BPR Mailing List Digest
March 17, 2001

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Subject: Re: [bprlist] Fwd: Foot and Mouth Disease Attack?
From: "RON
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 16:20:01 -0000

Well done Patt,
I've been thinking the same things for the past two weeks. I've shared my
thoughts with my friends in the office, and have had a couple of reactions.
My Christian colleagues recognise the warnings of the Wrath of God
(Deut 26) etc.for the disobedient and Godless way our country is heading.
And my secular friends, who think I'm nuts !
I have no doubt however that our media and illustrious government share
my suspicions about Saddam, however if publicised, can you imagine the
We can do two things, Trust in our Lord God our saviour, and keep witnessing
to the un-saved for their redemption.
Oh yes, and a third, Vote UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party)
to keep us out of Europe and the future One World Government :-)
God Bless

>From: "Patt A."
>To: bprlist <>
>Subject: [bprlist] Fwd: Foot and Mouth Disease Attack?
>Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 22:18:48 -0800 (PST)
> "Patt A." <> wrote:
>Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 21:58:01 -0800 (PST)
>From: Comiverse News
>Subject: Foot and Mouth Disease Attack?
>Foot And Mouth Disease -- A Biological Attack?
>March 15, 2001 08:20 CDT
>The outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease began early last month in
>Northumberland in Northeastern England. Veterinarians said the strain was
>similar to a strain native to Asia. Over the next few weeks, the disease
>spread throughout the UK livestock business.
>The last outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease happened in England in 1967,
>and was limited to Northwest England. It involved over one thousand cases
>of the disease occurring in the winter and spring of that year. The disease
>was thought to have been controlled due to the less developed livestock
>transport system.
>The virus responsible for the spread of the disease has shown to be
>extremely virulent in this outbreak, and has been spread widely because of
>large-scale transportation of animals throughout the UK and Europe. Some
>view this as indicative of the effect of globalism on the agri-business.
>Even though the entire livestock transportation system has been shut down,
>the virus has spread like wildfire even though UK Ministry of Agriculture
>has taken steps to limit its spread.
>The initial source of the disease in the UK is still under debate. Initial
>reports say the farm that started the initial outbreak in Northumberland
>fed waste food to its animals, which could have contained infectious
>agents. Outbreaks are also happening in Argentina and in other parts of the
>world. Meat infected with Foot and Mouth could possibly be imported because
>of bad practices in examining food imports.
>One other possibility is that the UK has been the target of biological
>warfare by unfriendly nations like Iraq. The danger of biological agents
>used against population, military, or economy was detailed in a speech by
>Dr. John M. Deutch, Director of the CIA, at the "Conference on Nuclear,
>Biological, Chemical Weapons Proliferation and Terrorism" in May of 1996.
>Deutch described biological warfare as being a "really dangerous and
>immediate threat." Deutch made an example of Iraq, saying, "Iraq has
>expertise, hidden components, and a leadership, in case anyone is in doubt,
>willing to resume chemical, biological and nuclear production." The
>government of the United States paid attention to Deutch's warnings, and by
>the end of the 1990s had invested hundreds of millions of dollars upgrading
>biological warfare facilities like the USDA facility at Plum Island, New
>York to fight bioterrorism.
>The U.S. Department of Agriculture says that the CIA calls Foot and Mouth
>Disease one of the 15 animal agents that could have potential as Biological
>Warfare applications. Their figures show that the cost of developing an
>effective Economic Biological Warfare weapon to target an enemy's
>agricultural system is extremely low; perhaps even as low as $10 million.
>The following was taken from the USDA report, "The Threat of Intentional
>Introduction of Foreign Animal Diseases into the United States."
>"Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Attack--A terrorist group wishing to show the
>weakness of the United States has targeted our agricultural industry to
>demonstrate the vulnerability of the United States to a BW attack. The
>terrorist group decided to use FMD because of its ease of availability
>around the world. FMD is a highly contagious viral infection that easily
>spreads by: 1, direct or indirect contact with infected animals; 2, spread
>of aerosol from infected animals; 3, feeding contaminated garbage; 4,
>contact with contaminated objects; 5, artificial insemination; and 6,
>contaminated biologicals.
>Although the direct impact on human health would be minimal to none, its
>affect on the animal industry would be severe due to the control measures
>that would be necessary to contain it:
> stop movement of animal and animal products in the area affected;
> slaughter infected animals;
> destroy carcasses;
> disinfect vehicles leaving the infected areas; and
> mass vaccination campaign.
>Considering the current UK outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in the
>context given in the U.S. Department of Agriculture report on Bioterrorism,
>it is not inconceivable that the UK is the first casualty of a Biological
>attack. Original Source: Sightings Related Links:
> Original Article
>Cosmiverse Staff Writer
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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Iranians celebrate [Zoroastrian] Festival of Fire
From: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 03:43:40 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 08:19:46 -0500
Subject: Iranians celebrate [Zoroastrian] Festival of Fire

14 March, 2001, 19:17 GMT

Iranians celebrate Festival of Fire

[BBC News] The Festival of Fire dates back to pre-Islamic times There
have been noisy and in places unruly street celebrations in Iran to
mark the annual Festival of Fire, an annual ritual that dates back to
pre-Islamic times.

State-run media said at least 15 people had been injured in Tehran
alone as people jumped over bonfires and let off fireworks to
celebrate Chahar Shanbe Suri, a festival marking the end of the
Persian year.

The festival, known as the Festival of Fire, has its origins in the
ancient Zoroastrian religion, and Muslim clerics have tried to
discourage it.

The BBC's Tehran correspondent says some youths let off dangerous
home-made explosives, as opposed to the usual fireworks, using the
festival as an opportunity to vent their frustration at restrictions
on social freedoms. The French news agency, AFP, said 40 people were
arrested in Tehran in clashes with police.


The annual ritual takes place on the last Tuesday before the Persian
New Year or Nowruz, on 21 March.

Public bonfires are lit on the streets and people jump over them to
"purify" themselves and banish evil spirits ahead of the year to come.

Since the Islamic revolution, the clergy has remained opposed to the
popular festival, which it sees as superstitious and anti-Islamic. But
the ancient ritual has survived many generations and governments.

Before Islam came to Iran in the 7th Century, the main religion was
Zoroastrianism, named after its founder Zoroaster (in Greek) or
Zarathustra (the old Persian name). Some scholars argue that it was
the world's first monotheistic religion.

Fire Temples

The Zoroastrians held seven things to be sacred including the four
elements of which fire was considered to be holy.

The present-day Festival of Fire is rooted in the Zoroastrian cult
focusing on the battle against evil and the main symbol in this battle
was the sacred element Fire.

The most important places of worship were Fire Temples, ruins of which
are scattered across what is now Iran as well as parts of Iraq, India
and along the Caspian Sea.

The ancient festival of Nowruz has survived as the main New Year
festival in Iran to the present day.

------- End of forwarded message -------

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Subject: [bprlist] Arutz-7 News items (3/16/01)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 09:41:34 -0500

Palestinian shooting attacks against Israeli civilians continue. Last
night, a resident of Ma'aleh Efraim was shot at, as was a man from Kokhav
HaShachar who came to his aid. Further south, near the new IDF outpost
between Shilo and Ofrah, another Israeli car was shot at this morning. No
one was hurt in these incidents. Earlier, however, an Israeli from Shavei
Shomron was wounded by glass fragments when Palestinian terrorists shot
his car. IDF sources criticized the man for entering the Palestinian
village, which he did in order to have his wife's car fixed in a local garage.

Residents of Morag, in southern Gush Katif, are not allowed out of their
houses this morning. The IDF has discovered a cache of roadside bombs
along the entrance road to the town, and is combing the area. The soldiers
safely detonated at least one of the bombs. Gaza was quiet last night,
except for a shooting at an IDF position near Tel Katifa. Another IDF
outpost was targeted near Jenin. A woman from Ma'aleh Adumim was
last night when large rocks were thrown at her car.

Violent Arab riots are taking place this afternoon at the Ayosh junction,
between Ramallah and Beit El, and near Jenin in northern
Shomron. Yesterday afternoon, Israeli security forces came under attack by
dozens of Arabs near Jerusalem's Old City, in Abu Dis. Border Police units
were attacked with large rocks and bottles. Police responded with teargas.

