the US dollar for supremacy. The effort at union, at first
a deterrent to future European war, has blossomed into a multilayered,
unwieldy and complicated economic union that can only find unanimity when
it is in opposition to or in direct competition with United States aims or

The US involves itself in the Middle East peace process as a traditional
ally of Israel. The EU demands involvement, siding with Yasser Arafat.
The more anti-American Iran gets, the more European countries violate
trade sanctions that have been in place for two decades. America has a
tiff with China -- the EU sends representatives to agree with the Chinese
to work together against a 'unipolar' [American-led] world.

The fact Europe seems willing to risk its own future by giving aid and
comfort to the likes of Iran or China for the sole purpose of sticking a
thumb in America's eye seems odd. Until you recall that Daniel predicted
Europe would one day achieve its goal of global domination of the economy,
together with the control of the global political and religious systems.
It is from that position that they do ultimately involve themselves in the
Middle East peace question. Daniel says the leader of a revived form of
the old Roman Empire would 'confirm a covenant with the many for one week'
[7 years], an event that signals the beginning of the 2520 day long period
known as the Tribulation.

What appeared a meltdown of logic during the recent trip to Europe was
merely an expression of the EU's goal, and according to Daniel, a step
along the road to its ultimate destiny.

In the United States, the social meltdown continues, as America continues
to diminish itself from within. Despite a Supreme Court ruling, a DC
lower court ordered the Boy Scouts to reinstate two homosexuals, aged 39
and 40 to active Scouting status. It also ordered the Scouts to pay
$50,000 each in punitive damages. Lots of interesting elements here. The
Supreme Court, once the highest law in the land, no longer carries the
weight of its rulings. Election 2000 was for many liberals the final straw
that broke the back of the myth that the United States is a Constitutional
Republic, rather than a democracy. America was born a republic, but is no
longer. Blackstone defined the difference between a republican form of
government and a democratic government. [and please, these aren't
political parties, but political philosophies being discussed here, so
save the partisan emails].

According to Blackstone, the difference is the source of the authority to
govern. Blackstone said a republic has no authority to overturn what he
called Divine precepts. Thus, a republic could not pass a law legalizing
murder, or any other Divinely prohibited act, as established by the 10
Commandments. A republic recognizes the source of its authority, and its
limits, are of Divine origin.

On the other hand, democracy derives the source of its authority to govern
solely from the people. A democracy could pass laws contrary to Divine
law by a simple majority vote. Historically, every pure democracy
eventually legislated itself out of existence. Eventually, law became
subjective, rather than objective, society began to break down and
eventually went the way of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

The Supreme Court's ruling that the Boy Scouts had a right to 'expressive
association' made it a Constitutional right. A DC court felt safe in
ignoring the ruling in an effort to test both the law and the Court. The
law no longer carries the weight it once did.

Why would two middle-aged homosexual men want to be Boy Scouts? Apart
from the obvious answer, there really isn't one. For a court to think
differently is further evidence that our system, as a republic, is no
more. It requires a total meltdown of logic to assume these men are
qualified to teach young boys how to grow up to be good husbands and
fathers and that imparting those Boy Scout values is the reason they sued
to begin with. The court spurned the Supreme Court so as to rule against
Divine law as a simple act of defiance. Not against the Supreme Court, but
defiance of the fact the lower court obviously believed the Supreme Court
considered Divine law in its ruling.

"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their
women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:And
likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in
their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is
unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which
was meet.", writes the Apostle Paul to the Romans [1:26, 27].

Further, Paul observes that such conduct has a corresponding price that is
paid. " And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not

The Lambda Legal Defense Fund, a group dedicated to pushing the
agenda through the courts, promised, "[The] Boy Scouts will continue to be
plagued with litigation, and more importantly, be subjected to many of
their members and supporters resigning and cutting off support if the Boy
Scouts continue to try and enforce their discriminatory policy." In other
words, 'let us in or we will destroy you'. Read Genesis 19:4-9 and see if
you can recognize a pattern.

The Apostle Paul described the characteristics of the segment of society
he was describing in verses 26 and 27 as, "Being filled with all
unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness;
full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters,
haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things,
disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without
natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:" in verses 29-31

The fact the Boy Scouts have been ordered to embrace a lifestyle that
negates its mission simply by its existence. Paul predicted this as well,
speaking of those, "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which
commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have
pleasure in them that do them." Which is what the DC court is ordering the
Scouts to do, in effect. A complete meltdown of logic, morals and freedom
into some kind of revised politically correct oxymoron.

In Houston, a mother suffering from post-partum depression systematically
murdered each of her five children, Joshua, Matthew Mark, Luke, John and
Mary. She then called her husband to tell him what she had done. Paul
writes of a characteristic of the social meltdown he calls being 'without
natural affection' in verse 31. Without passing judgment on the mental
capacity of Andrea Yates, one can certainly argue that the 'natural
affection' of a mother to her children was certainly attacked in this
case. As she was allegedly drowning the six month old Mary, 7 year old
Joshua came into the room. According to her confession, she chased the boy
down, carried him kicking and screaming back to the bathroom where she
drowned him beside his sister.

In Canada, a court ruled that the Bible was 'dangerous' when deciding a
billboard showing two men holding hands in a red circle and a slash was
'anti-gay'. Below the graphic were several Bible verses. The court ruled
"certain Biblical quotations suggest more dire consequences and there can
be no question that the advertisement can objectively be seen as exposing
homosexuals to hatred or ridicule". We await a court ruling from
somewhere ruling the Koran is dangerous because certain quotations in it
can objectively be seen as promoting acts of terrorism. Even Israel
couldn't get away with a ruling like that.

Former US envoy Dennis Ross finally let the cat out of the bag this week,
telling an mixed Palestinian and Israeli audience that Arafat can't make
peace. Ross said that the reason Arafat rejected the Barak offer at Camp
David is because Arafat realized that without the conflict, he would be
unnecessary. Ross said Arafat must have conflict to exist, and will not
consider any lasting agreement. The United States is sending Colin Powell
to the Middle East anyway. To negotiate with a man to whom peace means
personal and political death. Daniel made clear who would negotiate the
only peace deal that really seems to work and that honor doesn't fall to
America. It falls to Europe. Watch and see how Powell's trip turns out and
the subsequent European reaction.

And finally, two other items pointing the way to meltdown. The Italians
are hosting the next G-7 plus 1 [Russia is the 1] summit of leading
economic nations. In preparation, they've ordered 200 body bags, just
'in case there are demonstrations'. Italian authorities say they are
preparing for an attack against President Bush by bin Laden, and an attack
on President Putin by the Chechens. The World Bank has come up with a
to avoid all that. They intend to conduct their next meeting in
cyberspace. What an interesting time to be alive! The UN's point man for
the global economy setting up shop on the Internet.

In Revelation Chapter 13, John writes that, during his reign the
Antichrist will be able to control the economy down to the level of the
individual. "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Tracking individual
buying and selling habits was impossible only a generation ago. Today it's
accomplished, largely through the internet, by international marketing
firms. Bringing the World Bank on line is a step in the right direction,
so to speak.

And a group of NASA scientists are planning to fix global warming by
moving the planet to a cooler spot in outer space. "And there shall be
signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth
distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;"


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Subject: [bprlist] The Joy of the Mothers of Palestinian 'Martyrs'
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 08:38:33 -0400
Inquiry and Analysis - Palestinians
June 25, 2001
No. 61

The Joy of the Mothers of Palestinian 'Martyrs'
By Aluma Solnick*

The religious devotion of suicide bombers before they
embark on their attacks, the joy shown even by children who
express their will to become "martyrs", and the customary
jubilation of mothers and families when hearing of their
sons' deaths reveal how deep rooted in Islamic history the
concept of "Martyrdom" (Shahada) and its affect on the

The Palestinian press repeatedly exalts the religious
status of the martryr [Shahid] for the sake of Allah. The
Chief Mufti of the PA Police, Sheik Abd Al-Salam Skheidm,
for example, specified in 1999, long before the Intifada,
the rewards the Shahid earns according to the Islamic
tradition: From the moment his first drop of blood spills,
he feels no pain and he is absolved of all his sins; he
sees his seat in heaven; he is spared the tortures of the
grave; he is spared the horrors of the Day of Judgment; he
is married to [70] black eyed [women]; he can vouch for 70
of his family members to enter paradise; he earns the crown
of glory whose precious stone is worth all of this

With the outbreak of the Intifada, the descriptions of the
Shahids' virtues have increased in the Palestinian media:
funerals of Shahids are described as weddings(2) and
thousands come "to congratulate"(3) the family and
"celebrate" the "wedding."

A week before the latest Tel-Aviv suicide bombing, the
Mufti of the PA, Sheik Ikrima Sabri, discussed this issue
in a Friday sermon at the Al-Aqsa mosque: "the Muslim loves
death and martyrdom, just as you [Jews] love life. There
is a great difference between he who loves the Hereafter
and he who loves this world. The Muslim loves death [and
he seeks] Martyrdom.(4)
Sheik Abd Al-Halim 'Ayyash from Jerusalem explained that "a
Shahid has a high rank and value in Islam, in both this
world and the Hereafter. The strive for Martyrdom is a
desired virtue in Islam, but not every soul is capable of
it, because someone who strives for Martyrdom must have a
high degree of faith, religious determination, devotion,
and loyalty to supreme religious and national causes."(5)

In Islamic history there are many examples of the
jubilation in Martyrdom. Sheik Shaker Al-Natsheh from
Jerusalem recalled the case of the poet Al-Khansaa who,
before converting to Islam, cried until she became blind
when she heard of her brother's death; but, once she
converted to Islam, she rejoiced when she heard of her four
sons' deaths in the battle of Al-Qadesyia.(6) Sheik Sabri
mentioned in his sermon the sublime way in which the
Prophet [Muhammad] had instructed his followers to react to
Martyrdom: "Before the [Muslim] army returned to
Al-Madina, the Prophet went to the house of Ja'far [bin Abi
Taleb who was martyred] and asked his wife to wash her
children and dress them with clean garments..."(7)

The religious concept of Martyrdom is evident in statements
attributed by the media to relatives of Shahids, and to the
Shahids themselves. Sa'id Al-Hotari who committed the
suicide bombing in Tel-Aviv, left a will which expresses
faith in the divine reward that awaits him: "There is
nothing greater than being martyred for the sake of Allah,
on the land of Palestine. Cry in joy, my mother, hand out
candy, my father and brothers, for your son awaits a
wedding with the black-eyed in heaven..."(8) The mother of
14 year-old Muhammad Sha'rawi tells of her son who was
killed in the clashes: "He had sought martyrdom and found
it... He always said he would die as a Shahid and asked me
not to cry for him or be sorry, because he was going to
Heaven."(9) The father of 13 year-old Muhammad Hils said
that his son "kept talking all the time about Martyrdom.
He used to talk with his friends about the benefits of
Martyrdom and the high status of the Shahids by their
God."(10) Also, the sister of Lutfi Mas'ud who was killed
40 days after his brother, Mahmoud, explained that her
tears "are tears of anger towards the murderer [who killed
her brother] and not tears of sorrow, because one should
not be sorry for a Shahid."(11)

The belief that a Shahid is rewarded with eternal life next
to Allah derives from the Koran: "Consider not those who
have died for the sake of Allah as dead but rather as
alive, who are being nurtured by their Lord."(12) The
belief that a wedding with the black-eyed awaits the Shahid
in the heavens explains, in part, the customary jubilation
that accompanies the news of his death. This phenomenon
has provoked claims in the West that Palestinian mothers
are happy with the death of their sons, and prompted some
Palestinian explanations.

