BPR Mailing List Digest
March 4, 2001

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Subject: [bprlist] John the Baptist's Cave Found!
From: "Patt A.
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 23:16:59 -0800 (PST)

John the Baptist's Hideaway Found
March 02, 2001 07:42 CDT

A cave unearthed last year under the remains of a fourth century Byzantine church on the east bank of the Jordan River was the winter home of the Christian New Testament prophet John the Baptist, project director Mohammad Waheeb said Wednesday.

But experts are still investigating the identity of a human skull found near the cave to determine if it could also belong to John, who the Bible says was the cousin of Jesus Christ, Waheeb told AFP.

He was commenting on a report published Wednesday by Al-Dustour newspaper, which said the skull found near the cave in Jordan's Wadi Kharrar "could be that of St. John the Baptist".

"The cave and the skull were unearthed last year," Waheeb said. "Research has determined that the cave belonged to St. John the Baptist, but experts led by Dr. Abdullah al-Nabulsi are still examining the skull," Waheeb told AFP.

"Until now, testing on the skull has not been completed, so we can only say it belonged to a hermit, because the region of Wadi Kharrar was inhabited by many hermit," he said.

The cave carved into the rock was dated to the 1st century A.D., Waheeb said.

The skull was found "directly next to the cave, buried on its own," he said.

Remains of three other ancient churches were found around the cave, demonstrating the "sacredness" of the site, where Waheeb and the Jordanian ministry of tourism say Jesus Christ was baptized.

Over the past few years, Jordanian archeologists led by Waheeb have unearthed ancient churches and huge baptismal pools in Wadi Kharrar, known in antiquity as Bethany Beyond the Jordan.

It is located just east of the Jordan River and opposite Jericho. The gospel of Saint John the Evangelist says Jesus crossed to the east bank of the river to be baptized by John the Baptist.

Further east is located the biblical site known as Machaerus, where John the Baptist is said to have been beheaded on the orders of Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee.

Fearful of John's great influence over the people, Herod had him arrested and imprisoned at Machaerus on the Dead Sea when John denounced his adulterous and incestuous marriage with Herodias, wife of Herod's half brother, Philip.

John was beheaded at the request of Salome, daughter of Herodias, who asked for his head on a plate at the instigation of her mother after dancing for the king and being promised a reward.

Israel and the Palestinians claim that Jesus was baptized in a spot on the western bank of the river known as Qasr el-Yahud.

Source: Courtesy of Jeff Rense and

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Subject: [bprlist] Shabbat Shalom Weekly
From: Stafford's Mail <>
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 13:06:02 GMT

Dear Friends

Thought you might enjoy the following - the joke and the following
commentary are a valuable insight in these days.
Blessings Stafford
Tetzaveh 5761

Aish HaTorah

15 Adar, 5761
March 10, 2001

Aish HaTorah -- Sharing the joy and meaning
                        of living Jewishly

         GOOD MORNING! With Purim being a time of joy and
gladness creating love and goodwill amongst Jews, I felt now is the
time to share with you my absolutely favorite joke: A man walks
into a bar, chats with his friends and then goes to the bar where he
orders a bottle of Coke. Says the man to the bartender, "My friends
tell me that you are a betting man." Responds the bartender, "I've
been known to make a wager now and then."

        The man smiles and says, "I'll bet you $10 that I can bite my
own eye!" The bartender figures the guy's crazy and it's an easy
$10 ... so he accepts the bet. The man takes out his false eye and
bites it! The bartender starts to fume, but the man calms him down,
"Look, don't be upset. I'll tell you what. I'll bet you double or nothing
that I can bite my other eye!" The bartender figures it's an easy
$20. For sure, the man does not have two false eyes! He accepts
the bet.

        The man takes out his false teeth and bites his other eye!
Now the bartender is really starting to steam, but the man calms
him down again. "Do you see this shot glass?", asks the man. "I'll
bet you $100 that I can place that shot glass at the end of the bar,
shake up this bottle of Coke and get every last drop in the shot
glass." "You're on!" says the bartender with glee in his voice.

        The man shakes up Coke bottle, slips his thumb from the
opening and proceeds to spray the Coke in a circular motion all
over the bar, the mirror behind the bar, the bartender and ... not one
drop falls into the shot glass! The bartender is laughing hilariously
as he picks up the $100 and puts it into his pocket. Then the
bartender begins to think. The man is definitely not crazy. There
was no way he could win that bet. What's going on here?

        As the man starts to walk back to his friends, the bartender
calls him back. "Wait a minute! I don't get it. There's no way you
could have won that bet. What's going on here?" The man replies,
"You see my group of friends? They not only told me that you are a
betting man, but that you have a bit of temper. I bet them $500 that I
could spray your bar with Coke and that you wouldn't get angry ...
and another $1,000 that you would be laughing and smiling while I
did it!"