Yesterday afternoon, five Arab children in Hevron were treated for shock
after they threw large rocks from within their school at an Israeli vehicle
near Gross Square. The army spokesman explained that an IDF force threw
shock grenade towards the fence of the school, and said, "The IDF sees the
utmost importance in keeping children out of the cycle of conflict. Yet it
will continue to act against any body that will try to harm the safety of
Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers."

Residents of Judea and Samaria refuse to accept the closure of their
roads. Two simultaneous demonstrations took place today on either side of
the Dolev-Beit El road, demanding that the road be opened. The army
the road at the beginning of the current mini-war six months ago, because
of the danger of terrorist attacks along its windy turns. One of the
protest leaders revealed, however, that she was told by a local military
commander that the army had plans to open the road and protect the drivers
- "but when we saw that the residents were not protesting the closing, we
did not implement the plans." Protest leaders and military experts alike
say that the closing of roads in response to terrorism invites further

Kol Rina News Agency reports that dozens of Kiryat Arba residents blocked
the junction at which the Cross-Judea highway meets the Jerusalem-Hevron
highway this morning. The Cross-Judea highway has been closed to Jewish
traffic for a while, and the residents said that they would not accept a
situation in they cannot use the road while Arabs traverse it freely.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon met this morning with the family members of the
four Israelis missing in Lebanon. The four include three soldiers - Benny
Avraham, Omar Souad, and Adi Avitan - as well as businessman Elchanan
Tenenbaum. Gen. (res.) Ilan Biran, head of the team for the return of
captured and missing soldiers, also participated in the meeting. Sharon
said that Israel is concentrating its efforts on receiving a sign of life
from the abducted Israelis.

Most of the 15 members of the UN Security Council support the Palestinian
demand for an international peacekeeping force to be dispatched to the
Palestinian-controlled areas. Some of the countries make their support
contingent upon Israel's agreement to such a force - which, Israel
announced, will not be forthcoming. The U.S., in any event, plans to veto
any decision to dispatch such a force. Israel's Ambassador to the UN,
Yehuda Lancry, said that the Palestinians are employing violence for
political gain, and a decision to dispatch an international force would
only encourage them to increase their violence.

In addition to the five veto-power holding permanent members - the U.S.,
the United Kingdom (Great Britain), China, France, and Russia - the Council
has ten other two-year member states, which currently are Norway,
Singapore, Tunisia, Ireland, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Colombia, Jamaica, Mali,
and Mauritius.

Finance Minister Silvan Shalom has declined the army's request for an
additional two billion shekels to be included in the state budget for the
year 2001. With the end-of-March deadline for the passing of the annual
budget in sight, Shalom told Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer that
adjustments could be made at a later date, but that at this juncture, he is
more concerned with passing the budget on time. Failure to pass the budget
by month's end would launch new elections in accordance with state
law. Labor MK Avi Yechezkel said today, "The Finance Ministry has
apparently not yet woken up to the fact that the ongoing violence requires
more money."

Interior Minister Eli Yeshai refuses to sign orders to raze illegal
structures in eastern Jerusalem. He has received papers to this effect
since assuming office last week, but he says that he fears that the Arabs
will respond violently if the structures are razed. Ha'aretz notes that
Yeshai's predecessor, Chaim Ramon, also refused to destroy the illegal

Senior Israeli veterinary officials say that the PA reports 13 cases of
foot-and-mouth disease among cattle. Despite the reports from the PA,
Israeli officials have yet to receive a formal comprehensive report of the
status of the disease within the PA. Israeli health officials reminded
Israelis that the disease only impacts animals, and cannot be transmitted
to humans. Nevertheless, as seen in Europe, the results can reach
devastating proportions if livestock are infected.

Arutz Sheva News Service
Friday, Mar. 16, 2001 / Adar 21, 5761

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To: bprlist bprlist <>
Subject: [bprlist] BPRLIST Sign-Up Page
From: Shophar_Sho_Good
Date: 16 Mar 2001 13:14:01 EST

Hello all,

Let's grow the group...

To those of you who know of others who are intersted in biblical prophecy who
would enjoy BPR, you can forward this e-mail to introduce and inform them of
the BPR-LIST group, and how to join. If they prefer not to join the list the
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The link below will take you directly to the sign-up page. Be careful with the
link as it is split due to font wrapping. I think most browsers allow you to
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with Internet Explorer 5.0, anyway)

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The more eyes we have looking for input the better BPRLIST can become!


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Subject: [bprlist] Tourists head for Mir re-entry site
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 14:18:12 -0500

 InfoBeat - Tourists head for Mir re-entry site

 Associated Press Writer

            MOSCOW (AP) - After reluctantly deciding to dump the aging Mir
 space station, Russian controllers chose a spot for re-entry along
 a swath of the South Pacific, far, far from the nearest inhabited
            But it's not off-limits to determined tourists.
            Herring Media Group, a Sausalito, Calif.,-based public relations
 firm, has chartered a plane for space enthusiasts and television
 crews to fly to the site _ a trip Russia's space agency director
 compares to a suicide jump off a bridge.
            Organizers claim the flight is safe, and want to film the
 spectacle of burning space station debris streaking toward Earth.
 The 143-ton cluster will be the largest man-made object ever to
 enter the atmosphere.
            Once the pride of the Soviet Union, Mir is scheduled to come
 down March 22 in a target zone about halfway between Australia and
 Chile, according to Russia's Mission Control.
            More than 50 people have paid about $6,500 each, slightly more
 for a window seat, to see the historic event, according to company
 director Marc Herring. The price includes a few nights on the
 Pacific Island of Fiji before and after the show, a steak barbecue
 to honor Herring's Texas roots, drinks on the plane and a promised
 ``bash'' once the station is down. Four Russian cosmonauts will be
 on board to see the fiery death of their former home in space,
 which they dubbed an ``apartment.''
            ``We'll see a bright, meteor-like object on the horizon with a
 smoke trail coming toward us, then a series of explosions of the
 pressurized vessels and a glow as the station fragments into
 multiple parts and rains down,'' Herring said.
            Russian Aerospace Agency Director Yuri Koptev maintains any trip
 to the target zone would be foolhardy, stressing that the area was
 chosen to minimize risk to people and property on Earth. Still, the
 space agency can't stop people from going there.
            ``People used to kill themselves by jumping from the Brooklyn
 Bridge,'' Koptev said. ``Apparently these people are driven by a
 spirit of adventure, but we would recommend that they not go
            But Herring said the plane, either a jet or a turboprop, should
 never be closer than about 200 miles from the falling space junk.
            A navigator will call Russian Mission Control on a satellite
 phone minutes before the station breaks up, when the final re-entry
 coordinates are known, and the pilot can skedaddle out of range if
 necessary, he said.
            ``It's the sort of thing you shouldn't try at home,'' Herring
            The unoccupied station still contains a guitar cosmonauts
 strummed to pass time during their record-setting long stays in
 space. Russian Orthodox icons adorn the walls, just as Russian
 ships were decorated in past centuries. The station carries a
 library of more than 400 books, including Russian classics,
 detective stories and technical manuals.
            These items will likely incinerate in a puff in the upper
 atmosphere, but about 1,500 chunks of metal weighing a total of
 about 27.5 short tons are expected to survive re-entry, according
 to Russian space officials.
            When the unoccupied U.S. Skylab space station fell to Earth in
 1979, debris came down on a sparsely populated area in western
 Australia, creating sonic booms and whirring noises audible to
 people on the ground as it fell. No one was hurt.
            Web chatrooms are buzzing with comments on Mir's demise. One
 contributor asked if anybody had purchased ``Mir insurance,''
 recalling that Skylab insurance was sold in the 1970s. Another
 much-discussed topic: dangerous microbes on the station spreading
 to earth.
            Molds and bacteria live on the station, and one particularly
 virulent strain has corroded Mir's windows. But the germs pose no
 danger to Earth's environment, Russian space officials say.
            In the months before the Skylab's demise, two American computer
 specialists established a firm called Chicken Little Associates,
 offering to predict, for a fee, the likelihood of the station
 hitting a particular house or point on the Earth's surface. The
 chances were all minuscule.
            This time around in Moscow, the Troika Dialog brokerage, which
 usually places bets on the gyrations of the Russian stock market,
 is sponsoring a contest to guess how close the Mir will come to the
 hometown of one its chief analysts, Tom Adshead, from Christchurch,
 New Zealand.
            New Zealand is not under the station's flight path, and the
 brokerage stressed the contest was in jest.