Sheik Abd Al-Halim 'Ayyash says: "The family of the Shahid,
and especially his mother, are sorry, are in pain, and even
crying... [after all] death is death. However, when the
dead is a Shahid, the issue is somewhat different. The
Shahid has secured himself, and possibly his family too, a
place in Heaven... In other words, this dead person is not
like others who die. It has nothing to do with the human
aspect of this issue, since sorrow is sorrow. The
jubilation that accompany's the funerals of Shahids do not
sincerely express the psychological state of the Shahid's
parents, and especially his mother's. Death always causes
pain and sorrow and the jubilation may [mean] an acceptance
of Allah's verdict."(13)

In an article titled "The Tears of Sorrow and the Cries of
Happiness", columnist Hussein Abu Tawahna explains how the
mother can combine these two contradictions: "The Al-Aqsa
Intifada is a struggle in which a physical aspect and an
emotional aspect mix. Physically, when a son, a brother,
or a husband is martyred, the tears flow because of the
[pains of] the departure. The belief is that a man who is
martyred is, in fact, alive and exists next to his Lord.
Therefore, the tears are for the departure and the
jubilation is for the reward [that awaits the Shahid]."(14)

The mother of Hilal and Bilal from the village of Ya'bad
who were killed on the same day describes how the religious
belief helps her overcome the pain: "During the day, when I
try to forget and calm myself. I follow the Koran and thank
Allah and ask for forgiveness for my children, and
especially when I hear that the Shahids [belong] in Heaven.
I ask Allah to forgive them and recite the verses of the
Koran that I know by heart. However, when I am alone even
for some moments, I live with them and imagine all their
movements... then I feel the pain exhausting me."(15)
Another mother whose son was killed describes her feelings
when she received the news of his death: "I felt deep
sorrow, but the fact that my son dies as a Shahid cooled
the fire in my heart and alleviated my pain."(16)

Columnist Husam Badran explains: "Martyrdom is, ultimately,
a loss. However, it is a loss through distinction. The
Shahid's mother finds in this distinction a refuge, some
sort of compensation for her pain and loss. She seems
psychologically balanced because she believes the marytr is
one of the birds of Heaven, if he dies as a child, or one
of the guards of Heaven, if he died as a youth. Therefore,
crying is considered shameful for the mother and family of
a Shahid. She is required to accompany him with cries of
jubilation to his grave, as if he is a groom who did not
complete... his marriage."(17)

Farid Hamad, an Arabic language teacher, pointed to the
relationship between the matrimonial processions of a
Shahid and those of a groom on his wedding day. The groom
is the most important person on his wedding day and the
center of attention for the family and village. Of course,
the Shahid has an important [social] status on his day of
death. The groom leads the parade towards his bride, while
the Shahid, is led through the procession as well.

According to Hamad, the cries of jubilation are an attempt
to rise above the wounds and, possibly, an attempt to upset
the occupation - as if the Shahid's relatives scream in the
face of the occupation: "We ignore you, we are winning."
The calls of jubilation, the candies that are being handed
out at the funerals of Shahids, and the sweet coffee that
is given to the people, rather than bitter coffee in other
funerals, are an attempt to rise above the wounds. "A
Culture of Martyrdom" has developed in Islam. The Muslims
strive for Martyrdom because it places a person on the
level of the Prophets... It is true, that [at the
beginning of Islam], there were no ceremonial jubilations
when one of them was martyred, however, customs change from
one period to another and from one society to another."(18)
I'tidal Al-Jariri, a psychologist and a member of the
Palestinian Association for Working Women, explains that
"at first, it may seem to us that the jubilation of the
Shahid's mother, wife, or sister signifies happiness for
the Martyrdom - a kind of death [others also] wish to
achieve. Since it is my belief that nobody wants to die
and that life is precious for any person, the Shahid's
mother or wife cry in jubilation in order to comfort their
souls, as if they say: "This is the kind of death any
Palestinian would wish, let alone that it took place right
here. Of course, society and the media play an important
role as well in establishing these ceremonies.
Psychologically, the Shahid's mother feels deep sorrow and
the signs of her loss become apparent after a while, when
the social solidarity surrounding her disappears... The
jubilation is a kind of relief. When the mother begins the
cries of joy, she tries to unload feelings of anger she
cannot express. This cry is very different than the cry of
sorrow. Society legitimizes this kind of jubilation rather
than other forms of relief... The jubilation and calling
Shahids' funerals weddings is a kind of deception of
emotions in order to adapt to the common social position.
The world must understand that there are certain social
criteria that force the Palestinian mother to express [her
joy] in this manner; some narrow-minded people may
interpret this as happiness in death, but this is not the
case. These cries do not express the inner emotions of the
mother or wife. The Palestinian centers for psychological
guidance witnessed many women who still suffer of what may
be called "a loss-crisis."(19)

Author Ghassan Zaqtan, also explained that in his view the
cries of jubilation and other gestures that accompany
Martyrdom rituals are "a defense mechanism invented by man
in order to turn the sad loss into faked happiness in an
attempt to evade the great loss."(20)

*Aluma Solnick is a Research Associate with MEMRI.


(1) Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (PA), September 17, 1999.
(2) Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (PA), January 13, 2001.
(3) Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (PA), November 30, 2001.
(4)Voice of Palestine Radio, May 25, 2001.
(5) Al-Youm Al-Thamin, Al-Ayyam (PA), March 15, 2001.
(6) Al-Youm Al-Thamin, Al-Ayyam (PA), March 15, 2001.
(7)Voice of Palestine Radio, May 25, 2001.
(8) Al-Risala (PA), June 7, 2001.
(9) Al-Quds (PA), December 1, 2000.
(10) Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (PA), April 10, 2001.
(11) Al-Istiqlal (PA), November 23, 2000.
(12) Koran, 3:169.
(13)Al-Youm Al-Thamin, Al-Ayyam (PA), March 15, 2001.
(14)Al-Manar (PA), December 4, 2000.
(15) Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (PA), November 18, 2000.
(16) Al-Youm Al-Thamin, Al-Ayyam (PA), March 15, 2001.
(17) Al-Youm Al-Thamin, Al-Ayyam (PA), March 15, 2001.
(18) Al-Youm Al-Thamin, Al-Ayyam (PA), March 15, 2001.
(19) Al-Youm Al-Thamin, Al-Ayyam (PA), March 15, 2001.
(20) Al-Youm Al-Thamin, Al-Ayyam (PA), March 15, 2001.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an
independent, non-profit organization that translates and
analyzes the media of the Middle East. Copies of articles
and documents cited, as well as background information, are
available on request.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
Fax: (202) 955-9077



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Subject: [bprlist] Moshiach and the World Today
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 08:49:18 -0400
Moshiach and the World Today
by Rabbi Pinchas Winston

For millennia, Jews have eagerly anticipated the arrival of Moshiach. Today
we need him more than ever.

We are living in very turbulent times, to say the least. Whereas only two
years ago the world and the people of Israel were optimistic about a peaceful
solution to the Middle East conflict, today that optimism has been replaced
by fear and depression.

Fear of unbridled and senseless terrorism, and, depression from what
appears to be a no-win situation for the State of Israel.

Now, more than ever before over the last 50 years, the Jewish people, and
even the world in general, need a savior. We need someone who can,
somehow -- perhaps even mystically -- bring about more than just a tenuous
ceasefire between two warring peoples. We need someone who can, once
and for all, bring an end to all human conflict, especially in the Middle East.

And, if he can do that -- a tall order -- then perhaps he would also be able to
destroy whatever other evil exists in the world. As he engineers this long-
dreamed-of world peace, let him make unethical and immoral behavior a
thing of the past, too. In other words, this savior, if he is truly a savior, should
usher in a permanent utopian society where virtuous living is the main theme
and second- (if not first-) nature.

And, what shall we call this modern-day hero of Biblical proportions?

In Judaism, he has always been called "Moshiach"- "the anointed one"--
because, as a Jewish king he is to be anointed upon taking office, so-to-
speak. (The Moshiach concept has been adapted into other religious
societies, and is known in English as the Messiah.)


The centrality of Moshiach and the belief in his eventual arrival is part-and-
parcel of Jewish belief, as Maimonides emphasized in his classic "Thirteen
Principles of Faith":

I believe with perfect faith in the coming of Moshiach, and even though he
may tarry, nevertheless, I will wait for him everyday, that he will come.
(Principle #12)

-- and a promise from the prophets:

The smallest shall become a thousand, and the least, a mighty nation. I am
the Lord, in its time, I will hasten it. (Isaiah 60:22)

According to tradition, the prophet Isaiah was referring to the future arrival of
the savior of the Jewish people -- Moshiach ben Dovid -- Moshiach, a
descendant of King David, from the tribe of Yehudah. There are many similar
references to his eventual arrival in the Jewish Bible and subsequent
commentaries, and this is one of the most-discussed concepts in Torah

To appreciate the importance of Moshiach's arrival, one must first appreciate
that the Jewish people are in exile, as we have been for thousands of years.
This is true even with the present-day State of Israel; "exile"from a Torah
perspective can occur even when the Jews are living in Israel, as was the
case during the Greek Exile (319-139 BCE) which ended with the miracles of

In other words, "exile", from a Torah-perspective, is defined as "anything
short of a complete and perfect Torah society living on the Land of Israel
under the leadership of Moshiach."That will be a time when all nations will
accept the existence of God, and the need for devotion to Him.