        I love the joke because it is clever ... and that it
demonstrates that we have the power to control our response to
what happens to us. The next time you find yourself getting angry,
stop and ask yourself, "Who might be betting on me?" And if you
stop yourself from getting angry, then guess what? You won the bet!

TORAH PORTION: Tetzaveh, Exodus 27:20 - 30:10

        The Torah continues this week with the command to make
for use in the Mishkan, the Portable Sanctuary -- oil for the Menorah
and clothes for the Cohanim, the Priests. It then gives instruction
for the consecration of the Cohanim and the Outer Altar. The
portion concludes with instructions for constructing the Incense Altar.

DVAR TORAH: based on Love Your Neighbor
                        by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

        The Torah states, "And it (the m'eel, a robe worn by the
High Priest) shall be on Aharon for officiating; and its sound (from
bells along the bottom) shall be heard when he goes into the
sanctuary before the Lord, and when he comes out, that he will not
die" (Exodus 28:35). What lesson can we learn from the bells on
the m'eel?

        The m'eel was one of the eight garments of the High Priest.
Whenever the High Priest would enter the Bait Hamikdosh (the
Temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount), his presence would be
announced by the jingling of the bells on his garment. Rabbi
Yochanan learned from this the practice of always knocking on the
door of his house before entering. Rabbi Akiva advised his son,
Rabbi Yehoshua, "Don't enter your own house suddenly (that is,
without knocking); all the more so, the house of your neighbor"
(Talmud Bavli, Pesachim 112a).

SPECIAL FOR PURIM! (for more on Purim:

an excerpt from "The Face Behind the Mask" by Dina Coopersmith

        Purim teaches us how to relate to God in a time when seas
don't split, when bushes don't burn, when plagues don't befall our
enemies. The story of Purim occurred after the destruction of the
First Temple, when the era of prophecy was coming to a close.
People no longer saw open miracles. It was a time of concealment.

        Each event in the Megillah is natural and possible, and
seems to be orchestrated entirely by human beings and their

1) A king gets drunk and decides to call for his wife to appear
before the guests. That could happen.
2) The wife, Vashti, refuses to appear before the king. The king
decides to kill her. Esther is chosen queen. That's possible.
3) Haman chooses to kill Mordechai and ask permission from king.
Could Be.
4) The king has insomnia one night and remembers an old favor he
needs to repay to Mordechai. Possible.

        But when ALL of these incidents happen to coincide, when
ALL the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle come together in one huge
"coincidence," they form nothing short of a miracle. It may be
hidden, but a directing force becomes obvious all the same.

        Each event which Haman thought he controlled, turned out
to bring about his downfall. His suggestion to kill Vashti, the queen,
caused the positioning of Esther as redeemer. His suggestion to
use the kings robes and horse -- born of his desire to honor himself
by parading around on the king's horse -- became the perfect
reward for Mordechai's deed. And the hand-built gallows he
intended for Mordechai were those used for his own hanging.

          Throughout the Megillah story, God directs events and takes
advantage of people's free will choices to form a tapestry of
purpose and destiny -- the redemption of the Jewish people.
Throughout the entire story of Purim, the name of God isn't
mentioned. It is an era of hiddeness of God's face.. But more than
ever, it is clear how God is running the show. There are simply too
many "coincidences." The links fit together too well.

        The Hebrew word, Olam, "world," comes from the root
ne'elam, "hidden." God's name doesn't appear. But when all is said
and done, His presence is recognized everywhere. He is not
concealed. He only appears to be. It is up to us to find Him in every
event of our lives.

CANDLE LIGHTING: Jerusalem 5:05 Miami 6:09
New York 5:38 LA 5:38 Hong Kong 6:09 Singapore 7:02
Guatemala 5:54 Honolulu 6:20 J'Burg 6:12 London 5:36
Melbourne 7:32 Moscow 6:01 Montreal 5:34 Seattle 5:48


Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you view it

                In Loving Memory of
                           Bruce Benson
                Friend and Pillar of the
                Jewish Community of
                            Kobe, Japan

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Kalman Packouz


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Subject: [bprlist] Why is Russia Helping Saddam Prepare for a War Moscow Knows Iraq Can't Win?
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 09:35:23 -0500

Why is Russia Helping Saddam Prepare for a War Moscow Knows Iraq Can't
By -- Jack Kinsella 03/01/01

Russia and Iraq continue to work tirelessly to complete the deliveries of
SA-6 anti-aircraft missiles and advanced radar.

The Russians are trying to hide their efforts by funneling the deliveries
through Belarus. The hardware is loaded on civilian aircraft bound from
Minsk to Baghdad.