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Subject: [bprlist] Syrian mufti asks pope to "heal wounds" between Muslims and Christians
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 14:22:08 -0500

Syrian mufti asks pope to "heal wounds" between Muslims and Christians

DAMASCUS, March 16 (AFP) - Syria's top cleric, Sheikh Ahmed Kaftaro,
expressed hope Friday that Pope John Paul II's coming pilgrimage to Syria
would serve to heal the wounds between Muslims and Christians.

"Healing the wounds in relations" between Muslim and Christians is "more
important than the apologies the pope made to Jews during his visit to
occupied Palestine regarding their persecution in Europe," the mufti said.

Kaftaro said Syria "enjoys a privileged situation with national unity between
Christians and Muslims."

"This coexistence and cooperation goes back deeply in the history of the
Muslim world, having suffered only during the Crusades and during the
tragedies stemming from colonialist practices by the Christian West against
Muslim peoples," he said.

Kaftaro called for Muslims and Christians to unite to "put an end to the
injustice, oppression, massacres" and policies by Israel against the

The pope will visit Syria from May 6 to May 9 as part of his pilgrimage to the
holy lands which has already taken him to Egypt, Jordan, Israel and the
Palestinian territories.

Copyright 2001 by Agence France-Presse

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To: bprlist <>
Subject: [bprlist] Fwd: The Moscow Times News Summary
From: "Patt A."
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 12:04:53 -0800 (PST)

  "" <> wrote:
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 03:04:03 +0300 (MSK)
To: "Patt"
From: ""
Subject: The Moscow Times News Summary

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Front Page

Chechens Hijack Vnukovo Jetliner

Two men wielding knives and identifying themselves as Chechens
hijacked a Russian plane carrying 174 people from Istanbul's
airport on Thursday, authorities said.


Report: Ministry Cost Russia Billions

The Nuclear Power Ministry, already under investigation for alleged
illegal sales abroad, came under a fresh attack Thursday when
it was accused of cheating taxpayers of billions of dollars.


This Man Wanted to Be a Millionaire

Only a few days ago he was an unknown chemist and budding composer
from St. Petersburg, and now Oleg Fadeyev is a millionaire and
old hand at giving media interviews.




Give Me the Visa Already!

In the mail this week, I found an invitation to a conference
in Prague. The visa process begins again.


An Active Exchange on Tom River Radiation

In response to "2 Siberian Rivers Full of Radioactivity," a front-page
story from Nov. 3, 2000.




Police Hunt Deputy's Shooters

Police said Thursday that they are chasing down leads pointing
to a business dispute as being behind an apparent assassination
attempt on a Unity party lawmaker.


Mir Crash Date Set, Target Area Adjusted

The head of Mission Control said the Mir space station would
be scrapped March 21-22 and that the splashdown zone had been
moved to avoid uninhabited South Pacific islands.


Russia Seeks Renewed Ties With U.S.

Sergei Ivanov, secretary of Russia's influential Security Council,
was quoted Thursday as saying that Moscow wants a new framework
for ties with the U.S. administration.


Communists Take to Kiev Streets

Thousands of Ukrainian Communist Party members marched through
Kiev on Thursday, adding their weight to calls for the resignation
of embattled President Leonid Kuchma.


News in Brief

Gusinsky Hearing

Vladimir Gusinsky was returned to jail Thursday after a near
three-hour court hearing on whether he should be extradited from
Spain to Russia on fraud charges.

Editor Has Surgery

The editor of the Russian edition of Playboy, who was shot three
times by an unknown gunman, underwent surgery and doctors said
Thursday his life was not in danger.

Borodin Back in Jail

Pavel Borodin, the former Kremlin aide being held in the United
States on Swiss money laundering charges, has been moved back
to jail from a hospital where he was treated for chest pains,
his attorney said Wednesday.

Lobbying for Iraq

Russia has proposed that the United Nations provide technical
assistance to Iraq to prepare its defense against $46 billion
claims of environmental damage from the Gulf War filed by six
countries in the region, diplomatic and UN sources said Thursday.

Youth Violence Grows

The number of children between 14 and 18 years old who committed
murder rose 25 percent from 1999 to 2000, said Mikhail Kurkin,
a deputy director of the Interior Ministry.

Ukrainian Flooding

Heavy rains and melting snow in the Transcarpathian mountain
region last week has left nearly 50,000 people homeless in Ukraine,
Hungary and Romania, and the death toll has risen to seven, Ukraine's
Emergency Situations Ministry said Thursday.




Russia Fending Off Foot-and-Mouth

Russia has announced steps to gird itself against the foot-and-mouth
disease spreading across Europe, as some experts said the country
is better prepared than its neighbors.


Berezovsky Ups TV6 Share to 75%

Boris Berezovsky has increased his stake in second-tier television
channel TV6 to 75 percent, a TV6 board member said.


Teheran to Sign Deal for 2nd Nuclear Reactor

Iran will sign up for a second Russian-built nuclear reactor
once the delayed first one, which has already sparked U.S. worries,
has been completed.


Tyumen Carrier Nets $16M Profit in 2000

Regional airline Tyumenaviatrans earned a net profit for the
first time in five years in 2000, moving from No. 9 to No. 3
in the nation in terms of passenger volume.


EBRD Inked $2.5Bln In New Deals in 2000

The EBRD said Thursday it signed a record 2.7 billion euros of
new business in 2000 and a surge in profits left it with positive
cash reserves for the first time since 1998.


Fitch Slams Medium-Term Debt Plans

Ratings agency Fitch said Thursday that it was worried by the
lack of coordination in Russia's medium-term debt strategy, highlighted
by its dealings with the Paris Club.


Government OKs List for Privatizations

The government approved a 2001 privatization program Thursday
that, if passed by parliament, could bring $1.15 billion into
state coffers, a government official said.


Business in Brief

$10M Profit for Sun

Sun Interbrew, the nation's No. 2 brewery, said Thursday that
it earned a net profit of 10.8 million euros ($10.03 million)
in 2000, reversing the loss in 1999 of 4.9 million euros.

Coudert Wins Tender

Coudert Brothers, a multinational law firm, has won a tender
to act as legal consultant in the flotation of 6 percent of LUKoil
on international markets, the State Property Fund announced Thursday.

TNK: Profits Will Fall

Russia's No. 4 oil company, Tyumen Oil Co., warned Wednesday
that profits in 2001 will fall below 2000 results on expectations
of lower oil prices.

UES Code Unveiled

Management at Unified Energy Systems unveiled a skeletal corporate
governance code Wednesday.

Grain Output to Rise

Russia's total grain output in 2001 is forecast at 67 million
to 73 million tons, compared with 65.4 million tons last year,
according to data from SovEcon Ltd.

MT Index Up 2.7%

Russian stocks bounced in thin trading Thursday in line with
key European bourses and Nasdaq futures, and traders pointed
to a strong upward correction in oil shares despite a fall in
oil prices.




Spy vs. Counter SpyConversations With a Former KGB Chief

Vladimir Semichastny, a KGB man to the end, headed the service
during the rise of the Berlin Wall and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The following is an excerpt from his memoirs.


Mourning Mir's Demise

Alexander Kaleri, a cosmonaut with over 415 days in space, is
one of many veterans of Russia's space program who will be sorry
to see Mir come crashing down to earth next week.


A Taste of Prague on the Arbat

The best point to start strolling down the Arbat =C2=97 a street that
dates back to the 16th century =C2=97 is the Praga, wedged between
Moscow's Old Arbat and the bustling Novy Arbat.


Opening MI6's Can of Worms

Richard Tomlinson's recounting of his MI6 career in The Big Breach
shows how much the intelligence business is changing in the post-Cold
War era.


Bookworm - Sleuths

Our metro underpasses and bookstores heave with products that
look distinctly like detective novels. But what is the secret
of success for the popular detektivi novels?


Global Eye

It's a case that stinks to high heaven, an abuse of presidential
privilege that brings shame on the most exalted office in the
land. Yes, George Bush has a lot to answer for.


Cook's Corner - Diplomatic Fish Dish

I wasn't exactly a big fish in Riga, but the pond was so much
smaller that I found myself meeting all kinds of people and at
one point even inviting an ambassador to dinner.