Until this is an absolute reality, exile will still be a primary theme of Jewish

From a non-Torah perspective, events in the Middle East today may be
reason for grave concern, but are not necessarily a "portal"to significant
change in the spiritual quality of society and mankind. From this perspective,
the only hope is that somehow the situation will find rectification, so that the
lives of those affected can return to "normal,"a subjective term defined by
each individual and society.

From a non-Torah viewpoint, the concept of "Moshiach"and a spiritually
utopian society may be burdensome, even to be feared and avoided, since
its goals are so radically different. Indeed, the yearning for Moshiach is
usually appreciated only once a person gains a deeper understanding of
Torah, its values, and God's master plan for creation and humanity.


The million-dollar question has always been, "When will Moshiach come?"
To that end, calculations have been made throughout history -- obviously
without success. As well, false messiahs have popped up all over the world
throughout history, sometimes to no effect, sometimes causing great
despair, and sometimes leaving whole new religions in their wake.

The Talmud (Sanhedrin 98a) speaks of two possible dates for the arrival of
Moshiach, one is the early date, and one is the last possible moment.
Bringing Moshiach "early"means, for the most part, national repentance to
the ways of Torah, after which the rest of the world will fall into line.

However, should the Jewish people avoid a return to Torah, then history will
be allowed to run its "natural course"until the time that God pre-destined
from creation for it to end. And end it must, for creation has much bigger
goals to accomplish than we have seen until now. As the Sages say: "This
world is but a corridor to the next world"(Pirkei Avot 4:16).


The first thing to know is that history will last only 6,000 years (Talmud -
Sanhedrin 97a). This is because the six millennia are based upon the six
days of creation, as hinted to in the following verse:

For one thousand years in Your [God's] eyes are but a day that has passed.
(Psalms 90:4)

-- which, in turn, are spiritually rooted in the six Sefirot:

...This is why so much time must transpire from the time of creation until the
time of the tikkun (i.e., Moshiach's coming). All the forces of Gevurot are
rooted in the six Sefirot -- Chesed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod --
which are the six days of creation... and also the 6,000 years of history that
the world will exist. And within [the six Sefirot] are the roots of all that will
happen from the six days of creation until the Final Tikkun... We find that all
that transpires is the result of the sparks from the time of Tohu, Chaos...
(Drushei Olam HaTohu 2:151b)

This is why events happen in history as they do, when they do. Just like
physical DNA determines much of our direction in life, so too, spiritual DNA
influences the direction of history for that particular millennium. In the first
1,000 years of humanity, the Divine trait of Chesed (Kindness) gave people
long lifespans, though they didn't deserve it. In the second millennium,
Gevurah (Strength/Judgment) brought down Divine justice on mankind
through the Flood and the dispersion from the Tower of Babel. Tifferet
(Beauty) made Torah possible in the third millennium, the time of Abraham
and Moses. And so on...

Today in 2001, we are in the year 5761 from creation, 239 years until Year
6000 -- the end of "This World."This represents slightly less than four percent
of all of history as we are used to it. However, though this information in and
of itself may not create a sense of urgency, a lot is meant to happen within
this remaining thin slice of time, part of which may be already affecting the
direction of events around the world, particularly those relating to the Jewish


One of the most important concepts in Jewish thought is that there was a
radical transformation in man as a result of Adam disobeying God's
command not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This
resulted in a spiritual distancing of God from man, and an intense "hiding of
God's face,"so-to-speak (hester panim), which in turn resulted in the
"physicalization"of mankind and creation.

According to the Zohar, prior to the sin of eating, Man was such a spiritual
being that his skin was translucent like light. Our skin today is solid and
opaque, which limits our ability to rise above nature and act spiritually as
someone made in the image of God ought to.

Though this "physicalized" state of man suits our period of history, it is
unacceptable for higher spiritual planes, especially that of the World to
Come. Therefore, before humanity can enter that ultimate phase of history,
we must reverse the process and return again to the state that Adam
enjoyed before everything went wrong.

This period of "rebuilding"is called Techiyat HaMeitim -- "Resurrection of the
Dead,"a concept that we mention every day in the Amidah prayer. This time
period will be characterized by people dying, decomposing in the ground (as
part of the atonement process), and then being re-built anew on a much
higher spiritual plane. Compared to today, it would be like looking at an

Though many rabbis believe this period will not occur for a long time to
come, there are some sources -- the Zohar (Midrash Ne'elam - Toldot 140a),
and the "Leshem Shevo v'Achlamah"(Drushei Olam HaTohu, 2:4:12:9-12) --
that suggest that this period will begin no later than 210 years in advance of
Year 6000. That's 29 years from today!

For us, this is hard to believe. Twenty-nine years is not a lot of time, and the
transformation from "this"reality to "that"reality is unimaginable. However,
this difficulty in imagining may be unique to our generation, which did not
witness how Europe and the entire world were transformed literally overnight,
over a short period in the early 1940s.

Furthermore, when God is directly involved in such transformations, they can
take place in very short periods of time, like the 10 months it took to bring
the Jews from the lowest rung in Egypt to the highest one, culminating in the
Jewish slave nation devastating the powerful empire of Egypt.

The Talmud (Brachot 13a) says that the Final Redemption will outdo all
previous redemptions, and Kabbalists say that once this happens, everything
will change at breath-taking speed. By the time history hits Year 5790, the
world may still resemble what it looked like in the past, but at the same
time, it may be experientially very different. 'Paradise' will not be something
dreamed about, but rather lived within.


The Zohar (Toldot 139a) says that in advance of the 210 years of the
Resurrection of the Dead, there is a 40-year period of Kibbutz Galiot, literally
the "Ingathering of the Exiles."As the name implies, it is the period during
which all remaining Jews will be brought back to the Land of Israel. And as
the number implies, it corresponds to the 40 years the Jewish people
wandered in the desert.

In other words, the end of Jewish history perfectly mirrors the beginning of
Jewish history in the time of Moses. We began with 210 years of life in
Egypt, meant to bring us back to the level of Adam before the sin (though
just the opposite resulted), and then, we "wandered"outside the Land of
Israel for 40 years. So too, at the end of history, we may experience a
process of returning to the land over the course of 40 years, followed by a
210-year period necessary to return to the level of Adam before his sin.

This period of ingathering will have two phases: Pre-Moshiach and Post-
Moshiach. During the Pre-Moshiach period, history will still be subject to
hidden Divine Providence. There will be limited aliyah (immigration) to Israel,
but many situations will force Jews around the world to reconcile their
feelings regarding the Land of Israel and redemption.

During that phase, it may look as if not much is happening to help the
process of exile-ingathering, when in fact, a hidden winnowing process could
be in full swing. Some Jews may feel a yearning to live in Israel, whether
they will get there or not, while others may feel disenchanted and neutral to
the idea of living on the land.

At that time, the importance of one's feelings and attachment to the Land of
Israel may be virtually unnoticeable to most people. However, many
midrashim explain that where a person stood with respect to the concept of
living in Israel and their drive for closeness to God will make an important
difference during Phase Two.

Phase One, within this 40-year period of ingathering, will come to a
conclusion just before and during the arrival of Moshiach ben Dovid. Having
come to save the Jewish people from the cataclysmic war of Gog and Magog
(if that is the path history takes), and to rid the world of evil, the reality of
God, the priority of Torah, and, the centrality of the Land of Israel will become
eminently clear.

With the evil impulse (yetzer hara) on the way out of history for good, the era
of free will choice will come to an end forever (Talmud - Sukkah 52a). With
the end of free will, the opportunity to earn reward and enhance one's portion
in the World to Come will also cease -- forever.


According to some sources in the Zohar, the official beginning of the
ingathering may have been the year 5750 from creation, or 1990 BCE. This
corresponds to the demise of the Soviet Union and its stranglehold on
millions of Jews. This also corresponds to the last quarter of the sixth
millennium, which -- corresponding to the six days of creation -- equals the
afternoon just prior to Shabbat, when preparations greatly accelerate life's
pace. Indeed, the world seems to have quickened over the last decade with
the advent of cyberspace, and major shifts in world thinking have since

Certainly, recent events in Israel have dominated world attention, forcing
Jews to take sides and make decisions about their vision of Israel's future.
Very little middle ground seems to exist today, with Jews being forced either
to the right or the left. This is not incidental or just plain politics; this is a
function of the "period of ingathering."

The transference from Phase One of the ingathering to Phase Two signals
the Final Redemption under the leadership of Moshiach ben Dovid. When
exactly this will happen is the big question mark in Jewish history, and the
subject of many trial calculations and controversy.

However, the Zohar (Bereishit 118a) says that just as the actual birth of a
child becomes increasingly obvious with time, so, too, will Moshiach's arrival
eventually become so obvious that even a school child will be able to make
the calculation.

What is important to us is that as the moment of transition from Phase One
to Phase Two approaches, one can expect miracles to become increasingly
more obvious, free will to become increasingly reduced, and world history to
become increasingly more precarious.


The Talmud records:

Rabbi Shmuel ben Nachmani said in the name of Rabbi Yonaton: "May the
spirit of those who calculate the end expire. For they say, "Since the pre-
determined time has arrived, and [Moshiach] has yet to come, he will never
come!" (Sanhedrin 97b)

Whoever forecasts the date of Moshiach's arrival has no place in the World
to Come. (Derech Eretz 11)

We see that the Talmud is concerned about making calculations regarding
the precise day for Moshiach's arrival, since errors in such calculations
usually result in national disappointment, and perhaps, revelations of false
messiahs. Furthermore, the Talmud states:

When Rav Zeira happened upon scholars who were engaged [in calculating
the date of Moshiach's arrival], he told them, "I beg you! do not postpone it ...
for it has been taught, 'Three things come when the mind is occupied
otherwise: Moshiach ...'" (Sanhedrin 97a)

Additionally, there is the concern that believing in a specific date will prevent
a person from expecting Moshiach earlier than that date, a violation of the
principle of "anticipating him any day." Failure to believe this, says
Mamonides, can give such a Jew the status of a heretic (Laws of Kings

Yet we see that great rabbis over the ages did attempt to predict the precise
date of Moshiach's arrival. This is because the prohibition has been
interpreted differently by many rabbis throughout the ages, as follows:

According to the Abarbanel (15th century Spain), it is only forbidden to make
calculations based on astrology, however it is permissible to calculate the
date of Moshiach;s arrival based on Biblical sources (Maayeni HaYeshuah

Nachmanides says that the prohibition applied only to earlier generations,
and now that we are on the eve of redemption (he was writing in the 13th
century!), there is no prohibition (Sefer HaGeulah, Ma'amer 4).