Belarussian President Alexander Lushenko is a politician from the Old
School; a hardliner, he is rabidly anti-American and has made no secret
about it. That is particularly significant in light of the fact that
Lushenko is an especially close ally of Russia's President Vladimir Putin.
So we can be certain whatever Lushenko is doing with Saddam has the full
backing of the Kremlin.

Saddam is in a hurry to get the weaponry -- so much so that he has
stationed a military delegation under the command of a Brigadier General
at the Iraqi Embassy in Moscow. Another military force under the command
of an Iraqi Colonel was posted to the Iraqi embassy in Minsk. Col. Aedil
Hadida is a military engineer specializing in air defenses.

There are a lot of Russian military officers running around Baghdad in
civilian clothes. They aren't tourists, but are instead Russian
intelligence officers there to train their Iraqi counterparts. The
Russians are members of the SVR -- the successor to the dreaded KGB.

The Russian effort at concealing its aid to Iraq is transparent, but it
demonstrates the understanding on the part of the Kremlin that it is
helping Iraq prepare for war but wants to avoid being drawn in

Using Belarus to transport the weaponry allows Putin to maintain the
fiction in public that he is the leader of a new Russia, one who has
renounced the expansionist belligerency of old.

The United States and Britain are the only nations left who still take the
Gulf War cease-fire terms seriously. Putin knows that by helping rearm
Iraq, he is placing himself at loggerheads with Washington.

The Russians have a second motive for aiding Saddam, quite apart from
sticking a thumb in Washington's eye. Saddam is paying the cash-strapped
Russian nation $100 million for the assistance.

The real threat posed to the Middle East by Saddam is posed by all the oil
money he's been able to put together thanks to those nations willing to
bypass UN sanctions. This has provided Saddam with the necessary war
to rebuild his forces to their pre-Gulf War level.

Arming Saddam provides an additional incentive to Putin beyond that of
profit. Another war with Iraq would provide Putin with hard intelligence
about US military capabilities, ten years after the Gulf War and
following eight years of the systematic disemboweling of the United States
military under Bill Clinton.

During the Gulf War, the Russians watched intently as their latest tanks,
radar and other materiel was brushed aside by Allied forces like so many
toy soldiers. The Gulf War gave Russian weapons development technicians
priceless intel regarding the limits and shortfalls of its weapons system.

A new Gulf War would serve as another proving ground for Russia's newest
military hardware. It's a cheap test -- Saddam is putting up $100 million
to pay expenses, Moscow needn't participate in order to gauge US military
power, and, when Iraq loses, they can blame it on inferior Iraqi troops
instead of their equipment.

The intelligence gathered over the course of another Gulf War with the US
will enable the Russians to plug previously unknown holes in their own
military machine without firing a shot or placing a single Russian solider
in harm's way.

The Russians know Saddam can't win, but in losing, he will give Russia
intelligence data about an American enemy that it couldn't obtain on its
own without running any risk to its military, its hardware or its

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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) MAR/4/01 BREAKING REPORT [5]
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 09:45:38 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: 4 Mar 2001 09:45:46 -0000
From: BreakingNews-Israel <>
Subject: MAR/4/01 BREAKING REPORT [5]



4-MAR-01 =96 11:24am

(BNI-MAR.4) The number of persons injured in the Sunday morning terrorist
attack opposite the Netanya Central Bus Station has exceeded fifty. As
reported earlier by BNI, three persons including the suicide bomber were
killed in the blast that took place at about 8:50am. The location of the
blast was the intersection of Herzl and Shoham Streets, opposite the
central bus station and near Weizman Boulevard.=20

Area shopkeepers explain that a short time before the bomb was detonated
close to 9:00am local time, there was a large police presence in the area
and law-enforcement officials were dealing with a suspicious object in the
area, a reality that may have prompted the suicide terrorist to detonate
the explosive device without waiting for another bus. As was reported
earlier by BNI, the terrorist attempted to board a city bus but was
unsuccessful, detonating the bomb without waiting for another bus. The
large police presence may have been =91the=92 cause for his actions if not =
contributory cause.=20

Following threats by Hamas and Tanzim terrorist leaders, Israel Police and
other security agencies have been increasing their presence, intelligence
activities and doing their utmost to thwart attempts to strike out at
Israeli targets.

Over the weekend, Hamas officials in Gaza threatened an increase in
suicide attacks within the =93Green Line,=94 adding that suicide bombers we=
waiting for Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon. Hamas stated attacks were
planned to coincide with Sharon taking the oath of office.=20

Police Chief Shlomo Aaronishky on Sunday morning confirmed the suicide
bomber was carrying a knapsack of some type of bag over his soldier. The
blast he stated was not =91particularly large,=94 but would not give
additional details.