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To: bprlist <>
Subject: [bprlist] Fwd: Arutz-7 News: Thursday, March 15, 2001
From: "Patt A."
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 12:23:51 -0800 (PST)


  Arutz-7 Editor <> wrote:
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 19:05:19 +0200
From: Arutz-7 Editor
Subject: Arutz-7 News: Thursday, March 15, 2001

Arutz Sheva News Service

Thursday, March 15, 2001 / Adar 20, 5761
Delivered Daily via Email, Sunday thru Friday
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Israel let out a collective sigh of relief today, as the major terrorist
attack - word of which was widely hinted at over the past few days and fear
of which led to the intense closures on Palestinian Authority cities - was
finally revealed and apparently averted.

The security forces revealed that they had arrested three Fatah-Tanzim
terrorists. At least two of them admitted that they had been on their way
to perpetrate major terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, this past Sunday. The
attacks were to have been in the neighborhood of N'vei Yaakov, as well as
in gas stations and social clubs. The terrorist cell is also responsible
for the murder of eight other Israelis and the wounding of 20 in previous
attacks, and was personally commanded by the commander of Yasser Arafat's
personal Force 17 guard. They admitted to their interrogators that they
enjoyed the protection of Palestinian Authority agents in Ramallah, and
that their connection with them was via soldiers of Arafat's Force 17.

Other proof of Yasser Arafat's direct involvement in terrorism against
Israel was provided by the Israeli Shabak (General Security Service)
today. A PA para-military officer by the name of Abdel Karim Abu Rabia,
under arrest in Israel, told his GSS interrogators about a meeting of
terrorist leaders that took place three months ago in Tulkarm. One of the
men there said that the Palestinian population was suffering as a result of
the activities of one of the local terrorist cells, under the leadership of
Dr. Tabet Tabet. The latter said, however, that he would not stop the
shooting unless he received a specific directive to that effect from Yasser
Arafat. The order never came, and Tabet was soon killed by Israeli
forces. Some criticized the killing at the time, saying that Tabet had
been involved only in political matters. After his death, shooting on
Israeli forces in the area essentially stopped.

The decisions made yesterday at the first meeting of the new security
cabinet have begun to be implemented, and the IDF has begun to remove the
restrictions and encirclements from around most Palestinian Authority
villages and cities. Arab traffic is allowed with almost no restrictions
within Judea and Samaria, but not across the Green Line into pre-1967
Israel, and goods and many raw materials are allowed free passage.

The restrictions around the city of Ramallah, however, were not removed
this morning. IDF Judea and Samaria Commander Brig.-Gen. Benny Ganz
announced that this was in light of continued intelligence warnings about
impending terrorist attacks from the city. Shortly after the announcement,
the IDF did an about-face, and began allowing free traffic in and out of
most Ramallah entrances.

Very shortly after that, the first post-closure terrorist attack
occurred: Three Palestinian terrorists shot a hail of bullets towards two
Israeli cars traveling near Ma'aleh Levonah. No one was hurt, but both
vehicles were damaged. Further south, a grenade was thrown towards an IDF
patrol along the Israeli-Egyptian border near Rafiah. No one was hurt, and
IDF soldiers returned fire. Later this afternoon, an Israeli was wounded
by shrapnel when his car was shot at by Palestinians near Shavei Shomron.

U.S. President George Bush refuses to meet with Yasser Arafat until the PA
Chairman either stops the violence against Israel or issues a directive to
his people, in Arabic, to call off the violence. CIA head George Tenet has
informed Bush that he has information directly connecting Arafat with the
violence, and senior sources say that the U.S. has therefore no interest in
security cooperation with the PA. Other West European countries have also
informed Arafat that he will not be a welcome visitor in the near future.

Similarly, the United States and other UN Security Council members have
announced that they will not approve an international peacekeeping force to
the Palestinian Authority against Israeli wishes. Responding to the PA
request for such forces, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres told the United
Nations Security Council last night that the PA need only refrain from
engaging in terrorism and uproot the terrorist infrastructure inside its
territory, and there would then be no need for peacekeepers. "Once the PA
stops shooting, there would be no need for defense, since Israel did not
begin the daily violence but only responded to it," Peres said.

In addition, Jerusalem diplomatic sources said that the U.S. will act to
change the charter of the Mitchell Commission investigating the recent
breakout of violence between Israel and the Palestinians. They said that
the change would be made even before Prime Minister Sharon arrives in
Washington next week. The Commission met today with experts on the war
against terrorism in the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, to hear how
they explain the breakout of the intifada.

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Palestinian Authority-appointed Jerusalem Mufti Sheikh Akrama Sabri warns
Israel against taking any measures in the Temple Mount area that could lead
to an "additional escalation and reaction by Moslems around the world." He
explained that his remarks came in reaction to possible Israeli intentions
to open the Temple Mount to Jewish visitors. The site has been closed to
Jews since the beginning of the current violence almost six months
ago. Public Security Minister Uzi Landau said yesterday that Jews should
be allowed there, and that the government would have to make the final

Education Minister Limor Livnat has announced the winners of the Israel
Prize for Life Works for the year 5761: Yitzchak Shamir, Abba Eban, and
Mordechai Ben-Porat. Shamir was chosen for his service in the Etzel and
Lechi, before the establishment of the State, as well as his contributions
in the Mossad and as Foreign Minister and Prime Minister. The Prize
Committee noted Abba Eban for his role in forming Israel's foreign policy
and his serving as the voice of Israel during his many years as Israeli
Ambassador to the United Nations. Ben-Porat was instrumental in aiding the
immigration of Iraqi Jewry to Israel and their successful integration in
Israeli society.

Israel has sent a stern warning to Syria and Lebanon via UN officials that
the construction of the pumping station on the Snir (Hatzbani) River
endangers Israel's water supply. Israel had previously warned that it
would not tolerate such actions. UNIFIL officials in southern Lebanon
explain that the Lebanese are only installing a four-inch pipe to supply
water for the village of Wazzani. But IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Sha'ul
Mofaz says that the Lebanese attempt to divert the waters of the Hatzbani
River away from Israel is a violation of international charters. He added
that the matter is presently a diplomatic one, and that there is no need to
talk about war - at present.

On a different topic, Mofaz told Army Radio today that he has asked Defense
Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer to extend his term as Chief of Staff by
another year. Mofaz's three-year term in office is scheduled to end this July.

Halil Abu Olba, who murdered seven soldiers and a civilian one month ago
when he crashed his bus into a crowded bus stop south of Tel Aviv, was
indicted today in the Tel Aviv District Court. He is charged with eight
counts of pre-meditated murder. Olba, a 36-year-old father of five who
lives in Gaza and who was employed as a driver for the Egged bus
cooperative, said that he did not regret his actions. The court remanded
the suspect without bail until the end of the legal proceedings against
him. The judge was angered at the fact that Abu Olba's lawyer did not show
up in court today.

Margalit Har-Shefi's parents have submitted an official request for a
pardon of their daughter to President Moshe Katzav. She is scheduled to
begin a nine-month prison sentence this coming Wednesday. Har-Shefi was
convicted of knowing in advance of Yigal Amir's plans to murder Yitzchak
Rabin, and of not stopping him. She has consistently denied knowing of
Amir's intentions. Katzav said ambiguously yesterday, "A person who
actually knew of plans to kill someone and stood idly by deserves not nine
months, but 90 years." He said that he will deal with the pardon request
"according to law." Justice Minister Meir Shetreet (fax number: (+972-2)
628-5438) must first approve the request. Articles in Hebrew and English
on the Har-Shefi case can be seen at .

Prof. Shalom Rosenberg, not usually known for expressing right-wing views,
was one of the signatories to the petition published in Ha'aretz yesterday
entitled, "We believe Margalit." Other professors who signed included
Herman Branover, Alex Lubotsky, Carmy Horowitz, Zechariah Dor-Shav, Ruth
Pel'i, and Daniel Shalit. Rosenberg explained to Arutz-7 today why he signed:
"I see this as a humanitarian issue. It could be that the trial was
technically correct, but at the same time it could be that justice was not
served. There is a question of time context; words that were said then
don't have the same meaning now. For instance, the high school student
from the U.S. who shot and killed some students last week - people heard
him, but no one thought that he was serious until afterwards. Or, if we
hear a girl saying, 'I could die for him,' and then she kills herself,
should those who heard her say it be held responsible? In addition, there
are other skeletons in the public closet, such as Avishai Raviv... I don't
want to say that she's a scapegoat, but I think that it is time for this
humanitarian gesture, and people on the left should also join in asking for
it. I think it's time for our society to cure the wounds of the
assassination, and not to keep on looking where to pin the guilt -
especially when the circumstances are as unclear as they are..."