The Malbim (19th century Europe) provides an analogy of a father and son
traveling a long distance. As they start out, the son begins to ask when they
will arrive, and of course the father does not answer. However, as they near
the town, the son asks the same question, and this time the father readily
answers that it is only a short while before they reach their destination. "So
too, as the time of redemption is clearly approaching, we cannot help but
notice the signs all around us that foreshadow that redemption. As the end
grows nearer, doubts will become smaller, and at the very end, all doubts will
be removed... As the time grows closer, uncertainty recedes in the wake of
increasingly abundant wisdom" (Introduction to the Book of Daniel).

The Vilna Gaon (18th century Lithuania), whose commentary offers a formula
for calculating the end, entreats those who understand the formula not to
reveal it to others:

"...And from here [what I have just written] you can calculate the time of the
Final Redemption if, God forbid, we do not merit [to bring it earlier]. However,
I have imposed an oath, in the name of the God of Israel, on the reader of
this that he should not reveal it." (Biur HaGra, Safra D'Tzniusa, Chapter Five)

The events of the 20th century were put into perspective by the greatest
Sage of our time. Rabbi Eliyahu Lopian wrote:

heard in London from the holy Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman, quoting the
Chafetz Chaim, that the Sages say the war of Gog and Magog will be
threefold. After World War One, the Chafetz Chaim said that this was the
first battle of Gog and Magog, and in about 25 years (1942) there would be a
second world war, which would make the first one seem insignificant. And
then there would be a third battle...

Rav Elchanan concluded that one must suffer the pangs of Moshiach, but the
wise man will quietly prepare himself during that time -- perhaps he will be
worthy of seeing the comforting of Tzion and Yerushalayim." (Leiv Eliyahu,
Shmot p.172)

It is frightening to think that after so many years of pain and persecution, the
Jewish people may be on the brink of true redemption. Who will merit to see
this awesome reality? The Talmud teaches:

Rava said: When they bring a person for judgment, they will ask: "Did you
deal faithfully in business? Did you set aside fixed times for Torah? Did you
try to have children? Did you anticipate the redemption..."(Shabbat 31a)

This question is not merely theoretical. It will actually determine the quality
of each individual's redemptive experience. As Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein

The Exodus from Egypt liberated only one out of five Jews (and some say
one out of every 50) because all those who were bound to Egypt and did not
want to depart died in the three days of darkness and were not privileged to
leave. Only those who desired redemption with all their hearts were
redeemed. The Final Redemption, likewise, depends upon our yearning. (Ohr
Yechezkel, Emunat HaGeulah)

May we all merit to see the Redemption, speedily in our days.

For further reading see: The Destruction of Joseph's Tomb

Rabbi Pinchas Winston is the author of the new novel, "Not Just Another
Scenario: A Scenario For The End Of Days."Though fiction, it explores the
interplay of authentic Jewish sources with current events in the Middle East
and many of the themes this article discusses.

To order "Not Just Another Scenario: A Scenario For The End Of Days",
Softcover, 217 pages, $12.95 U.S., please go to



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Subject: [bprlist] PA holding 32 Israeli Arabs
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 09:00:33 -0400
PA holding 32 Israeli Arabs

By Gideon Alon Ha'aretz Correspondent Ha'aretz 25 June 2001

The Palestinian Authority is holding 32 Israeli Arabs in custody for
cooperating with Israel, according to a Justice Ministry report. The PA has
rejected ministry requests to free them.

The Israeli citizens were arrested after entering Palestinian territory for
business or to visit family members and friends. They are currently being
interrogated in various detention centers in the territories, the report says
and in some cases have been tortured.

The Justice Ministry learned of the detainees after their families applied
to the ministry for aid. All Israeli appeals to the PA asking for the
release of Israeli citizens under arrest in the Palestinian territories,
have been rejected. Some of the detainees have been held since April last

Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein, who has submitted several appeals for
the release of the detainees, said yesterday the arrest of the citizens is
contrary to the agreements signed between Israel and the PA in Oslo, as
well as
basic human rights.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis



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Subject: [bprlist] Ben-Eliezer: IDF to evacuate 12 settlement outposts
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 09:01:10 -0400
Ben-Eliezer: IDF to evacuate 12 settlement outposts
Ha'aretz Service 25 June 2001

The IDF intends to evacuate close to 12 small settlement outposts in the
West Bank and Gaza Strip, said Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer,
Army Radio reported. Ben-Eliezer directed the comments to MK Ron Cohen,
from the dovish Meretz Party, during a Monday meeting of the Knesset
Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

According to Cohen, the defense minister said that these outposts include
very few settlers and that IDF finds it particularly difficult to provide them
adequate defense.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis



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Subject: [bprlist] Arafat wants Powell to shift focus to diplomatic, not security, talks
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 09:08:51 -0400
 Monday, June 25, 2001

Arafat wants Powell to shift focus to diplomatic, not security, talks

                  By Danny Rubinstein
                  Ha'aretz Correspondent

Palestinians plan to use the coming visit of U.S. Secretary of State Colin
Powell to shift the emphasis of Israeli-Palestinian contacts from security to
diplomatic negotiations.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat told the U.S. Middle east
special envoy, William Burns, who was in the region on Friday to prepare for
Powell, that a prolonged cooling period without any diplomatic progress
would lead to tension in the territories that could become uncontrollable and
break down the entire process.

Palestinian Cabinet member Nabil Sha'ath and Egyptian Foreign Minister
Ahmed Maher also relayed a similar message to Powell when they met him
in Washington last weekend.

Israel holds the view that the agreed cooling period - a period of relative quiet
and trust-building before diplomatic negotiations begin - should continue for
six weeks before the start of any diplomatic rounds. The Palestinians
contend they need to show some diplomatic achievements sooner than that.
They say they can agree to a maximum of only two weeks, because of the
growing tension in the territories.

In the past week, Fatah activists have continued their attacks against
settlers, while Fatah leader Barghouti announced yesterday that Israel's
assassination of another Fatah member yesterday in Nablus ends the cease-
fire and the Tenet agreement.

Because of the growing tension, the Palestinians are laying all their hopes
on Powell's upcoming visit, expecting him to bring about a new round of
diplomatic steps and Israeli commitments that will placate the Palestinian

The Palestinians believe that in the three weeks since Arafat's
announcement of the cease-fire, they have made a successful effort to stop
terrorism, and expect to be rewarded. They say shooting from Area A onto
Israeli targets that were continually attacked throughout the Intifada - such
as the Gilo neighborhood in Jerusalem and the settlement of Psagot - has
stopped almost entirely. They also claim to have been successful in
preventing Hamas terrorist attacks within Israel.

A Palestinian Cabinet member said last night it will be difficult for Arafat to
continue these efforts without any diplomatic achievements to show for them,
meaning Israeli commitments to lift the closure from places where it is still
being enforced, to withdraw its armed troops to its pre-Intifada posts, and to
freeze settlement construction and return to diplomatic negotiations.

Palestinian officials made clear yesterday that these diplomatic steps would
not be perceived as "gifts" from Israel to the Palestinians in return for the
cease-fire, but rather as a signal to the Palestinian people that life is
returning to normal, without collective punishment and without attacks
against settlers.



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Subject: [bprlist] Belgian Vice Consul: No EU observers operating in territories
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 09:25:25 -0400
Belgian Vice Consul Van de Velde to IMRA: No EU observers operating in

Aaron Lerner Date: 25 June 2001

IMRA asked Belgian Vice Consul Van de Velde of the Belgian Consulate in
Jerusalem if the European Union had observers now in the West Bank.

He replied (in English) that "there are no observers. It has been
exaggerated. There has been no European Union decision to send observers.
Maybe some member states and their representations here are involved in
helping Palestinian security but there are definitely no observers. As for
Belgium, we are not involved at all."

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-5480092
pager 03-610666 subscriber 4811



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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) NEW BOOK! Ancient History: Adam to Messiah
From: <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 09:30:01 -0500

[ I haven't read or reviewed this book, but thought I would pass it along to
those that may be interested, especially homeschoolers. From browsing the
site provided, it looks to be very interesting!

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: "Robin Sampson" <>
To: <>
Subject: NEW BOOK! Ancient History: Adam to Messiah
Date sent: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 09:07:57 -0400

NEW BOOK! "Ancient History: Adam to Messiah" by Robin Sampson. See
sample pages at

This GIANT book (800 PAGES)covers a time frame from creation through
the time of Christ. God's people, the Hebrews, interacted and lived
among each of the world's civilizations. We can enhance our spiritual
walk and learn how to interact with today's world by examining their
mistakes and successes.

This book is your introduction to the Mesopotamian world of the
patriarchs, the Egyptian world of the Exodus, the Babylonian world of
Daniel, the Persian world of Esther, and other Bible stories that show
us not only the faithfulness of our God, and the greatness of our
privileges, but also the marvelous wisdom of the plan of salvation.
Seventy-eight percent of the entire Bible writings concentrate on
Israel. God's focus was on Abraham and his family; shouldn't our study
of world history have the same focus?

Studying Scripture from our Western/American/Greek view is like
looking for gold in a dark mine with a dim pen light--you can see
enough to stumble around but you need more light to see clearly. A
good grasp of the ancient Hebraic customs and terminology would allow
you to reexamine Scripture in this powerful flood light, exposing
intricate details and treasures.

Originally designed as a homeschool unit study (seven units and
several hundred lessons) this book appeals to all Christians desiring
to learn more about the Bible and our Hebraic heritage. Lean about
Israel's culture, language, family life styles, holidays, geography,
correct history, Jewish idioms, customs, politics, and much more!
includes hundreds of resources with detailed descriptions and ordering

Seven Unit studies:

1. Adam to Abraham

2. Mesopotamia

3. Ancient Egypt

4. Ancient Israel

5. Ancient Greece

6. Ancient Rome

7. The Messiah

Heart of Wisdom Publishing

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From: Stafford's Mail
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 17:00:10 +0100

Rom 10:1 Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God
for Israel is that they may be saved. NKJV

Dear Praying friends

The ICEJ provides News and comment on Middle East affairs, and is compiled
by journalists at the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, publishers
of the monthly Middle East Digest.

This special edition covers the recent program Panorama and the BBC's
bias against Israel. It makes interesting reading.

Blessings Stafford

See below for subscription and other details.

