I, Claudius


I, Claudius
by Robert Graves

Paperback - 468 pages
(November 1989)
Vintage Books
ISBN: 067972477X

Available at:

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From Back Cover:

Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus lived from 10 BC to 54 AD. Despised as a weakling and considered an idiot because of his physical infirmities, Claudius survived the intrigues and poisonings of the reigns of Augustus, Tiberius, and the mad Caligula to become emperor in 41 AD. I, Claudius is written in the form of Claudius' autobiography and is one of the classics of modern fiction, the best fictional reconstruction of Rome ever written.

Claudius the God


Claudius the God
by Robert Graves

Paperback - 533 pages
(November 1989)
Vintage Books
ISBN: 0679725733

Available at:

From Back Cover: With the same crystalline brilliance that characterized his classic I, Claudius, Robert Graves begins anew the tumultuous life of the Roman who became emperor in spite of himself. Like the preceding volume, Claudius the God captures the vitality, splendor and decadence of the Roman world at the point of its decline. It is not only a superb re-creation of a colorful moment in history, but, through the eyes of the bemused and wry Claudius, a compelling and ironic account of human nature.

Philologos Review on both books:

I've read this series more than once and have found it to be a treasure-trove of information. I did find all the military exploits tedious to read through but besides that both these books are historical fiction at its best!



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