Chief Rabbis Yisrael Meir Lau and Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron said that in light
of the current tensions in the Middle East, Christian leaders could be the
bridgehead by which to bring Moslems and Jews to greater mutual
understanding. The Rabbis made the remarks during a meeting this week with
Cardinal Edward Cassidy, who is about to leave his post as President of the
Committee for Dialogue and Conciliation with the Jewish People. HaTzofeh
reports that Rabbi Lau mentioned that when he met with the Pope seven years
ago, Rabbi Lau "asked him for his help in bringing back our four missing
soldiers from Lebanon. Since then, another four Israelis have been
kidnapped." He asked the Cardinal to renew his request to the Pope to do
all that he could in bringing the Israelis home.

For the Postal Authority, it seems, every person is a king - and can even
have an official stamp printed in his or her honor. Next week, during the
"Jerusalem 2001" International Stamp Exhibition at Binyanei HaUmah, every
visitor will be able to be photographed for an official Israeli stamp,
framed with various Israeli flowers. A page of 16 personal stamps, ready
and legal for posting, will then be printed on the spot, at a cost of 35
shekels ($8.50). Philatelic Service Director Yinon Beilin says that the
personal stamps, which have proven to be successful in other countries, may
become a permanent product in Israel. Itim News Agency reports that among
the many stamp enthusiasts from across the world expected to attend the
free-of-charge exhibition is the well-known stamp collector President Moshe

Hebrew News Editor: Ariel Kahane and Haggai Seri
English News Editor: Hillel Fendel

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Subject: [bprlist] Temple Dome - Jerry Golden
From: Stafford's Mail <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 21:52:19 GMT

Shabbat Shalom to you all

Jerry has shared his heart concerning the placement of the Holy of
Holies based upon simple empirical evidence and prayerful research.
It makes interesting reading. You mayneed to open the jpg pictures in
a separate viewer. Blessings Stafford

Jerry Golden "REPORT"

P.O. Box 591

Bet Shemesh 99100 Israel (SJS Jerry's site is worth a visit)


About one year ago I wrote on this subject, but so many are asking
about it again I thought I better do it again. There are some
questions I will not address in this article, such as "WHEN" will it
be rebuilt, or "IF" it will be rebuilt? We will leave the when and
if questions for another day.

I am including a drawling of the Temple Mount, the reason is, all
the pictures and drawings I can find are to cluttered with
information. I want you to just see the location of the
(1) Platform,
(2) the Dome of the Rock,
(3) Golden Gate,

I am also including a picture I took this past summer of the Dome of
the Spirit on the Temple Mount. There will also a video available soon
that shows it very clearly, that same video covers the subject of the
reported water and destruction by the Moslems to the Jewish sites on
the Mount.

I have felt for the past 30 years that the Holy of Holies did not
set under what is now the Dome of the Rock. My main reason for
coming to that conclusion is the present Golden Gate (or Mercy Gate)
sets directly over the original Golden Gate. And when we read the
accounts of several Jewish historians we find that the Eastern Gate
(Golden Gate) led directly to the front entrance of the Temple.
Meaning that it would be a straight direct line from the Golden Gate
through the front gate of the Temple and to the Holy of Holies.

Also when we (the Golden family) were living here in the late 70=92s
and early 80=92s Dr. Kaufman, a professor of physics at the Hebrew
University, came to the conclusion that the Temple stood about 100
yards north of the Dome of the Rock.

At 100 yards north of the Dome of the rock setting in the northwest
corner of the platform is a small cupola, for the most part
unnoticed by tourist. In Arabic it is called the Dome of the
"Tablets" or Dome of the Spirit. I believe it could be referring to
the stone tablets the Ten Commandments were written on, or the place
that the Holy Spirit rested. It so happens that it is the only other
place where the stone is exposed through the platform, and is
approximately the correct shape and size for the Ark of the Covenant
to set on.

I can add to this that every time I=92ve gotten close to this place
the Holy Spirit has shown me things and moved in me so strong that I
have found it hard to stay near this place. I can not even begin to
explain it.

When you are looking at the drawing you will notice that only a
small portion is called the platform, all the northern and eastern
sides are grassy areas. The area where the El-Aqsa Mosque and the
part that covers Solomon=92s Stables is all concrete. This is not the
way it was during the 1st or 2nd. Temples. This Dome of the Rock is
about 1300years old, and I believe that all this area was full of
building for example we know that the Antonia Fortress was also on
this Mount. The Temple and the Holy of Holies must have stood where
the cupola now known as the Dome of the Tablets or Spirit now sets.
I also think it is by no small coincidence that it was given this

This also opens up another unlikely possibility, it would be
possible to build the Temple without destroying the Dome of the Rock.
I can not imagine any Jew who would propose such a thing. But with
amount of corruption in this Government who knows.

Shalom, Jerry Golden

 ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><>
Stafford's Mail <>

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Subject: RE: [bprlist] Temple Dome - Jerry Golden
From: "David
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 22:03:34 -0800


The Holy of Holies currently resides at the right hand of God. The name has been changed to Jesus Christ, the Head of the Temple of God.

The temple was vacated (desolated) when the curtain to the holy of holies tore from top to bottom (God did it).


>From: "Stafford's Mail" <>
>Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 21:52:19 GMT
>Subject: [bprlist] Temple Dome - Jerry Golden
>Shabbat Shalom to you all
>Jerry has shared his heart concerning the placement of the Holy of
>Holies based upon simple empirical evidence and prayerful research.
>It makes interesting reading. You mayneed to open the jpg pictures in
>a separate viewer. Blessings Stafford
>Jerry Golden "REPORT"
>P.O. Box 591
>Bet Shemesh 99100 Israel
> (SJS Jerry's site is worth a visit)
>About one year ago I wrote on this subject, but so many are asking
>about it again I thought I better do it again. There are some
>questions I will not address in this article, such as "WHEN" will it
>be rebuilt, or "IF" it will be rebuilt? We will leave the when and
>if questions for another day.
>I am including a drawling of the Temple Mount, the reason is, all
>the pictures and drawings I can find are to cluttered with
>information. I want you to just see the location of the
>(1) Platform,
>(2) the Dome of the Rock,
>(3) Golden Gate,
>I am also including a picture I took this past summer of the Dome of
>the Spirit on the Temple Mount. There will also a video available soon
>that shows it very clearly, that same video covers the subject of the
>reported water and destruction by the Moslems to the Jewish sites on
>the Mount.
>I have felt for the past 30 years that the Holy of Holies did not
>set under what is now the Dome of the Rock. My main reason for
>coming to that conclusion is the present Golden Gate (or Mercy Gate)
>sets directly over the original Golden Gate. And when we read the
>accounts of several Jewish historians we find that the Eastern Gate
>(Golden Gate) led directly to the front entrance of the Temple.
>Meaning that it would be a straight direct line from the Golden Gate
>through the front gate of the Temple and to the Holy of Holies.
>Also when we (the Golden family) were living here in the late 70īs
>and early 80īs Dr. Kaufman, a professor of physics at the Hebrew
>University, came to the conclusion that the Temple stood about 100
>yards north of the Dome of the Rock.
>At 100 yards north of the Dome of the rock setting in the northwest
>corner of the platform is a small cupola, for the most part
>unnoticed by tourist. In Arabic it is called the Dome of the
>"Tablets" or Dome of the Spirit. I believe it could be referring to
>the stone tablets the Ten Commandments were written on, or the place
>that the Holy Spirit rested. It so happens that it is the only other
>place where the stone is exposed through the platform, and is
>approximately the correct shape and size for the Ark of the Covenant
>to set on.
>I can add to this that every time Iīve gotten close to this place
>the Holy Spirit has shown me things and moved in me so strong that I
>have found it hard to stay near this place. I can not even begin to
>explain it.
>When you are looking at the drawing you will notice that only a
>small portion is called the platform, all the northern and eastern
>sides are grassy areas. The area where the El-Aqsa Mosque and the
>part that covers Solomonīs Stables is all concrete. This is not the
>way it was during the 1st or 2nd. Temples. This Dome of the Rock is
>about 1300years old, and I believe that all this area was full of
>building for example we know that the Antonia Fortress was also on
>this Mount. The Temple and the Holy of Holies must have stood where
>the cupola now known as the Dome of the Tablets or Spirit now sets.
>I also think it is by no small coincidence that it was given this
>This also opens up another unlikely possibility, it would be
>possible to build the Temple without destroying the Dome of the Rock.
>I can not imagine any Jew who would propose such a thing. But with
>amount of corruption in this Government who knows.
>Shalom, Jerry Golden
> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><>
>Stafford's Mail <>
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Subject: [bprlist] Japan may urge people to stay inside to avoid Mir debris
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 18:38:51 -0500

              Japan may urge people to stay
              inside to avoid Mir debris

              By Chisaki Watanabe, Associated Press, 3/16/2001 06:32

              TOKYO (AP) Despite reassurances that the controlled plunge
              of the Mir space station poses no threat to Japan, a public
              safety official on Friday said the government may urge people
              to stay indoors to avoid being hit by debris.