SUNDAY, 24 JUNE 2001



"The British are not good examples of behavior," were the recent words of
Israel's Internal Security Minister Uzi Landau. The statement in itself is
enough to irk any well-to-do Brit. What a cheek! "Chutzpah," we say in
Hebrew. Surely it is a brave man who would challenge the great imperial
conqueror, the most civilized of nations.

The calm and collected Landau is not one given to hot-headed outbursts and
consequently his conclusions are largely respected. But his was not a lone
voice of disdain following the BBC's shameful portrayal of the Israeli
Prime Minister as a war criminal on its reputable Panorama program. The
seven days following the broadcast have witnessed a united consternation
from across the political spectrum, both within Israel and without.

In an additional twist of the knife, the documentary was shown repeatedly
on BBC World over the weekend. Moreover, a Sunday showing was followed by a
trailer for "Crusades" - an upcoming historical series - apparently an
insidious comparison with the brutality of the Christian Phalange and their
Israeli allies towards their Muslim victims. Ironically, as we shall see,
the charter of the terror group Hamas shows that "Crusader" still means
"British colonialist," however hard the BBC tries to ally itself with
Muslim states.

A number of commentators have retorted that the British Broadcasting
Corporation should itself be tried for war crimes. "The BBC has for a long
time used their world-wide network to disseminate hostile and inaccurate
propaganda against the State of Israel. This propaganda incites others to
hate and kill Jews," writes Middle East analyst Emanuel A. Winston.

One of the least subtle examples of this incitement must be the recent
participation of a veteran BBC correspondent at a terrorist gathering in
the Gaza Strip. Faid Abu Shimalla reportedly declared at a May 6 Hamas
rally that reporters and the media are "waging the campaign [against
Israel] shoulder-to-shoulder together with the Palestinian people."

Not long after this publicity blunder, the BBC's Sunday breakfast show with
David Frost went to great lengths to stress that the Palestinian Authority
has no control over Hamas, a dissident terrorist group so-called.

According to an October 25, 2000 report in THE WASHINGTON POST, however,
these perpetrators of some of the most deadly terror attacks to hit Israel,
meet regularly with Palestinian Authority officials.

BBC correspondents extend their double standard to their supposedly
objective reports. After a series of bombings -- one by the IRA in London,
and two by Hamas in Israel -- the BBC labeled IRA bombers as "terrorists,"
but called Palestinian bombers by the far milder term "militants." This
despite the fact that the IRA at least gave prior warning of their attack,
something Hamas would never do because of its intent to kill Jews.

Contrary to the consensus in the Arab media that the BBC should be
congratulated on its "balanced" reporting in the Panorama film, Saleh
Al-Na'ami, a senior political commentator for the Hamas weekly, AL-RISALA,
stated in the June 21 edition that the demand to prosecute Israeli PM
Sharon is hypocritical. Following are excerpts from his column:

"We ask once again the question we have been asking always: Who is
protecting Eli Hobeika now, when nobody disputes his responsibility for
these massacres? The answer is: The Syrian government who rewarded him two
years after the massacre, by appointing him as a minister in the Lebanese
government. The Syrian rulers, and first and foremost Bashar Al-Assad,
should prove their commitment to the Palestinian cause before they fill the
air with their slogans about it."

"Indeed, it is hypocritical to attack Sharon for his part in the Sabra and
Shatilla massacre, without demanding from Syria and from the Lebanese
government to demonstrate minimal commitment towards the Palestinian people
and allow the prosecution of the real war criminals - Hobeika and the gang
of lowlifes that surrounded him at the time."

"Israel has established an investigation committee headed by a judge in
order to investigate the Sabra and Shatilla massacres. This committee
forced the Begin government to fire Sharon from the Ministry of Defense.
Israel has also discharged many of its army commanders. However, we have
not seen the Lebanese government doing [what Israel did] even though one
would expect them to do it."

Referring to the late Syrian president Hafez Assad, Al-Na'ami noted:
"Someone who murdered tens of thousands in Hamma, cannot be expected to
find any flaw in the murder of two thousands Palestinians by Hobeika."

The BBC, along with the Palestinian Arabs, was silent about Assad's
butchering of 38,000 of his own citizens the same year at Hamma, a few
kilometers north of Sabra and Shatilla. The same passiveness is true with
respect to atrocities committed by King Hussein, Saddam Hussein, Mubarak,
and by Sudanese and Indonesian dictators against non-Muslims.

While at war with reinstated Israel, soldiers under Syrian, Iraqi, and
Iranian leadership have implemented unimaginable torture and murder for
most of the captured Israeli prisoners of war. The BBC has in its
possession evidence of this and much more but chose to ignore even its own
files, claims Winston. In each of six defensive wars, Sharon fought these
Arab leaders and their proxies whose proclaimed goal was to push the Jews
into the sea. He also fought fiercely against Arab terrorism - a threat
known to extend far beyond the borders of Israel.

A JERUSALEM POST letter to the editor of June 20 supports Al-Na'ami's case
- that "Israel is the only country which was actually saddened by the
events at Sabra and Shatilla…the only country in the region which does not
decapitate, dismember, hang or whip Arabs."

So, back to the real culprit.

Daniel Doron, in Thursday's JERUSALEM POST, examined a particularly
transparent scene in which the BBC used the age-old blood libel against the
Jewish people. Against the background of a pile of skulls, the BBC's
Hillary Anderson began a report with, "Deep underground in Bethlehem are
the remnants of an atrocity so vile, so far back in history - King Herod's
slaughter of the innocents."

The subject of the segment was revealed as the deaths of Palestinian
children during the recent intifada. Herod's massacre was evoked to remind
the viewer that Jews, who tried to kill the infant Christ, are again busy
killing innocent children. Anderson's convenient lapse in memory clouds an
otherwise telling point: Herod's victims were Jewish babies.

The network is evidently no better in the studio than on the street. In a
December 12, 2000 interview with Palestinian human rights campaigner Bassem
Eid, BBC anchor Clair Bolderson tried her best to reverse Eid's contention
that Palestinians should stop shooting at Israelis and continue with the
peace process.

"The Palestinian people are the people who are rising up against what they
see as the Israeli occupation, the brutality of the Israelis - are you
saying they just shouldn't do that at all - that they should be just
completely peaceful and quiet?" Bolderson challenged, and continued her
argument through several more pressing "questions."

Such presenters revel in the anathema of settlements as an "obstruction to
peace." The Oslo agreements are characterized as having failed the
Palestinians, whose own violations are ignored. Indeed it was the British
Mandate that called for "close settlement by Jews" on these then
"unallocated territories," known to Israelis as the biblical homeland.
Nevertheless, Palestinian assertions are presented as facts, whereas
Israeli reports are mere allegations.

On the November 3, 2000 edition of Newshour, BBC anchorwoman Joanna Buchan
hosted Palestinian Dr. Ghada Karmi, associate fellow of the Royal Institute
of International Affairs in London. Dr. Karmi asserted that the current
clashes between Israel and the Palestinians are not at all fueled by Islam,
but are instead strictly a secular movement to gain land.

The BBC did not in any way challenge Karmi's allegations or mention facts
which suggest the opposite - such as the calls from Muslim Sheiks to wage
holy war, or the Muslim attacks and threats against Jewish (not Israeli)
targets world-wide. Nor was there any reference to persistent statements
from Palestinian leaders denying any Jewish religious connection to holy
sites. Arafat has repeatedly stated that he represents not only all one
billion Muslims, but also the Christians who follow the "Palestinian" Jesus.

In one example, the day after two Israeli Army reservists were lynched in
Ramallah, a Gaza preacher, in a sermon broadcast live on official PA TV,
justified the lynching and called on Muslims everywhere to slaughter all Jews:

"[The Jews] are the terrorists. They are the ones who must be butchered and
killed, as Allah the almighty said: 'Fight them; Allah will torture them at
your hands, and will humiliate them ...' Have no mercy on the Jews no
matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are.
Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and
those Americans who are like them - and those who stand by them..."

Similarly, the Hamas Charter reads: "For our struggle against the Jews is
extremely wide-ranging and grave, so much so that it will need all the
loyal efforts we can wield, to be followed by further steps and reinforced
by successive battalions from the multifarious Arab and Islamic world,
until the enemies are defeated and Allah's victory prevails. Thus we shall
perceive them approaching in the horizon, and this will be known before
long: "Allah has decreed: Lo! I very shall conquer, I and my messenger, lo!
Allah is strong, almighty."

"[The Crusades were] to be in preparation for the Imperialist invasion, as
in fact [General] Allenby acknowledged it upon his entry to Jerusalem:
"Now, the Crusades are over." …All this had paved the way to the loss of
Palestine. We must imprint on the minds of generations of Muslims that the
Palestinian problem is a religious one, to be dealt with on this premise."

While Karmi would discount such rhetoric as "symbolic, " BBC listeners have
the right to know about the pattern of hateful speech espoused by Muslim
officials and followers. Buchan's failure to bring such statements into the
light is both negligent and unprofessional.

The BBC seems to impart of an ever-present British anti-Jewish legacy.
Winston recalls British intelligence early on in World War II revealing
that the Germans had instituted the Wannsee policy of exterminating all the
Jews in Europe and the Soviet Union. Also on the record is British policy
to appease the Arabs by using their war ships to intercept desperate Jews,
fleeing the graveyards of Europe and then by keeping the refugees in their
own concentration camp on the island of Cyprus after WWII.

Then there was the Arab massacre of the Jews in the Hadassah convoy who had
been promised the protection of the British Army and Police. And what about
the Haganah youngsters who were delivered to an Arab lynch mob by British
soldiers? Who was responsible for these massacres?

Of course the BBC has never investigated the connection between illegal
Arab immigrants who were imported to fill labor demands in the "Jewish
National Home," and the countless Jewish lives taken because those who
would have fled to pre-state Israel were forbidden entry.

The BBC is attacking the Ariel Sharon who went into Lebanon to wipe out
terrorists and continues to try to control undeterred PLO terror now
invading the Jewish State itself. Why is the BBC using this vicious
documentary now - at the peak of a wave of animosity and outright
delegitimization of Israel's right of existence that has engulfed the Arab
world? And when Sharon is maintaining a unilateral ceasefire, despite
continued terror including a suicide beach bombing that killed 21 Israelis,
mostly teenage girls?

