The zodiacal sign of this month is Taurus. The tribes of Ephraim and Manasheh, the children of Joseph, are associated with it. It consists of 29 days. The first of Iyyar never falls on Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday.
Theme: sacrifice for Israel and the nations
Apr 2001 / Iyyar 5761
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
16th day of the Omer Iyyar 1 |
Apr 25
17th day of the Omer Iyyar 2 |
18th day of the Omer |
19th day of the Omer Iyyar 4 |
Apr 28
20th day of the Omer Iyyar 5 |
21st day of the Omer |
22nd day of the Omer
May 2001 / Iyyar 5761
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
23rd day of the Omer |
24th day of the Omer |
25th day of the Omer |
26th day of the Omer |
May 5
27th day of the Omer Iyyar 12 |
28th day of the Omer |
May 7
29th day of the Omer Pesach Sheyni |
30th day of the Omer |
31st day of the Omer |
May 10
32nd day of the Omer |
Iyyar 18 |
May 12
34th day of the Omer |
35th day of the Omer |
36th day of the Omer |
37th day of the Omer |
May 16
38th day of the Omer |
39th day of the Omer |
40th day of the Omer |
May 19
41st day of the Omer |
42nd day of the Omer Iyyar 27 |
43rd day of the Omer |
44th day of the Omer |
April 24, 2001 - New Moon - Iyyar 1
1 Iyyar 2448 (April 17, 1313 BCE): According to tradition, this was
the date of the first population survey of the Israelite people taken by Moses
2 Iyyar 2928 (April 18, 833 BCE): Traditional date on which King Solomon began building the Temple in Jerusalem.
April 27, 2001 - Yom HaZikkaron - Iyyar 4 - Israeli Remembrance Day
April 28, 2001 - Yom Ha'Atzma'ut - Iyyar 5 - Israel Independence Day
May 5, 2001 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
May 7, 2001 - Mercury Occults Saturn
Pesach Sheyni - Iyyar 14 - Belated Passover begins at
twilight (Num. 9:6-14)
17 Iyyar - Noah and his family entered the ark (Gen. 7:11)
May 11, 2001 - Lag B'Omer - Iyyar 18 - 33rd Day of the Omer
May 16, 2001 - Mercury Occults Jupiter
May 20, 325 C.E. - "The Council of Nicea was convened on this date. This council officially changed the date of the observance of Passover in the Church from Nisan 14 (the biblical date) to the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of Spring [and called it Easter]. This was done so that the Church would have 'nothing in common' with the Jewish people." (Rudolph, David, "The Voice of the Lord Messianic Jewish Daily Devotional") Iyyar 27: The earth was completely dry after the flood (Gen. 8:14)
May 21, 2001 - Yom Yerushalayim - Iyyar 28, 5727 - (Jerusalem Unification day). Prior to the 6-Day War, Israel had sent repeated requests to King Hussein of Jordan appealing to him remain outside the conflict (trying, therefore, to prevent a three-front war). Due to Arab League pressure, Jordan began to shell Jerusalem on June 5. When the Jordanian force crossed the cease-fire line at Government House, Israel retaliated. General Uzi Narkis brought in Colonel Motta Gur to lead the attack in Eastern Jerusalem. On June 7, 1967 at 10:15, with the radio confirmation, "The Temple Mount is in our hands," the Israeli flag was raised above the Western wall. 28 Iyyar 2884 (May 14 876 BCE): This is the traditional date of death of Samuel, prophet and priest (born 2832). Samuel was given to the High Priest, Eli, to raise by his parents Hannah and Elkanah as part of Hannah's promise to God after having trouble in conceiving. As the first prophet following the period of the Judges, he anointed both Saul and David as Kings, despite his reluctance to establish a monarchy.
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