              Japan's southernmost islands are the last populated area that
              the 15-year-old space station is likely to pass over before it
              breaks up and crashes into the Pacific Ocean. Russia plans
              to take the Mir out of orbit on March 22, in a controlled, fiery
              plunge into the water between Australia and Chile.

              Moscow has repeatedly assured Tokyo that there is nothing to
              fear, and the Japanese official, who spoke on condition of
              anonymity, acknowledged that the chances of anyone actually
              being hit by debris are less than one in 100 million.

              Even so, the official with Japan's National Security and Crisis
              Management Center said that if Mir does pass over populated
              areas, the government will notify the public to stay inside for
              about 40 minutes.

              Japan has already sent six experts to Russia to monitor the
              plan to bring Mir down from orbit. Defense Agency Chief
              Toshitsugu Saito postponed a meeting with Defense Secretary
              Donald Rumsfeld in Washington next week, in case
              something goes wrong with Mir.

              The government's unusually cautious position may reflect an
              effort to rebuild its image after Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori
              was sharply criticized in Parliament for continuing to play golf
              last month after learning that a U.S. submarine sank a
              Japanese high school fishing boat.

              Nine crew members including several high school students are
              missing and presumed dead.

              By coincidence, Mori is scheduled to hold a summit with
              Russian President Vladimir Putin in Irkutsk, Russia on March
              25, just days after Mir's scheduled plunge.

              Most of the 150-ton space station is expected to burn up in
              the atmosphere, but Russian officials estimate 1,500
              fragments, weighing a total of up to 27 tons, could reach the
              Earth's surface.

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Subject: [bprlist] Red Sea-Dead Sea canal idea revived as 'peace conduit'
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 18:41:21 -0500

Friday, March 16 2001 03:33 21 Adar 5761

               Red Sea-Dead Sea canal idea revived
               as 'peace conduit'
               By Melissa Radler

               NEW YORK - Making the rounds of Jewish
               organizations in New York yesterday, Foreign Minister
               Shimon Peres advocated increased economic
               cooperation between Israel and the Palestinians.

               At a half-day conference organized by the Center for
               Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation, Peres
               voiced support for the center's proposed "peace
               conduit," a $5 billion plan to channel seawater to the
               Dead Sea region, in order to promote tourism and
               facilitate desalination and hydroelectric power projects.

               The revived, decades-old scheme is expected to bring
               economic opportunities, and fresh water, to Israel,
               Jordan, and the Palestinians.

               "While we are going to live politically separated; a
               Jordanian kingdom, an Israeli state, and a Palestinian
               state; economically we have to cooperate on the Dead
               Sea, the Red Sea, the Jordan River," said Peres, in his
               conference address.

               He went on to say that for many years the preoccupation
               had been the aquisition of arms but there were now new

               "Good neighbors are more important than good guns and
               they don't cost so much, and a successful Palestinian
               state is the greatest promise for peace and
               understanding," Peres said adding that Red Sea-Dead
               Sea project will build a "frontier of cooperation."

               "We want Jordanian farmers, Israeli farmers and
               Palestinian farmers to meet and work together, cultivating
               the land," he said.

               Earlier in the day, Peres addressed the Conference of
               Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations,
               where a participant said that he was warmly received.

               Making the rounds with Peres yesterday was Regional
               Cooperation, Minister Tzipi Livni, whose ministry has
               been working with Jordan for the past year on preserving
               the Dead Sea.

               While promoting joint economic ventures, Peres
               criticized the Palestinians' use of violence to attain goals.
               "I think violence is the intervention of the past in the
               attempt to change the future," he said to the Center for
               Middle East Peace. "I'm telling my Palestinian friends, if
               you want to win, use words, don't use bullets."

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Subject: [bprlist] Jihad - holy Moslem war?
From: Stafford's Mail <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 12:21:33 GMT

The following report from Jerry will help you understand how Moslems
think and why they act in particular ways. I saw this when living in
Egypt for seven years. A moderate country by Islamic standards yet
persecuting Christians in their daily lives. Jerry has set it out so
well. Do please read it and visit his website if you can

Blessings Stafford.

Jerry Golden "REPORT"

P.O. Box 591

Bet Shemesh 99100 Israel


Jihad is a lot more than a Holy Moslem War; it is a required Islamic
mentality. You will never understand the concepts of the Moslem "Arab"
World or the Islamic Terrorist until you understand what Jihad is, and
what it means to the Moslems. It has a spiritual concept that goes
beyond physical war. It is in fact the heart of the Holy Book of the
Moslems, the Koran.

It is also Jihad to remove someone from Jesus "Yeshua" whether they do
it by the sword, gun or any other violence. Or by enticing them with
this or that, it is all Jihad. What I want to do is draw a picture of
what Islam and Jihad are all about. And how it is a threat to
Christians and Jews alike.

To the Moslem anything that removes Jesus as Savior is Jihad. Or to
not serve the mandates of the Koran is to die. They feel to punish
mankind into submitting to the Koran is what the Koran demands, it=92s
Jihad. Reject the deity of Jesus or die! Become a Moslem or die! The
killings happen because someone is following the koranic command of
Jihad. To blow an airplane out of the sky with a few hundred
Non-Moslems is Jihad.

"Those who say the Lord of mercy has begotten a Son preach a monstrous
falsehood, at which the very heavens might crack, the earth break
asunder, and the mountains crumble to dust. That they should ascribe a
Son to the merciful, when it did not become Him to beget on" Koran

"Those that make war against Allah and his apostle and spread
disorders in the land shall be put to death or crucified or have their
hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the
country." Koran 5:33

"It is not for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made wide
slaughter in the land" Koran 8:68

"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal
sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate" Koran

The Koran teaches the Moslems that if they die while killing the
unbelievers they will go straight to heaven. They take these young men
in the refugee=92s camps that have never known anything but hate and
resentment, and brain wash them into being suicide bombers. They ship
them off at the age of 17 to Libya, Egypt, Syria and other Arab
Countries, and put them in special camps to be trained in the ways of
terrorism. This is Jihad.

In Iran today they have Al Jehad squads that are called Al Mujahideen.
They are very dangerous and brutal. The Koran declares that it is to
be an Islamic world or it is death, that is Jihad. Churches all over
Europe are being turned into Mosques. Blacks all around the world are
turning to Islam at alarming numbers. The prison system in the United
States has made it very easy for the conversion of tens of thousands
of prisoner who are embracing Islam, simply because it feeds their
hate for society.

I hope I have made my point, and that being, Israel is faced today
with this battle, but it=92s nothing new for us. But you (the U.S.) are
faced with it, and you may not even know it, but it is the enemy of
God. I=92m talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; not the
god called Allah, the moon god of the Moslems. These are the most
dangerous people on earth; they are bloodthirsty and kill innocent
women and children with no remorse.

Yassar Arafat is a Terrorist, his organization is part of the El-Fatah,
and some of the most dangerous and most wanted Terrorist belongs to
Arafat=92s El-Fatah. Arafat has ordered the killing of busloads of
Israeli school children.