The outbreak of the Palestinian uprising in September 2000 marked the
beginning of a breaking of the ground rules set by the Kahan Commission.
Ariel Sharon, assiduously kept out of the political limelight for 19 years,
came roaring back into office in a landslide victory over Ehud Barak.
Furthermore, the taboo on Israel going to war outside its frontiers is
being undone by Arafat's regionalizing and internationalizing of his

"It is therefore no surprise that the BBC has fallen upon Sharon with the
deliberate intention of accusing him of war crimes," writes 1982 media
adviser to Sharon, Uri Dan. "It seems that such haters of Israel are afraid
that Ariel Sharon, who defeated the Arabs in all of Israel's wars, will
defeat them once again in this most crucial campaign for the fate of the
Jewish state, for which he bears responsibility - just as Winston Churchill
was chosen by the British to lead them in the crucial campaign against Nazi

Churchill himself, in 1943, along with Air Marshal Harris, ordered the RAF
Bomber Command to bomb Hamburg, knowing that innocent men, women, and
children would be killed. Towards the end of the war, British pilots were
ordered to do the same to Dresden. Hundreds of thousands of civilians - the
numbers are still unknown - lost their lives in the bombing.

Does the BBC question the integrity of the current Supreme Court President
Aharon Barak, a Kahan Commission member, who found nothing criminal in
Sharon's actions - certainly not war crimes? Is the BBC accusing Barak of
collusion in covering up a war crime not committed by Sharon?

The Brits cannot claim the credit for the 'disarming of Sharon' tactic,
however. It was Arafat who first called for the indictment of Israeli
leaders as war criminals - first Barak, then Sharon and Mofaz. Arafat - the
PLO die-hard who answers only to "President," and commands the acclaim of
the international community. Unlike Sharon, Arafat is directly responsible
for numerous cruel crimes around the world and for the death of thousands
of innocent people.

Surely, had the BBC been genuinely concerned with human rights and war
crimes, Panorama's producers would have probed the Lebanese government on
the just indictment of Beirut resident Eli Hobeika. Surely there should
have been an investigation of Lebanese leaders who were directly
responsible for the massacre - some of whom had been interviewed on the
program with far less ferocity than would Sharon have faced had he played
along with the showdown.

If only the BBC would again set the standard of truth to which it first
aspired, based on the verse adorning London's Broadcasting House: "Whatever
is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever
is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if
anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things."

But instead, the BBC selectively omits information, cheerleads Palestinian
violence, and falsifies facts, thereby encouraging hatred of the people to
which its empire designated a homeland. Once considered the leading
television station in the world, the voice of Britain - though couched in
its former etiquette - has no doubt stooped to the role of promulgator of
terrorist propaganda with grave and far-reaching consequences.

Researched and written by Amanda Ruth Thomas.


SOURCES: From Time Immemorial, by Joan Peters; David Ben Gurion - An
Autobiography; The Unrelenting Conflict, by Sidney Sugarman; THE JERUSALEM


Editor: David Parsons

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Subject: [bprlist] Mysterious Geological Phenomenon Strikes Indian State
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 13:39:32 -0400
------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 11:06:16 -0400

Mysterious Geological Phenomenon Strikes Indian State

[Original headline: Wells do a vanishing trick in Kerala]

KOCHI, India. A mysterious geological phenomenon is
bewildering people, puzzling scientists and bothering the
Government in Kerala: Open wells in many parts of the State,
which experienced widespread tremors early this year, are
doing a vanishing trick.

Wells, the main source of drinking water for the rural
people, cave in and cease to exist overnight. Sometimes this
happens with an exploding noise and sometimes it occurs
quietly even as the residents watch in disbelief.

Some 50 wells have so far been reported to have vanished in
eight of the 14 districts of the State. Because of the
February tremors and aftershocks, that jolted several parts
of Kerala and caused minor damages to buildings, people in
the areas of well-collapse are scared. They wonder the
well-collapses could be a foreboding of an earthquake.

The Chief Minister, Mr. A.K. Antony, has asked the Mining
and Geology Department and the scientists at the
Thiruvananthapuram- based Centre for Earth Sciences Studies
to probe the phenomenon. Scientists at the Mining and
Geology Department have fanned to the eight districts. The
Collectors have been asked to report to the Government on
well-collapses in their districts.

The phenomenon, which was first reported a fortnight back,
is increasing with each passing day. For instance, on
Monday, a dozen wells, five to 20 metres deep, collapsed in
different districts, six in Malappuram district alone.

On Monday, a 10-metre-deep well in Kalady, Adi
Sankaracharya's hometown, imploded around 5 p.m. The
20-year-old well belonged to Mr. Ouseph Chakku and had
existed close to his house. It had a strong circular
protective wall made of granite and cement. Because of the
monsoon rain, the well had been two- thirds full. The
cave-in started at around 5 p.m. and was over by 5.30 p.m.
What remains in its place now is a huge ugly scar of a
metre-deep pit that contains the debris of the wall.

Mr. Chakku's family had reported that there had been great
disturbance in the well's waters a few hours before the
collapse. Strong 'ripples' had appeared and the water level
had gradually risen.

Other wells in the locality have not been damaged, but
people fear that calamity might strike in theirs too. The
Kalady area in Ernakulam district, some 40 km from Kochi,
had experienced 'vibrations' during the February tremors in
the State. Another well collapsed near Piravom in the
district, the same evening.

The people are scared and apprehend that the well- collapse
could be a danger signal. The February tremors had created a
fear psychosis in the people. (The fear could be gauged by
the sudden spurt in insuring buildings and builders'
advertisements of earthquake-resistant apartments.) Added to
this is the fact that in the wake of the those tremors,
turbulent ripples had been noticed in several wells in the

Scientists are yet to determine the cause of the well
collapses. It is believed that it has got something to do
with the February tremors. Some scientists say that the
tremors had upset the layers of the soil and uprooted sheets
of rock, thus destabilising the soil around these wells. The
heavy monsoon rains could have further weakened the soil,
thus triggering the well collapse. But, monsoon rains are
not a new phenomenon and the scientists themselves are not
quite sure of their explanation.

Perhaps, Kerala is in for another round of tremors?

• Story originally published by • The Hindu, Madras / India
| K.P.M. Basheer - June 19 2001
------- End of forwarded message -------



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Subject: [bprlist] Infobeat News items (6/25/01)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 19:09:47 -0400
*** Yugoslavia wants Milosevic extradited

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - The Justice Ministry asked a court Monday
to allow the extradition of former President Slobodan Milosevic so
that he may stand trial on war crimes charges for his alleged role
in atrocities committed in Kosovo. The state-run Tanjug news agency
cited a statement from the government of Serbia, the main Yugoslav
republic, as saying that Yugoslav Justice Minister Momcilo Grubac
presented Belgrade District Court with a demand from the U.N
tribunal to surrender Milosevic. After months of delays, the move
was an apparent reflection that pro-democracy authorities who
succeeded Milosevic were now willing to have the former Yugoslav
president answer to the international tribunal. The development came
just one day after a Yugoslav government decree permitting the
extradition of citizens came into force. The decree removed legal
obstacles to Milosevic's extradition to The Hague.

*** Also: U.S. welcomes Yugoslav decision, see

*** 7 Israelis hurt in shootings

JERUSALEM (AP) - Seven Israelis were hurt in Palestinian shooting
attacks in the West Bank on Monday, hours after Israeli Foreign
Minister Shimon Peres told settlers there was no "immediate
solution" to a spate of shootings in the area. In the West Bank town
of Hebron, Palestinian gunmen fired at two Jewish enclaves, injuring
two Israeli soldiers and three Israeli civilians, including a
7-year-old boy, the army said. Hebron settlers said the boy was
standing on a balcony when hit. The violence came as Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon arrived in the United States for a meeting with
President Bush to shore up a shaky cease-fire. Since the outbreak of
hostilities almost nine months ago, 499 people have been killed on
the Palestinian side and 117 on the Israeli side. Also Monday,
Israel's defense minister warned that Saudi billionaire Osama bin
Laden, accused by the United States of running a global terrorism
network, is trying to recruit local operatives for attacks on

*** Also: Bin Laden aide denies terror reports, see

Full article at:

*** Russian troops kill Chechen warlord

NAZRAN, Russia (AP) - A prominent Chechen warlord was killed in an
operation by Russian troops who had blockaded a central Chechen town
for days to search for him and other rebel fighters, officials said
Monday. At least 17 Chechen rebels were killed in the eight-day
operation in Alkhan-Kala that ended Sunday, said Igor Botnikov,
spokesman for the Kremlin's agency on Chechnya. According to
preliminary reports, one Russian serviceman was killed and six
wounded in clashes, he said. Arbi Barayev was one of the most
influential rebel commanders, and his killing was likely to provide
a morale boost to the military. Russian officials have been claiming
for a year that the rebels are near defeat, but the campaign has
dragged on and rebel raids and mines continue to inflict daily
casualties among servicemen.

Full article at:

*** Taliban orders UN mission closed

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Afghanistan's Taliban rulers gave the U.N.
mission in Kabul until mid-July to vacate its premises in Kabul,
extending an earlier eviction order, the office said on Monday.
Thomas Ruttig, the political affairs officer for the U.N. mission to
Afghanistan, said his office was notified by the Taliban on Monday
that it had until July 16 to leave. On Sunday, Taliban foreign
ministry official Usman Shaharyar said that the mission had to leave
on Monday. He said the office had paid no rent, and had been told
six months ago to sign a new agreement. The U.N. mission is trying
to broker a peace deal between Afghanistan's warring factions and
encourage the formation of a broad-based government. The Taliban
control about 95% of the country, including the capital.

Full article at:

*** Pope visits Jewish symbol Babi Yar

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) - Under a statue of twisted and tormented figures,
Pope John Paul II offered a prayer for the dead Monday at Babi Yar,
the ravine where the Nazis began the systematic slaughter of
Europe's Jews during World War II. The pope and Ukraine's chief
rabbi stood at the base of the main Babi Yar memorial, an imposing
concrete-and-bronze statue erected by the Soviet government between
1966 and 1974. John Paul stood for two minutes in silence, and
recited a prayer for the dead in Latin. Construction of the monument
ended a long official silence about the September 1941 massacre,
which was decried in a famous 1961 poem by Soviet poet Yevgeny
Yevtushenko. However, its plaque noted only that the victims were
citizens of Kiev, outraging Jews. More than 33,000 Jews were herded
to Babi Yar and shot over the first two days of the mass killing,
and Jews made up about half of the up to 200,000 people who were
killed there over nearly two years and pushed into a mass grave.

