by Arthur W. Pink

Philologos Religious Online Books


1938 | Main Index

Studies in the Scriptures

by Arthur W. Pink

November, 1938


While it is ever our desire to prepare each article in accord with the title of this magazine, yet we would point out that we write not only for the informing and instructing of the mind, but also (and chiefly) for the affecting of the heart and the practical regulation of the walk. It therefore seems fitting that we should say a word, however brief, on the crisis through which the Lord has recently brought us as a nation and empire. In connection therewith three passages stand out in our thoughts.

First, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psa. 46:1). This holds good for a nation as truly as for an individual, and for the latter as much as the former. Most manifestly was the blessed truth of this verse evidenced a few weeks ago. While regretting that there has been little or no national acknowledgment of our grievous sins as a people, and no official call to repentance and humiliation before God, yet there is much for which we ought to be profoundly thankful. First, that a national call to earnest prayer for God's intervention was made, and very widely responded to. Second, that the message of our gracious sovereign, King George, was a Scriptural one: “Be of good cheer.” Third, that the wildly enthusiastic crowds who greeted the Prime Minister on returning to his official residence, sang, “O God our help in ages past,” before they dispersed. Fourth, that a call was officially made for national thanksgiving to be rendered unto God for peace.

Second, “The Heavens do rule” (Dan. 4:26). How comforting to faith is such a Divine declaration. How blessed to know that the living God is on the Throne, shaping the destiny of nations as truly as He orders the life of each individual saint. How tranquilizing for the mind to be assured that neither despot nor dictator can move one step further than what the Lord permits. Nevertheless, it is our duty and privilege to supplicate God when the peace of the world is seriously imperiled, that it may please Him to hold back the hounds of war and in His righteous wrath, “remember mercy.” That the “Heavens do rule” was our unfailing confidence and consolation throughout the trying days from which we have recently emerged, and the substance of this paragraph was what we sent to numbers of our readers during the crisis itself. Once more the editor would bear his humble testimony that the grand truth of God's absolute supremacy and sovereignty supplies a sure resting-place for the heart in every trial.

Third, “Seek the Lord, and His strength: seek His face evermore” (Psa. 105:4). This is the verse which comes before us and which we desire shall impress our hearts now that the great emergency is behind us. It is natural for us, both as a people and individuals, to seek unto the Lord under the pressure of an unbearable strain, for even the animals cry out for relief when in distress. But more than this is required from us: far more than this is due Him who is “glorious in holiness, fearful in praises.” “Seek His face evermore” is our crying need, as an empire, and as individual believers. To “seek His face” in times of prosperity as well as adversity, when peace is assured as much as when it is threatened. To “seek His face” for wisdom, for the spirit of righteousness, for strength to do that which is pleasing in His sight. To “seek His face” for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit, for the strengthening and enlarging of His Cause on earth, for the glorifying of His great name. Let us pray with renewed earnestness for such blessings.—A.W.P.

1938 | Main Index


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