War is coming soon, and it will spread throughout the whole world. The
Messiah surely must be on His way. When you listen to the news today
you miss a lot if you don=92t have a trained ear. For a few examples
would be, Russia and their problems with the Chechens, the problem
there is the Chechens are Islamic Terrorist doing what they have been
taught to do, "Jihad", and Russia is trying to rid themselves of them.
They (Russia) also know the greatest threat they have to day is not
the US or their economy, but "Jihad" of the Islamic people in their

You hear today about the Ethnic Albanian=92s and the Macedonian=92s. The
operative word there is "Ethnic" the News people don=92t want to use the
word Islamic or Moslems too much. So they choose these code words. But
the Ethnic Albanian=92s are Moslems doing what they have been trained to
do, "Jihad" kill anyone who is not a Moslems, (convert them or kill

Hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians Christians have been killed by
Moslems; their only offense was they would not convert to Islam. The
same story in many other African countries today.

In the Philippines the Islamic Terrorist are killing Christians, as
they are in Indonesia and in India the big problem is Jihad from the

So you see this is not just a Jewish, Palestinian one, it is yours as
well, because it is already in your back yard, on possibly at your
front door.

How about some plain talk

To begin with let=92s talk about Arafat=92s intentions. He knows he can
not get East Jerusalem, or at least he feels his chances is not that
good. What makes him think that there may be an off chance possibility
is, those Israeli=92s living on the Mediterranean Coast of Israel are
for the most part the "ME" group. (What=92s in it for "ME") They are
disassociated with Jerusalem and the Arab problem. Most of them will
not even come to Jerusalem or close to the Hills of Judea and Samaria
for fear of being shot or stoned. (For the most part an unfounded fear)
They consist of the "Peace Now bunch".

Arafat sees an off chance that they may take up his charge against the
Zionist, you know the ones, people like you and me who believe Israel
is a Jewish State. He sees a chance of building his army a little
stronger before the final attack against these Zionist dogs like you
and me.

There is a simple way to see Arafat=92s real intentions. His demands
that the 3.5 million refugees must return to their home in "Israel
Proper" that means he does not only want all the land from the 1967
border, but all of Israel. He wants the land from the 1967 borders and
then all the land taken before the 1948 war as well. All the land ever
owned by a Palestinian in Israel. In other words there should be no
Jewish State, only a place called Palestine. To understand his
intentions you must understand "Jihad". It is required of a Moslem to
make war on the unbelievers (non-Moslems) until they either accepts
Islam or you kill them. And there is no middle ground to that koranic

Arafat however has some very serious problems I have been able to
detect while traveling throughout ISRAEL. There is already wide spread
corruption in the Palestinian areas. There is no infrastructure to
handle the economy, municipalities, legal affairs, or law enforcement.
And you can believe that a lot of Palestinians are very concerned, for
they see much violence coming right at them. I have talked too many
from Rammalah, Jericho and Bethlehem. None of them believe Palestine
is ready to be a State, all they can see is war and this time not an
intifata but a shooting war that will leave many of them dead.

This is why there is an effort now in the Gaza Strip and throughout
the Palestinian control area to train as many of their young men to
handle guns and be trained in warfare. In south Lebanon today in the
Palestinian Camps the daily routine is military training for the young
people, getting them ready to fight Israel. In Libya, Syria and Egypt
they are training young Palestinians to be Leaders in the war effort
against the Zionist.

There are also rumors that Arafat is getting ready to cut and run,
that he has already paid $20 Million to Iraq for his place of retreat.
Because of this there is large scale unrest in the "west bank", in
fact, for the first time there is talk about replacing him. That would
cause a fight within their ranks and out of control terrorism
throughout Israel from the "Islamic Jihad" and "Hamas" and now even
the Hizbollah who has recently gotten a foothold in Gaza.

Because of the unrest in the world and the large-scale violence the
religion of Islam has gained more ground than any other religion in
the world today. There is a reported 1.2 BILLION Moslems in the wold
today, making it the largest religion. To them all other religions are
their enemy and they must either convert you or kill you, there is no
middle ground. That is JIHAD plain and simple.

Shalom, Jerry Golden

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Subject: [bprlist] RAEL Says Human Cloning May Soon To Be In The Stock Market
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 21:10:54 -0500

Thursday March 15, 3:50 pm Eastern Time
Press Release
SOURCE: Raelian Religion

RAEL, Founder Of CLONAID, Says Human Cloning May Soon To Be In The
Stock Market

LAS VEGAS, March 15 /PRNewswire/ -- RAEL, founder of CLONAID, the
first human cloning company, announced that CLONAID may soon be listed
on the stock market.

``The interest of investors is overwhelming, and we received an offer from
several Venture Capital companies to buy 5% of CLONAID shares for $5
million US. This means that the company is worth $100 million US.

``Not surprising, as we have a list of 1000 potential customers ready to pay
$200,000 each for a clone. And after the first cloned baby will be born, the
number of potential customers will probably reach 10,000 because they won't
doubt how serious we are anymore,'' RAEL said.

These venture capital companies are considering making an IPO to enter
CLONAID on the stock market after buying shares of the private company.

SOURCE: Raelian Religion


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Subject: [bprlist] Daily World Affairs Report items (3/16/01)
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 21:19:22 -0500


Archbishop Renato Martino, Holy See permanent observer to the United
Nations in New York, spoke yesterday on the election of judges of the
International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for
Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991. He observed that "the Holy
See has attentively followed the proceedings" of the Tribunal and "regards
the Tribunal as an instrument of the international community to express its
condemnation of violations of international humanitarian law."

The archbishop went on to say that "the Holy See appreciates that the UN
recognizes its active role in the international arena. In fact, even if the Holy
See is a non-Member State which maintains a Permanent Observer
Mission at the U.N., it is invited to participate in the election of judges to the
Tribunal in the same manner as Member States." Archbishop Martino
remarked, however, that "in consideration of its specific nature and its
objectives, and according to the recognized praxis in similar cases, the Holy
See decided, as on previous occasions, to abstain from casting its vote on
the individual candidates to the Office of Judge of the International Tribunal
for the Former Yugoslavia." (Vatican Info Service)


Germany is considering its first deployment of armed troops inside its
borders since Adolf Hitler to seal off farms and guard its borders against
foot-and-mouth as fears grow that a case confirmed in France could be
herald a global epidemic. Voicing national fears that police and border
patrols alone cannot cope with keeping out a virus that threatens to
devastate national livestocks, the conservative CDU party is calling for
troops specialising in chemical and biological warfare to be dispatched
immediately, as are ministers in states near France including the Rhineland-
Palatinate. The defence ministry in Berlin said today: "We cannot rule out
such an operation." (This is London)


The 15 countries of the EU have found their decades-old effort to dismantle
borders stopped dead by a virus. At long-unguarded crossing points, guards
were again checking cars and travelers, searching for anything that might
carry the microbe that causes F&M disease. Continental Europeans had
hoped that the disease that appeared on British farms 3 weeks ago had
been quarantined on the British Isles. But Tuesday, within hours of France's
announcement that 2 cows grazing near some sheep imported from Britain
had contracted the highly contagious disease, Belgium, Portugal and Spain
shut their borders to French meat. They were quickly followed by Germany
and non-EU members Norway and Switzerland.

With an estimated 300mn farm animals susceptible in the EU, France's
partners were not taking any risks. Baerbel Hoehn, a senior agriculture
minister from the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, went on
national television to urge: "If journeys to France can be put off, then they
should be avoided." Travelers to France might bring back the disease, she

British soccer fans arriving in Munich for an important match were forced
to surrender all meat and cheese sandwiches. Bavaria's farmers'
association warned Munich supporters "to keep their distance" from the
British - for fear they might pick up the virus. The German border police,
who abandoned crossings years ago when all frontiers were opened with
France, returned to their posts and ordered back trucks hauling fresh beef,
lamb and veal. Dairy products were confiscated.

The Food and Agriculture Organization, the UN agency responsible for
food safety based in Rome, said that extreme measures were justified.
F&M disease has become a global threat, it said, because of the ease with
which viral infections can spread in an age of mass travel and enormous
trade in farm products.

The Continent's growing hysteria over animal-borne diseases - first the mad
cow variety and now the F&M version - appears to be inflicting a blow to
Europe's proudest political project: the drive to break down internal barriers
to the passage of people, capital and money and to unite Europe with
common policies on such things as agriculture. The EU spends about $50bn
a year, or half its budget, on agricultural programs. Its controversial farm
policy lavishes subsidies on farmers who are encouraged to grow surpluses
of meat, butter and grain, which are then further subsidized as exports to
other countries. (Int'l Herald Tribune)

&: Newspapers in France and Germany continue to be dominated by the
F&M crisis. French papers focus on the international bans on livestock
exports which followed confirmation of the country's first outbreak of the
disease. The national dailies Le Monde and Le Figaro both speak of
embargoes "raining down" on France and the EU.