*** Also: Pope calls for spiritual strength, see

Full article at:

*** Philippines fear volcano explosions

LEGAZPI, Philippines (AP) - Villagers took advantage of a lull to
check on their mountainside homes Monday, despite warnings that the
volcano looming over the central Philippines could erupt again at
any moment. After exploding Sunday in fountains of bright red lava,
the Mayon volcano calmed temporarily. But scientists warned of more
pyroclastic flows - streams of low-lying ash, gas and rock fragments
that can flow at 60 mph and incinerate everything in their path.
Five miles away, explosions could be heard as the crater burned
bright red on a cloudless day. Large numbers of the 35,000 evacuees
returned to their homes Monday despite the warnings, said Jason
Aragon, officer in charge of the evacuation of 18 area villages in
the area 200 miles southeast of Manila. The Philippines is in the
Pacific "Ring of Fire," where earthquakes and volcanic activity are

Full article at:

*** Riots flare again in N. Britain

BURNLEY, England (AP) - Riot police clashed with white and Asian
youths early Monday as violence flared for a second night in this
tough northern town targeted by right-wing extremists. About 200
youths from both communities hurled bricks and bottles, and several
cars and shops were set alight. As a police helicopter circled
overhead, mounted police in riot gear moved in to separate gangs of
white and Asian youths. Two pubs that South Asians claimed were
meeting places for racists were attacked. Lancashire Police said the
violence amounted to "sporadic incidents of disorder," but the
rioting was more severe than on Saturday night, when gangs of youths
pelted police and cars with rocks. Burnley, in northwestern England,
is a gritty former textile town - as is Oldham, 20 miles away, where
tensions between white and South Asian residents erupted into
violence for three nights last month.

Full article at:

*** Contaminated uranium threat widens

ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) - Thousands more workers than first thought could
face serious health threats from exposure to plutonium and other
highly radioactive matter that fouled a large amount of uranium
recycled by U.S. nuclear weapons programs, a published report says.
From 1952 until 1999, when the shipments ended because of the
contamination threat, vast quantities of recycled uranium were
shipped worldwide. New government studies, reviewed by USA Today and
reported in Monday's editions, found that the recycling program
yielded 250,000 tons of tainted uranium, or about twice as much as
earlier estimated. The highly radioactive material was handled at
about 10 times the number of sites previously revealed and
reportedly reached more than 100 federal plants, private
manufacturers and universities.

Full article at:



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Subject: [bprlist] Weekend News Today items (6/25/01)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 19:16:49 -0400
Deadly typhoon rakes China

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: faith

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- Typhoon Chebi killed 73 people in China's SE province of
Fujian after wreaking havoc in Taiwan. It killed 9 people in Taiwan before
churning the 100 miles across the Taiwan Strait to bludgeon Fujian. All but 2
of the mainland victims were killed in the Fujian capital of Fuzhou, where
about 85 people were still missing on Sunday evening after the typhoon
headed back out to sea. Chebi reportedly crumbled houses and brought
down power lines and trees. Heavy rains on Saturday night and Sunday
flooded tens of thousands of acres of farmland, destroying tons of grain.

The storm also wreaked havoc over water. It blew two 10,000-ton ships from
their moorings, and sank others. Many of the people reported missing were
crew members of ships submerged during the storm. Damage in Fujian was
estimated at $425 million, according to state-run China News Service.

Iraqi troops in position to invade Kurdistan

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: London Telegraph/Washington Times

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- Iraqi troops are massing near the northern no-fly zone for
what military analysts suspect may be an attack inside Iraqi Kurdistan that
could frustrate U.S. and British plans to revise international sanctions.
Military experts in Iraq said the buildup is centered just south of the town of
Arbil, in the Western-protected enclave set up in April 1991 to protect the
Kurds and to deter Iraqi attack.

President Saddam Hussein, they said, has sent tanks, artillery and armored
vehicles to the northern region of Kirkuk in what was described as "excessive
military activity." A smaller number of troops and armored units have been
moved to Haditha, on Iraq´s western border with Jordan, and the Iraqi
president has also reopened the al-Baghdadi air base in the same area. "By
invading Kurdistan, Saddam is going to try to goad Britain and America into
retaliating with air strikes," an Iraqi military expert said.

Defence minister says Bin Laden seeking terror network in Israel

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: AFP

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- Israel's defence minister charged Monday that wanted
Islamic militant Osama bin Laden was trying to get a foothold in Israel by
establishing a network of terrorist operatives inside the Jewish state. The
accusation came as military sources acknowledged that 30 Arab Israelis had
been arrested in recent months on suspicion of collaborating with Hezbollah,
the Lebanese Muslim guerrilla group backed by Iran and Syria.

On eve of Bush-Sharon talks, Israel turns up the volume on demands for
''absolute quiet''

                         Weekend News Today
                         Source: Ha'aretz

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- As the West Bank killing of a suspected bomb-maker
threatens to spawn a new cycle of bloodshed, Ariel Sharon is pressing the
White House to back zero-tolerance for violence as a precondition to
progress in a U.S.-brokered truce blueprint. Senior Israeli officials refrained
from declaring outright that their operatives had engineered the blast that
killed wanted Fatah movement activist Osama Jawabreh, 29, and wounded
pre-school-age children at an apparently booby-trapped phone booth in the
West Bank city of Nablus Sunday morning.

But they left little doubt that Sharon's patience with the death-punctuated
truce had worn painfully thin. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior
official on Sharon's plane en route to high-level talks in London and
Washington said Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat had failed to heed an
explicit Israeli demand Friday to round up dozens of militants. He said the
men were on Israel's most-wanted list for allegedly "preparing attacks and
explosives, and recruiting suicide bombers." "We gave the Palestinians a list
and said these people have to be arrested within 24 hours," the official told
reporters, adding, "If not, Israel will have to invoke its right of self-defense."

Lebanon discusses military cooperation with Russia

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Middle East Newsline

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- Lebanon has discussed the prospect of military
cooperation with Russia. The cooperation would include military training and
an expansion of the project to demine southern Lebanon. On Friday,
Lebanese Defense Minister Khalil Hrawi met a visiting Russian Defense
Ministry delegation. Hrawi later said the talks dealt with ways to expand
cooperation between the militaries of the two countries. It was not certain
whether Syria, the chief power broker in Lebanon, was involved in the
Russian meeting.

U.S. urged to expand presence in Middle East

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Middle East Newsline

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- The United States has been urged to expand its military
presence in the Middle East to ensure rapid reaction to any threat in the
region. The recommendation was one of several issued by the Rand Corp. in
a study that examined future threats to U.S. forces. The study envisioned
U.S. troops abroad being under threat from ballistic missiles as well as a
superior number of enemy troops.

The study -- which examined threat scenarios in another 10 to 15 years --
urged the Pentagon to ensure that the U.S. military has access to ports and
bases in the Gulf and Middle East. The access, the study said, should be
accompanied by increasing military coordination with U.S. allies in the
region. Other recommendations included the development of long-strike
capability, improved rapid response and the capability to launch long-range
munitions. The study was commissioned by Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld and released on Friday.

IDF intelligence source: There is no cease-fire

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Jerusalem Post

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- "There is no cease-fire," according to Brig.-Gen. Amos
Gilad, head of the IDF's intelligence research branch. The Palestinian
Authority has recently issued verbal warnings to terrorist organizations to
halt terrorist attacks in order to satisfy the United States, Gilad said today.

Palestinians in Hebron brace for IDF attack

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Jerusalem Post

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- Palestinians are apprehensive about a possible Israeli
military response to this afternoon's terrorist attack in Hebron in which an
IDF officer, three border policemen, and a seven-year-old boy were lightly
wounded by gunfire. Palestinian security forces have evacuated the
Palestinian administration building in Hebron, wary that two IDF helicopters
hovering over Hebron will blow it up. The IDF says the helicopters are in the
vicinity merely as a warning.

Bin Laden recruiting local Palestinians

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: AP/Jerusalem Post

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- Israel's defense minister warned Monday that Saudi
billionaire Osama bin Laden, accused by the United States of running a
global terrorism network, is trying to recruit local operatives for attacks on
Israel. "Unfortunately we are witnessing an international coalition of terror,"
Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer told delegates from the Jewish
Agency, a quasi-governmental organization that brings Jews to the country.
"Even bin Laden ... he's trying very hard to penetrate the country."

Grenades thrown at soldiers near Egyptian border

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Jerusalem Post

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- Palestinians threw eight hand grenades at an IDF patrol
near the Israeli-Egyptian border close to Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip
this afternoon. There were no casualties and soldiers did not return fire, Army
Radio reported.

Peres: Settlements to be frozen

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: Jerusalem Post

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- Construction in the settlements is to be frozen even if
there is no explicit declaration, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres said today.
Israel has already frozen settlements in accordance with the third stage of
the Mitchell committee report, even though that stage has not been reached,
Peres told the Labor Knesset faction. In the future, settlements will be
concentrated in specified areas, or else they will be evacuated and most of
the nation will support the decision, he added.

An alternative to the G-8 summit protests

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- An estimated 300,000 people will take part in a fast as a
sign of solidarity with the world's poor, during next month's G-8 summit here.
Fasting, prayer and "respectful and peaceful" dialogue are among the
proposals offered by missionary groups for the July 18-21 meeting of leaders
of the major industrialized nations and Russia. This Mediterranean city is
bracing for the violent protests threatened by activist groups known as the
"People of Seattle."

An estimated 300,000 people worldwide will fast. The initiative was launched
by religious congregations, especially missionary groups, and Catholic
organizations involved in last year's appeal for cancellation of foreign debt for
Third World nations. Sister Patricia said that the religious did not wish to join
the Genoa Social Forum, established for the occasion, which includes
environmentalist and political groups. "We are not afraid of expressing
ourselves, but we wish to do so as Christians in a prophetic way," the
missionary explained. "This is why we believe that the channels of
cooperation and respectful dialogue must remain open."

At the end of the Genoa summit, U.S. President George W. Bush might
meet with John Paul II in Castel Gandolfo. The nun said she believes it will
be an occasion to emphasize "the urgency of globalization with a human
face, with the mark of solidarity, as [the Pope] has been reiterating for a long

3000 militants ready to enter Kashmir

                         Weekend News Today
                         Lead: Kelly
                         Source: AP/

Mon Jun 25,2001 -- Nearly 3,000 Pakistan-backed militants are ready to
sneak into Kashmir to fight security forces despite Islamabad's peace
moves, a top general said Sunday. "The Line of Control is silent. The
situation is calm. There is no shelling. But Pakistan has started sending
more terrorists inside India," said Maj-Gen. Mohan Bhandari, commanding
officer of the army's key 18th division in Kashmir. The next two months are
"critical", said Bhandari, whose army division comprises thousands of
soldiers defending the Line of Control.