Hamas official Rantisi released a message stating the terror organization
does not know who is responsible for the attack but praised the actions.
Rantisi stated the attacks would continue until =93Israel ends its
occupation.=94 He urged the incoming government of Prime Minister-elect
Ariel Sharon to think carefully about the current situation.=20

In what was most likely the last cabinet meeting of the outgoing Barak
administration, ministers and officials were briefed on the situation by
General Security Service (GSS/Shin Bet) Director Avi Dichter. The Sunday
AM meeting of ministers was planned to review recent terrorist attacks in
Israel as well as the overall state of warfare existing throughout Yesha

Hillel Yaffe Hospital =96 A total of eleven victims have arrived in the
hospital. One seriously wounded female died on the operating table. There
is at least one other person in serious condition in that hospital.

Laniado Hospital =96 A total of twenty-five victims have arrived in the
hospital, including what appears to be an Arab man who was attacked by an
angry mob following the attack. The man is unconscious and doctors explain
he was struck over his head with a blunt object, sustaining a very serious
head injury. He is currently intubated and a mechanical ventilator is
assisting his breathing. Among the wounded is a woman in her 11th week of
pregnancy described with light injuries.

(Police report that persons suspected of beating the Arab man are now in
custody and the investigation into that alleged attack continues).=20

Meir Hospital =96 A total of twenty victims have arrived in the hospital,
most if not all with light injuries.

1. Netanya Municipality =96 09-884-5772
2. Laniado Hospital =96 12-55-191 (received 11 victims)
3. Hillel Yaffe =96 12-55-166 (received 15 victims)=20
4. Meir Hospital =96 12-55-199

Tax inspectors responsible for processing damage claims from the blast
have announced that storeowners and other wishing to begin the claims
process may do so on Sunday.

Officials will be accepting claim forms and assisting victims in the
office located in 6 Smilansky Street, room 420, at 12:00pm. For additional
information, one may call 09-860-2675.

As this report is being released, the number of wounded in the attack has
climbed to over 55.=20=20

BNI will provide additional details as they are made available.=20=20

News items published by BNI (=93BreakingNews-Israel=94) and/or =93BNI.Elect=
lists, may be distributed, copied, posted providing the websites and other
forums carrying the stories display the footer below instructing readers
how to subscribe in plain view on the same page with the news.=20=20


1. To subscribe to the BreakingNews-Israel list, send a blank email
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importance, send a blank email message to=20

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Subject: [bprlist] Palestinian Gaffe reveals the truth
From: Stafford's Mail <>
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 16:04:24 GMT

Interesting how the truth will out Stafford
Palestinian Gaffe reveals the truth

Extract from Israel today - NEWS FROM JERUSALEM
March 4, 2001/ 9 Adar, 5761

=BB After claiming for months that the intifada was a spontaneous
response to Sharon`s visit to the Temple Mount in late September, the
truth has finally come out in a Freudian slip by a Palestinian
official. Cabinet Minister Imad al-Falouji told a rally in Lebanon
that the uprising was "carefully planned since the return of Yasser
Arafat from the Camp David negotiations rejecting the US conditions."
The failed Camp David summit took place in July of last year. The
Palestinian Authority was embarrassed and disassociated itself from
Falouji`s remarks, but Israel felt justified. "It just corroborates
what we have said all along=97that this was a premeditated campaign for
the Palestinians to get what they could not get through negotiations
through open warfare against Israel," said Sharon spokesman Ranaan
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Subject: [bprlist] (unknown)
From: "David
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 16:55:40 -0800

Here's a website that might provide some food for thought.

See especially (I've not looked at all of the links available via the above address) this link:

Col. 2:16 16 Therefore let no one judge you in food or in drink, or in respect of a holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbaths.
17 For these are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ.

God Bless

Free Movies at



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Subject: [bprlist] (unknown)
From: "RON
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 10:04:05 -0000

Regarding favourite books, could I recommend a brand new publication
entitled "Alpha - The Unofficial Guide: Overview" by Elizabeth McDonald
which was released just last week here in England.
This book clearly exposes, among other things: the replacementist and
post-millennial nature of the Alpha Course, its frequent support of Rome,
and its thoroughly New Age manifestations.
The work supplies us "Remnant" believers with all the info we need about
this widespread Course, but it is also written gently and graciously enough
to help rescue many who are caught up in today's apostasy.
For those interested, this highly readable 140 page volume can be obtained
directly from St Matthew Publishing, Cambridge, simply by e-mailing with your name, address and phone number. It's just
£3.60 plus 72p P+P. (You need not send any money up front though, because an
invoice will be sent with the book.)
Here's the rub:) Elizabeth's my wife. She researched and co-authored it, but
even if she hadn't I would still want to strongly recommend this exciting,
terrific, fabby, gripping book!
God bless you,

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