"Europe in quarantine", reads the main headline in Liberation. Its editorial
speaks of a "global food psychosis", which "everywhere justifies a bunker
mentality in countries which hope to protect themselves by quarantining the
rest of the world. One has to wonder whether these measures are not
motivated by a protectionist urge, rather than a legitimate concern for
health," warning that the embargo could even unleash a trade war between
Europe and the USA.

Even more angry at the international reaction to France's first outbreak is
the regional newspaper Charente Libre. "It is absurd to slap an embargo on
food products from Britain and France. It is true paranoia to treat
camembert or goat's cheese like small arms or cutlets like time-bombs." Le
Figaro instead concentrates on the spread of the disease outside Europe.
Under the headline "F&M disease spreads around the world", it notes that
cases have been reported in Argentina, Colombia and the United Arab
Emirates. "The world is now divided between contaminated countries and
those which protect themselves behind drastic sanitary and trade barriers."

In Germany, the liberal Frankfurter Rundschau looks at the impact of the
F&M crisis on Tony Blair's government: "This really wasn't how it was
planned. Four years ago, Tony Blair promised the British a rejuvenated
island... 'Cool Britannia' was New Labour's battle cry. Disinfectant-soaked
mats and burning cows' corpses on funeral pyres at night were not part of
this vision. But now, the rapid spread of F&M disease is threatening to turn
the international reaction to Britain's woes from pity to bitter resentment."

The liberal Sueddeutsche Zeitung sees the spread of F&M as a side-effect
of globalisation. "People are suddenly discovering the flip side of a system
in which animals, animal products and food circulate according to the rules
of the globalised economy - a system whose logic demands ever greater
centralization in processing and marketing." The outbreak will put an end to
this system for the time being, for although humans are not threatened
directly by the disease, its economic impact will hit poor countries hard, it

The Berlin daily Der Tagesspiegel calls for an end to a system that allows
animals to be transported over long distances in unhealthy conditions. "It
can't go on like this. What is the sense? Anybody who has followed closely
the way that F&M crossed the Channel knows that the disease was first
driven by lorry to France and was then blown by the wind onto a
neighbouring farm. Thus, the 2 reasons for the disease are clear: animals
are kept in large groups or in other irresponsible ways and fall ill easily as a
result. They are then carted in large groups around the world, and the
illnesses to which they are so susceptible go with them." These practices go
on because they are profitable, so the only answer is to make them
unprofitable, it adds. (BBC)


America will withdraw about 1,000 troops, combat helicopters and
armoured vehicles from Bosnia in the coming weeks, despite fears of
renewed conflict in the Balkans. The Pentagon said the force reduction,
which began yesterday, was agreed with NATO allies and denied reports
that it was the first step of a much larger withdrawal from the region. Last
year, members of the Bush administration questioned American
involvement in the Balkans, but Colin Powell told NATO ministers last
month: "We went into the Balkans together, and we will leave together."
(The London Telegraph)


Cardinal Camillo Ruini is visiting Jerusalem this week, bringing a "candle of
peace" (actually an oil lamp) to the Franciscan custodians of the Church of
the Holy Sepulcher. Cardinal Ruini, the Pope's vicar for Rome, is making
the trip to the Holy Land as a papal representative. His presence, and the
candle he is bringing, are intended to emphasize the Pope's pleas for peace
in Jerusalem. The "candle of peace" is fixed within a green marble
sculpture depicting a 14-pointed gold star, which represents the star that
shone over the stable in Bethlehem at the Nativity. At the base of the
sculpture there are 2 golden lilies, representing the Annunciation, and a
bronze figure of Christ, in reference to the Lord's death in Jerusalem.
(Catholic World News)


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Subject: [bprlist] I switched on a light with just the power of my mind
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 21:20:23 -0500

I switched on a lightwith just the power of my mind
Source: Daily Mail - London
Publication date: 2001-03-16

IMAGINE a world where you could switch lights on and off or change the TV
channel simply by thinking about it.

Using the power of thought, it would be possible to hold a telepathic phone
conversation or even drive a car all without lifting a finger.

It sounds like a futuristic fantasy for those of us so lazy that even
lifting the TV remote is an arduous task.

But it is also a technique which could transform the lives of the disabled.

At the Science Museum in London yesterday, a team from Sydney's
of Technology demonstrated that this brave new world is, believe it or not,
already upon us.

I reluctantly agreed to be wired up to a gadget which offers an astonishing
glimpse of how mankind will eventually interact directly with computers,
robots and electrical devices.

Three electrodes were taped tightly to my skull to monitor every tiny
flicker of my brainwaves.

Simply by closing my eyes and thinking about it, I was assured, I would be
able to make a radio spring into action or turn a light on.

My mind, I was told, had to be clear of all extraneous thoughts before the
electrodes were hooked up to an amplifier and transmitter.

A meter showed my brain waves were flickering at levels of around one volt.

I closed my eyes and there followed about half a second of uncomfortable
silence before the tall desk lamp across the room switched on, filling the
room with light.

The voltage in my brain had risen to about 3.5 enough to turn on the light.
The experiment was repeated with a radio and I was soon turning music on
off at will.

The team have already tested the technique on patients who have lost the
of their limbs either through illness or injury. They say the results are

'They were able to turn on their TV using brain signals alone, then change
the channel or the volume,' said Professor Ashley Craig, the Australian
neuroscientist who pioneered the so-called 'mind switch'.

'Essentially, they were able to control any electrical device. It was
brilliant to see.' Professor Craig was putting on his demonstration to mark
National Science Week, which starts today.

The technology works by isolating the brain's alpha waves, which are
generated during simples tasks such as closing the eyes.

People can learn to switch to different mind states in order to carry out
hugely complicated tasks, the scientists believe.

Military leaders hope the technology might eventually lead to fighter pilot=
being able to control their planes and target missiles by thought power.

The scientists have so far refused to have anything to do with such project=
because they don't want the technique to be used destructively.

But Professor Craig admitted: 'The potential is there.' He added: 'In the
future, I believe that this technology will be used in everyday society.

'In 50 years, you'll be able to communicate with other people using a
computer and thought waves to tap out a message.

'Children's brains are still developing. So if they start learning how to
control things at an early age, they will be able to do things that are
really remarkable.'

Publication date: 2001-03-16
=A9 2000, YellowBrix, Inc.


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Subject: [bprlist] (Fwd) Ha'aretz: Israel to resume work with Mitchell Committee
From: "research-bpr" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 21:23:06 -0500

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 17:51:59 -0500
Subject: Ha'aretz: Israel to resume
           work with Mitchell Committee

Ha'aretz: Israel to resume work with Mitchell Committee

By Aluf Benn Ha'aretz Diplomatic Correspondent Ha'aretz 16 March 2001

Israel will resume cooperation with the international fact-finding committee
looking into events in the territories, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and
Foreign Minister Shimon Peres decided yesterday.

Israel severed its ties with the Mitchell Committee, chaired by former U.S.
senator George Mitchell, following a visit to the Temple Mount by the
committee's technical team in December. The visit was made without Israel's
knowledge and with no Israeli escort, in violation of what Israel says was
an explicit understanding on the subject.

The defense establishment had recommended that the committee's work remain
on ice until Palestinian violence has ended. But Sharon and Peres concluded
that resuming cooperation with the committee now would do less damage to
Israel's cause than maintaining the boycott - even though the committee's
final report is expected to be critical of Israel.

Sharon thinks that former prime minister Ehud Barak made a mistake in
agreeing to the committee in the first place.

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To: <>
Subject: [bprlist] Sam I Am
From: "Beverly
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 23:22:27 -0500

Dear Sam I Am ,
Other wise known as Jerry .. I went to you site you recommended and they all seem to intertwine with Arnold Murray and the Shepards Chapel...
I think you should do some serious research on this man ... One other man named on some of these sites
 is Gene Scott and you need to do some research on him also.. This is a serious situation.. These man need help.... And YOu should think this one through .
Perhaps you can ask this group .
AS for Bullinger he is dead and he does not know they are using his material.... perhaps to draw people or to help their teachings ...
 Love in the LOrd Jesus to you and to yours and if anyone on this forum can help you it would be great....Please take this in Christian love as it was intended...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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