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Subject: [bprlist] news items (6/25/01)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 19:20:40 -0400
Bin Laden 'Plans New Attacks In Two Weeks'
Osma bin Laden, the world´s most-wanted terrorist, is planning a big attack
on American and Israeli targets within the next two weeks, a London-based
Arab satellite television station has claimed.

American armed forces have been on full alert for three days after receiving
intelligence reports about potential terrorist action linked to the exiled Saudi
dissident, who has lived in Afghanistan since 1996.

Warships in Bahrain, headquarters of the US 5th Fleet, were ordered to sea
on Friday and three American amphibious vessels left the Red Sea port of
Aqaba on Saturday, cutting short a military exercise in Jordan.

The evidence of a terrorist campaign came from an Islamabad-based
correspondent for the Middle East Broadcasting Centre (MBC). Bakri Attrani,
the MBC correspondent, said that he had been taken by car across the
Pakistan border into Afghanistan, where he met bin Laden. the times

Hamas Vows Revenge Attacks Against Israel
Hundreds of Islamic resistance movement Hamas supporters and mourners
Sunday urged their movement's militants to carry out more revenge attacks
against Israel.

They chanted "revenge ... revenge" while they carried the remains of Ismail
Ma'sawabi, the suicide bomber who blew himself up on Friday, killing himself
and two Israeli soldiers in northern Gaza Strip.

Masked young men wearing white shrouds wearing symbolic explosive belts
led the mourners and carried the bomber's coffin wrapped with a Palestinian

One of the masked men, a member of a Hamas armed wing, said Hamas
would never stop its attacks against Israel, adding that dozens of suicide
bombers are ready to carry out attacks. UPI

Bush May Press Sharon To Accept U.S. Observers in Territories
Officials accompanying Ariel Sharon on his brief U.S. visit this week are
concerned that the Bush administration will press the prime minister to begin
immediate implementation of the Mitchell report, and to agree to a cooling-off
period of less than six weeks and the deployment of U.S. observers in the
territories, Israel Radio reported Monday It said a number of Arab states,
among them Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are urging the administration to
pressure Sharon to accept the measures. The Arab nations fear that the
fragile U.S. cease-fire may otherwise collapse, undermining regional stability.

Amid Gulf Alerts, U.S. Oman Discuss Defenses Ties
Despite a high-level military alert in the Gulf, the United States continues
discuss defense relations with its allies in the region. Gen. Tommy Franks,
commander-in-chief of U.S. Central Command, was in Oman over the
weekend in discussions on the current military threat to U.S. troops in the
Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. Oman is regarded as a leading Arab ally
in the region and Franks met the commanders of all services of the military.

Franks met Omani Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Khamis Bin Humaid Al Kalbani.
The meeting included military officers from both countries.

Franks also met Omani air force chief Vice Marshal Mohammed Bin
Mahfoudh Al Ardhy. The U.S. general also met Omani naval commander
Rear Admiral Shihab Bin Tareq Al Said. MENL

Leading Shi'ite Cleric Assassinated in Iraq
Relations between the regime of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and the
country's Shi'ite minority continued to decline in wake of the assassination of
a leading pro-Iranian cleric.

Iraqi opposition sources said they believe Ayatollah Hussein Bahr Aloom
was killed by Saddam's agents on Friday in the Shi'ite city of Najaf. The Iraqi
city is the site of pilgrimage by millions of Shi'ites.

Arab and Iranian sources said unidentified attackers entered Aloom's home
on early Friday and killed the75-year-old cleric. Aloom was regarded as a
vociferous critic of Saddam's treatment of Shi'ite clerics.

The cleric's family was quoted in a communique released over the weekend
as saying Aloom refused demands by Saddam to cooperate with his regime.
Saddam has assassinated dozens of Shi'ite clerics in his attempt to end the
revolt in the south. Iran has supported the Shi'ite minority in southern Iraq.

US May Already Have Entered Recession
The US may have already stumbled into its first recession in a decade,
according to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the official arbiter of
the country's business cycles.

In a departure from its recent statements, the bureau says for the first time
that "data normally considered by the committee indicate the possibility that
a [US] recession began recently".

The bureau has issued a series of statements on the economy's condition
since recession jitters surfaced last year and has repeatedly denied that US
economic conditions met the definition of recession.

In its latest memo, posted on its website and dated June 18, the NBER
stops short of officially declaring recession. "The economy has not declined
nearly enough to merit a meeting of the [recession-dating] c Financial Times

Pentagon Deploys Elite Fighting Force to Oversees Movie Shot
The Pentagon has ordered a dozen Black Hawk combat helicopters and
nearly three dozen elite Army Rangers to Morocco -- to the set of SONY's
new action flick BLACK HAWK DOWN! The first-ever deployment of U.S.
forces to foreign soil for cinema has caused a split among military officials,
according to sources. At a time when the Pentagon's budget is being
carefully reviewed by Congress, and the Defense Department is doing a top-
down review of the entire U.S. military, Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld cautiously signed off on the role over objections of senior staffers.
more @ Drudge Report



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Subject: [bprlist] Powell to push both sides to accept full Mitchell timetable
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 19:26:28 -0400
  Monday, June 25, 2001

Powell to push both sides to accept full Mitchell timetable

                  By Aluf Benn and Shlomo Shamir
                  Ha'aretz Correspondents

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon set off on a short visit to the United States
yesterday, at the start of what is expected to be a crucial week of diplomacy
and a preamble to Secretary of State Colin Powell's visit to the region later in
the week.

Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem special American envoy William Burns has
briefed Sharon and Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat on an
American timetable to implement the Mitchell Plan. Powell is expected to
demand a clear answer on whether both sides accept the plan during his

Israel is stepping up pressure on Arafat to consolidate the cease-fire and
arrest Palestinian activists. In a telephone conversation on Friday, Avi
Dichter, head of the Shin Bet security services warned Arafat that unless
arrests are carried out immediately of Palestinians on an Israeli "wanted" list,
"Israel will have to take steps for its self-defense."

The Prime Minister arrived in New York yesterday and will spend the day in
meetings with long-time supporters of the Israeli right. Sharon is expected to
meet local Jewish leaders, some of whom will press him on what they see
as policies insufficiently supportive of settlements in the territories.

Powell has a scheduled meeting with Arafat on Thursday when he will
officially present him with Washington's plan. He will then leave on a 24-hour
visit to Saudi Arabia before returning to hear the response of each side in
meetings with Sharon and Arafat.

Sharon is planning to soften the U.S. stance during his visit to Washington
by asking for a "cooling off" period before starting to implement the Mitchell

Diplomatic sources said the U.S. is exercising pressure both on the
Palestinians and Israel. The PA is being asked to carry out the cease-fire
agreement brokered by CIA director George Tenet, and Israel is told that the
countdown of the "cooling off" period must begin now.

Sharon is expected to lay the blame on Arafat, arguing that the Palestinians
did not fulfill their bit in the Tenet cease-fire plan. He will demand a 10-day
period in which an absolute cease-fire must be observed, and only then will
he agree to a "cooling-off period."

During a meeting with Burns on Friday, Sharon clarified to the U.S. that he
believe a 10-day period in which there must be "100 percent quiet, not 100
percent effort" is necessary in order to examine whether Arafat is fulfilling his
plan of the cease-fire deal.

A senior diplomatic source in Jerusalem said the Palestinian leader will
make the utmost effort to maintain quiet on the ground while the visit of the
U.S. Secretary of State is pending, so that implementing the Mitchell plan
will be expedited.

For its part Israel is applying its own pressure on Arafat. Shin Bet chief, Avi
Dichter called the Palestinian preventive security chief in the West Bank
Jibril Rajoub on Friday and spoke with Arafat, who happened to be visiting at
the time. A senior source in the Prime Minister's delegation to Washington
said that Dichter, supported by Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, and Defense
Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, issue the warning to the Palestinians and
asked that they be arrested within 24 hours.

"These persons were not arrested and an order for their arrest was not
issued," the sources said. At the same time the source denied any
knowledge regarding the killing of Osama Jawabari, a Fatah activist, in

When asked how long did Israel plan to continue with its policy of restrain
the source said that "Israel has two possibilities. The one is to attack the
Palestinian Authority from Rafiah to Gaza and from Hebron to Jenin, and go
full force. The other option is to act differently. The cabinet heard, voted and
decided last Wednesday to place the maximum efforts to defend the citizens
of Israel, to put special effort to safeguard the highways and, yes, Israel will
exercise its right to self-defense."

The same source added that "I hope that so long as it is possible not to
embark on a total assault, we will continue. We have an interest in an

The senior source said Arafat has not made any changes in his stance.
"There are less incidents on the grounds, but if Arafat wants it to be
completely quiet, as it is today in Bethlehem and Beit Jala, it will be. If Arafat
does not understand now that there is a need for a complete cease-fire, he
will never understand this."

The main points of the American plan, which will supplement the Mitchell
committee recommendations are as follows:

l The U.S. will declare the start of the "cooling-off" period. It will likely be
shorter than Israel would like to see - about five weeks.

l During this period, both sides will undertake measures to restore the
situation in the territories to pre-Intifada status.

l Three months of confidence building measures (CBMs) will ensue. Israel
will be required to freeze all settlement building and the Palestinians will have
to collect all illegal weapons, renew security cooperation, and develop a
single command and control structure for its various security organizations.

l It is unclear whether the U.S. will demand a full freeze of settlement building
or accept the Peres-Sharon formula that maintains only construction beyond
the fences of the settlements will be frozen.

l Israel will carry out the third stage of withdrawal in the West Bank.

l At the completion of the CBMs final status negotiations will resume based
on preparatory work done during the confidence building phase.

l The U.S. will monitor that the plan is carried out - no European Union
observers will be involved.



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Subject: [bprlist] German TV: Arafat praised suicide bomber
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 19:29:49 -0400
5 Tammuz 5761 22:31Monday June 25, 2001

               (10:00) German TV: Arafat praised
               suicide bomber
               By Jerusalem Post Staff

               Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat praised the
               suicide bomber who killed 21 people when he blew
               himself up outside Tel AvivÕs Dolphinarium at the
               beginning of the month as a Òwonderful example of a
               heroÓ in a letter obtained by the German television

               The program displayed the letter, which was signed by
               Arafat, in a broadcast on Saturday. ArafatÕs office
               called the letter a "clear forgery."



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